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1、Leadership Mastery精通领导力,Leadership Styles | Insights | Situations | Models By Bill McBride领导风格,见解,案例和模式,Summary,Leadership Mastery”This dynamic session will show how leadership - true leadership manifests itself in our professional and personal lives. Leadership is learned and can be fostered. The p

2、erformance of organizations built around leadership dwarf the results of those stuck solely inmanagement with leadership voids. Thissession will explore the types, situations and learned skills involved in Leadership Mastery.Inspirational LeadershipOrganizational LeadershipSituational LeadershipPers

3、onal LeadershipDeveloping Leadership in flat organizationsIn an industry quickly changing, evolving and growing towards more virtual and technological tools - human relations skills are being diminished along with leadership skills. Leadership representstrustworthiness, flexibility, adaptability as

4、well as firm distribution of power. Learn some of the mostsignificant components of leadership mastery:Gain respect - Building teams that want to do it” - Calmness in crisis - Accomplishing more,精通领导力,了解领导力如何影响我们的工作和生活。以下是领导力的种类,案例和技巧鼓励型领导力组合型领导力情境型领导力个人领导力在单层管理的企业建立领导力领导力在现代企业中至关重要,Bill McBride,Bil

5、l McBride is a health club industry veteran who started his full time career in 1986. He is currently President & CEO of Active Sports Clubs and BMC3, his consulting company. McBride is internationally recognized for his expertise on the industry, leadership, management, sales, sales management, mar

6、keting, excellence in operations and designing the customer experience. He recently completed 5 years of service on the IHRSA Board of Directors as Chairman & Ex-Officio. Bill1986年就开始了自己在健身行业的旅程。现在是Active Sports Club和BMC3的CEO,参与行业内的咨询业务。他在行业内的管理,销售,市场和客服方面都非常有经验。过去五年是IHRSA的主席。,Active Sports Clubs Ba

7、sed in San Francisco CA 公司总部位于旧金山,5,Throughout the US: 在全美拥有10 Commercial Health Clubs 10家商业健身俱乐部1 New Functional Training Studio “The Zone”1间多功能训练工作室2 Hospitals 2间医院2 Community Centers 2间社区中心1 University 1间大学40 Corporate Fitness Centers 40间企业健身中心,在全美的分布,Our Growing Network 成长中的企业网,10,“Only three th

8、ings happen naturally in organizations: friction, confusion, and under-performance. Everything else requires leadership.” Peter Drucker缺少领导力,只会有摩擦,困惑和表现不佳,“Prediction is very difficult,especially if its about the future.”Niels Bohr未来难以预测,Paradigms in Life 生活的范例,13,BeSee看,Be clear Be honest Be the be

9、st透明,诚实,做到最好,14,Creating 建立,15,Clear Goals & Direction清晰的目标和方向 Openness to Learn & Adapt 自由公开地学习和适应行业 Operating as your “Be” Your Best Self 做到最好的自己 Believing in Intentionality 相信意向性 Maximizing Luck Opportunities 机会最大化,What Are Your Metrics? 你的衡量参数,16,Jack Welch from GE said: “If I had to run a compa

10、ny on three measures, those would be” GE的杰克韦尔奇说过,如果按照三个标准衡量企业,那他最看中的就是客服满意度,员工满意度和现金流。,Customer SatisfactionEmployee SatisfactionCash Flow,Self Leadership Evaluation 自我领导力的评估,17,As we go through the next series of slides, we will discuss 25 aspects of leadershipI recommend you score yourself on each

11、 oneGive yourself a 3 for each exceptional leadership trait; 2 for close but have room to improve; 1 for poor attribute on characteristicBe honest as this is just for you. Also know that leaders are made not just born 自我打分,体现出色领导力打的3分,接近出色,但还有进步空间的打2分, 不够好的1分,25 Points to Evaluate Yourself25条自我评估,18

12、,25个自我评估点,1. 因为负责任而得罪人2. 员工遇到问题找你3. 不被所谓的“专家”所迷惑4. 不畏惧挑战权威5. 不忽略细节6. 发掘自己的潜力7. 深入判断,不仅限于表面8. 注重人力培养9. 忽略组织结构10. 自负11. 不遵守陈规旧习,25个自我评估点,12. 乐观13. 选择人才14. 简化事物15. 成功的可能性16. 实际重于理论17. 享受乐趣18. 领导者有时会感到孤独19. 了解自己20. 了解团队21. 策略和执行力,25个自我评估点,22. 是否主动承认自己的错误23. 根据公司的利益做决定24. 是否相信自己的直觉25. 是否严于律己,Two Great Le

13、aders优秀领导的代表,Lesson 1:第一条,23,#1 “Being responsible sometimes means pissing people off.” 因为认真负责而得罪别人,24,#2 The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help them or concluded that you do not care. Either case

14、 is a failure of leadership.“如果员工没有问题来找你,说明他们要不然对你失去了信心,要不然认为你不关心,无论是哪个,都是领导的失败,24,Lesson 2: 第二条,25,#3 Dont be buffaloed by experts and elites. Experts oftenpossess more data than judgment. Elites can become soinbred that they produce hemophiliacs who bleed to deathas soon as they are nicked by the

15、real world.“不要被所谓的专家和精英所迷惑,Lesson 3: 第三条,26,#4 Dont be afraid to challenge the pros,even in their own backyard.“不要害怕挑战专业人士,即使是他们的领域,26,Lesson 4:第四条,27,#5 Never neglect details. When everyones mind is dulledor distracted the leader must be doubly vigilant.“不忽略细节,27,Lesson 5:第五条,28,#6 You dont know wh

