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1、翻译专业本科培养方案Undergraduate Program for the Specialty of Translation 一、培养目标I Educational Objectives本专业旨在培养德才兼备、具有创新意识与国际视野的通用型翻译专业人才,能够胜任外事、商务、教育、文化、科技、军事等领域中一般难度的笔译、口译或其他跨文化交流工作,能成为国家哲学、社会科学走出去战略,引进国际先进技术与文化的生力军。The program is designed to cultivate students to be professional translators competent in b

2、oth integrity and ability, with innovative spirits and international view. The students will be capable of general written translation, oral interpretation or other cross-cultural communication in fields such as foreign affairs, trade, education, science and technology, and military affairs, etc. Th

3、ey will become new force in guiding Chinese philosophical and social sciences to go to the world, and introducing the internationally advanced technology and culture. 二、基本要求IIRequirement and Features本专业学生主要学习语言和翻译的基本理论和基础知识,接受汉语和外语两方面语言技能与语言知识的训练,掌握跨文化交际和汉外口笔译基本技能,具备口笔译基本能力。毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力:1.掌握语言知

4、识与能力,包括英语语音、词汇、语法知识,英语听、说、读、写能力,汉语知识与写作能力,演讲与辩论能力,语言学习能力;2.掌握翻译学科的基本理论、基础知识与能力,包括口笔译技能、口笔译理论、跨文化交际能力以及译者综合素质;3.掌握翻译需要的相关知识与能力,包括中外社会文化知识,语言学与文学知识,使用现代信息技术和翻译工具的知识,国际商务知识,公共外交知识;4.了解翻译学的理论前沿和应用前景,了解翻译专业的行业需求和发展动态;5.熟悉国家方针、政策 和法规;6.具有较强的批判性思维能力,实际工作能力和一定的科学研究能力。Students in the major will learn basic t

5、heories and knowledge in both language and translation. They will master both Chinese and English languages through teaching and training, acquire skills in cross-cultural communication and written (oral) translation between Chinese and English.Graduates from the major will: master knowledge and ski

6、lls in language, such as knowledge of English phonetics, vocabulary and grammar; skills in English listening comprehension, speaking, reading and composition; Chinese language and Chinese composition; skills in lecturing and debating; skills of language study; master basic theories, knowledge and sk

7、ills of translation, including theories and skills in written and oral translation, cross-cultural communication; master relevant knowledge and skills for translation, such as social and cultural knowledge of China and foreign countries, linguistics and literature, application of modern information

8、techniques and translation tools, international business, and public diplomacy; understand the theoretical front and application prospect of translation studies, and the social demand and development of translation profession; be familiar with relevant policies, regulations and laws in China; be cap

9、able of critical thinking, practical work and certain scientific research;三、学制与学位III Length of Schooling and Degree修业年限:四年。Duration: 4 years授予学位:文学学士。Degrees conferred: Bachelor of Arts四、主干学科 IV Main Disciplines 外国语言文学、中国语言文学Foreign Language and Literature, Chinese Language and Literature五、主要课程V Mai

10、n Courses语言知识与能力模块:综合英语、英语听力、英语口语、英语多文体阅读、英语写作、英语语音训练、汉语读写。Language Knowledge and Skills Courses: Comprehensive English, English Listening, English Speaking, Multi-genre English Reading, English Writing, English Pronunciation Training, Chinese Reading and Writing.翻译知识与技能模块:翻译概论、英汉笔译、汉英笔译、联络口译、交替传译、专

11、题口译、英汉比较与翻译、商务翻译、文学翻译、计算机辅助翻译。Translation Knowledge and Skills Courses: Introduction to Translation, English-Chinese Translation, Chinese-English Translation, Liaison Interpreting, Consecutive Interpreting, Interpreting of Topics, Comparison and Translation between English and Chinese, Business Tran

