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1、如果你喜欢本听力文本,请到 http:/ 打包下载该文本听力疯狂英语 900 句 601-650更多英语口语尽在 http:/504!Being Sure and Guaranteeing00:02.94确定和保证00:05.88601. Ill make you a bet.00:10.27我和你打个赌。00:14.65Pedro: Marta wont remember Miguels name in a week.00:17.88佩德罗:一个星期内,玛尔塔就不会记得米盖尔叫什么名字。00:21.11Michael: Come on, Pedro.00:22.64迈克尔:佩德罗,拜托。00

2、:24.16Pedro: Ill make you a bet. How much? Five dollars?00:26.64佩德罗:我和你打赌。赌多少?五美元?00:29.13Michael: OK. A five-dollar bet.00:31.11迈克尔:好,就赌五美元。00:33.10602. I bet .00:36.98我敢打赌00:40.86Ali: I bet Mr. ONeil is a secret agent.00:43.18阿里:我敢打赌奥尼尔先生是个特工。00:45.51Hussein: Ali, Mr. ONeil is not a secret agent.

3、Hes an ice cream vendor.00:49.19侯赛因:阿里,奥尼尔先生不是特工,他是冰激淋小贩。00:52.87603. Im never wrong.00:57.80我从来不会错。01:02.72Joanna: Paulo, Michael won the art competition!01:05.80乔安娜:保罗,迈克尔赢了艺术比赛!01:08.88Paulo: I told you he would. Im never wrong.01:11.56保罗:我早告诉过你他会赢,我从来不会错。01:14.24604. Im sure.01:18.07我敢肯定。01:21.8

4、9Friend: If your bosss so bad, why dont you quit?01:24.41朋友:如果你的老板那么糟,你为什么不辞职呢?01:26.94Im sure you can find a better job.01:29.12我肯定你能找到更好的工作。01:31.30Laura: Yes, I can.01:33.28劳拉:我是能找到.01:35.27605. Theres no doubt about it.01:40.85这毫无疑问。01:46.42Laura: I need money. Theres no doubt about it.01:49.24劳

5、拉:我需要钱,这毫无疑问。01:52.07But does it mean that I have to work for such a bad boss?01:54.48但这就意味着我必须为这么糟糕的老板工作吗?01:56.90Friend: Of course not.01:58.41朋友:当然不是了。01:59.93606. I promise.如果你喜欢本听力文本,请到 http:/ 打包下载该文本听力02:04.00我保证。02:08.08Marta: I know youll forget all about me.02:10.51玛尔塔:我知道你会把我忘得一干二净。02:12.9

6、4Miguel: No, I wont.02:14.47米盖尔:才不会呢。02:15.99Ill write every day, whether you answer me or not. I promise.02:19.27我要每天给你写信,不管你回信不回信。我保证做到。02:22.55Marta: Promise youll come to see me at Christmas.02:24.82玛尔塔:答应我,圣诞节时你要来看我。02:27.10Miguel: I promise. And I promise you a nice present for Christmas, too.

7、02:30.33米盖尔:我答应你。我还要送给你一个漂亮的圣诞节礼物呢。02:33.57But you have to promise not to cry any more.02:35.85但是你得保证别再哭了。02:38.12Marta: OK. I promise.02:40.09玛尔塔:好吧,我保证。02:42.06607. I swear.02:46.00我发誓。02:49.93Marta: Oh, Miguel, youll forget all about me and find another girl.02:53.10玛尔塔:米盖尔,你会把我抛到九霄云外,再另找一个女孩。02:

8、56.27Miguel: No, I wont. I swear I wont.02:58.30米盖尔:我不会的!我发誓我不会。03:00.32Marta: I swear you will get married and live happily with that girl.03:03.05玛尔塔:我敢说你一定会和那个女孩结婚,并过上幸福美满的生活。03:05.78Miguel: No. You know I wont. I swear I love you only.03:08.81米盖尔:我不会,这你是知道的。我发誓我只爱你一个人。03:11.84Arguing03:13.53争辩03

9、:15.21608. Maybe I ., but I .03:20.14我固然,但是我03:25.06Father: Michael, youre not Picasso.03:27.70父亲:迈克尔,你并不是毕加索。03:30.34Michael: Maybe Im not Picasso, but I have to try.03:32.91迈克尔:我固然不是毕加索,但我不能不试一试。03:35.48You dont know what painting is for me.03:37.56你不知道画画对我来说意味着什么。03:39.64Father: Maybe I dont know