16、at you can get away with until you try.“不尝试,不知道自己真正的潜力,28,Lesson 6:第六条,29,#7 Keep looking below surface appearances.Dont shrink from doing so (just) because youmight not like what you find.“ 不要光看表面,要深层次的挖掘,29,Lesson 7: 第七条,30,#8 “Organization doesnt really accomplish anything. Plansdont accomplish a

17、nything, either. Theories of managementdont matter much. Endeavors succeed or fail because ofthe people involved. Only by attracting the best people willyou accomplish great deeds.” 只有人才能决定企业的管理成败。只有吸引最优秀的人才才可能做的更好。,30,Lesson 8:第八条,31,#9 Organization charts and fancy titles count for next to nothing

18、.“组织结构和头衔几乎没有任何意义,31,Lesson 9:第九条,32,#10 Never let your ego get so close to your position thatwhen your position goes, your ego goes with it.“不要让自己的自尊和自负影响工作,32,Lesson 10:第十条,33,#11 “Fit no stereotypes. Dont chase the latest management fads. The situation dictates which approach best accomplishes th

19、e teams mission.“不要陈规旧习,不要去追赶潮流,根据自己的情况完成目标,33,Lesson 11:第十一条,STEREOTYPES,DoNt Fit,34,#12 Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.“乐观是人生的推动器,34,Lesson 12:第十二条,35,#13 Powells Rules for Picking People:“Look for intelligence and judgment, and most critically,a capacity to anticipate, to see around cor

20、ners. Alsolook for loyalty, integrity, a high energy drive, a balancedego, and the drive to get things done.”寻找智慧和判断力,以及最重要的,洞察力。同时也寻找忠诚,诚实,有动力的人,35,Lesson 13:第十三条,36,#14 “Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers,who can cut through argument, debate and doubt,to offer a solution everybody c

21、an understand.“简化。突破争论和怀疑,提供最简单易懂的解决方案,36,Lesson 14:第十四条,Keep It Simple.简单化,37,Part I: Use the formula P=40 to 70, in which P standsfor the probability of success and the numbers indicatethe percentage of information acquired.”P代表成功的可能性,数值为40到70Part II: Once the information is in the 40 to 70 range,

22、go with your gut.”如果相关信息数值在40到70之间,相信自己的直觉Dont take action if you have only enough information to give you less than a 40 percent chance of being right, but dont wait until you have enough facts to be 100 percent sure, because by then it is almost always too late. 如果相关信息数值在40一下,不要贸然做决定,但也不要等到信息值为100

23、,那时就太晚了,37,Lesson 15:第十五条,Procrastination,RISK,#15 “Decisions”决策,38,38,Lesson 16:第十六条,#16 The commander in the field is always right and therear echelon is wrong, unless proved otherwise.“不过度相信理论,根据实际情况判断,39,#17 Have fun in your command. 享受乐趣 Dont always run at a breakneck pace. 适当放慢速度 Take leave wh

24、en youve earned it. 适当给自己放假 Spend time with your families. 享受和家人的时间,39,Lesson 17: 第十七条,“Corollary: surround yourself with people who take their work seriously, but not themselves, those who work hard and play hard.“知道怎么努力工作同时会享受生活的人更值得结交,40,#18 “Command is lonely.”领导者有时会感到孤独,40,Lesson 18:,41,#19 “Kn

25、ow Yourself” 了解自己Time to truly understand your own strengths, weaknesses, preferences, styles is critical了解自己的实力,弱点,偏爱和风格,Lesson 19:第19条,The Good Bad & The Ugly,42,#20 “Know your team”了解你的团队,Lesson 20:第20条,Areas of proficiency, competency, accountability & weakness 了解团队的进步,实力,责任和弱点 What motivates th

26、em 知道该如何鼓舞他们 Who they are as people 了解他们是什么样的人 Organizations are compromised of relationships 了解公司的人际关系,43,#21 “Execution & Strategy”战略和执行力,Lesson 21: 第二十一条,Execution without Strategy is dangerous 缺少策略的执行是危险的 Strategy without Execution is worse than meaningless it causes a lack of faith 没有执行的策略不仅没有意

27、义而且让人失去信念,DANGERNo Strategy,44,Lesson 22:,#22 “Responsibility”责任心,Admit your mistakes and “own” them apologize when you offend, move on犯了错主动承认,道歉,然后向前看,IM SORRY,45,Make decisions based on what is “right” for the organization not just “right” for you or your team 考虑到企业,为自己和团队做正确的决定 Think through the

28、impact of your decisions for all 考虑到自己的决定对整个公司,员工,会员和社会团体的影响,Lesson 23:,#23 “Organizational Responsibility” 企业责任,Organization,Members,Staff,Community,46,You need to trust your “gut” instincts. If something feels “off” it is. If it feels “right” verify to the degree feasible, but dont be afraid to ma

29、ke a decision 相信你的直觉,不要害怕做决定,Lesson 24:第二十四条,#24 “Cerebral Cortex”影响因子,47,Leaders have discipline. Being great at 1, 2 or 3 things is much better than being mediocre at 4, 5 or 6 things say NO to things that take you off the course of your committed strategic wheelhouse 优秀的领导者严于律己- 对一切可能让你偏离轨道的行为说不,Lesson 25:第二十五条,#25 “Discipline”纪律性,Questions 问题,3 Things You Will Do Differently你会做的不同的三件事,49,1,2,3,Thank You! 谢谢,50,Bill McBrideCell: (415) 299-9482 Email: BillMcBrideBMCBill.McBrideActiveSportsC | www.BMCwww.ActiveSportsC,

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