12、slation, Literary Translation, Computer Aided Translation相关知识与能力模块:中国文化概论、西方文化概论、跨文化交际、计算机基础及应用、国际商务、英美文学及作品赏析、语言学概论、中国少数民族文化、第二外语(日语、法语、德语、朝鲜语、俄语) 。Relevant Knowledge and Skills Courses: A Survey of Chinese Culture, A Survey of Western Culture, Cross-cultural Communication, Computer & Internet Appl

13、ication,International Business, Appreciation of British and American Literature, English Linguistics, Culture of Chinese Ethnic Minorities, Japanese/French/German/ Korean/Russian as the Second Foreign Language六、主要实践性教学环节VI. Main Internship and Practical Training笔译工作坊、口译工作坊、笔译竞赛、口译竞赛、翻译公司考察与教学实践、毕业实习

14、Translation Workshop, Interpreting Workshop, Translation Competition, Interpreting Competition, Survey of Translation Companies, Graduation Internship.七、学时与学分VII. Hours /Credits学时学分构成表 Table of Periods and Credits学 分Credit课程类别Course Classification学时/周数Periods/Weeks 理 论Theory实 践Practice学时比例Proportion

15、 of Period通修课程Compulsory Courses 650+3W 26 11 25.45%通识教育平台Platform of General Education 通选课程Elective Courses 160 10 6.26%必修课程Compulsory Courses 1120 54 8 43.85%学科基础教育平台 Platform of Basic Education 选修课程Elective Courses 96 6 3.75%必修课程Compulsory Courses 304 19 11.9%学科专业教育平台Platform of Major Education 选

16、修课程Elective Courses 224 14 8.77%必修课程Compulsory Courses 19W 17选修课程Elective Courses实践教学平台Platform of Practical Teaching 创新创业学分Credits for Innovation and Entrepreneurship5实践教学环节占总学分的比例:12.94%Proportion of Practical Teaching: 12.94%必修课程占总学分的比例:80.58%Proportion of Compulsory Courses: 85.885%小 计Amount 255

17、4+22w 129 41 选修课程占总学分的比例:19.41%Proportion of Elective Courses: 14.125%最低毕业学分The Minimum Graduate Credit 170八、教学八、教学进程计划表VIII、 Teaching Schedule Form表 1:通识教育平台 Form 1: Platform of General Education 表 1A:通识必修课程Form 1A: Compulsory Courses in General Education学时类型Period Classification各学期周学时分配Division of

18、 period in Every Week of Each Term课程编号CourseCode课程名称Course Name学分数Crs.总学时Perds.讲课Lec.实验Exp.上机Ope.实践Pra.一 1st二 2nd三 3rd四 4th五 5th六 6th七 7th八 8th备注N.B.217100000113 马克思主义基本原理Marxist Fundamentals 2/1 48 32 16 2 217100000213毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论Introduction to MAO Zedong thought and socialist theoretical

19、system with Chinese characteristics4/2 96 64 32 4217100000313思想道德修养与法律基础Cultivation of Morals and Fundamentals of Law2/1 48 32 16 24-18 周Week 4- 18217100000413 形势与政策Current Affairs and Policy 1/1 32 16 16 1-7 学期Term 1 to 7217100000513中国近现代史纲要Essentials of China Modern and Contemporary History1.5/0.5

20、 32 24 8 2217100000613民族理论与民族政策Theory and Policy Concerning Ethic Groups1.5/0.5 32 24 8 2218110000313 体育 1Physical Education 1 0/1 26 26 2 4-18 周Week 4 -18218110000213 体育 2Physical Education 2 0/1 32 32 2218110000413 体育 3Physical Education 3 0/1 32 32 2218110000113 体育 4Physical Education 4 0/1 32 32

21、 2219100000713 计算机基础及应用Computer & Internet Application 1/1 32 16 16 2课程编号CourseCode课程名称Course Name学分数Crs.总学时Perds.学时类型Period Classification各学期周学时分配Division of period in Every Week of Each Term 备注N.B.讲课Lec.实验Exp.上机Ope.实践Pra.一 1st二 2nd三 3rd四 4th五 5th六 6th七 7th八 8th111100000113 军事理论与训练Military Training

