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1、Personal Training,ChinaFit November 2014私人教练课程,忘记你的竞争对手专注于你的客户- 马云,Section One第一板块,The Role of Personal Training in your gym私人教练课程在你的健身房扮演什么角色,Going to the gym has become the biggest participation sport in the world.健身成为了全世界参与最多的运动,27% of all adults attend a gym, health club or fitness centre*百分之二十七

2、的成年人去健身房或相关的健身会所,The Modern Fitness Landscape现代健身的蓝图,What do they all want?他们想要什么?,Results结果,What else do they all have?他们还有什么?,Choices各种选择,Baidu search百度搜索,“Fitness”健身80,300,000 “Weight Loss”减肥21,000,000私人教练课程“Personal Training” 8,631,000“Fitness Apps”健身软件4,200,000,Live streaming, games, DVDs, home

3、 gyms, pills 线上课程,游戏,DVD,家庭健身房,各种药物,Going to the gym is just one of the many choices.健身房只是众多选择的一种,What do consumers think a PT is?消费者如何看待私人教练课程,Rich & Famous 有钱人/明星 Expensive 价格昂贵 Exclusive 高级Biggest Loser超级减肥王 Dave Nuku, Michelle Bridges,The best operators最好的经营者,百分之十二到十五的私教渗透率12 15% PT penetration*

4、占总收入的百分之四十五 Up to 45% of all revenues,Assisted Exercise Vs. Unassisted Exercise辅助训练 vs 无辅助训练,Assisted exercise辅助训练,Exercise undertaken under the direct guidance of an exercise professional在运动专业人士的协助和指导下运动,Assisted Exercise辅助训练,Personal Training 私人教练课程Group Exercise 团操课程Small Group Training 小组训练Yoga

5、瑜伽Aqua 水中运动,Assisted exercise“Exercise Professional”辅助训练-“运动专业人士”,An individual or group of people who have been technically and service trained and tested to deliver exercise advice to assist members with their exercise goals.一些受过专业训练和考核的,有能力给会员带来改变,实现运动目标的人群。,Unassisted exercise无辅助训练,Cardio 有氧训练 W

6、eight training 重量训练Free weights 自由调节重量General gym activities 普通的健身房运动,Exercise Options 运动选择,Personal Training 私人教练课程Group Exercise 团操课程Small Group Training 小群体训练Self Training (Unassisted) 自行训练Swimming 游泳Tennis 网球Squash 壁球,What do most members do in your club?大多数会员在健身房做什么?,Attendance graph参与表,Why is

7、it important?参与为什么重要,More attendance = more likely to get results = more likely to be satisfied = more likely to stay = more likely to refer friends更多的参与=更好的健身效果=更多满足感=更倾向于留在健身房=更有可能推荐给朋友,Attendance is king参与是王道,Integrating PT in your gym整合你的私人教练,Who is your target market? 谁是你的目标人群How do you find th

8、em? 如何找到他们How do they like to be spoken to? 如何接触他们,PTs and the gym floor私人教练和巡场,PTs are fitness professionals 私人教练是健身专业人士They should not expect to be paid for every piece of advice they ever give 不应该按每个建议来向客户收费 Develop a culture of freely sharing knowledge 建立一个自由的,可以分享知识的氛围,Section Two第二板块,Driving P

9、ersonal Training推动私人教练课程,Driving Personal Training推动私人教练课程,Product 产品Price 价格Promotion 促销,Start point 开始,Why is having a PT beneficial? 私人教练的好处Who should have one? 谁应该参与Why should they? 为什么应该参与,The Brand of PT私人教练课程的品牌,The Brand of PT私人教练课程的品牌,What does PT look like in your club? 私人教练什么样子How do they

10、 dress? 如何穿着How to they carry themselves? 如何表现自己How accessible are they? 如何接触到,Target market目标市场,Target Market segments目标市场的分层,Target Market what problem are you trying to solve?目标市场-解决了什么问题,Target market what pains can you remove?目标市场-如何解决问题,Find 寻找Select 选择Book 预约Pay 付款Break up 结束Find a new one 寻找

11、新目标,Target Market how are you different?目标市场-你怎么和别人不一样,A pricing strategy定价策略,Multiple points of entry 不同的入手点,A pricing strategy定价策略,How do you achieve that? 如何实现,A pricing strategy定价策略,How many price points do you have?拥有多少价格点 How many price points could you have?可以有多少定价格点What levels of trainers do

