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本文(人教版新课标高中英语必修3Unit1《Festivalsaroundtheworld》WarmingupandReading学案.doc)为本站会员(sk****8)主动上传,文客久久仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文客久久(发送邮件至hr@wenke99.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、大家论坛 大家网 大家论坛欢迎您的光临!http:/ 更多资料请访问高中英语版 http:/ around the worldWARMING UP AND READINGAims1. 理解世界各国各种节日的基本知识。如节日的分类,节日对人们生活的影响,及各国节日的意义。2. 练习略读scanning猜测词义word-guessing,细读close-reading,归纳内容summarizing,对比comparing的阅读技巧,把握篇章中心内容,获取关键信息,并且能针对阅读内容表达自己的观点。3. 掌握本课的词汇重点和难点1.掌握词汇,并且熟练应用词汇。2.运用本单元的词汇和句型表达自己有关

2、节日的观点。PRODUCURESPeriod1.VOCABULARY1. take place 发生区别 take place ,happen ,break out Take place 指事先计划或预想到的事情的发生。happen 指偶然发生。Break out 多指爆发灾难性的战争,火灾等。Eg.a.在最近 20 年里,中国发生了巨大的变化。_.b.他发生了什么事了?_.c.夜间突然发生了火灾。_. memory of 的结构是 in+n.+of 的意思相当于中间名词的动词意思,但是它不在句中做谓语动词,一般情况下,放在动词的后面做状语。类似结构的还有in need of _ i

3、n charge of_in praise of _ in search of _eg, 他们建立了一座纪念碑用以纪念在抗日战争时候死去的战士们。_.3.dress up asfor 因为而装扮成例如:为了庆祝圣诞节,他被装扮成了圣诞老人。大家论坛 大家网 a trick on=play tricks on =play jokes on 的意思是_eg.那个男孩喜欢开他朋友的玩笑。_.5.gain 在这里是动词。也可以做名词。如:No pains.No gains._.Gain 做动词时,强调通过自己的努力获得有价值的或是自己想要得到的东西。如:在这次考试中,他获得了满分。_

4、.6.look forward to 的意思是_ 其后跟名词或是动词的 ing 形式。如:自从上次收到你的来信,我就盼望着见你。_.注意下面的例子,讨论后面为什么不是动词的 ing 形式。The day we looked forward to came at though = as if 意思是_eg. 他看起来对于此事是一无所知。_.8.have fun with_例如:他们说他们和他们的外国朋友玩的很开心。_.Answers:1. a.Great changes have taken place in China in the past 20 years.b. Wha

5、t happened to him? C.A fire broke out during the night.2.需要 负责 表扬 寻找 They set up a monument in memory of the soldiers who died in the Anti-Japanese War. 3.He was dressed up as Father Chrismas for the celebration of Chrismas. 4.开某人的玩笑 That boy likes playing tricks on his friends. 5.无劳无获。 He gained fu

6、ll marks in the examination. 6.盼望 ,期待 I have been looking forward to meeting you since I received your last letter. We looked forward to 在这里是 the day 的定语,跟后面的动词没有关系。 7.似乎,好像 He looked as though he knew nothing about this matter.8.与 玩的开心 They said they had fun with their foreign friends. WARMING UPRe

7、ad this part and finish the following exercises1. be meant to do sth_eg. 我认为他应该成为一名战士。2. mean to do sth_eg. 我没打算伤你的。_.3. mean +n./v ing_eg. 通过高考就意味着被大学录取了。_.ANSWERS:1. 应该做某事 I think he is meant to be a solder. 2.打算做某事 I didnt mean to hurt you .意味着 Passing the college entrance examination means being

8、 admitted into college.课下反思:大家论坛 大家网 Period2.READING1. Skim the reading passage and then fill in the following chart.Kinds of Festivals Names of Festivals CountriesFestivals of the DeadFestivals to Honour PeopleHarvest FestivalsSpring FestivalsAnswers:ObonDay of the DeadHalloween 2. Scanning the rea

9、ding passage and answer the following questions.a. What are festivals of the dead usually for ?b. What makes autumn festivals happy events?c. What do people usually do at spring festivals?ANSWERS:a. Festivals of the dead are for honouring or satisfying dead ancestors or others,who some people believ

10、e might return to help or harm living people.b. Autumn festivals are happy events because people are thankful that food is ready for winter and the hard farm work is finished.c. At spring festivals ,people usually have dances,carnivals and other activities to celebrate the end of winter and coming o

11、f spring.Read the text carefully again and then fill in the blanks,then try to retell the text according to the following chart.Typesof festivalsorigins examples celebrationsObon , in 3 Clean 4 and light 5 Also light 6 and play 7 Festivalsof the To 1 or to 2 8 , in Mexico Eat food 9 and cake 10 ,off

12、er 11 JapanMexicoSome Western countriesDragon Boat FestivalColumbus DayFestival to honour GandhiChinaUSAIndiaHarvest/Thankinggiving festivalsMid-autumn festivalsEuropean and other countriesChina and JapanSpring FestivalEaster and related holidaysCherry Blossom FestivalChinaSome Western countriesJapa

