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1、第 1 页Unit 5. New words(课本 P ). Language points:1. multic-多的 muliticultural / multiracial/multinational/multiparty/multimedia/multistorey/multicoloured/multipurpose/multifunction/multichannel/multiskil/multiple choice.2. the second largest country/Chinas second longest river/Americas second strongest

2、earthquake/Canadas most beautiful city.3. get to know / know/know of/know about be known as/for / to know/recognize/realize4. quiz (quizzes(pl.) /quizzed/(quizzing) n.(无准备的, 随时进行的)小测验,(电视广播中的) 智力游戏,知识竞赛 v.测验(学生);盘问,询问 give sb a quiz on/quiz sb on(about)sth. e.g: a reading comprehension quiz/the gene

3、ral knowledge quiz/ a televisionshow The teacher gave the students a quiz on last weeks work/They were_ _ last weeks work/Four men are being_by police_the murder.c.f: examination(exam) 正式的考试(期中)/期末/入学考试;体格 检查have a medical/ mid-term/final/entrance test(一般性的,可大可小的,各科的)测验,考查;考验have a history/intellige

4、nce/endurance test(耐力测试) get through the driving test/ stand the test of time competition(体育;学科)竞赛,比赛/contest(学科)竞赛 the speech competition/contest the swimming competition.Ex. I get fed up with television_shows. Many students can do well in a_, but they may fail in an_, because they dont pay attenti

5、on to reviewing what they have learned a long time before. The software has been_for viruses. With the Asian Games drawing near,more and more sports_appear on TV. The long separation is a _of our love. If the love is real, it can stand the_of it. Youll be_on chapter 6 tomorrow. He got a good result

6、in the College Entrance_. We have a _every two days, a _at the end of each month and an_once a term.5. compare sth. with sth./sth. to sth/compared with(to)(状) comparison. n.比较/comparable: adj. 类似的,可比较的/comparative adj.比较的/ /comparatively adv.相比地 compare notes with sb.(交换意见) /beyond (without)compare

7、无与伦/make(draw)acomparison/by comparison 相比之下/in comparison with 与 相比/there is no comparison 无法相比,不能相提并论Ex. Compare British English_American English and youll find a lot of differenceshakespeare compared the world _a stage. Teachers are often compared_gardeners while students flowers The hardship is

8、nothing_what the Red Army faced on the Long March. When_other architecture, this stadium looks more brilliant.When_different cultures,we often fix our attention on their differences rather than similarities.Standards in health care have improved greatly_40 years ago.6.describe sth. (as)/give a descr

9、iption (n.)of/beyond description 难以形容/a detailed description.7. Canadian n.加拿大人 adj. 加拿大的,加拿大人的 Candians (pl.)Chinese/Japanese/Swiss(单复同形 )Englishman/ Frenchman/Dutchman(men) 其它-S Americans/ Australians/Indians e.g: Two_(英国人)and two_(加拿大人)came to visit our school yesterday. 8. make/take/ go on/be on

10、 a trip/journey/ voyage/ tour to sp. Have a good / pleasant trip/ journey/voyage/travel 各地游历,游记第 2 页Ex. He came back after years of foreign_. They decided to take a train_. He went on a _round the world . I enjoyed our_ to the seaside. They are on a wedding_. Ill make a _to the dentists this weekend

11、. Light _faster than sound. My children are looking forward to_a trip toGuilin next month.(do/make/taking/doing) Im going home tomorrow.May you have_(a good travel/ good trip/ a good tour/ a good journey)9. off the coast=in the sea near the land 近海的 The ship sank three miles off the French coast. th

12、e island _the coast/ a village_the coast a restaurant_the main road.10.rather than “而不,非”平行 结构,并列主语与前面保持一致 The colour seems green rather than blue/ He is to be pitied /to be disliked/They were screaming singing./I think you rather than Tom_to blame.宁愿 would rather do sth than do sth/ would do sth. r

13、ather than do sth/ prefer to do sth rather than do sth. / Rather than do sth, would do sth/ prefer to do sth. would rather do sth./ have done/sb. did / had done. rather than/other than/ more than ratherthan/ morethan or rather 更确切地说Ex: I would beg in the street rather than get money in such a dishon

14、est way. I prefer_/ Rather than _money in such a dishonest way, I would beg in the street.I would rather you_(come)next weekend./ you_(go)home now/ you_(not let out) the secret yestenday. I would rather_(not tell)you the secret. But its too lateIn fact, Peter would rather have left for San Francisco

15、 than_in New York. (to stay /stayed /staying/having stayed)I think Ill have a cold drink than coffee.(改错) The teacher, rather than all the students, were very fond of the singer.(改错)I would rather you told me that earlier for it was too late to make up.(改错) He came all the way to China for promoting

16、 friendship_for making money. (less than / more than/better than /rather than) Rather than_on a crowded bus, he always prefers_a bicycle.(A. ride, ride B. riding, ride C. ride, to ride D. to ride ,riding)Its the prevention of disease_the successful treatment that has led to the rapid increase of the