12、 you have?目前有什么等级的私人教练What level of trainers could you have?可以有多少等级的私人教练,A product strategy产品策略,What products do you offer? 现在有什么产品What products could you offer? 可以有什么更多的产品,Position of PT in your club私人教练在你的健身房的定位,What are the exercise options in your club?你的健身房里有什么健身选择,Making PTs obvious让私人教练更显著,Un

13、iform着装Visibility 可见性Involvement 参与Teaching other exercise elements GF其他课程的培训Seminars 研讨会Business outreach 业务延伸New member engagement 和新会员的互动In club promotion 宣传,Role of PT in integrating new members私人教练在整合新会员时的角色,Currently, what proportion of PT sales is to new members?私人课程的销售对新会员占的比例?,Free sessions

14、 免费课程Discounted sessions 打折课程Group induction 团体优惠,Role of PT in integrating new members私人教练在整合新会员时的角色,Summary Driving Personal Training总结-推动私人教练课程,Price, product, promotionEveryone should see a PTMultiple entry pointsMultiple price points价格,产品,促销每个会员都应该参与私教课程多个切入点,多个价格点,Section Three,第三板块Managing th

15、e Personal Training Department管理私教部门,Leadership领导力,Role model trainer模范教练Leader rather than Manager 发挥领导力,KPIs for PT Department私人教练的绩效考核,PT Ratio PT:Member 私教和会员的比例Attendance to PT session (lessons)会员参与率Satisfaction (NPS)满意度Staff Satisfaction员工满意度Profit, revenue, expenses利润,收入,成本PT Penetration私教渗透,

16、Recruitment 招募,Becoming an employer of choice成为员工心目中的好公司 Purpose of business商业目的Compensation员工待遇Other reward and recognition其他奖励及认可Ongoing development可持续发展Fun娱乐,趣味,Induction 归纳,The wider purpose of the business更广阔的商业目的The purpose of PT within the business 私人教练的目的Expectation performance and behaviora

17、l (values)表现的期待Reward奖励“Buddy” system互助体系,Performance Management业绩管理,Individual PTsClear performance metricsImprovement planPain to the business私人教练的个人表现改进计划工作中的问题,PT Manager 私教经理Clear outcomes 清晰的目标Clear expectations 清晰的预期Contribution to the wider business 对整体的贡献,Performance Management业绩管理,Revenue

18、sources收入来源Unused sessions - Refund policy退课制度Compensation retainer % commission奖励-长期客户提成Commission sales & sessions (lessons)课程销售提成Management overheads管理开支Financial contribution to the business对公司财务的贡献,Budgeting for PT department私教部门的预算,Summary Managing PT总结-管理私教,Create clear outcomes 建立清晰的目标Create

19、 clear rewards & recognitions 建立清晰的奖励措施Be a great place to work建立好的工作环境Manage all staff fairly & firmly对待员工坚决,公平Meet financial goals完成财政目标,Section Four第四版块,Products & Programs for PTs to deliver私人教练推出的课程和产品,Section Four第四板块,Products & Programs for PTs to deliver私人教练推出的课程和产品,Personal Training versus

20、Small Group Training私人教练课程和小群体训练课程的对比,Definition of PT私教课程的定义1:11:21:3,Personal Training versus Small Group Training私人教练课程和小组训练课程的对比,Definition of Small Group Training小群体练课程的定义1:61:81:12,Personal Training versus Small Group Training私人教练课程和小组训练课程的对比,To pay or not to pay; that is the question额外付费还是不付,

21、Results Based Training,和成果挂钩的训练Guarantee results保证效果Pre & post metric训练前后的测量Defined duration vs on-going training制定长度vs持续训练Money back guarantee无效退款的承诺,Section Four Summary第四板块-总结,Clearly define PT and SGT 定义清晰Build products to sell创立可以销售的项目Price products appropriately 合理定价,Take home points重点,Everyone wants results 人人追求结果Everyone promises results 人人承诺结果Attendance is king 参与是王道Be a great place to work attract the best people建立良好的工作氛围,吸引优秀的员工Measure the right things 衡量正确的指标Reward the right things 鼓励正确的行为Work with a purpose 有目的地工作Have fun 开心,Thank you,谢谢,

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