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1、A Glossary of Pali 阿比达摩,论): (1) In the discourses of the Pali Canon, this term simply means “higher Dhamma,“ and a systematic attempt to define the Buddhas teachings and understand their interrelationships. (2) A later collection of analytical treatises based on lists of categories drawn from the te

2、achings in the discourses, added to the Canon several centuries after the Buddhas life. Abhibba(abhinnaa;神通): Intuitive powers that come from the practice of concentration: the ability to display psychic powers, clairvoyance,clairaudience, the ability to know the thoughts of others, recollection of

3、past lifetimes, and the knowledge which does away with mental effluents (see asava). Acariya(aacariya;老师): Teacher; mentor. Adhitthana(adhi.t.thaana;决定、决意、受持、依处、摄持): Determination; resolution. One of the ten perfections (paramis).(PS:正确之复数型:paramiyo)Ajaanajaan;阿姜; 老师(泰语): (Thai; also “Ajarn“, “Ajahn

4、“, etc.). Teacher; mentor. Equivalent to the Pali acariya. Akaliko(also akalika (akaaliko: immediate, in this world 即时的, not delayed 不迟滞的,不受时间限制的): Timeless无时的,Vism.(清净道论底本 -P.216); unconditioned by time or season. Akusala(akusala;恶,不善): Unwholesome, unskillful, evil, demeritorious. See its opposite

5、, kusala. Anagami(anaagaami;不来 , 阿那含): Non-returner. A person who has abandoned the five lower fetters that bind the mind to the cycle of rebirth (see samyojana), and who after death will appear in one of the Brahma worlds called the Pure Abodes, there to attain nibbana, never again to return to thi

6、s world. Anapanasati(aanaapaanasati;安那般那念, 安般念, 出入息念): Mindfulness of breathing. A meditation practice in which one maintains ones attention and mindfulness on the sensations of breathing. (PS:原巴利语之意为-入出息念)MORE Anatta(anattaa;无我): Not-self; ownerless. Anicca(anicca;无常): Inconstant; unsteady; imperma

7、nent. Anupadisesa-nibbanaanupaadisesa-nibbaana;无余(依)涅槃: Nibbana with no fuel remaining (the analogy is to an extinguished fire whose embers are cold) - the nibbana of the arahant after his passing away. (c.f. sa-upadisesa-nibbana)Anupubbi-katha(anupubbi-kathaa;次第说法): Gradual instruction. The Buddhas

8、 method of teaching Dhamma that guides his listeners progressively through increasingly advanced topics: generosity (see dana), virtue (see sila), heavens, drawbacks, renunciation, and the four noble truths. MORE Apaya-bhumi(apaaya-bhuumi;恶趣): State of deprivation; the four lower levels of existence

9、 into which one might be reborn as a result of past unskillful actions (see kamma): rebirth in hell, as a hungry ghost, as an angry demon (see Asura), or as a common animal. None of these states is permanent. Compare sugati. PS:apaya-bhumi-恶趣, 恶处之地(place); duggati-恶道(destination)Apaya-mukha(apaaya-m

10、ukha;堕恶趣行,堕恶趣法): Way to deprivation - extra-marital sexual relations; indulgence in intoxicants; indulgence in gambling; associating with bad people. Performance of these acts paves the way for rebirth in one of the lower realms (see apaya-bhumi). (PS:mukha-入口)Arahant(arahant;阿罗汉, 应供, 无学): A “worthy

11、 one“ or “pure one“; a person whose mind is free of defilement (see kilesa), who has abandoned all ten of the fetters that bind the mind to the cycle of rebirth (see samyojana), whose heart is free of mental effluents (see asava), and who is thus not destined for further rebirth. A title for the Bud

12、dha and the highest level of his Noble Disciples. Arammana(;所缘,对象): Preoccupation; mental object. ps:arammana paccaya 所缘缘Ariya(ariya;圣): Noble, ideal. Also, a “Noble One“ (see ariya-puggala). (cf.ariya-atthavgika-magga - 八圣道, 八正道)Ariyadhana(ariyadhana;圣财): Noble Wealth; qualities that serv

13、e as capital in the quest for liberation: conviction (see saddha), virtue (see sila(戒), conscience(惭), fear of evil(愧),erudition(闻), generosity (see dana 施), and discernment (see pabba 慧). (PS: sattavidha-ariya-dhana 七圣财, see dhana(财)Ariya-puggala(ariya-puggala;圣位,圣人): Noble person; enlightened indi

14、vidual. An individual who has realized at least one of the four noble paths (see dhana(财)magga(道) or their fruitions (see phala(果). Compare puthujjana(凡位,凡夫) (worldling). Ariya-sacca(ariya-sacca;圣谛): Noble Truth. The word “ariya“ (noble) can also mean ideal or standard, and in this context means “ob

15、jective“ or “universal“ truth. There are four(四圣谛): stress, the origin of stress, the disbanding of stress, and the path of practice leading to the disbanding of stress. Asava(aasava;漏;烦恼): Mental effluent, pollutant, or fermentation. Four qualities - sensuality, views, becoming, and ignorance - tha