22、 and Theory 2 32 32 3 周 1-3 周Week 1-3115100000113 就业指导Guidance to Employment 1 16 16 2 1-8 周Week 1-8205100000513二外日语 1Japanese as the Second Foreign Language 14 64 64 4205100000913二外日语 2Japanese as the Second Foreign Language 24 64 64 4205103019513二外日语 3Japanese as the Second Foreign Language 32 32

23、32 4 1-8 周Week 1-8205100001313二外法语 1French as the Second Foreign Language 14 64 64 4205100001613二外法语 2French as the Second Foreign Language 24 64 64 4205103019113二外法语 3French as the Second Foreign Language 32 32 32 4 1-8 周Week 1-8205100001113二外德语 1German as the Second Foreign Language 14 64 64 42051

24、00000613二外德语 2German as the Second Foreign Language 24 64 64 4205103019013二外德语 3German as the Second Foreign Language 32 32 32 4 1-8 周Week 1-8205103021513二外俄语 1Korean as the Second Foreign Language 14 64 64 4205103021413二外俄语 2Korean as the Second ForeignLanguage 24 64 64 4205103021613 二外俄语 3Russian

25、as the Second Foreign 2 32 32 4 1-8 周Week 1-8课程编号CourseCode课程名称Course Name学分数Crs.总学时Perds.学时类型Period Classification各学期周学时分配Division of period in Every Week of Each Term 备注N.B.讲课Lec.实验Exp.上机Ope.实践Pra.一 1st二 2nd三 3rd四 4th五 5th六 6th七 7th八 8thLanguage 3205100001413二外朝鲜语 1Korean as the Second Foreign Lan

26、guage 14 64 64 4205100001213二外朝鲜语 2Korean as the Second Foreign Language 24 64 64 4205103018413二外朝鲜语 3Korean as the Second Foreign Language 32 32 32 41-8 周Week 1- 8总学时合计(理论学时/实践学时):650+3 周 (416/234+3 周)Total Periods (Theory/Practice):650+3W (416/234+3W)学期周学时小计Periods in Each Term 8 6 2 4 8 6 6总学分合计:

27、37Total Credits :37(理论学分/实践学分)(Theory/Practice) :26/11学期学分小计Credits in Each Term 8 5 1 4 10 6 3表 1B:通识选修课程(通选课)Form IB: Elective Courses in General Education专业类别Classification of Disciplines课程类别Course Classification 学分要求Requirement for Credits合计Amount自然科学类Natural Science 4法史、文学、经管类专业Major of Law, Hi

28、story, Literature and Management, etc.其他Others 610表 2:学科基础教育平台 Form 2 Platform of Basic Education 课程类别Course 课 程 编 号Course Code课程名称Course Name学 分Crs.学时Hrs.学时类型Period Classification各学期周学时分配Division of Periods in Every Week of Each Term备注N.B.Classi- fication讲 课Lec.实 验Exp.上机Ope.实 践Pra.一 1st二 2nd三 3rd四

29、4th五 5th六 6th七 7th八 8th205103006113综合英语 1Comprehensive English 1 6 90 90 64-18 周Week 4 to 18205103004813综合英语 2Comprehensive English 2 6 96 96 6205103004713综合英语 3Comprehensive English 3 6 96 96 6205103004613综合英语 4Comprehensive English 4 6 96 96 6205113006013英语听力 1English Listening 1 1 30 30 24-18 周We

30、ek 4-18205113004913英语听力 2English Listening 2 1 32 32 2205103029313听力与表达训练 1English Listening and Representing 11 32 32 2205103030213听力与表达训练 2English Listening and Representing 21 32 32 2205113007913英语口语 1English Speaking 1 1 30 30 24-18 周Week 4-18205113008713英语口语 2English Speaking 2 1 32 32 22051130

