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1、大学英语四级词汇听力必备之常见新闻词汇http:/ 2007年 10月 29日 13:45 新浪考试一、常用新闻听力词汇negotiations, delegate , delegation, summit峰会 , declaration sponsor , resolve their differences 消除分歧, promote peace 促进和平,boost economic co-op加强经济合作make concession/compromise作出妥协,pass a resolution 通过决议,veto a bill否决议案 , break the deadlock 打破

2、僵局a scientific breakthrough 科学突破,an unexpected outcome 出乎意料的结果 sign/ratify an accord/deal/treaty/pact/agreement签署协议diplomatically isolated country 在外交上被孤立的国家,diplomatic solutions 外交解决方案,military option 军事解决途径(动用武力), escalating tension 逐步升级的局势, military coupe 军事政变,forced from office被赶下台,step down/asi

3、de 下台on the brink of war 处于战争边缘 , hot spot 热点,take hostilities toward.对.采取敌对态度 , sporadic fighting 断断续续的战斗rebels , wounded,killed, injury,death,casualties 伤亡heavy fighting激战 , genocide 种族灭绝,relief effort 救济工作, humanitarian aid人道主义援助ethnic cleansing 种族排斥, broker/mediate a ceasefire/truce 促成停火,refugee

4、, illegal alliens非法移民, mediator 调解员, end the bloodshed 结束流血事件, special envoy特使peace-keeping forces 维和部队, national convention 国民大会guerrilla war游击战争,border dispute 边境争端,armed conflict 武装冲突,reconciliation调解fight corruption 反腐败,corrupted election 腐败的选举peace process 和平进程, give a boost to.促进,booming econo

5、my 促进经济发展civil war 内战, mutual benefits/interests 双赢cruise missile 巡航导弹 , come to a conclusion 达成一致coalition forces 联合军队 ,interim/transitional govt 过渡政府, sluggish economy萧条的经济on high alert 处于高级戒备状态, rebellion 叛乱,rebel forces 叛军Defense Minister , evacuate, flee from Pentagon 五角大楼 , impose/break a dead

6、line规定/打破最后期限,retaliate 报复banking reform 金融改革, commissioner 代表go bankrupt破产,file for bankrupcy 提出破产, deputy 代表sensitive , hostage, kidnapped French nationals被绑架的法国人, rescue,releaseinvade , US-led invasion 美国领导的入侵, right-wing extremists 右翼极端分子,external forces外部力量warring factions 交战各方 , topple the gov

7、ernment 推翻政府speculate, disarmament agreement 裁军协议,mandate , to lift a boycott 取消禁令withdraw , embargo, impose sanctions against.实施制裁dismantle 销毁, the implementation of an accord 执行决议germ warfare 介子战争 , to ease the ban on ivory trade 缓解对象牙贸易的禁令to harbor sb.保护 , animal conservation 动物保护,threatened/enda

8、ngered species濒危物种illegal poaching 非法捕猎,face extinction 濒临灭亡stagnant/ recession 萧条, financial crisis 金融危机, deflation 通货紧缩 ,inflation通货膨胀 , retail prices 零售价格,whole sale prices 批发价格suicide bombing 自杀性袭击事件,dispute , crisis,coflict, holy war 圣战administration , regime, claim responsibility for.声称负责suspe

9、nd 停止,resume 继续 , Gallup/opinion/exit poll,survey 民意调查provocation挑衅,rule out the possibility of. ,排除可能性stand trial 受审, put .on trial 审判某人, sue,file suit against.状告radioactive 放射性 ,radiation 辐射,uranium enrichment program 铀浓缩计划 nuke nonproliferation核部扩散suspect,arrest,detain,in custody 被囚禁,on human rig

10、hts abuse charges 反人权罪名HIV positive HIV阳性,malaria,diabetes,hypertension,lung cancer,breast cancerfight poverty/starvation/hunger/disease/virus, stop the spread of.crack down on.严打,illegal drug trafficking 毒品贩运,piracy,pirated products盗版产品,fake goods 假货notorious 臭名昭著 , bloody tyrant 血腥独裁者,execute/exec

11、ution 处决,death penalty死刑,seminar,forum,peace coference,national convention,his counterpart 同等级别的人,my predecessor/successor 我的前任/后任, coalition party联合政党post-war reconstruction 战后重建,pre-war intellegience 战前情报,radar,espionage谍报,spying activity 间谍行为,electronic warfare 电子战争,chemical/biological/nuclear warfare化学/生物/核战争

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