10、 what painting is for you,03:42.07父亲:我固然不明白画画对你来说算什么,03:44.50but I do know whats good for you.03:46.53可是我很知道什么对你最好。03:48.57Michael: No, you know nothing.03:50.33迈克尔:你什么也不知道。03:52.10Mother: Michael, maybe hes not understanding,03:54.58母亲:迈克尔,他虽然不是很能理解你,如果你喜欢本听力文本,请到 http:/ 打包下载该文本听力03:57.06but hes yo

11、ur father. You cant talk to him like that.03:59.79但他是你的父亲04:02.52609. Im sorry, but.04:06.90我很抱歉,但是04:11.27Laura: Im sorry Im late, sir, but this morning the traffic.04:14.25劳拉:对不起,老板,我迟到了。是因为今天早上交通04:17.23Boss: Youre always late.04:19.06老板:你总是迟到。04:20.88Laura: But, sir, this morning.04:22.80劳拉:可是今天

12、早上04:24.72610. Thats ., not .04:30.20那是,不是04:35.67Father: Painting, thats a hobby, not a career.04:38.69父亲:画画只是一种爱好,不是一种职业。04:41.70Michael: What about Michelangelo or Picasso? Was it a hobby for them, too?04:45.09迈克尔:那米开朗基罗跟毕加索呢?画画对他们来说也是一种爱好吗?04:48.47Father: But thats Picasso, not you.04:50.60父亲:但那

13、是毕加索呀,你就不同了。04:52.73Michael: Maybe Im not Picasso, but I have to try.04:55.46迈克尔:我固然不是毕加索,可是我不能不试一试。04:58.19611. Its not my fault.05:03.11那不是我的错。05:08.04Boss: Laura, I told you to have the florist send some roses to my wife,05:11.67老板:劳拉,我让你找花店给我太太送玫瑰的,05:15.30but she didnt get them.05:17.04可她没有收到。0

14、5:18.77Laura: Its not my fault. I arranged it well.05:21.25劳拉:那不是我的错,我已经安排好了的,05:23.74It must be the florists fault. Ill check it now.05:26.36一定是花店的问题,我这就去查一下。05:28.99Suggestions05:31.10建议05:33.22612. Do you have any suggestions?05:38.23你有什么建议吗?05:43.25Joanna: Its Mothers day this Sunday.05:45.38乔安娜

15、:这个星期天是母亲节,05:47.51What shall we get for Mama? Do you have any suggestions?05:50.15我们送给妈妈什么好呢?你有什么建议吗?05:52.78Paulo: How about a massager?05:54.61保罗:按摩器怎么样?05:56.44613. What about.?06:01.06怎么样?06:05.69Pedro: What about going to the theater?如果你喜欢本听力文本,请到 http:/ 打包下载该文本听力06:08.12佩德罗:去不去看电影?06:10.55Mig

16、uel: I cant afford the hours.06:12.43米盖尔:我可没时间。06:14.31Pedro: Then what about a walk?06:16.05佩德罗:那去散步吧。06:17.78Miguel: OK. But I wonder why you didnt go out with one of your girlfriends.06:20.72米盖尔:好。但我不明白你怎么没有约一个你的女朋友出去。06:23.66Pedro: Martas sick.06:25.19佩德罗:玛尔塔生病了。06:26.72Miguel: What about the ot

17、her woman in your office?06:28.69米盖尔:你公司的那位小姐呢?06:30.66Pedro: Grace? Shes away on business.06:32.88佩德罗:格蕾斯?她出差了。06:35.10Miguel: Then what about the girl in the bakery?06:36.98米盖尔:那面包店的那个女孩呢?06:38.86Pedro: Yolanda? Shes meeting her parents. What about us going now?06:42.09佩德罗:尤兰达?她在陪她的父母亲。我们干嘛不现在就去散步

18、呢?06:45.32Miguel: All right. Lets go.06:47.05米盖尔:好,我们走吧。06:48.79Pedro: What do you think about my girls?06:50.92佩德罗:你觉得我的几个女朋友怎么样?06:53.05Miguel: I think Marta is very nice.06:55.18米盖尔:我认为玛尔塔很不错。06:57.31614. How about.?07:02.03怎么样?07:06.76Paulo: How about Italian food for lunch?07:08.73保罗:我们午餐吃意大利菜怎

