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1、1目 录Content页次 page一、安装概述 Summarize of installation2风机安装场所 Position.2风机安装空间要求 Demands of space.2各种安装方法及要求 Methods and demands of installation2吊装于天棚的场合 Situation of loaded on the ceiling3二、基础 Basic3 混凝土基础 Concrete bedrock3减振元件 Shakeproof element.4减振元件的使用 Using of the shakeproof element4三、 搬运 Transit.4

2、部件检查 Check the parts5吊装及搬运 Hoist and transit.5保管 Safekeeping.5四、 安装方法 Methods of installation5水平校正 Plane emendation6轴承座的安装 Installation of bearing house6确认电机转向 Notarized the motor direction8带轮及胶带 Pulley and V-belt8联轴器校正 Shaft joint emendation.8管道连接 Join of pipe9热风机的安装 Installation of hot-air blower9

3、五、试车 Commissioning.10 检查 Checking10加油 Put on steam.10盘车 Jigger10送风系统 Air-feeding system10电气配件 Electric fittings11启动 Startup11运行确认 Notarized the running11六、保养与管理 Maintenance and management.12定期检查 Periodic check12日常检查 Daily check15轴承的保养和检查 Maintenance and checking of bearing16联轴器的保养和检查 Maintenance and

4、 checking of shaft joint18胶带及带轮的保养和检查 Maintenance and checking of pulley and V-belt18七、安全须知 Safety caution 21搬 运安装概述基础搬运安装方法试车保养与管理安装方法2非常感谢您选用创新精良的“上树”牌风机!First, thanks for selecting our innovative and excellent fans with “上树 ” brand!正确的安装和维护关系到风机性能及使用寿命。为此,谨请您仔细阅读本说明书并按要求操作。For install and maintai

5、n the fan correctly, you should read this handbook carefully, according to it when operation must.一、安装概述 Summarize of installation风机的安装场所 Position of installation of the fan风机安装场所的选定请注意如下几点:The notices of choosing position as follows:若风机处于露天场合,应具备防护设施加以保护;If the fan in the open air, it must has safe

6、guard.风机应置于方便管理及监护的地方(图 1); 图 1The fan should be installed in the location where is easy to manage and watch. See drawing 1.安装的场所应具有坚固的基础。The location should be has solid basic.特别是安装于高架结构上的风机,安装场所应是不诱发振动的结构。Especially the fan will be installed on the overhead frame, the location hasnt any factor of

7、vibration must.风机的安装空间要求 Demands of space安装通风机的场地面积,估算时应考虑如下几点:You should pay attention to estimate the acreage of installation as follows: 不防碍相邻其他机器正常运转;Dont disturb other machine around it. 能安全而且方便地对通风机进行检修; Examine and repair convenient. 拆卸叶轮、更换轴承时,应有足够的空间。There is enough space for take down impe

8、ller. 各种安装方法及要求 Methods and demands of installation 地面上安装 Be installed on the ground. 风机一般安装于混凝土基础上,但是对型号较小、且电机功率较小的小型通风机亦可不做基础直接安装于地面,即使如此也应该注意基础的强度(图 2)。Fans are usually installed on the concrete bedrock except the fans are smaller with small type and motor power. Even so, you should pay attention

9、 to the intensity of basic. See drawing 2. 楼板(高台架)上安装 Be installed on the hathpace.应充分注意安装区的刚性及强度,以避免通风机运转时引起共振,否则必须采取加固措施(图 3A)。You should pay attention to the angular rigidity and intensity of the installation 不图 2安装概述3area to avoid resonance, otherwise adopt measure of reinforce. See drawing 3A.

10、装于箱内的风机 Be installed in the fan box.为避免因结构刚度及强度不足而引起风机振动,故必须充分注意安装构架的强度。尤其使用减振橡胶(弹簧)等减振材料时,务必使风机和电机安装于公共底盘上(图 3B)。In order to avoid libration which would be caused of lack in rigidity and intensity of the frame, you should pay attention to the intensity. Especially when use rubber or spring vibratio

11、n damper, the fan and the motor would be installed on the same underpan. See drawing 3B.不不图 3A 图 3B 图 4A 图 4B 吊装于天棚的场合 Be hung on the ceiling小型风机可简单地以螺栓吊装的安装型式(图 4A),对于中型通风机其吊装型式应尽力采用焊接的框架结构安装风机,并尽量采用地面安装为妥。Small fans should be installed with bolts simply, (See drawing 4A). Medium-sized fans should

12、be installed with weldments of frame, but then installed on the ground to the best of your abilities. 挂壁式风机(排气扇) 其安装壁必须强固。When exhaust fans should be installed on the wall, the wall must fastness. 屋顶安装 Be installed on the roof.安装屋顶风机,应充分考虑外界风暴和雨雪等外因对风机的影响,屋面倾斜时亦应做到风机垂直安装(图 4B)。You should think about