13、n大家论坛 大家网 dead 12 ,in western countriesChildren dress up and 13 ;14 ,in China To honour 15 16 ,In the USAIn memory of 17 FestivalsToHonourpeopleTo honour famouspeopleGandhi Jayanti,in 18 To honour 19 who 20 Thanksgiving Day,in 23 Decorate 24 with 25 ;get together to 26 HarvestfestivalsPeople are 21

14、Because 22 27 ,in China and JapanAdmire 28 and enjoy 29 31 ,in China Eat 32 ;there are 33 and carnivals34 ,in Christian countriesCelebrate 35 SpringFestivalsTo look forward to 30 36 ,in Japan Enjoy beautiful cherry flowersAnswers: 1.honour the dead 2.satisfy 3.Japan 4.graves 5.incense 6.lamps 7.musi

15、c 8the Day of the Dead 9. in the shape of skulls 10 with “bones” on them. ,flowers and gifts to the dead. 12.Halloween 13.go to their neighbours homes to ask for sweets. 14.The Dragon Boat Festival 15. the famous ancient poet,QuYuan 16.Columbus Day 17. Christopher Columbus in the New World.

16、18. India 19.Mohandas Gandhi 20. helped gain Indias independence from britain. 21. grateful 22. their food is gathered for the winter and agricultural work is over. 23. European countries 24. churches and town halls 25. flowers and fruit 26. have meals 27. Mid-Autumn Festival 28. the moon 29. moonca

17、kes 30. the end of winter and to the coming of spring. 31. Spring Festivals 32.dumplings fish and meat 33.dragon dances 34.Easter 35. the return of Jesus from the dead and the coming of spring and new life. 36.Cherry Blossom Festival 课下反思:Period3Some difficult sentencesThe country ,covered with cher

18、ry tree flowers,looks as though it is covered with pink snow.节日里整个国度到处是盛开的樱花,看上去就像是覆盖了一层粉红色的雪。大家论坛 大家网 该句中 covered with cherry tree flowers 是一个过去分词短语作的_,相当于一个定语从句_.Answers: 定语 which was covered with cherry tree flowers Read the text again ,and do some translation exercises1. 要么要么 _2. 他们到这里来学习的,也可能来玩

19、的。 _.3. 扫墓 _ 烧香 _4. 在清明节那天,年轻人喜欢去扫墓,而老人则在家烧香。_.5. 为了纪念 _6. 端午节,我们吃粽子是为了纪念伟大的古代诗人屈原。_.7. 以的形式 _8. 他们把馒头做成了塔状。 _.9. 打扮 _10.他们把自己的女儿打扮成了一个美丽的小天使。_.11.开的玩笑 _12.不要开盲人的玩笑 _.13.盼望 _14.我们中国人盼望着再次举办奥运会。 _.15.日日夜夜 _.16.他总是不分昼夜的工作。 _.17.好像 _18.天空乌云密布,似乎要下雨了。 _.19.和玩的开心 _20.他们说他们和他们的外国朋友玩的很开心。_.Answers: eithero

20、r They come here either to study or to play. clean graves light incense On the Qingming festival,the youngesters like going to clean grave, while the old stay at home and light incense. in memory of They made steamed bread in the shape of towers. dress up They dressed up their daughter as a beautifu

21、l angel. play a trick on Dont play a trick on the blind. look forward to We Chinese look forward to hosting the Olympics again. day and night He is always working day and night. as though The sky is full of clouds,as though it is going to rain have fun with They said they had fun with their foreign

22、friends.Fill in the blanks with the right words with their apropriate formsAgriculture energy religion society play tricks on in memory of took place look forward to day and night as though dress up in the shape of 1. You dont need to _just to go to the pub_jeans and a T-shirt will do.2. The police

23、may never discover what _that night,because Mr Smith,the only eye-witness,died last night.3. Hes deeply _and goes to church twice a week.大家论坛 大家网 4. Luckily,help arrived_a police officer.5. Its acceptable to _your friends on April 1st.6. The government set up a monument_the heroes who died in the wa

24、r.7. Im _hearing from you.8. He behaved_he hadnt known anything about it.9. Those workers worked _to finish the task.10.The countrys economy is mainly_and depends on crops like coffee.11.Most British schools organize_events for the students.12.I tried aerobics有氧运动but it was too _for me.Answers:dress

25、 up took place religious in the shape of play tricks on in memory of looking forward to as though day and night agricultural social energeticGRAMMARRead the explanations to MODAL VERBS and complete the following sentences using modal verbs:1. Youve been working all day.You _be very tired.2. The door

26、bell ringsI wonder who that is.It_be Lisa.Shes still in the library at this time.3. It is a long time since we met last time.You _come and see us more often.4. I havent decided where Im going for my holidays.I _go to Australia.5. My fathers birthday is coming .What _I get him?6. Why dont you try on

