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1、大家论坛影视英语 http:/ 爱在日落余晖时 Before Sunset 中英文剧本你认为这本书算自传式的吗?Do you consider the bookto be autobiographical?这个.Well, I mean.isnt everything autobiographical?.什么书不是自传式的呢?I mean, we all see the worldthrough our own tiny keyhole, right?我们都是通过自己那小小的钥匙孔看外面的世界,对吧?I mean, I always thinkof Thomas Wolfe.我是说,我总想起汤

2、玛斯沃尔夫说的Have you ever seen that littleone-page “ Note to Reader“.你看过“天使望故乡”那本书前面那短短一页的“致读者”吗?.in the frontof Look Homeward, Angel?你知道我在说什么吧?Well, you know what Im talking about?Anyway, he says that we are the sumof all the moments of our lives.总之,他说我们的生命就是由点点滴滴集合而成的.而任何人坐下来,写出来的都不过是自己生命中的体验.and that

3、anybody who sits down to writewill use the clay of their own life.that you cant avoid that.谁都无法回避大家论坛影视英语 http:/ So when I look at my own life,you konw I have to admit, right, that l-所以当我审视我的人生,我必须得承认,我发现.Ive never been around a bunch of gunsor violence, you know, not really.我从来没有经历过枪林弹雨或是暴力事件,起码没真正

4、体验过No political intrigueor a helicopter crash, right?没有什么政治阴谋,也没什么直升机失事But my life, from my own point of view,has been full of drama, right?但是我的人生,从我个人观点来看仍然是富有戏剧性的And so I thought,if I could write a book.于是我想也许我也能写本书.记录下我见到某人时的感觉.that could capture what its liketo really meet somebody-One of the mo

5、st exciting thingsthats happened to me.我是说,我经历过的最刺激的事情之一.就是真正和某人见面,让两个人心灵相通.is to meet somebody,make that connection.而如果我能把它表现出来你明白吗,抓住那一刻的感觉.And if I could make that valuable,you know, to capture that.那就是我的写作意图了,亦或者.that would be the attempt, or.你满意我的回答吗?Did I answer your question?大家论坛影视英语 http:/ 我

6、干脆就直说吧.Ill try to be more specific.我在火车上遇见一个年轻的法国女郎Was there ever a French young womanon a train you met.and spent an evening with?并和她共度良宵See, to me, that. I mean.这个,对我来说.我是说.-.thats not important, you know?-So thats a yes?- .这并不重要,你懂吗?- 就是说的确有了?All right, since Im in France and thisis the last stop

7、 of my book tour, yes.好吧,既然我人在法国,这又是我签名售书的最后一站,那就算有吧Thank you.谢谢Mr. Wallace, the book endson an ambiguous note.华莱士先生,这本书的结尾给我们留下了悬念我们不知道We dont know.Do you think they get back togetherin six months.你认为他们六个月之后会重聚吗?.Iike they promise each other?就像他们彼此承诺的那样?大家论坛影视英语 http:/ Like they promised?像他们保证的?I t

8、hink how you answer that,you know, is.我认为这个问题实际上是,是个.Its a good test, right,if youre a romantic or a cynic.是个很好的测试,看看你到底是喜欢浪漫还是对它嗤之以鼻Right? I mean, you thinkthey get back together, right?我是说,你认为他们会重聚的,对吧?-You dont, for sure.-No.- 显然你并不这么认为- 是的And you hope they do,but youre not sure.还是你希望他们会不过你无法肯定-T

9、hats why youre asking the question.-Do you think they get back together?- 所以你才问这个问题- 你认为他们会重聚吗?I mean, did you in real life?我是说你们重聚了吗?在现实生活中?现实生活中.?Did I in real-?Look, in the wordsof my grandfather, okay:要用我祖父的话来说啊天晓得会不会“To answer that would takethe piss out of the whole thing.“大家论坛影视英语 http:/ 我们的时

10、间只够问最后一个问题了We just have the timefor one last question.你下一本书将是什么?What is your next book?我不知道,老兄,我真的不知道.I dont know, man. I dont know.Ive been.Ive been thinking about this.我一直.一直在考虑这个构思.我总是想写本书.Well, I always kind of wantedto write a book.that all took placewithin the space of a pop song.一切都发生在一首流行歌曲那

11、么长时间内总共大概 3 到 4 分钟吧Like three or four minutes long,the whole thing.整个故事大概是说有个男人.The story, the idea,is that theres this guy, right.他非常的沮丧,因为.and hes totally depressed.他最大的梦想就是拥有一段轰轰烈烈的爱情,一次冒险.His great dream was to be a lover,an adventurer, you know.riding motorcyclesthrough South America.比如开着摩托周游南美