17、 worlds population. She was_frightened_hurt. She was frightened _hurt.She_die than give in. (12) The young brother, rather than his two elder brothers, _for the wrong doing.(A. were to punish B. was to punish C. was to be punished D. were to be punished.)(13) When I go out in the evening, I use the

18、bike _the car if I can.11. all the way 一路上;从远道;自始至 终,一直 she didnt speak a word to meback home/My friend came from Australia/ Its a political fraud(骗局) / Did you really swim last sunday morning?in a / one/some way/ in the(ones)way/ in this/that/any/no way(绝不,句首倒装)on ones way home/to school/to see a f

19、ilm on the way/ on the way to success/becoming a lawyer(即将)by the way/ by way of(经由)/under way( 进行中)lose/find / feel/make/push/elbow/force/fight ones way. the way to do sth./of doing sth./that / in which/省略-clause.Ex. There was sth wrong with our car, so we had to go_on foot to the village.12. form

20、east to west/ from coast to coast/ from generation to generation/from door to door/ from shop to shop/ from beginning to end / from mouth to mouth/ from hand to mouth/ from head to foot/ from hand to hand-from oneto another(n.前不加冠词)13. They decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train from we

21、st to east_Canada. They thought that they could_the whole continent was exciting They went_a wheat-growing province and saw farms that covered thousonds of acres. 第 3 页That night as they slept, the train rushed_the top of lake superior, _the great forests and southward towards Torento. They went up

22、the tall CN Tower and look_the lake.That night as the train was speeding_the st. Lawrence River toward the Gulf of St. Lawrence,across 表面,横跨 (on) across the river/square/field/ bridge/desert/yard/street cross(v.)-go across(prep.) The bus stop is just across/beyond the street (=on the other/ opposite

23、 side of the street.)through 空间内部穿过 (in) through the forest/ woods/crowd/valleyover (上方) 翻越,跨越 over the fence/ wall/mountain (时间 、空间、表面)跨越 over the centuries come/go over to sp. 覆盖 She put the coat over the sleeping baby/ she put the coat on the bed.Ex.The Great Wall winds its way from west to east,

24、 _deserts,_mountains,_valleys and reaches the sea. The boy helped the blind man_the busy street. The highway passes_the town. The thief climbed_the wall and got away. He suddenly saw Sue_the room. He pushed his way_the crowd of people to get to her. The sunlight came in _the windows and lit up the w

25、hole room.he swam_the river. Look around when you_the street.My best friend lives_the street. The stream is 6 feet_. slowly a smile spread_the face. Go_the woods and youll see a river.He jumped_the wall.14.同位语从句 The idea/fact/belief/hope/news/problem/promise/possibility /chance /thought /doubt/proof

26、 that-clause.the demand/suggestion/order/proposal that /when /where/why/how 也可引导同位语从句(should)常用句型: There is no doubt that/There is a chance /possibility that./There are signs that/Word came that(分割式同位 语从句)Ex.There is much chance_Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race. (which/that/if

27、/until)A warm thought suddenly came to me_I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mothers birthday.(2)与定语从句的区别 同位语从句中:that 不做成分,无意义,不可省略,同位关系/定从中:that 做成分(主、 宾)宾可省 /which 偏正,修饰关系 The news that they won the match is true/The news that you told me yesterday is true.The suggestion that

28、he should not go there is of great value./The suggestion that he made is of great value. The order when we should return hasnt reached us./The day when New China was founded will never be forgotten.15. baggage / luggage: UN. a piece of/an article of16. chat: n.v.聊天,闲聊 chat to/ with sb. about sth./sb

29、.-have a chat with sb. about sth/sb.We were just chatting_what we did last weekend. Ive had a long chat_Tom_his job. /his girlfriend.c.f: conversation(非正式)谈话、交谈 / dialogue(剧本)对话,对白/talk 交谈、谈话;(pl.)( 正式)会谈,谈判/chat(熟人之间)聊天 Ex.Most plays are written in_.They are good friends. He often asks her to come

30、in for a _.She met Harry at the airport and they got into a _. In New York yesterday,_ between the two sides continued.17.scenery: UN.(自然)风景总称/scene: CN. 场面,镜头;现场;风景/view: CN.( 从高/窗户所看到的)风景 have / give sb. a good view of sight: CN. 景象、奇观/pl. 人文景see/do the sights./go sightseeing.(详见 Unit 3 第 10 点)Ex.

