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1、Book 4 复习Unit 11. Whats the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?= How is the weather today?Its rather cool / warm / sunny . 很凉爽/暖和/ 晴 Its rather windy / cold / hot ., isnt it?2. Whats the temperature today?今天气温是多少(今天多少度)?Its ten degrees.十度。3. The temperature goes up. (rises)气温上升了。The sun rises in the east.太

2、阳从东方升起。4. How many hours of daylight are there on March 21st?3 月 21 号这天白天有几个小时?5. make a loud noise (不可数名词) 发出很大的声音6. not . until . 直到才例:I didnt go to bed until I finished my homework last night.昨天晚上直到写完作业我才睡觉。I will wait for you until you come back.我要等到你回来。7. have fun doing sth. 做有乐趣例:They had fun

3、travelling in Beijing?他们在北京旅行很愉快。I have fun learning English.我学习英语很有乐趣。8. one by one 一个接一个又如:day by day (一天又一天) ;year by year (一年又一年)9. go bike riding 去骑车go doing sth. (去做某事)例:go fishing (去钓鱼) ;go swimming (去游泳) ;go boating (去划船)10. be scared of (be afraid of) 害怕be scared of (be afraid of ) sth. / s

4、b. / doing sth. 害怕某物 /某人/做某事He is scared of snakes.他怕蛇。Im scared of going out alone at night.我害怕一个人出去。be scared / afraid + that 从句例:I was scared that she would hurt herself.我怕她弄伤自己。11. The ball always hits me on the head.球总是打在我头上。hit sb. on the head “打某人的头”hit sb. in the face “打某人的脸”He hit me on the

5、 head.他打我的头。He was so angry that he hit her in the face.他很生气打了她一个耳光。12. How / What about . ? 怎么样?用来询问消息或征求意见,后面加名词、代词或动名词。例:His father is a worker. What about his mother?他父亲是工人,他妈呢?What about going fishing tomorrow?明天去钓鱼怎么样?13. Shall we . ? “我们好吗?”用于第一人称的疑问句,表示请求对方的意见。例: Shall we go shopping? 我们去购物好

6、吗?Shall we go out now? 我们现在出去好吗?Shall I open the door? 我们可以打开门吗?Will you .? 表示请求对方为自己做某事, “请做好吗?”Will you go and get me some paper?你去给我拿些纸来好吗?14. This is the first time I have been a baby sitter.这是我第一次照看婴儿。15. turn around 转身16. hold on 打住,抓紧(打电话时表示稍等别挂断)17. come down 下来18. give somebody a push 推某人一下

7、19. fall off 摔下来20. get off / (get on 上车) 从下来21. all day 全天22. I hope not. 我希望不是这样。肯定式为:I hope so. 类似表示法还有:I am afraid so (not). 恐怕是这样。I think so (I dont think so = I think not. ) 我认为这样。 (我不认为这样。 )Unit 21. Would you like some .? 你想要一些吗?用来表示请求,肯定回答常为:Yes, please. 否定回答:No, thanks.例:Would you like some

8、 tea?你要些茶吗?Yes, pla. Nothnk好 的 。不 要 , 谢 谢 !would like to do 想要做某事would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事2. grow into 长成 grow up 长大3. billions of . 数十亿的hundred, thousand, million, billion 后面加 s 和 of 连用。hundreds of 数以百计thousands of 数以千计millions of 数百万的前面有数字时不加 s,如:two thousand 两千4. look after 照顾,照料,相当于 take

9、 care of5. Without a way to get energy they would die.如果没有办法取得能量,他们就会死亡。without 是介词,with 的反义词,后面加名词、代词或动名词等。例:Without your help, I cant pass the exam.没有你的帮助我通不过考试。Without plants, we cant live.没有植物我们不能活。Without saying any words, he left.他什么也没说就走了。有时可以改成以 if 构成的条件状语从句。例:Fish cant live without water.没有

10、水鱼不能活。If there is no water, fish cant live.6. in different ways 用不同的方式7. use . to do . 用做。相当于 do . with。例:I use a pen to write. (I write with a pen. )我用钢笔写字。8. And the green grass grew all around.遍地长满了绿草。9. carry away 把搬(移)走put away 收拾好 run away 逃跑take away 拿走 be away from 离开10. make . into . 把制成11.

