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2019届高三英语二轮复习教师用书:第七讲 名词和冠词.doc

1、第 1 页(共 10 页) 第七讲 名词和冠词1(2016高考全国乙卷语法填空 )The nursery team switches him every few (day) with his sister .2(2016高考全国甲卷语法填空 )Recent (study) show that we are far more productive at work .3(2016高考全国甲卷短文改错 )If we go on a trip abroad,we can broaden our view and gain knowledges we cannot get from books.4(20

2、16高考全国丙卷短文改错 )The teenage year from 13 to 19 were the most difficult time for me.5(2016高考全国乙卷语法填空 )The nursery team switches him every few days with his sister so that while one is being bottlefed,other is with mumshe never suspects.6(2016高考全国甲卷语法填空 )Give your body and brain a rest by stepping outsi

3、de for while,exercising,or doing something you enjoy.7(2016高考全国乙卷短文改错 )My uncle says that he never dreams of becoming rich in the short period of time.8(2016高考全国甲卷短文改错 )But in that case,we will learn little about world.9(2016高考全国丙卷短文改错 )At the first,I thought I knew everything and could make decisio

4、ns by myself.10(2015高考全国卷语法填空)Id skipped nearby Guilin,a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River that are pictured by artists in so many Chinese(painting)11(2014高考辽宁卷语法填空)Unbelievable !Oh.,if you dont mind ,Ill stop and take a deep 12(2015高考全国卷短文改

5、错)The airs we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier.13(2015高考全国卷短文改错)One day,little Tony went to a shopping center with his parent.14(2014高考全国卷短文改错)For example ,we can do reading for one and a half hour and play sports for one hour every day.第 2 页(共 10 页) 15(2015高考全国卷语法填空)The adobe dwellings(土坯房

6、)built by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even most modern of architects and engineers.答案:1.days 2.studies 3.knowledgesknowledge4yearyears 5.the 6.a 7.thea 8.about 后加 the9the 去掉 10.paintings 11.breath 12.airsair13parentparents 14.第一个 hourhours 15.the1单数可数名词前通常会填冠词(a,an,th

7、e)、名词的所有格 (Toms)、形容词性物主代词(my,your,his) 、不定代词(any ,another,some)等。2空格在冠词、数词、形容词性物主代词、名词所有格后,要用括号中所给词的名词形式。3在名词前作定语的可能是形容词或分词,在名词后作定语的可能是分词短语、不定式短语或介词短语,还可能是定语从句。4若有定语从句、形容词短语、分词短语或介词短语等修饰,应当用所给词的名词形式。5作主语或作宾语(在及物动词或介词后)时,要用括号中所给词的名词形式。6在确定用名词形式后,还要考虑该名词是用单数还是复数,是否要用所有格。7牢记雷打不动的不可数名词如 advice;news;info

8、rmation;progress;fun;weather,music;health;luck 等,在使用这些词时,不管前面有多少修饰语,其前面一定不要用不定冠词 a 或 an。8零冠词常用的四种情况在节日名称、星期、月份、季节前;一日三餐、球类棋类等运动的名称前;与 by 连用表示交通通讯方式的名词前;名词前已有 this,that,my ,your ,some ,any 等词作定语。9定冠词常用五种情况前文已经提到过的人或物;在形容词和副词的最高级的前面;用于世界上独一无二的东西之前;用在序数词的前面表顺序;在表示乐器名称的名词之前。.单句语法填空1Weve been destroying

9、lots of forests every year.What a shame!Well be the (victim)of our own foolish behavior.2How can I take the medicine,sir?Just follow the (direct)on the bottle.3If a young man wants to become a singer,he should take some special (course)in this area because they will help him improve singing abilitie

10、s.4(2016陕西西安一中模拟 )As far as I know,two car (thief)have been caught in our community.第 3 页(共 10 页) 5The dream of going to the firstclass universities attracts us greatly and we have made up our to achieve it.6Starting your own business could be a way to achieving financial independence.On the other ,

11、it could just put you in debt.7I havent seen Sara since she was a little girl,and she has changed beyond (recognize)8It is not what you are thinking about but how you can put it into that counts.9Eight children were killed in the accident yesterday.Yes, the news came as shock to me.10What about teac

12、hing in a primary school?I think you are a born teacher.With pleasure.And I think it pleasure to do my bit for children.11It is out of the question that you can get rise if you dont work hard.12(2016山东青岛模拟) real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.13Have you listened to w

