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1、电子工程专业推荐信下面是给大家分享的电子工程专业申请过来人的推荐信。这封推荐信仅供参考,大家还要根据自己的情况根据具体事例说明自己的特点,千万不要千篇一律,抽象空洞。电子工程专业推荐信Dear Member of the Admission Committee,It is my great pleasure to recommend Mr. XXXX Hui for the acceptance to your esteemed graduate program in Electronic Engineering.I have known Mr. XXXX since this July be

2、cause he and another two special-trained students were assigned to my lab to have a two months practice to prepare for one of the most famous competition in E.E.National Undergraduate Electronic Designing Competition.There were 11 teams in our university, each had 3 teammates. Impressed by his respo

3、nsibility and experience, I appointed Mr. XXXX the head of No.1 team. As a head, he knew the importance of teamwork. He familiarized the strongpoints of each member and could dispose the work to the proper one. Under his leadership, he and his teammates could exert their best during the process.Im s

4、ure everyone will be impressed by his great patience and meticulous care. One day he designed a AGC(Auto Gain Controller). His work was orderly. He used wires in different color in the circuit when he wired them one by one. Nevertheless that circuit didnt work well. Then he checked his designing dia

5、gram again and made sure his initial design was right. Optimistic as he was, he calmly checked the wires again. But all the wires were connected correctly. There must was a bad chip. So he changed the chip one by one and finally he found the bad chip. He was not contented by the working of his initi

6、al design and continue to try another design and successfully enlarged the input range to 10 times after 9 successive hours without eating anything. His earnestness and tenacity made a lasting impression on me.Intelligent and ambitious, this young man never stops improving himself. He told me it was

7、 the third summer holiday he didnt go home. He tried to learn whatever he thought useful. Practice proved he was a fast-learner. He taught himself VHDL and could use it freely after two weeks of study. As the accumulation of his knowledge, he felt it was important to use some new technology if they

8、wished to have a seat in NUEDC. He chose DSP as his new challenge. Because it needed a deep mathematic foundation, he lent a lot of latest essays about algorithms from me, most in English, to scrutinize and tried to practice what he had learned. One month later he could be prize to be the only under

9、graduate who could program DSP. In the competition of our university he and his teammates successfully designed a Speech Processor by DSP and won a special citation by all my colleagues.温馨提示:专业的事情,交给专业的机构来完成。10 年来,监审留学一直致力于留学文书的写作服务,已经帮助过无数留学生申请到理想的大学,擅长美国,加拿大,英国和澳洲的个人陈述和推荐信写作。如果您有写作方面的需求可以联系 QQ:970

10、865017,或是官方网址 www.jian- 按时交稿,绝不拖延,再也不用发愁。Mr. XXXX is really an energetic and assiduous young man. He and his two teammates always came to my lab at 8:00 a.m. and didnt leave until 11 p.m. no matter what the weather was, while they were only asked to study here at daytime. It was 5 days before NUEDC,

11、 they decide to design a DSP and peripherals board. As the only person who can design a reliable PCB in his team, he stayed up all a night and finished it in time in the morning. It was not until his job was all right, did he have a sleep of few hours on the table of our lab. Hard and tiring, he was

12、 never heard complaining about anything. Besides this, He designed all the hardware independently ,such as the singlechip , DSP, AD/DA,LCD kits and keyboard etc. with Protel SE during this summer. After 3 sleepless days from 9.12-9.15, Mr. XXXX and his teammates successfully finished a Waveform Gene

13、rator and won the Second Prize of China.Since I have the experience of learning in Europe, I strongly encouraged him to pursue further studies abroad, especially in your university. And I do believe this ingenious and industrious young man will be well qualified for your distinguished graduate program. Should you have further question, please dont hesitate to contact me.% . t4Sincerely,Deputy DeanDepartment of XXXXX University

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