11、 be made of / from . 由制成be made in . 由哪里制成12. put . outside / on / into . 把放在外面/上面/ 里面13. in the sun 在阳光下例:Dont read in the sun.别在阳光下看书。Unit 31. slow down 慢下来2. That would be fun. 那会很有趣。3. all kinds of 各种各样的4. protect . from . 保护不受的侵害5. a kind of 一种6. go extinct (go 是系词) 灭绝7. stop . from doing . 阻止做

12、from 后可接动名词短语,from 可以省略,但被动语态不可以省。Close the door. Stop the dog (from) coming in.关上门,别让那条狗进来。另外,prevent privent. from . , keep . from 也有此含义。prevent . from 用法同 stop . from ,只是较正式些,有预防之意。keep from 不论主动语态还是被动语态,from 均不可省。例:Youd better keep fire from wood.你最好让木柴离火远点。8. stand still 安静地站着9. make friends wi

13、th 和交朋友10. run away 跑开,逃跑11. No Photos! 禁止拍照。No Parking! 禁止停车。No Visitors! 游客止步。No smoking! 禁止吸烟。12. play a joke on . 和开玩笑13. Wait a minute. 等一会儿。14. be famous for . 以闻名famous 相当于 well-known.例:Liu Huan is famous for his songs.刘欢以他的歌闻名。China is famous for the Great Wall.中国以长城闻名。be famous as . 作为而出名,著

14、名例:Liu Huan is famous as a singer.刘欢作为歌手而出名。Unit 41. fill . with . 用把装满常用来表示主动语态。例如:I filled the box with books.我用书装满箱子。可以用 be filled with . 或 be full of 来替换(充满的)The box is filled with books.或:The box is full of books. 箱子里装满了书。2. cover . with . 用把盖住be covered with . 被覆盖例:He covered his desk with a n

15、ewspaper.他用一张报纸盖上书桌。The desk was covered with a newspaper.书桌被一张报纸盖上了。3. Im sure that . 我确信/肯定Im not sure that . 我不确信,不肯定Im sure that we can win. 我确信我们能赢。Im not sure that he will come. 我不确信他会来。表示不确定也可以用 maybe 或 perhaps 表示。例:Maybe he is at home.他或许在家。4. right side up 正面朝上5. turn . upside down 把翻转,倒过来6

16、. Yes, I think so. 是的,我这样认为。7. No, I dont think so. 不,我认为不是这样。8. The force is strong enough to hold the water.空气的力量足以使水不流出来。(1)enough adj. 充足的。修饰名词,可以放在名词前也可以放在名词后。例如:I have enough time to do the work.我有足够的时间做这个工作。I have time enough to do the work.(2)adv. 副词。修饰形容词或副词本身。例:He is strong enough to lift

17、the box.他力气足够大可以举起那个箱子。He walks fast enough.他走得够快了。(3)和 enough 替换的同义句。too . to . (太而不能)He is too young to go to school. (= He is not old enough to go to school.)他太小不能上学。so . that . 如此以致于He is so old that he can go to work. (= He is old enough to go to work.)他够上班年龄了。He works so hard that he can do we

18、ll in the exam.他学习如此努力以致于能取得了好成绩。He works hard enough to do well in the exam.9. That tastes so great. (食物)尝起来很好。10. That egg will be gone. 鸡蛋将会消失。11. use up 用光,用完。 (run out of)12. take off 拿开, (飞机)起飞,脱掉Take off your coat. Its hot here.脱掉大衣,这热。He took his hand off the cardboard.他把手从纸板上离开。The plane wi

19、ll take off at 11 oclock a.m .飞机上午十一点起飞。Unit 51. Can / Could I / you do sth. ? 我(你)可以吗?此句是 can 和 could 等用来表示请求的疑问句。can 和 could 不表时态,could 比 can 更客气、委婉。例:Can I have some tea? 我可以喝些茶吗?Can I sit here? 我可以坐这吗?Could you help me carry the box? 你可以帮我搬这个箱子吗?这种问句的答语通常不用 Yes 或 No 来回答,肯定常为 Certainly / Sure / O

20、f course 或其它形式,否定常加 Sorry。例:Can I sit here? Certainly. (当然可以了。 )Sorry, you cant. (对不起,不能。 )2. get in / on / off . 上下车get in / into / out of + the car 上下小车get on / off + the bus / the truck / the train / the plane / the ship上下公共汽车、卡车、火车、飞机、轮船3. a top speed of 50 kilometres per hour 每小时 50 千米的高速per ho