13、eather forecast,Linda?Yes.It says that there will be a heavy rain this weekend.14He told me the news that he got a new job in excited whisper.15To us all in China, experience of taking the College Entrance Examination seems an important way to judge whether ones life is a complete one.16It is great

14、pleasure for me to give a speech on the nature of human beings.17Well,that is one of most expensive hotels in town,Im afraid.Do you mean wed better choose cheaper one?18I was going to pay a visit to Li Ping when Mr Green called me up,who I didnt know at all.19The education of young is always a hot a

15、nd serious topic in modern society.20In order to find a better job,he decided to study second foreign language.答案:1.victims 2.directions 4.thieves5minds 6.hand 7.recognition 8.practice 9.a 10.a 11.a 12.A 13.the 15.the 16.a 17.the;a 18.a 19.the 20.a.单句改错1Here is a very person we are l

16、ooking for,one with a good knowledge of German.2She was born in 1974 and has played piano since the age of six.3If you go to the party,it is polite to arrive on time.It is good manners to shake hand with your host.第 4 页(共 10 页) 4Finally we climbed Mount Hua.It is very high and steep.We had to be car

17、eful in case we might fall off the cliff.It took us six hour to get to the summit.5(2016福建莆田质检)There are a variety of afterclass activity in our school,which benefit us a lot.6Her husband was great comfort to her when she was ill.7It is great honour for me to take part in the volunteer work,and I le

18、arn the significance of helping others.8You should follow the doctors advices and give up smoking.9After about half a hour,the rain stopped and I went home.10What happened just now shows a knowledge of first aid can make real difference in an emergency.答案:1.第一个 athe 2.played 后加 the 3.handhands4hourh

19、ours 5.activityactivities 6.第一个 was 后加 a7is 后加 a 8.advicesadvice 9.aan 10.make 后加 a.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。A man came to the USA from another country.After 1. (settle)down at an island,he went into a cafeteria to get something 2. (eat)He sat down at an empty table and waited for s

20、omeone to take his order,but nobody did.3. (final),a woman with a tray full of food sat down opposite him and informed him 4. the cafeteria worked.“Start out at that end, ” she said.“Just go along the line and pick out what you want.At 5. other end theyll tell you how much you have to pay.”“I soon 6

21、. (learn)how everything worked in the USA, ”the man told his friend.“Lifes a cafeteria there.You can get anything you want as long as you are willing to pay the price.You can even get success, 7. youll never get it if you wait for someone to bring it for you.You have to get up and get it 8. ”You can

22、t change the inevitable.The only thing you can do 9. (be)to control your attitude.Once you reach that point in life,happiness and 10. (satisfy)cant be too far away.1解析:settling。根据前面的介词 after,可知这里要用动名词形式。2解析:to eat。这里用不定式作定语。3解析:Finally。此空放在句首,修饰整个句子,因此要用该词的副词形式。注意首字母要大写。第 5 页(共 10 页) 4解析:how 。一位妇女带着

23、一个装满食物的盘子坐在他对面,告诉他自助餐厅是怎样运作的。5解析:the。at the other end 为固定搭配,意为“在另一端 ”。6解析:learned/learnt。整篇文章是叙述过去的事情,故此处用一般过去时。7解析:but。句意:你甚至可以获得成功,但如果你等别人把它拿给你,你永远都不会得到它。8解析:yourself。根据句意可知你不得不自己去做,所以这里用反身代词 yourself。9解析:is。此处是主系表结构。10解析:satisfaction。and 连接两个并列成分,根据 happiness 可知此处用名词形式。.短文改错It is known to all tha

24、t our students of today have to fix our attention on our lessons,so we know few of society.A holiday is the best time and the best chance to make up for that.Take a parttime job is a good form of social practice.That we have learned in books and in class cant have the same important effect us as wha

25、t we have learned through personal practice.In social practice,we can surely make a progress in both knowledge or practical ability.Beside,when we take a parttime job,we may got paid more or less ot help our family.Thus,I will say senior school students should take parttime jobs in their holidays,if

26、 possibly.答案:第 6 页(共 10 页) .写作提升用名词的固定搭配或与冠词相关的结构替换画线部分。1I saw a lot of rubbish in the street the other day.I a lot of rubbish in the street the other day.2You should spend your spare time improving English.You should your spare time to improve English.第 7 页(共 10 页) 3The teacher entered the office,with a book in his handThe teacher entered the office, 4Although she is a child,she shows a great passion for the stars. ,she shows a great passion for the stars.答案:1.caught sight of 2.make full use of in hand4Child though/as she is第 8 页(共 10 页) 名词和冠词第 9 页(共 10 页) 第 10 页(共 10 页)

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