19、么样?07:10.71Laura: No, I dont like Italian food. How about Spanish food?07:13.83劳拉:不好,我不喜欢意大利菜。吃西班牙菜好么?07:16.95Paulo: OK. It makes no difference to me.07:18.97保罗:好,我无所谓。07:21.00Actually I can eat anything on the table.07:23.28实际上只要摆上桌的我都能吃。07:25.57Laura: How about that time you complained for an enti

20、re week about the Mexican food we had?07:29.50劳拉:那次我们吃墨西哥菜,你抱怨了整整一星期,又该怎么说呢?07:33.43Paulo: Well, the food that time was really terrible.07:35.56保罗:唉,那次的菜实在是难吃。07:37.69615. Why dont you.?07:42.46你为什么不?07:47.23Laura: Im not happy with my work.07:49.64劳拉:我不喜欢我的工作。07:52.06Friend: Why dont you quit ?如果你喜

21、欢本听力文本,请到 http:/ 打包下载该文本听力07:53.52朋友:那为什么不辞职?07:54.98Laura: I need the money!07:56.67劳拉:我需要钱呀!07:58.35616. Lets .08:02.32我们好么?08:06.30Billy: Jack, lets practice for another hour.08:08.63比利:杰克,我们再练一个小时吧。08:10.97Jack: OK. Superman. Lets do it.08:13.04杰克:行啊,超人。练吧。08:15.10617. I suggest .08:20.02我建议08:2

22、4.95Ali: There are so many flavors of ice cream sandwiches.08:28.33阿里:冰激淋三明治有那么多口味,08:31.71Which flavor do you think I should have?08:33.79你认为我应该选哪一种?08:35.87Bill: I suggest you have strawberry.08:37.89比尔:我建议你选草莓的。08:39.92Ali: Why do you suggest strawberry?08:42.14阿里:你为什么要建议选草莓的?08:44.36618. All rig

23、ht.08:48.54好吧。08:52.72Laura: Will you meet me at ten oclock?08:54.94劳拉:你能在十点钟跟我碰头吗?08:57.16Paulo: All right.08:58.48保罗:行。08:59.79619. OK.09:03.67好吧。09:07.55Anna: Lets try Japanese food today.09:09.93安娜:我们今天去吃日本菜怎么样?09:12.31Carlo: OK.09:13.68卡洛:行。09:15.05620. What a good idea!09:19.82620. What a good

24、 idea!09:24.58Miguel: Lets go to a movie.09:26.66米盖尔:我们去看电影吧。09:28.74Marta: What a good idea!09:30.47玛尔塔:这主意太好了!09:32.21621. Thats a wonderful idea!09:37.53这主意很好!09:42.84Joanna: I dont know how to spend the Easter holidays.09:45.06乔安娜:我不知道该怎样过这个复活节假期。09:47.28Michael: Why dont you come with me to the

25、 Rocky Mountains?09:49.47迈克尔:为什么不跟我去落基山呢?如果你喜欢本听力文本,请到 http:/ 打包下载该文本听力09:51.65I plan to do some paintings there.09:53.72我打算在那儿画几幅画。09:55.80Joanna: Thats a wonderful idea!09:57.77乔安娜:这主意很好!09:59.75But isnt it cold there at this time of the year?10:01.98但现在这时候那儿不是很冷吗?10:04.21622. You cant say no to .

26、10:09.68你不能拒绝10:15.16Paulo: Come on, Joanna. You cant say no to the Crawfords.10:18.38保罗:来嘛,乔安娜,你不能拒绝克拉福德家的邀请。10:21.61Joanna: But I really dont want to go.10:23.43乔安娜:可是我真的不想去。10:25.24Paulo: Think about the caviar there.10:27.16保罗:想想那儿的鱼子酱,10:29.08You cant say no to it. Its the best in town.10:31.56

27、你不能不吃啊,那是全城最棒的鱼子酱了。10:34.04Joanna: I dont live for caviar.10:35.82乔安娜:我可不是为了吃鱼子酱才活着。10:37.60Paulo: What about Michael? Can you say no to him?10:40.03保罗:那想想迈克尔,你能拒绝他吗?10:42.46623. Youd better .10:46.87623. Youd better .10:51.28Paulo: You were late again for work?10:53.05保罗:你上班又迟到了?10:54.81Laura: Yes.