21、ur 每小时,可以表示为 each hour 或 every hour4. Certainly! / Sure! / Of course. 当然。通常用来回答情态动词 can / may / could / would 等构成的请求疑问句。例:Could I have a talk with your mother? 我可以和你妈妈谈话吗?Certainly! 当然可以!5. as long as 只要常用来构成条件状语从句,例:You can do better as long as you work hard.只要你努力,你就能做得更好。6. No Parking! 禁止停车!此句是禁令语

22、,通常在动词的 ing 前加 no 或在名词复数前加 no,例:No Smoking. 禁止吸烟!No Photos. 禁止拍照!No Visitors. 顾客止步!7. Youd better (not) . 你(们)最好(最好不要)had better 相当于一个情态动词,后加动词原形,否定式在 better 后加 not,译为最好做或最好不要。例:Youd better go home now.你最好现在回家。Youd better not take the book out of the room.你最好不要把书带出这个房间。8. We are in a hurry. 我们很着急。in

23、 a hurry 匆忙,hurry 是名词,也可以做动词。如:hurry to somewhere 匆忙去哪例:He hurried to school this morning.今天早晨他匆忙上学。He went to school in a hurry. 另外:hurry off 匆匆离去; hurry up 赶快。9. It takes eleven hours to fly from Canada to China today.乘飞机从加拿大到中国要用 11 个小时。It takes sb. some time to do sth. . 某人花费多长时间做某事。take 在此句式中表示

24、“花费(花时间或金钱) ”,take 随时态改变:现在时 takes,过去时 took,将来时 will take,完成时 has taken。例:It will take me two hours to clean my house.明天我要用两个小时打扫房子。另外,表示花时间的词还有 spend,句式为:spend some time on sth. 或:spend some time (in) doing sth.例如上面的句子为:I will spend two hours in cleaning my house.spend 也可以用来表示花钱购物,句式同上,即:spend some

25、 money on sth.或:spend some money (in) doing sth.例:I spend much money on books.I spend much money buying books.我花很多钱买书。花钱购物的词组还有:cost 和 pay . forcost 的主语为物,例上面的句子也可以表示为:Books cost me much money.I pay much money for books. 再如:I paid 20 yuan for the pen.The pen cost me 20 yuan.I spent 20 yuan on the pe

26、n.I spent 20 yuan buying the pen.我花二十元钱买了这支笔。10. all the time 一直,总是相当于 alwaysThey are jumping all the time.他们一直在跳。 (They are always jumping. )11. go through 穿过through 介词, “穿过” ,多指空间上的穿过,而 across 是指平面的穿过。 (指从一个平面的这端到另一端)例:They are walking across the road.他们在横穿马路。They walk through the back door into t

27、he garden.他们穿过后门进入花园。12. present . to . 把呈现给present 动词“呈现,展示,介绍” ,相当于 introduce 或 show,例:Can you present your friend to us?你可以把你的朋友介绍给我们吗?present 相当于 introduce,再如:Can you present your photos to us?你可以给我们看一看你的照片吗?present . to 相当于“show . to .”13. sound like 听起来像sound 是系词,意为“听起来” 。例:Your plan sounds li

28、ke a good idea.你们的计划听起来像一个不错的主意。14. in the 1760s 在十八世纪六十年代注意世纪和年代的表达。in the 1920s 在二十世纪二十年代in the 1570s 在 16 世纪 70 年代in the 1700s 在十八世纪Unit 6 1. connect . to . 连接到He connected his computer to the Internet.他把电脑连接到网上。be connected with . 和有关例: Im not connected with the matter.我和这事没有关系。2. turn on 打开(电脑收

29、音机电视)turn off 关闭(电脑、收音机等)turn down / up 把音量降低或放大3. a list of 的清单单子4. Its always nice to hear from .收到的邮件/信件真好。it 是形式主语,to hear from . 动词不定式是真正的主语。hear from 收到某人的邮件信件等可以表达为 get / receive a letter from sb.I heard from my mother yesterday.昨天我收到了妈妈的来信。5. by hand 手工by 介词,表示方式, “通过” 。后面的名词不加复数也不加冠词。如:by b

