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1、中考动词填空: 1. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Ill tell our monitor the good news as soon as he _ (come) back to school.2. It was a pity that you _ (not attend) the meeting last Friday afternoon.3. We should think about what we can do _ (keep) animals and plants from becoming endangered.4. On May 12, 2008, sichuan _

2、 (hit) by a strong earthquake which killed many people and distroyed many buildings. 5. Playing computer games is delightful, but _ (spend) too much time on it may do harm.6. Today, to hold the Olympic Games _ (consider) as a rich prize for a country.7. Many changes _ (take) place in our daily life

3、since the invention of the computer.8. The policeman said that he _ (see) a Young Pioneer help an old woman cross the road the day before.9. Our Maths teacher _ (prepare) the new lesson with other teachers in the office from 2 to 4 yesterday afternoon.10. The first step towards _ (protect) the envir

4、onment is to try to throw away less rubbish.2.用所给动词的恰当形式填空11. They used to _(swim) in winter.12. They can take a bus instead of _(walk) there.13. The teacher told us _(not stand) in the snow.14. Youd better _(post) the letter to your father at once.15. The teacher asked us _(not talk) in class.16. I

5、 dont know _(how use) a computer.17. Im sorry I forgot _(tell) him to come here for the meeting.18. I have something interesting _(tell) you.19. He is pleased with _(teach) us English.20. The famous professor taught us _(how train) ourselves.21. The boy is used to _(get) up early now.22. You cough a

6、 lot. Youd better give up _(smoke).23. Her funny story made everyone in the hall _(laugh).24. The _(train) for the maths contest will begin next week.25. Whats the _(mean) of this word?26. After he finished _(write) the composition, he went to bed.27. Everyone has his own way of _(relax).28. We wont

7、 be _(allow) to watch TV until we finish our work.29. He was let _(enter) the room.30. Dongdong picked up the wallet _(lie) on the ground.3.用动词的恰当形式填空31. Sorry, I _(forget) to bring my exercise book.32. There are thirteen lessons for us _(learn) this term.33. By the time he _(be) ten, he _(learn) ho

8、w to drive a car.34. They told us that they _(go) there in a week.35. The cat _(catch) ten mice by ten last night.36. He _(not buy) that pen yesterday because he _(get) one.37. My cousins _(visit) the Shanghai Zoo last Sunday.They _(never be) there before.38. They _(not use) to go shopping in any su

9、permarkets.39. Before he _(post) her the card, she _(write) three letters to him.40. The teacher said that the moon _(go) round the earth.41. Please let me _(know) as soon as possible when you _ (receive) the letter.42. She said that she _(read) that book twice and she _ (not read) it any more.43. T

10、he teacher said light _(go) faster than sound.44. Jack _(go) over four lessons by seven oclock yesterday. Then he_(take) a rest.45. A: Why _ he _(borrow) your pen yesterday? B: Because he _(lose) his own.46. All the books must _(return) to the library before the end of this term.47. He decided that

11、he _(buy) a toy train for his son.48. We may _(meet) each other before.49. I couldnt make him _(change) his idea.50. Which language _(speak) by the largest number of people in the world?51. All kinds of fridges _(repair) in that shop every day.52. The leaves _(whirl) while the wind blew hard last ni

12、ght.53. She believed that she _(be) able to get a chance.54. This cinema _(build) three months ago.55. All the photos must _(check) before they _(send) to the customers.56. Mother _(make) me a new coat yesterday. I _(try) it on. It _察(fit) me well.57. It was so dark in the room that nothing _(can se

13、e). I _(move) my steps forward when something _(touch) my feet.58. When I _(get) there, all the boys _(go) to the cinema, only Li Hua_(be) in the classroom. He _(write) a composition. He _(say) that he _(not see) the film until he _(finish) it.59. In 1919, letters _(carry) by plane from England to F

14、rance. Sincethen, the use of planes for carrying mails _(greatly increase).60. Yesterday, while we _(have) supper, the telephone _ (ring).It _(be) Jenny. She said that her mother _(be) ill fortwo days and she _(not go) to school the next day. I told her _(not worry) about her lessons.61. A: _ the ne

15、w film _(show) at the cinema?B: Not yet. I guess it _(show) next week.62. Something terrible _(happen) to Robert yesterday. He saw a tiger near the lake. It _(run) out of the cage. Robert _(stand) still.He was too frightened to move. Before he _(have) time to run away, some men _(come) with a net an

16、d _(throw) it over the tiger.The tiger _(catch) at last.4.阅读下面短文,用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。We Chinese will never forget the day of May 12th,2008.On that day, a terrible earthquake 71. (happen)in Sichuan Province. It was one of the biggest earthquakes in Chinese history. Tens of thousands of people 72. (kill)i

17、n the earthquake.People all over the world have shown their love to the people there in different ways. They 73. (give) away large amounts of money to Sichuan so far. Love makes us closer and stronger. Now the people there.74. (try) their best to rebuild their homes with the support of the whole cou

18、ntry. We know it is going to be difficult, but we never give up. Chinese people 75. (be)brave people, so we have every reason to believe that we can win.5.阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词) 。My grandmother was an iron-willed (强硬的) woman. When I was five, she invited some friends to her apartment

19、. Among the guests there (61) _ (be) a rich man and his daughter. Grandmother considered them the most important among the guests.During the party, I went to the bathroom. I was still sitting down when the girl walked in. “You (62) _ (stay) here too long!” “Its not your business. Dont you know that

20、little girls shouldnt come into the bathroom when a little boy (63) _ (use) it!?” I said in anger. This (64) _ (surprise) the little girl. Then she started to cry. Most guests had heard what I said and laughed. But not Grandmother.She (65) _ (wait) for me when I left the bathroom. Grandmother shoute

21、d that I was impolite and rude and ordered, “You (66)_ (say) sorry to her.” All the guests watched in silence.Twenty minutes later, Grandmother walked by the bathroom and noticed a torrent (激流) of water (67) _ (run) out from under the door. Everyone knew who did that. Grandmother was so angry that s

22、he tried (68) _ (get) me anyway. It took several strong men finally to move her away and calm her down.My grandfather took me by the hand and seated me on his lap. He looked at me, not at all angry or upset. “(69) _ (tell) me,” he asked, “why did you do it?” “Well, she shouted at me for nothing,” I

23、said seriously. “Now shes got something to be angry at.” Grandfather didnt speak right away. He just sat there, looking at me and smiling. I (70) _ never _ (forget) his expressions (表情) for my whole life.“Eric,” he said at last, “I think you did the right thing.”6.用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助词动词或情态动词。When

24、 Liu Xiang dreams,he dreams of gold.When Guo Jingjing dreams,she dreams of gold, too.But neither of them is dreaming of money.They 78 (dream)of the Gold Medals they want to win at the Olympics in Beijing in 2008. Both of these wonderful athletes have been dreaming of gold for a long time.Their dream

25、s began when they were children.They loved sport and they had a childs dream of 79 (become) Olympic athletes. As they got older and had training harder,the dream came within their reach(能及的范围)in 2004,both Liu Xiang and Guo Jingjing 80 (win)Olympic gold medals and their dream came true.Now Beijing go

26、ld is in their dreams.Every success 81 (begin)with a dream. Every successful person is a dreamer. They dream of what they want .Every success 82 (achieve)and then begin working towards achieving that dream.On the way,trouble 83 (meet)by them. Sometimes,their dream doesnt come true.But working towards that dream has taught them about themselves and about life and,as a result,they 84 (succeed)in becoming strong,independent(独立的)people.People often say,“If you dream it and believe it,it 85 (come)true.”

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