28、 I think Id better get up earlier tomorrow10:57.24劳拉:是啊。我想我明天应该更早起床10:59.67so I can arrive at the office on time.11:01.85好按时到公司。11:04.03Paulo: You get up early enough.11:06.00保罗:你起得已经够早了。11:07.98The problem is your office is too far.11:10.32问题是你的公司太远。11:12.65Youd better find another job.11:14.57你最好是

29、换个工作。11:16.49Laura: Youd better shut up and leave me alone.11:18.71劳拉:而你最好现在闭起嘴巴别管我,11:20.93I dont want to talk about it now.11:22.87我现在不想谈这个。11:24.80624. Id rather .11:24.30我宁愿11:23.80Miguel: Lets go for a walk in the park.11:26.12米盖尔:我们去公园散步吧。11:28.45Pedro: No, I walked for miles today and I have

30、sore feet.如果你喜欢本听力文本,请到 http:/ 打包下载该文本听力11:31.28佩德罗:算了,我今天走了很多路,脚都酸了。11:34.12Id rather lie in bed and have a good rest.11:36.30我宁愿躺到床上去好好休息休息。11:38.48Miguel: Do you want me to stay with you for a while?11:40.56米盖尔:要不要我陪你一会儿?11:42.63Pedro: Thank you. But Id rather you left me alone.11:44.96佩德罗:谢谢你,可是

31、我宁愿你让我一个人呆着。11:47.28625. If you insist.11:52.61如果你坚持的话。11:57.94Simon: I think we should have a serious talk with Ali some day.12:00.76西蒙:我们该找个时间跟阿里认真谈一谈。12:03.58Zahra: I dont think its necessary, dear. Alis still a child.12:06.26萨拉:亲爱的,我认为没有这个必要,阿里还是个孩子。12:08.94Simon: Now its the time hes growing up

32、.12:11.07西蒙:现在是他该长大的时候了。12:13.20Zahra: OK, a talk, if you insist.12:15.84萨拉:那好吧,谈一谈,如果你坚持的话。12:18.47626. You decide.12:22.50你来决定。12:26.52Joanna: What are we going to serve the Crawfords?12:28.56乔安娜:我们用什么招待克拉福德一家呢?12:30.59Mama: Theyre your guests. You decide.12:32.62妈妈:他们是你的客人,你决定吧。12:34.64Joanna: Ho

33、w about Brazilian food?12:36.56乔安娜:巴西菜如何?12:38.48627. Its up to you.12:43.96由你决定。12:49.43Pedro: Do you want me to start working tomorrow or next Monday?12:52.37佩德罗:你想让我明天就开始上班还是等到下星期一?12:55.31Personnel Manager: Its up to you. But the sooner the better.12:57.67人事部经理:由你决定,不过越早越好。13:00.03Favoring and P

34、raising13:02.66赞扬13:05.29628. Its great!13:09.26很棒。13:13.23Bill: Hi, kids. How was baseball practice?13:15.60比尔:嗨,孩子们,棒球练得怎么样?13:17.98Jack: Great! Mm . I smell something nice.13:20.87杰克:非常好。嗯我闻到很香的味道。13:23.75Mom, are we going to have roast goose for dinner? Its great!13:26.58妈妈,我们晚饭吃烤鹅吗?太棒了!13:29.40

35、629. Its good for .13:34.53这对有好处。如果你喜欢本听力文本,请到 http:/ 打包下载该文本听力13:39.66Laura: Christmas is coming.13:41.74劳拉:圣诞节快到了。13:43.82Paulo: Yes. Its good for you.13:45.79保罗:是啊。这对你有好处,13:47.76You can have a good rest during the Christmas vacation.13:50.44你可以趁着圣诞节假期好好休息休息。13:53.12Laura: And its good for your b

36、usiness, too.13:55.19劳拉:圣诞节也是你做生意的大好日子。13:57.27630. Thats good.14:01.24630. Thats good.14:05.21Teacher: Carlo, whats this in English?14:07.55老师:卡洛,这个用英语怎么说?14:09.89Carlo: Its a tulip, t-u-l-i-p.14:12.81卡洛:Tulip 。T-u-l-i-p。14:15.74Teacher: Good. Now, Anna, Whats this?14:18.10老师:好。现在我来问问安娜,这是什么?14:20.

