1、OBSERVATORYStudy Measures Impact of Chinas One-Child PolicyBy SINDYA N. BHANOO January 16, 2013研究称计划生育对孩子心理不利SINDYA N. BHANOO 报道 2013 年 01 月 16 日The Chinese policy that limits most families to having one child has had psychological fallout for the children born after it was instituted in 1979, econo
2、mists report in the journal Science. 一些经济学家在科学(Science)杂志上发表研究报告称,中国限制大多数家庭只生一个孩子的计划生育政策已经对 1979 年该政策实施后出生的人造成了不良心理影响。The researchers asked two groups of people born just before and just after the policy was put into place to play a set of games using real money. 研究人员让两组人使用真钱玩一组游戏,一组人在计划生育实施前不久出生,另一
3、组在之后不久出生。In a game involving trust, test subjects were paired with anonymous partners. Player One was given 100 renminbi (about $16) and invited to pass it along to Player Two. The money would then be tripled, and Player Two could pass some of it back. 在一个信任游戏中,测试对象与匿名伙伴组成双人搭档。一号被试得到 100 元人民币,然后要他把钱
4、交给二号被试。然后,钱被增加两倍,二号被试可以把一部分钱还给一号。Chris GashPlayers born after the one-child policy was instituted were less likely to pass money along than the older participants. 与年龄教大的游戏者相比,那些在计划生育政策实施后出生的游戏者把钱交给别人的可能性更小。The researchers concluded that the “one-child-policy” players were less trusting, less trustw
5、orthy, less competitive and more risk-averse than the older ones. 研究人员得出结论,与年龄较大的游戏者相比,在计划生育政策下出生的游戏者更不信任他人、更不值得信任、竞争意识更弱,并且更倾向于规避风险。And on the basis of a personality test, they were also “less conscientious, more neurotic and more pessimistic,” said an author of the study, Lisa Cameron, an economis
6、t at Monash University in Australia. 本项研究报告的作者之一、澳大利亚莫那什大学(Monash University)的经济学家丽莎卡梅隆(Lisa Cameron)称,根据一项性格测试的结果,这群人也“ 更不认真、更神经过敏,更悲观”。In recent years, the population control policy has come under strong criticism from some Chinese policy advisers and scholars, partly on the grounds that it will s
7、low the nations growth rate as the population ages.最近几年,这项人口控制政策开始遭到一些中国政策顾问和学者的强烈批评,部分原因在于,随着人口老龄化,这一政策将使中国的增长率放缓。翻译:张亮亮Published Online January 10 2013 Science Express Index Read Full Text for Comments (1)Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1230221 ReportLittle Emperors: Behavioral Impacts of Chinas One-
8、Child Policy1. L. Cameron1,*, 2. N. Erkal2, 3. L. Gangadharan3, 4. X. Meng4+ Author Affiliations1. 1Department of Econometrics, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia. 2. 2Department of Economics, University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia. 3. 3Department of Economics, Monash Un
9、iversity, Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia. 4. 4Research School of Economics, College of Business and Economics, Australian National University, ACT 0200, Australia. 1. *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: lisa.cameronmonash.eduAbstractWe document that Chinas One-Child Policy, one o
