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1、中国教育图书进出口有限公司 数字化产品及服务,TheDigitalProducts and Servicesfrom China Educational Publications Import & Export Corporation Ltd.(CEPIEC),中国国家图书馆独家授权Exclusive authorized by National Library of China,最全版本The most complete edition含天津、上海、汉口、香港、重庆、桂林等版面Including Tianjin, Shanghai, Hankou, Hong Kong, Chongqing,

2、 and Guilin,自营数据库大公报全文检索数据库,Ta Kung Pao Full Text Database Published by,自营数据库大公报全文检索数据库,Ta Kung Pao Full Text Database Published by,原版图像清晰High resolution images,自营数据库大公报全文检索数据库,Ta Kung Pao Full Text Database Published by,剪报可以实现整版面中特定文章的独立呈现Clippingfunctionenablesseparatepresentationfromawholepage,自营

3、数据库大公报全文检索数据库,Ta Kung Pao Full Text Database Published by,检索功能强大Powerful Retrieval全文检索、进阶查询、繁简查询Full-text searching, Advanced searching, Auto switch between traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese,申报、中央日报、台湾民报系列、台湾日日新报、台湾时报Shun Pao(1872-1949)Central Daily News(1928-1949)The Taiwan MinPao(1920-193

4、2) Taiwan Nichi Nichi Shinpo(1898-1944) Taiwan JiHo(1898-1945),跨报纸查询Search cross different newspapers,近代报刊数据库,Database of Modern Chinese Newspapers Series,No.3雕龙中国日本古籍全文检索数据库,Diaolong Full-text Database of Chinese & Japanese Ancient Books,包含Includes: 正统道藏 “ZhengTong DaoZang” 道藏辑要 “DaoZang JiYao” 永乐大

5、典 “Yongle Encyclopedia” 四部丛刊 “Sibu Congkan” 四部备要 “Sibu Beiyao” 中国地方志 “China Gazetteer” 古今图书集成 “Gujin Tushu Jicheng” 日本古典书籍库 “Ancient Books of Japan,” 四库全书 “Si Ku Quan Shu” 续修四库全书 “XuXiu Si Ku Quan Shu” 清代史料 “Historical Data of the Qing Dynasty” 敦煌史料 “Historical Materials of Dunhuang” 六府文藏 “Liufu Wen

6、cang”,跨子库查询Search cross different Sub-database,雕龙中国日本古籍全文检索数据库,Diaolong Full-text Database of Chinese & Japanese Ancient Books,全版图像清晰High resolution images,雕龙中国日本古籍全文检索数据库,Diaolong Full-text Database of Chinese & Japanese Ancient Books,内容包含文讯1362期,从 1983年7月2015年12月Includes : Vol. 1362 of Wenhsun fro

7、m 1983.07 to 2015.12,WenhsunjournalKnowledgeDatabase,4万余册正版授权电子图书40,000 e-books,all of which are licensed resources美国国会图书分类法分类Library of Congress Classification,ChineseAll E-book,包含从各国档案中整理袁世凯全部已刊及未刊、公开及私藏文档。时跨1875年1916年(42年)Including Yuans writings from many different countries, including published

8、 and unpublished documents, and private and public collections. From the year 1875 to 1916 (altogether 42 years),全套库容39卷,近7万幅珍贵图片,海内外史料收集整理最全面,集新疆60年文物考古研究成果之大全,全球唯一。Includes: 39 volumes and nearly 70,000 rare pictures. This database is unique in the world as the largest collection of archaeological

9、 research achievements in the past 60 years in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.,汇集中国美术出版总社 60年精萃作品。精修30余万幅画作,囊括了建国以来已经出版的经典连环画作品、珍藏绘本、连环画期刊以及绝版影印本。The best works created during the last sixty years by the China Fine art Publishing House, including more than 300,000 high quality pictures, which

10、gathers a large number of classic illustrated stories, picture-book collections, leading journals and precious out-of-print photocopies.,囊括了当代中国研究所和当代中国出版社出版的中华人民共和国国史编年系列丛书、当代中国系列丛书、当代中国城市发展系列丛书等,全库收录近300卷、2亿余字,6万余幅插图,是研究新中国建国以来各历史时期的经济、社会、文化和政治发展的权威资源。Includes: series books of “Chronicle of the Pe

11、oples Republic of China,” series books of “Contemporary China,” series books of “Urban Development of Contemporary China, etc. Having recorded nearly 300 volumes, over 200 million characters and over 100 thousand pictures,包含:人大复印报刊资料全文数据库,人大复印报刊资料专题目录索引数据库,中文报刊资料索引数据库,中文报刊资料摘要数据库,以及专题研究数据库。Includes:

12、 Digitized Newspapers and Periodicals Full-Text Database, Digitalized Newspapers and Periodicals Monographic Catalogue Index Database, Chinese Newspapers and Periodicals Index Database, Chinese Newspapers and Periodicals Abstract Database, and Special Topic Research Database.,权威,前瞻,深入,系统Authoritativ

13、e, forward looking, in-depth and systematic包含36个文献数据库,56个统计数据库和10余个创新数据库Includes: 36 bibliographic databases and 56 statistical databases. Research report databases and special databases,收录中国各大艺术类出版社、博物馆、美术馆等艺术机构及艺术家最全面、最优秀的艺术图书资源,包括书画、油画、版画、雕塑等八大艺术门类Includes: the best and most comprehensive art boo

14、k resources of various art publishers, museums, galleries as well as artists. It contains eight major sectors including Chinese calligraphy and painting, oil painting, woodcut painting, sculpture, etc.,包括国家标准4万余条,33个行业20,000余条行业标准,计量规程规范1000余项。Includes more than 40,000 items of national standards, m

15、ore than 20,000 items of industrial standards of 33 industries, and more than 1,000 item of measurement regulation standards.数据准确、正版、权威Accurate, genuine, authoritative,含: 1904年1948年,共44期819卷期刊内容Includes: 44 vols and 819 periods of Eastern Miscellany from March 1904 to December 1948,RESSET工业企业数据库(RES

16、SET/IED)The Industrial Enterprise DatabaseRESSET金融研究数据库(RESSET/DB)RESSET Financial Research DatabaseRESSET商品流通数据库(RESSET/CCD)RESSET Commodity Circulation DatabaseRESSET海关进出口数据库(RESSET/CUS)RESSET The Customs Import and Export DatabaseRESSET区域经济数据库(RESSET/RegE)RESSET Regional Economy Database,数据来源合法权威Legal and Authoritative Data Sources,Website: ,

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