27、this dress? It _look nice on you.7. “Who was the man talking with your teacher ?”“Im not sure. It _be her brother.”8.I dont know when the guests be here.They _arrive at any time.ANSWERS:Must cant should may shall will might will /could课下反思:Period4VOCABULARY1.permission n.如果你想要使用这个停车场的话,你得现征得允许。_.另外,

28、permission 的动词形式是 permit, 他的用法与 allow 的用法差不多,当说允许作某事的时候用 permit/allow doing sth; 当表达允许某人作某事的时候,应说成permit/allow sb to do sthEg.我们允许在大厅内吸烟。但是我们不允许你任何人在这里吸烟。_.2.turn up_He said he would come here before6 oclock.But now it is 大家论坛 大家网 seven,_.他还没有出现。我把收音机的音量开大一些你介意吗?_.3.keep ones word _他一定会到会的,因为他一直都遵守诺

29、言。_.4.hold ones breath _玛丽屏住呼吸,希望他们不会发现她。_. 5.apologize to sb for sth =make an apology to sbfor sth _他为迟到而道歉,我原谅了他。_.6.set off for =leave for _7.remind sb of sth _他的话让我想起来我的童年时期。_.Remind sb to do sth _他提醒我该动身了。_ANSWERS:1.If you want to use this parking lot,you must ask for permissions. We permit smo

30、king in the hall,but we permit nobody to smoke here. 2.出现;调大 he hasnt turned up yet. Do you mind my turning up the radio? 3.遵守诺言 He is sure to turn up ,because he always keeps his word. 4.屏住呼吸 Mary held her breath,hoping that nobody could find her. 5.因为 而向 道歉 He apologized to me for being late. 6.动身

31、到 7.让 想起 His words reminded me of my childhood. 提醒某人作某事 He reminded me to set off.A SAD LOVE STORYChoose the best answers according to the text1. We can conclude from the first paragraph that_.A. Li Fang was a boy full kof experience.B. LiFang was looking forward to Hu Jins apologyC. LiFang seemedd

32、to lack confidence.D. It was the first time that HuJin hadnt kept her word2. Why was the Goddess of Heaven very angry?A. Because the weaving girl hadnt asked for her permission.B. Because Niulang was too poor to support the family.C. Because those in Heaven couldnt get married to people on earth.D.

33、Because the Goddess of Heven wouldnt like her granddaughter to be away from her.3. It is believed that if the weather is fine on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month,_A. Zhinv will be weeping secretlyB. Zhinv and Niulang will be able to meet each other大家论坛 大家网 C. Zhinv and Niulang will not be

34、able to meet each otherD. The Milky Way will turn up and prevent them from meeting.4. Why did such an embarrassing尴尬的situation take place?A. Ju Jin came late.B. Li Fang came late.C. HuJin didnt love LiFang any more.D. LiFang and HuJin remembered two different meetingAnswers: CCBDRead the text again

35、and finish the following translations1. turn up _ 2.keep ones word _3. hold ones breath _4.apologize to sb for sth_4. set off for someplace_6.remind of_8. It is obvious that_Answers 出现 守信用 屏息 因为某事向某人道歉 动身到某地去 使 想起 很明显 Some difficult sentences1. Finding that Zhinu was heart broken,her mother finally

36、decided to let the couple sross the Milky Way to meet once a year.看到织女肝肠寸断,她母亲才决定让这对夫妻每年跨过银河相会一次。显然,这句话的主句应该是_,而 Finding that Zhinu was heart-broken 是一个状语从句,说明了主句的主语即 her mother 作出决定的_。可以看出,find 的逻辑主语就是主句的主语 her mother,而它们之间是主谓关系,即 her mother found,这样,在状语从句中,find 需用-ing 形式。2. There was HuJin waving

37、at him and calling.是胡锦在向他招手喊道。这是一个_句型,其中谓语动词是_,而另外两个动词 wave 和 call 就必须是非谓语动词它们的逻辑主语都是_,它们之间分别都是主谓关系,即 HuJin waved at him and called ,因此,用-ing 形式将两个动词变成非谓语动词. 翻译:Mary stood by the window looking out into the sky._.Answers:1. her mother finally decided to let the couple cross the Milky Way to meet eac

38、h other. 原因 2.there be was HuJin Mary 坐在窗前,看着天空。 课下反思:更多信息 :2009 年高考英语试题汇总贴-大家网推出高中英语版专题分类荟萃(更新中)高中英语语法类汇总大家论坛 大家网 高中英语试题类汇总高中英语教学资源类汇总(更新中)高中英语经验方法类汇总高中英语词汇类汇总高考英语必备词汇 3500历年高考英语听力电子书下载(文本及听力)高中英语语法练习题 140 道-高考精粹(带解析答案)高中英语完型填空练习精选 100 篇模拟题 高考英语专题复习十年高考五年模拟原稿-专题 17 完形填空模拟题 2010 高三备考完型精炼 20 篇(有详解)语法问题高三回扣:语法重点扫描,帮你轻松记牢真题 2004-2009 湖北高考英语完形填空汇总2008 届高三精品练习题-高中英语语法教案(全套)及配套练习声明:所有内容由大家网论坛高中英语版收集整理,转载请注明!

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