10、f the most radical approaches to limiting population growth, has produced significantly less trusting, less trustworthy, more risk-averse, less competitive, more pessimistic, and less conscientious individuals. Our data were collected from economics experiments conducted with 421 individuals born ju
11、st before and just after the One-Child Policys introduction in 1979. Surveys to elicit personality traits were also used. We use the exogenous imposition of the One-Child Policy to identify the causal impact of being an only child, net of family background effects. The One-Child Policy thus has sign
12、ificant ramifications for Chinese society. Received for publication 14 September 2012. Accepted for publication 18 December 2012. The editors suggest the following Related Resources on Science sites Science 11 January 2013: Vol. 339 no. 6116 p. 231 DOI: 10.1126/science.339.6116.231-b PodcastsScience
13、 Podcast: 11 January Show SummaryListen to stories on Chinas one-child policy, anti-inflammatory therapy for chronic disease, selling expertise to investors and more. News & AnalysisCHINA Making a Selfish Generation by Fiat1. Mara HvistendahlSummarySelfish, spoiled, and maladjusted: Stereotypes abou
14、t only children live large in China, where a generation of singletons has lately reached adulthood. Children born after the introduction of the one-child policy in 1979 were called “little emperors.“ Now that they are grown up, China Daily has dubbed the demographic the “spoiled generation.“ But unt
15、il recently, there was little empirical evidence to back up such claims. In a paper published online this week in Science, researchers attempt to measure the degree to which the one-child policy has shaped the personalities of Chinese 20- and 30-somethings. http:/www.sciencemag.org/content/early/201
16、3/01/09/science.1230221经常批评中国科学界太多人不无正业,他们常紧盯欧美国家“科技前沿”,或发表介绍性的低水平综述文章,或发表没有任何创新可言的重复工作,或者揣摩圣意以研究名义发表不着边际的宏论。究其原因,不是他们创造能力不够,是眼界从来不愿意紧盯实际问题,吃剩饭和嗟来之食习惯了。一个例证是,中国计划生育政策对人口素质到底有何影响,我已经关心多年,却从未找到一篇实证性的论文。昨日检索文献,查到Science近期发表了一篇标题为“ Little Emperors: Behavioral Impacts of Chinas One-Child Policy”(小皇帝们:中国“
17、一胎”政策的行为学后果)的文章,下载简单浏览后不禁惊慌失措。这篇Science 重量的研究报告(report)以北京 421 位“70 后”和“80 后”成年人为例,通过实验研究发现,1979 年忽出生的独生子女们“互信程度地、更加倾向于规避风险、情绪上更加悲观”,换句话说就是“不太信任人,不值得信赖,缺乏竞争力”。这项研究仅以北京为例,样本量并不大,结论是否具有普遍性还有质疑的余地,却能够在Science上发表,足见这个问题的重要程度。为什么这么重要的问题,却没有中国人研究呢?该文引用的参考文献中,只有一篇 1994 年完成的西安初中生中独生与非独生子女的性格比较研究,就是说,我们对这样一个
18、研究中国问题的成果贡献几乎为零,从侧面证明了我前面的观点。不管Science 发表的这篇论文的结论如何,今天的教育工作者都不得不面对这样一个群体:大学体育课已经不敢进行高强度的运动,担心学生猝死;需要田野调查研究项目已经没有研究者赶随便接手北京大学社会学系 1980 年代那种研究生开题必须先做一年的田野调查的历史一去不复返,人人都声称自己做的是“理论研究”最应该接触社会的专业已经到害怕走进社会的程度,一个恶性循环已然形成。一位 1980 年代的女大学毕业生在参加完一个研究生野外调查工作会,会上女生们提出的前三个问题都是“安全”,这位举止优雅的女士会后忧心忡忡,大发感概,怎么今天的女研究生会这么