31、The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a common_in many parts of the city.(look/sign/appearance/sight)The teams victory produced a _of joy all over the country. The natural_of the 第 4 页mountains is beautiful. We have a fine_of the lake from our hotel window. The_in the hospital is very

32、 moving. The grass_of Tibet is unrivalled. Well take you to see the_of London.The_of that movie is set in Paris in the 1920s.18. 分词短语做状语 Ex._their hats into the air, the fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory. (to throw/thrown/throwing)_(walk)in the fields on a March afternoon, he c

33、ould feel the warmth of spring.As the light turned green, I stood for a moment, not_, and asked myself whatI wasgoing to do.(moved / moving/ to move)19. (1) eastward adv-eastwards Winds blow eastward(s) and water flows eastwards.adj in the eastward directioneastward(s)/westward(s)/southward(s)/north

34、ward(s)/forward(s)/backward(s)/upward(s)/downwards/sideward(s)/inward(s)/outward(s) toward .prep.(2)fly south/to the south turn (to the)right/left south: adv./n. (the) go to eastward (改错)(3)northern/eastern/southern/western: adj.the southern states. (4)southeast/northeast/northwest/southwestEx.We co

35、uldnt decide whether to go_or westward.Taiwan lies in the_of china to the east of Fujian.The Arctic Ocean is considered by some to be a_part of the Atlantic The river extends_(向北) The car ran to eastwards(改错)20. tens/dozens/scores/hundreds/ / thousands/millions/billions of books. three/many/a few/se

36、veral/some + dozen/score/hurdred/thousand/million/billion books/of these(those/his /the)books / them.tens of thousands of(数万)/hundreds of thousands of(数十万的)/thous ands of millions of(成千百万的)/thousands and thousands of / thousands of(upon) thousands of books 成千上万的巧学妙记:数词置于前,s, of 均不见;含义表许多,s, of 常见面;s

37、core 怨言比较多,of总在身边别记错;复数名词前有限定,数词存在,of 也抢先eg:three handred eggs/three hundred of these eggs/hundreds of eggs/three dozen eggs/three dozen of these eggs/dozens of these eggs/three score of eggs /scores of eggs a few hundred kilometresEx. _people in the world are sending information by e-mail every day

38、. (several millions / Many millions/ several million of/several million)_books will be offered to you.(Two dozen of / two dozens of/ Two dozen of these/Two dozen these) she went to the bookstore and bought_books.(dozen/dozens/dozen of/dozens of)_of people came to visit Shaoshan every year.(Thousand

39、and thousand / Thousands and thousand / Thousand and thousands/thousands and thousands) Three_died of cold last winter.(hundreds old people/hundred of old people/ hundred old people/hundreds of old people)Id like to buy two_these pencils.(scores/scores of/dozen of/dozen) less than/more than/ no

40、 less than(=as much as)/not less than(=at least)/no more than(=only)/not more than(=at most)five days.22. surroundwithbe surrounded by/with/surrounded by/with(定状)surrounding: adj.附近的 thescenery n.(pl.)环境 bring up my child in healthy surroundings.c.f: surroundings 周围的物质环境 / conditions(抽象的) 环境情况/envir

41、onment(集合名词,单数)周围环境,外界自然环境 ,社会环境e.g: Animals in a zoo are not living in their natural surroundings. Its difficult to imagine that youre working in such poor conditions. An unhappy home environment can affect a childs behaviour.第 5 页 The children grew up in beautiful surroundings but not in a happy h

42、ome environment.Ex.Scientists have proposed that gas and dust_the black hole dont fall in but form a certain substance. He found himself _with an atmosphere of kindness.The towns water comes from the surrounded hills.(改错)The_a child grows up in may have an effect on his development. We could see the

43、 building_by trees when we got there that morning.As they had been_our army for a week, the enemy had no choice but to surrender.23. harbour 港口,港湾 (为避风港湾,重心在水)enter / leave the harbour.port 港口(重心在陆地,包括其所在的城市)a port city.e.g: The ship tried to reach the_in the storm. Rizhao has rapidly developed into

44、 a_.24. population Whats theof?/How large is the?( 不用 how many / much)have a of/with a of(定) a large/ small Theof China is_Japan. / China has a_Japan.Theof China_very large and about 80% of the_farmers.(The population 作主语谓语动词为单数,分数/百分数/most/all/half of the populetion+复谓(人口的一部分) an increase/growth in

45、 populous: adj.人口稠密的Ex.Xian has a population of four million/Theof Xian is 4 million. /Xian is an old city_a population of 4 million.How much is the population of shanghai? (改错)The of our city is more than that of Qingdao(改错)Most of the in China likes Beijing Opera.(改错)25. rapid / fast / quick: He h

46、as run_and the coach said he has made_progress, but his parents hope he is_to understand when studying. (rapids 急流)26. the coast north of Vancouver/ to the north of Vancouver Its about 400 kms. northeast of Toronto (=to the northeast of)Switzerland lies to the north of ItalyNorth of Italy lies Switz

47、erland.e.g: Japan lies_China. A. in the east of B. east of C. to east of D. on the east of27. 改错 Hearing the news, tears came to his eyes. Being Sunday, I neednt go to school. The work was finished, we went home. Her glasses were broken, she couldnt see the words on the blackboard. Having been in prison for many years, no one could recognize him.独立主格结构:分词短语做状语时,其逻辑主语是句子主语,但有时分词短语有自己的主语,这种结构称为独立主格结构,它不

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