16、t “flow out“ of the mind and create the flood of the round of death and rebirth. Asura(asura;阿修罗): A race of heavenly beings who, like the Titans of Greek mythology, fought the devas(formal pl. type of Pali is deva) for sovereignty over the heavens and lost. See apaya-bhumi. MORE Avijja(avijjaa;无明):

17、 Unawareness; ignorance; obscured awareness; delusion about the nature of the mind. MORE Ayatana(aayatana;入,处,根尘): Sense medium. The inner sense media(六内处) are the sense organs,(六根) - eyes(眼), ears(耳), nose(鼻), tongue(舌), body(身), and mind(意). The outer sense media(六外处) are their respective objects.

18、 (六尘-色, 声,香, 味,触, 法)B Bhante(bhante;尊者,尊师): Venerable sir; often used when addressing a Buddhist monk. (相当于汉地对出家众之尊称-法师,师父)Bhikkhu(bhikkhu;比丘) bhikkhuni(bhikkhunii 比丘尼): A Buddhist “monk“ (“nun“); a man (woman) who has given up the householders life to live a life of heightened virtue (see sila(戒) i

19、n accordance with the Vinaya in general, and the Patimokkha rules in particular. See savgha, parisa, upasampada. Bodhi-pakkhiya-dhamma(bodhi-pakkhiya-dhamma;菩提分,37 道品): “Wings to Awakening“ - seven sets of principles that are conducive to Awakening and that, according to the Buddha, form the heart o

20、f his teaching: (PS:pakkhiya- belonging to faction 部分的 )1 the four frames of reference (cattaro-satipatthana 四念处)(see satipatthana(念处); 2 four right exertions (cattari sammappadhanani)(四正断;四正勤; 四精进) - the effort (a)to prevent evil from arising in the mind, (b)to abandon whatever evil has already ari

21、sen, (c)to give rise to the good, and (d)to maintain the good that has arisen (PS:sammappadhana-正断;正勤)3 four bases of success (cattari iddhipadani)(四如意足;四神足 ) - desire, persistence, intentness, circumspection(PS:iddhipada-如意足 ;神足4 five dominant factors (indriya)(五根) - conviction, persistence, mindfu

22、lness, concentration, discernment; 5 five strengths (bala)(五力) - identical with 4; 6 seven factors of Awakening (bojjhanga)(七觉支) - mindfulness, investigation of phenomena, persistence, rapture (see piti), serenity, concentration, equanimity; and 7 the eightfold path (ariya-atthavgika-magga or magga)

23、(八正道;八圣道) - Right View, Right Attitude, Right Speech, Right Activity, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration. MORE Bodhisatta(bodhisatta;菩萨, 觉行者): “A being (striving) for Awakening“; the term used to describe the Buddha before he actually become Buddha, from his first

24、 aspiration to Buddhahood until the time of his full Awakening. Sanskrit form: Bodhisattva. Brahma(brahmaa;梵天): “Great One“ - an inhabitant of the non-sensual heavens of form or formlessness. MORE Brahma-vihara(brahmaa-vihaara;梵住): The four “sublime“ or “divine“ abodes that are attained through the

25、development of boundless metta (goodwill)(慈), karuna (compassion)(悲), mudita (sympathetic joy)(喜), and upekkha (equanimity)(舍). (PS:cattaro-brahmavihara -四梵住 = cattaro-appamana-cittani -四无量心)Brahmana(;婆罗门): The brahmin caste of India has long maintained that its members, by their birth, ar

26、e worthy of the highest respect. Buddhism borrowed the term brahmin to apply to those who have attained the goal, to show that respect is earned not by birth, race, or caste, but by spiritual attainment. Used in the Buddha sense, this term is synonymous with arahant. Buddho(buddho;佛陀): Awake; enligh

27、tened. An epithet for the Buddha. Buddha(buddha;佛陀): The name given to one who rediscovers for himself the liberating path of Dhamma, after a long period of its having been forgotten by the world. According to tradition, there is a long line of Buddhas stretching into the distant past. The most rece

28、nt Buddha was born Siddhattha Gotama in India in the sixth century BCE. A well-educated and wealthy young man, he relinquished his family and his princely inheritance in the prime of his life to search for true freedom and an end to suffering (dukkha(苦). After seven years of austerities in the fores

29、t, he rediscovered the “middle way“ and achieved his goal, becoming Buddha. MORE C Cetasika(cetasika;心所;心的;心所有): Mental concomitant (see vedana(受), sabba(想), and savkhara(行).cf. citta, nama and rupa. Citta(citta;心): Mind; heart; state of consciousness. cf. cetasika, nama and rupa. D Dana(daana;施): G

30、iving, liberality; offering, alms. Specifically, giving of any of the four requisites to the monastic order. More generally, the inclination to give, without any expectation of reward. Dana is the first theme in the Buddhas system of gradual training (see anupubbi-katha), the first of the ten parami