19、自然而然地把自己想象成“被强奸的机器” 这话难听,却真的耐人寻味,实际上,这种对接触社会心怀恐惧的岂止女生?!每个人都在把自己想象成类似的受虐者,以便在更大的恐惧和不安中求得心灵慰籍。从教育主管部门到家长,一直在灌输“零风险”的教育与生活理念与实践,久而久之,对风险没有客观坦然的认识就见怪不怪了。人们每天都在“零风险”的幻境中获得各种灾难的信息、对巨额成本的“维稳” 心安理得。所谓“ 零风险”,就是侵占了健康心灵的更大的恐惧,在这样的恐惧感下,一切现世中的风险都不算风险了;远离风险成为人们生活第一要务,万一惹上了就自认倒霉。这就像寺庙中凶神恶煞般的雕像,成为人们内心更大的恐惧源,在它的震慑下,
20、 “只要自己是安全的,危险就与我无关”,万一发生了危险,那是“前世因缘”的错,旁人看来则是“自造孽”。少生就能优育? 您目前所在位置:首页 一线报道 研究前沿 快讯 2013 年 01 月 11 日科学杂志精选:炎症的阴阳图2013 年 01 月 11 日科学杂志精选:炎症的阴阳图2013-01-11 13:14:46 来源:生物 360 作者:koo 我喜欢 26封面故事:炎症的阴阳图Inflammations Yin-Yang小鼠肺泡巨噬细胞的扫描电子显微镜照片上叠加了一张太极阴阳图71。巨噬细胞是一种调节炎症反应的免疫细胞,但他们往往也会起到保护作用。一些与年龄有关,诸如如代谢综合征,心
21、血管疾病,神经退行性疾病的慢性疾病都具有炎症成分。 扫描电子显微镜图像来自 Dennis Kunkel Microscopy。( DOI: 10.1126/science.339.6116.155)对中国的“小皇帝们”来说,作为独生子女会影响其心理Little Emperors: Behavioral Impacts of Chinas One-Child Policy据一项基于经济游戏的研究披露,中国的计划生育政策产生了几代独生子女,他们与该政策实施前出生的人相比不甚信任他人、竞争力较差且较不愿意承担风险。Lisa Cameron 及其同事招募了大约 400 名北京的居民,他们的出生时间或是
22、在计划生育政策实施之前(1975 年或 1978 年)或是在政策实施之后(1980 年或 1983 年)。他们用了一系列的经济游戏来检测试验参与者对他人的信任感、冒险精神及竞争意愿; 在这些游戏中,试验参与者会交换或投资少量的钱,或作出其它不同的经济决策。他们还通过个性调查确认,那些在计划生育政策下出生而成长起来的独生子女往往较不乐观、更为敏感或紧张,且更缺少责任心。Cameron 及其同事考虑了诸如参与者的年龄、婚姻状态或他们是否会随着时间的推移而变得更会经营等数个其它可能的因素后发现,在一胎化政策之前或之后出生可对这些结果作最好的解释。文章的作者提出,他们的结果反映了这一政策对在北京或可能
23、在中国其它地方的独生子女的影响。这些结果不一定适用于在其它地方或其它时间出生的独生子女。( DOI: 10.1126/science.1230221)science:Little Emperors: Behavioral Impacts of Chinas One- 发信站: 水木社区 (Fri Jan 11 13:17:42 2013), 站内 Little Emperors: Behavioral Impacts of Chinas One-Child Policy L. Cameron,1* N. Erkal,2 L. Gangadharan,3 X. Meng4 1Department
24、 of Econometrics, Monash University, Clayton, Vic., 3800, Australia. 2Department of Economics, University of Melbourne, Vic., 3010, Australia. 3Department of Economics, Monash University, Clayton, Vic., 3800, Australia. 4Research School of Economics, College of Business and Economics, Australian Nat
25、ional University, ACT 0200, Australia. *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: lisa.cameronmonash.edu We document that Chinas One-Child Policy, one of the most radical approaches to limiting population growth, has produced significantly less trusting, less trustworthy, more risk-averse,
26、 less competitive, more pessimistic, and less conscientious individuals. Our data were collected from economics experiments conducted with 421 individuals born just before and just after the One-Child Policys introduction in 1979. Surveys to elicit personality traits were also used. We use the exoge
27、nous imposition of the One-Child Policy to identify the causal impact of being an only child, net of family background effects. The One-Child Policy thus has significant ramifications for Chinese society.Only hope: coming of age under Chinas one-child policy他因为握笔的姿势不对,而被老师用棍子打了手指。顶( 0 ) He got a rap on the knuckles from the teachers stick because he was holding his pen in a wrong way. 执笔法顶( 0 ) pen holding position
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