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1、Unit 1 A land of diversity The First Period Warming up一Aims:1. Teaching aims 教学目标:Help the students learn more information about America.重点词汇和短语ocean, coast, mountain, range, compare2. Ability aims 能力目标Enable the students to know more about America and can give some cities names 二Contents Step I Ask

2、 the students to talk about the names in groups, and then write down them on the map.Step II Compare answers with other groupsStep III Give the correct names to the students.Step IV Tell the students some information about America to improve their interest. And ask some students to say what they kno

3、w about America. Homework To observe an American mapThe Second Period Reading一Aims:1. Enable the students to talk about things about the USA.2. Help the students learn the huge diversity of races and cultures in America, especially in California.二Contents:Step 1 Warming up.1. Ask the students to des

4、cribe what they learn about the USA.2. Group work: look at the map of the USA with your group. Write on the map the names of as many of the following as you can. Compare your names with other groups.Step 2 Pre-reading1. Ask the students to tell things about California including its location, size, p

5、opulation, economy, history etc. What do you learn about California?2. Show the students some pictures and encourage students not only to say what each picture is about but how each one relates to California.Step 3 Fast reading1. Read through the passage and get the main idea.2. Reading comprehensio

6、n.Ask the students the following questions:1) When you look at the title, what so you think of ?A land of differences. California is a land of great differences differences in climate, in landscape and attitude.2) Why is the USA called a melting pot?There are many immigrants to the USA and there are

7、 many cultures and nationalities. So it is a place in which people, ideas, etc of different kinds gradually get mixed together.3. Beside each date note down an important event in Californian history.15,000 years ago 16th centure182118461848185000First settlers crossedthe Bening Strait from Asia. The

8、se people are now known as Native Americans.Spanish soldiers arrived in South America.California became part of Mexico.The US declared war on Mexico.Gold was discovered in California.California became the 31ststate of the US.Step 4 Detail readingBeside each cultural group , write the period in which

9、 they first came to California in large numbers.Cultural groups Periods Cultural groups PeriodsRussians early 1800s Japanese Early 1900sChinese Late 1840s/early 1850s Cambodians From about the 1970sAfricans 1800s Koreans From about the 1970Italians Late 1800s Danish 1911Jewish 1920s Pakistanis From

10、about the 1970sStep 5 After readingWhy is California in the 21st century such a multicultural community? (Using 3 or 4 sentences to explain. )Step 6 HomeworkFinish “Learning about language” on page 4.The Third Period Language Points一Aims:1. Learn expressions and phrases.2. Learn language points.二Con

11、tents:1. means: a method or a way of doing. 方式,方法,手段(但复数同形)Translate:一切可能的办法都试过了。All possible means have been tried.= Every possible means has been means of : by using 依靠,凭借2.occur: come into sbs mind (想起,想到)happen, take place( 发生 )1)When did the accident occur?发生2)A good idea occurred to m

12、e all at once.想到3.multi-前缀,是“ 多,多方面,多方向 ”的意思multi-coloured 多色的multi-racial country 多种族国家multi-media 多媒体multiparty 多党multiparty system 多党制multi-purpose 多种用途思维拓展:mono-前缀:one, single 单eg: a monolingual dictionary(单语词典)bi-前缀:two, twice, double 双eg: a bilingual dictionary(双语词典) 4.Declare v.宣告,声称,宣称,申报tra

13、nslate the following sentences1) War was declared on the enemy.2) She declared that she knew nothing about it.3) Have you anything to declare.declare oneself 发表态度declare war on/upon 宣战declare against 声明反对declare for 声明支持5.Keep up:保持,坚持,持续1)The manager asked the workers to keep up the work.2)The rain

14、 kept up for two days and the roads were floaded.Step 4 Exercises: translation1.我就是想不起他的名字.(occur)His name just didnt occur to me.2.他宣称他是正确的.(declare)He declared that he was right.3.鼓起勇气,成功就属于你.(keep up)Keep up your courage, and success will be yours.4.他虽然不会说话,但能通过手势让别人知道他的意思.(by means of)He couldnt

15、 speak, but made himself understood by means of signs.Step 5 Homework Review the language points.The Forth period Learning about language and using language一Aims Target languageUseful words and expressions: luggage, tram, apparently, slip, bakery, ferry, hire, seagull, immigration, team up with, mar

16、k out, take in, a great many.Teaching important and difficult points1. Improve the students reading ability (skimming and scanning).2. enable the students to grasp the useful words and expressions.二Contents Step 1 Lead-in1. Look at Georges photos. Then quickly read Georges diary. Write the days he s

17、aw these things under the photos.2. Read Georges diary more slowly and answer the questions.1.Why did Andrew Hallidie invent the cable car system?2. Where did George eat lunch on his first day in San Francisco?3. Why did George hire a car? Why do you think he joined up with Terri and Peter?4. Name t

18、hree things that visitors can do in Chinatown.5. What is Alcatraz Island famous for?3. Read Georges diary again. Put the mark” in the places where George has left out some words. Discuss with others in your class: Why did George leave out some words when he wrote his diary?Step 2 Language points1. T

19、eam up with: make an effort in cooperation with; work together with 与协力从事,合作Translate:He teamed up with an experienced worker in the project.2.hire 解雇fire 租,雇佣1)You are _fired_, because you are so lazy for the work.2) I must _hire_ a house when finding a job in the city.3.take inStep 3 Pair work and consolidation.Make sentences with the new words learned in this lesson.Step 4 Homework1. Read the passage again2. Prepare for the diction of the useful words and expressions of this unit3. Prepare for the writing of the next lesson.Take in接受,接纳 ,接待吸收 ,领会,理解改小(衣服)包含,包括欺骗

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