31、08113英语口语 3English Speaking 3 1 32 32 2205113010213英语口语 4English Speaking 4 1 32 32 2205103028113英语多文体阅读 1Multi-genre English Reading 12 30 30 2 4-18 周Week 4-18205103030913英语多文体阅读 2Multi-genre English Reading 22 32 32 2205103027913汉语读写 1Chinese Reading and Writing 12 30 30 2 文传学院授 课205103029113汉语读写

32、2Chinese Reading and Writing 22 32 32 2 文传学院授 课205103030713汉语读写 3Chinese Reading and Writing 32 32 32 2 文传学院授 课学科基础必修 RequireBasicCourses205103030113汉语读写 4Chinese Reading and Writing 42 32 32 2 文传学院授 课205103012013英语写作 1English Writing 1 2 32 32 2205103012413英语写作 2English Writing 2 2 32 32 2205103028

33、013翻译专业导论Introduction to Translation Specialty1 16 16 2 4-11 周Week 4 -11205113005813英语语音训练English Pronunciation Training1 30 30 2 4-18 周Week 4-18205103011913英语语法 1English Grammar 1 2 32 32 2205103013013英语语法 2English Grammar 2 2 32 32 2205103029713口译基础Fundamentals to Interpreting2 32 32 2205103021813

34、英语读译入门Primer for English Reading & Translation2 32 32 2205103031813中国文化概论(中文)A Survey of Chinese Culture2 32 32 2205103010113西方文化概论(英)A Survey of Western Culture2 32 32 2205103031013中国少数民族文化(英汉对照)Culture of Chinese Ethnic Minorities2 32 32 2205103031113英语公共演讲与表达English Public Speaking & Presentation

35、2 32 32 2205103008313跨文化交际Cross-cultural Communication2 32 32 2至少选修 2学分At least 2 credits205103007613英语国家社会与文化Societies & Cultures of English Countries2 32 32 2205103030413商务沟通Business Communication 2 32 32 2205103029413国际商务International Business 2 32 32 2学科基础选修 Elective Basic Courses旅游英语Tourism Eng

36、lish 2 32 32 2至少选修 4学分At least 4 credits总学时合计:1216Total Periods: 1216 学期周学时小计Periods in Each Term 18 16 20 24 0 0总学分合计:68Total Credits: 68 学期学分小计Credits in Each Term 14 14 18 22 0 0学分要求:68 学分: 必修 62 学分, 选修 6 学分Requirement for Credits: 68 Credit: Compulsory: 62 Elective: 6注:学生应从 7 门选修课中选修 3 门,共修满至少 6

37、 学分。具体要求如下:第 3 学期,从 3 门选修课中任选1 门,至少修满 2 学分;第 4 学期,从 4 门选修课中任选 2 门,至少修满 4 学分。Notes: Students should choose 3 courses from the given 7 elective ones to obtain 6 credits at least. The requirements are as follows: in the 3rd semester, students should choose 1 course from the given elective ones to obtai

38、n 2 credits at least. In the 4th semester, students should choose 2 courses from the given elective ones to obtain 4 credits at least.表三(B):学科专业教育平台 Form 3(B ): Platform of Major Education 学时类型Period Classification各学期周学时分配Division of Period in Every Weekof Each Term课程类别Course Classi- fication课程编号Cou

39、rse Code课程名称Course Name学 分Crs.学时Perds. 讲课Lec.实验Exp.上机Ope.实践Pra.一 1st二 2nd三 3rd四 4th五 5th六 6th七 7th八 8th备注N.B.205103031513英汉比较与翻译Comparison and Translation between English and Chinese 2 32 32 2205103019313英汉笔译English-Chinese Translation2 32 32 2205103018013 联络口译Liaison Interpreting 2 32 32 2205103031

40、613 交替传译Consecutive Interpreting 2 32 32 2205103031413语言学概论(英)Introduction to Linguistics2 32 32 2205103019413汉英笔译Chinese-English Translation2 32 32 2205103031713 专题口译(翻译专业) Interpreting of Topics 4 64 64 4专业必修 RequiredCourses205103031313英美文学及作品赏析Appreciation of British and American Literature2 32 32 2

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