31、s(波罗密 ), and one of the seven treasures (see dhana). MORE Deva (Devata)deva;天神(devataa;女神): Literally, “shining one“ - an inhabitant of the heavenly realms (see sagga and sugati). MORE Devadatta(devadatta;提婆达多): A cousin of the Buddha who tried to effect a schism in the Savgha and who has since beco

32、me emblematic for all Buddhists who work knowingly or unknowingly to undermine the religion from within. Dhamma (Skt. Dharma)(dhamma;法): (1) Event; a phenomenon in and of itself; (2) mental quality; (3) doctrine, teaching; (4) nibbana. Also, principles of behavior that human beings ought to follow s

33、o as to fit in with the right natural order of things; qualities of mind they should develop so as to realize the inherent quality of the mind in and of itself. By extension, “Dhamma“ (usu. capitalized) is used also to denote any doctrine that teaches such things. Thus the Dhamma of the Buddha denot

34、es both his teachings and the direct experience of nibbana, the quality at which those teachings are aimed. Dhamma-vinaya(dhamma-vinaya;法律): “doctrine (dhamma) and discipline (vinaya).“ The Buddhas own name for the religion he founded. Dhana(dhana;财;财物): Treasure(s). The seven qualities七财(sattadhana

35、ni)=七圣财(sattavidha-ariyadhana) of conviction(信), virtue see sila(戒), conscience(惭) 界): Element(元素); property(要素), impersonal condition. The four physical elements or properties are earth(地) (solidity), water(水) (liquidity), wind(风 ) (motion), and fire(火) (heat). The six elements include the above fo

36、ur plus space(空) and cognizance(识). PS:四界差别 catu dhatuvavatthana (tuvavatthana 确定;评定;安立;决定;差别)Dhutavga(dhutanga;头陀支;头陀行): Voluntary ascetic practices that monks and other meditators may undertake from time to time in order to cultivate renunciation and contentment, and to stir up energy. For the mon

37、ks, there are thirteen such practices(十三头陀支): (1) using only patched-up robes; (2) using only one set of three robes; (3) going for alms; (4) not by-passing any donors on ones alms path; (5) eating no more than one meal a day; (6) eating only from the alms-bowl; (7) refusing any food offered after t

38、he alms-round; (8) living in the forest; (9) living under a tree; (10) living under the open sky; (11) living in a cemetery; (12) being content with whatever dwelling one has; (13) sleeping in the sitting posture (i.e., never lying down). Dukkha(m)(dukkha;dukkham;苦): Stress; suffering; pain; distres

39、s; discontent. MORE E Ekaggatarammana(;一境性所缘; 一心): Singleness of preoccupation; “one-pointedness.“ In meditation, the mental quality that allows ones attention to remain collected and focused on the chosen meditation object. Ekaggatarammana reaches full maturity upon the development

40、 of the fourth level of jhana. PS: eka 一 = ekagga(eka-agga)一点的;一境的 = ekaggata(ekagga-ta)一境性 = arammana 所缘;缘境;对象(ekagga-citta 一境心; citta-ekaggata 心一境性)Ekayana-magga(ekayaana;一乘道): A unified path; a direct path. An epithet for the practice of being mindful of the four frames of reference: body, feelin

41、gs, mind, and mental qualities. Evam(evam;如是;如此): Thus; in this way. This term is used in Thailand as a formal closing to a sermon. (PS: Evam me sutam - 如是我闻)F Foundation of mindfulness: see satipatthana. Frame of reference: see satipatthana. G Gotrabhu-bana(;种姓智): “Change of lineag

42、e knowledge“: The glimpse of nibbana that changes one from an ordinary person (puthujjana) to a Noble One (ariya-puggala).PS: gotta(Sk. BSk. gotra)- 姓; 氏姓;种姓; 家系; gotrabhu - 种姓;种姓者(四双八辈)圣位之前一位阶H Hinayana(hinayaana;小乘): “Inferior Vehicle,“ originally a pejorative term - coined by a group who called t

43、hemselves followers of the Mahayana(大乘), the “Great Vehicle“ - to denote the path of practice of those who adhered only to the earliest discourses as the word of the Buddha. Hinayanists refused to recognize the later discourses, composed by the Mahayanists, that claimed to contain teachings that the

44、 Buddha felt were too deep for his first generation of disciples, and which he thus secretly entrusted to underground serpents. The Theravada school of today is a descendent of the Hinayana. I Idappaccayata(idappaccayataa;此缘性;缘起的道理): This/that conditionality. This name for the causal principle the B

45、uddha discovered on the night of his Awakening stresses the point that, for the purposes of ending suffering and stress, the processes of causality can be understood entirely in terms of forces and conditions that are experienced in the realm of direct experience, with no need to refer to forces operating outside of that realm. (PS:ida 此; paccaya 缘; -ta 性)J Jhana (Skt. dhyana)(jhaana;禅那): Mental absorption. A state of strong concentration focused on a single physical sensation (resulting in rupa

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