12、大家论坛影视英语 http:/ 但是事实上他只是坐在大理石桌前吃着龙虾And instead hes sittingat a marble table eating lobster.他有份不错的工作,妻子也很漂亮Hes got a good job anda beautiful wife, right, but that-他应有尽有,但是这并不是他真正想要的.Everything that he needs.But that doesnt matter.because what he wantsis to fight for meaning.因为他真正想要的是为某种理想而战你明白吗,快乐来自于

13、过程You know? Happinessis in the doing, right?而不是因为你得到了你想要的东西Not in the getting what you want.总之,他坐在那里,突然间.So hes sitting there,and just that second.his little 5-year-old daughterhops up on the table.他五岁的小女儿跳上了桌子And he knows that she shouldget down, because she could get hurt.他知道她该下来,因为她可能会受伤But shes

14、dancing to this pop songin a summer dress.但是她正穿着夏日的裙子随着那首歌翩翩起舞And he looks down.然后一晃眼大家论坛影视英语 http:/ .and all of a sudden, hes 1 6.突然间,他回到了十六岁他的高中女友正送他回家And his high-school sweetheartis dropping him off at home.And they just lost their virginity,and she loves him.而他们刚刚度过了他们的初夜她很爱他.而汽车收音机里里播放着的是同样的一首

15、曲子.and the same song is playingon the car radio.然后她爬上了车顶,开始在那里跳舞And she climbs up and starts dancingon the roof of the car.这一下,他开始很担心她!And now hes worried about her.她很美,表情也竟然和她女儿一模一样And shes beautiful, with a facialexpression just like his daughters.In fact, maybe thats whyhe even likes her.事实上,这可能就

16、是他为什么会喜欢她的原因你懂吗,他知道他并不是身处回忆之中.You see, he knows hes notremembering this dance.hes there. Hes there,in both moments, simultaneously.而是他就在那里,他同时出现在人生的两个场景之中And just for an instant,all his life is just folding in on itself.就在这一瞬间,他全部的人生好像都交汇到了一起大家论坛影视英语 http:/ 对他来说,时间明显是个谎言And its obvious to himthat ti

17、me is a lie.因为那一刻将一直延伸下去.That its all happening all the time.而且.每个时刻之内都包含着另一个时刻.and inside every momentis another moment.all happening simultaneously.一切的一切,都发生在同一瞬间总之,这就是我大概的想法,总之Anyway, thats kind of the idea.Anyway.我们的作者很快就得去机场了.Our author has to be goingto the airport soon.那么,谢谢各位今天下午光临.so thank

18、you all very muchfor coming over this afternoon.And a special thanks to Mr. Wallacefor being with us.尤其要感谢华莱士先生和我们共度了这么美好的一个下午谢谢,谢谢Thank you. Thank you.希望你出下本书的时候我们还能在这见到你!We hope to see you here againwith your next book.Merci a toutes et a tousquetre venus.(法语)感谢大家光临大家论坛影视英语 http:/ Comme vous voyez

19、 y a du champagne,y a des petites choses a gagnoter,(法语)我们为大家准备了香槟和一些小点心donc servez vous.(法语)请尽情享受吧谢谢各位,我必须在几点之前去机场?Thank you all. How much longerbefore I have to go to the airport?哦,你必须在七点半之前离开?Oh, you should leave at 7:30- 最迟七点半!- 好-Seven-thirty at the very latest.-Okay.-Hi.-Hello.- 嗨- 你好-How are

20、you?-Good, and you?- 你还好吗?- 很好,你呢?Im good, yeah, Im great. Im.挺好,是的,我很好,我.你愿意.我是说.去喝杯咖啡什么的吗?Do you wanna, maybe,get a cup of coffee?Didnt he just sayyou have a plane to catch?他不是说你要赶飞机吗?Yeah. But, I mean, I have a little time.是啊.不过时间还早大家论坛影视英语 http:/ -Okay.-Yeah? All right, well, let me.- 那好吧- 好吗?好,

21、那,让我.Ill meet you outside. Okay.我在外面等你我出去一下,喝杯咖啡Excuse me. Im just gonna goget a cup of coffee.- 我七点一刻回来- 这些书你都签了名吗?-Ill be back at 7:1 5.-Did you sign all these?- 是的,我肯定签了- 拿着你的司机菲利普的名片.-Yeah, I sure did.-Get your driver Philippes you can call his cellif youre running late.这样你要是晚了,就用手机给他打电话Well put your bags in the carso youre not late.我们会把你的包放在车里这样你就不会晚了-All right, thanks for everything.-Thank you.- 好的,谢谢你- (法语)非常感谢谁是菲利普?Which ones Philippe?Philippe, passe lui ta carte pourquil forme ta numero portable.(法语)菲利普,把你的名片给他,上面有你的手机号码Merci.(法语)谢谢

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