30、ike / by bus / by train 骑自行车乘公共汽车乘火车6. Im sorry, but he isnt here right now.抱歉,他现在不在这。right now = at the moment 或 nowjust now = a moment ago (刚才)right away = at once (立刻,马上)7. Can I take a message for you? 我可以给你捎信吗?take a message for . 给捎口信还有 give the message to .leave a message . 给留口信8. Please wait

31、 a moment / minute. 请等一下。moment “一会” ,名词,构成的短语:a moment ago 刚才at the moment 现在at that moment 在那个时候9. Wait for somebody 等某人10. take care of 照顾,照料look after 同义Please take good care of your things. 照顾好你的东西。Please look after your things well.Unit 71. some day (将来)某天some day 某一天,常用于将来时one day 某一天,有一天,既可以

32、用于将来时,也可以用一般过去时。例:He will be a writer one day. (some day. )总有一天他会成为作家的。One day, on his way to school, he saw a boy playing football on the road.一天,在他上学的路上,他看见一个男孩在路上踢足球。2. It is fun to travel (around) the world.到世界各地旅行真有趣。It is + n. / adj. to do. 做某事如何。it 是形式主语,to do 是动词不定式作真正的主语。例:Its hard to learn

33、 English well.学好英语是很困难的。Its interesting to learn English.学习英语很有趣。3. Will / Would / Could you please . ? 你好吗?此句是表示请求的一般疑问句,后加动词原形。例:Will you please pass me the salt?请把盐递给我好吗?否定形式为:Will / Would / Could you please + not + 动词原形 ?Will you please not make any noise?请不要吵闹好吗?Would you please not throw rubbi

34、sh on the floor?请不要往地上扔垃圾好吗?4. ring up 给打电话还有:make a telephone call for . ; ring sb. up ; call sb. up ; ring sb. ; call sb. ; phone sb.5. Hold on, please. 请稍等。 (打电话常用话)也可以说:Wait a moment. 或 Wait a minute.等。6. This is . speaking. 我是/这是(打电话用语)其它的还有:May I speak to sb. , please? 请找接电话好吗?Whos that (it) ?

35、 你是哪一位?Is that . speaking? 你是吗?7. go / be abroad 出国,去国外He has been abroad for two years. 他出国二年了。8. Have you ever been to other countries in Asia?你曾去过亚洲别的国家吗?have (has) been to + 地点 表示去过某处,人已回来They have been to the West Lake.他们去过西湖。have (has) gone to + 地点 表示去某处了,人没回来They have gone to the West Lake.他们

36、去西湖了。have (has) been in +地点 表示去某处多久了They have been in the West Lake for two days.他们去西湖两天了。9. Have you ever visited any other countries?你曾参观任何别的国家吗?any other 在肯定句中常加单数名词在后面。例如:Jim is cleverer than any other boy in his class.Jim 在班里比任何别的男孩都聪明(不包括他自己) 。any boy (包括他自己,任何男孩)any other 在问句或否定句中后常加复数名词。例:I

37、dont want to borrow any other books.我不想借任何书。Did you see any other teachers besides Miss Liu?除了刘老师你见到任何别的老师吗?10. The Yangtze River in China is the third - longest river in the world.长江是世界上第三大河。序数词 + 最高级 表示第几最例:The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.黄河是中国第二长河。11. Deserts cover one - fif

38、th of the earths surface.沙漠占地球表面的五分之一。one - fifth (one fifth) 五分之一分数的表达:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于一,分母的序数词后加“s” ,例:6/7 six - sevenths (six sevenths)5/8 five - eighths (five eighths)二分之一通常用 half 来表示四分之一通常表示为 a (one) quarter四分之三为 three quarters (three fourths)12. population 人口,通常用作单数形式,问人口多少用。Whats / Whats th

39、e population of Beijing? 北京有多少人?比较人口多少通常用 large (big) 或 small,不用 more。例: The population of China is much larger than that of Japan.中国人口比日本多很多。Unit 81. pick up 拣起,拿起, (开车去)接某人例: He picked up the rubbish and threw it into a dustbin.他拣起垃圾扔进了垃圾箱。2. a bit of 一点a bit of 后加不可数名词,相当于 a little,但 a little 不加 of,例:I know a bit of (a little) English. 我懂一点英语。a bit 还可以用来修饰形容词或副词, “有点儿” 。例:I feel a bit tired. 我感觉有点累。Its a bit hot today. 今天有点热。3. finish doing 完成做finish 完成,动词 finish sth. 完成某事

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