37、47Anna: A fountain.14:22.10安娜:喷泉。14:23.73Teacher: Thats good.14:25.26老师:很好。14:26.79631. Its so kind of you.14:32.10你真好。14:37.42Bill: I talked to one or two people about you and they were very interested.14:40.96比尔:我跟一两个人说了你的情况,14:44.50They want you to submit your resume and recommendations.14:47.32他

38、们很感兴趣,要你提交简历和推荐信。14:50.14Laura: Thank you, Bill. Its so kind of you.14:52.37劳拉:比尔,谢谢你,你真好。14:54.61632. How nice of you to .!14:58.98你能太好了!15:03.36Michael: Hello. Is that Joanna?15:05.49迈克尔:喂,是乔安娜吗?15:07.62Joanna: Michael. Hello. How nice of you to call!15:10.26乔安娜:迈克尔!喂,你打电话来太好了!15:12.89Michael: Can

39、 you come to my birthday party on Friday night?15:15.32迈克尔:星期五晚上你能来参加我的生日宴会吗?15:17.75Joanna: Yes, Id love to. How nice of you to invite me. Thank you.15:20.78乔安娜:我很愿意去。你能邀请我真是太好了!谢谢。15:23.81Complaining and Criticizing15:26.24抱怨和批评15:28.67633. Oh, no!15:32.90噢,真糟糕!15:37.14Bill: Laura, look at the clo

40、ck. Youre late again.如果你喜欢本听力文本,请到 http:/ 打包下载该文本听力15:39.87比尔:劳拉,你看看钟,你又迟到了。15:42.59Laura: Oh, no! Is my boss here?15:44.78劳拉:噢,真糟糕!我老板来了吗?15:46.96Bill: Im afraid he is.15:48.84比尔:恐怕已经来了。15:50.72634. Dont talk to me that way.15:55.41不要这样对我说话。16:00.10Mr. Crawford: Its my business. I know whats good f

41、or it.16:02.76克拉福德先生:那是我的生意,我知道该做什么。16:05.43Mrs. Crawford: Dont talk to me that way.16:07.40克拉福德太太:不要这样对我说话。16:09.37And dont forget, it was my fathers business.16:11.85还有别忘了,这公司原本是我父亲的。16:14.33635. Its not polite.16:19.32这不礼貌。16:24.31Simon: Ali, you shouldnt ask so many questions. Its not polite.16:

42、27.54西蒙:阿里,你不应该问那么多问题,那是不礼貌的。16:30.76Ali: Why isnt it polite?16:32.50阿里:为什么不礼貌?16:34.24636. I didnt ask for a lecture.16:39.37我没要你来教训我。16:44.51Miguel: I think you should forgive Pedro and make up with him.16:46.99米盖尔:我想你应该原谅佩德罗,跟他和好16:49.47Its not all his fault, you know.16:51.35那不全是他的错,你知道的。16:53.2

43、3Michael: Hey, I didnt ask for a lecture.16:55.46迈克尔:哎,可我没要你来教训我。16:57.70Miguel: Im sorry, Michael. But Pedros still thinking of you.17:00.22米盖尔:对不起,迈克尔。不过佩德罗仍在念叨你,17:02.74Hes very sorry he lost you.17:04.57他失去你这个朋友很难过。17:06.40637. Thats a terrible thing to say about .17:12.57那么说真是可怕。17:18.75Ali: I

44、hate Hussein! I dont want to be like him.17:21.72阿里:我恨侯赛因!我不要像他那样。17:24.68Zahra: Ali, thats a terrible thing to say about your brother.17:27.52萨拉:阿里,你这么说你哥哥真是可怕。17:30.35638. Youre too critical.17:35.03你太挑剔。17:39.70Mrs. Crawford: Youre too critical, dear.17:41.74克拉福德太太:你太挑剔了,亲爱的。17:43.78Youre too cri

45、tical of everything and everyone;17:46.21你对每一件事,每一个人都挑剔,如果你喜欢本听力文本,请到 http:/ 打包下载该文本听力17:48.64of me, of the boys, of Laura.17:50.86包括我、我们的儿子、劳拉17:53.08Mr. Crawford: Dont mention Laura. Dont bother me.17:55.36克拉福德先生:别跟我提劳拉,不要来烦我。17:57.65639. Youre too strict.18:02.92你太严厉。18:08.20Simon: You spoil Ali, Zahra.18:10.54西蒙:萨拉,你太宠阿里。18:12.88Zahra: And youre too strict.18:14.60萨拉:而你又太严厉了。18:16.33Simon: Im strict with Hussein, too. Look how good a boy hes become.18:18.99西蒙:我对侯赛因也很严厉,你看到他成了多好的孩子。18:21.65Zahra: But Alis only six.18:23.73萨拉:可是阿里才六岁呀。18:25.81

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