13、 the effects from storm, rain and snow. See drawing 4B.二、基础 Basic 混凝土基础 Concrete bedrock 混凝土基础平面尺寸至少比风机底盘外缘尺寸大 150300 毫米。小型风机基础取小值,但基础厚度至少 150 毫米,基础重量约按大于通风机总重量的510 倍考虑(图 5)。The plane size of concrete bedrock is bigger 150300mm than the size of fan border. The sizes of concrete bedrock for small fan

14、s take the minimum but its thickness is bigger than 150mm must and weight is bigger 5 10 multiples than the weight of total fan. See drawing 5 考虑到风机底盘会因积水而腐蚀,基础四周应设置排水沟(图 6)。You should mount a drain for no water in the basic, and that it will not eroded. See drawing 6. 基础表面应平整、光顺,并充分考虑到预埋螺栓孔位置。The s

15、urface of basic is smooth and trim, you should think about the holes for installing the bolts beforehand.基础4不图 5 图 6 基础表面与通风机底盘间应以垫片等调整,使其能充分接触后固定。Regulate the basic surface and fan frame with gasket, then fixup after the basic come into contact with the gasket enough.2. 减振元件 Shakeproof element风机的减振

16、元件种类有减振垫片,减振橡胶垫,减振弹簧座等(图 7)。Shakeproof elements include gaskets, rubber, spring and so on. See drawing 6.根据风机的重量及风机运行的频率,来选择合适的减振元件其效果较好。若风机处于低速运行或载荷较轻的情况,对此可用减振橡胶。Youd better choose the correct shakeproof elements according to the weight and function frequency of the fan. If the fan runs in low spe

17、ed or loads lightly, the shakeproof element can select rubber. 3. 减振元件的使用 Using of the shakeproof element 使用减振元件时,必须满足风机和电机共同安装在有足够刚性的公共底盘上。The underpan where has installed fan and motor has enough angular rigidity when you use the shakeproof element. 为使各减振元件均匀受力,基础平面应是水平的。若有部分元件浮置于风机底盘下,则可能引起风机异常的振

18、动。The basic is aclinic for the sake of all shakeproof elements support equal. If theres anything under the frame, the fan would shaken unconventionally. 使用减振元件时,务必在通风机接口管道上安装软性接头。When use the shakeproof element, you must install inflatable tie-in in the pipe joint of the fan. 叶轮有可能积灰或异物附着,这样会较大地影响(破

19、坏)叶轮的动平衡。在此情况下,使用减振元件是不适当的。The balance of impeller will be destroyed when dust or eyewinker cling to the impeller, in this case, use shakeproof element is not correct.三、搬运、储存、保管 Transit, deposited, safekeeping风机出厂前对风机的中心线校正、动平衡等均已给予充分的注意,并经运转不图 7搬运5合格后才准予出厂。因此,在客户现场搬运时应注意风机不被擦伤,甚至变形。All the fans hav

20、e checked out with center emendation, balance, running, then was qualified to leave factory, so the client must pay attention to abrade and distortion during transit. 部件检查 Check the parts 检查风机有无损伤、变形、油漆是否完好。Check the fans whether or not have damnification, distortion, consummate paint. 风机的部件、备件是否有混杂

21、、遗漏、搬运前后数量是否一致。Check the parts and spare parts. 吊装及搬运 Hoist and transit风机搬运、就位、吊装时,请按吊装标识位置进行吊装。Please use the hook when transiting, perching and hoisting.分体式机壳及转子吊装时,注意绳索和工件相接触部应以布或柔软的物件填入,特别是叶轮和轴,因为即使微小的变形也可能引起动平衡精度的降低,导致运转时风机振动。When hoisting fission casing and rotors, fill in with soft where the

22、rigging and workpiece touched, especially the impeller and shaft. Otherwise will debase the precision of balancing, result in the fan shaken.带轮、黄油咀等在吊装时易受伤害,用索具时,应充分注意。Pay attention to fix the rigging for the pulley and brass lubrication nipples are vulnerable.设备在移动作用时,可能引起轴、皮带轮、叶轮很大的冲力,为此请注意转动部件应不受

23、其害。The move of equipment brings large impulsive force of shaft, pulley and impeller, please advert it. 保管 Safekeeping风机未安装前,应置风机于通风、干燥的场所,并定期检查以防止生锈和损伤。The fan should be placed at the ventilative place, dry location before installation, periodic check it, so avoid rustiness and scathe.在保管期内,每月至少二次对风

24、机进行盘车,每次至少 10 转(并在原叶轮位置转过 180处停放)。根据盘车时的感觉,注意轴承的润滑情况。其次,对调节门等可转动部件开、关数次,必要时应注入润滑剂,以防生锈。During the keeping period, insist on twice jigger per month at least, 10 turns every time and stop at the point of over 180. At the same time, pay attention to the degree of bearing lubrication. Secondly, some tim

25、es of open and close the rotor such as adjustable door, if necessary, immit the lube in order to prevent rustiness.即使通风机安装已完工,但长时间停止运行,除按上述程序处理外,应打开轴承盖仔细检查轴承的润滑情况,必要时更换新润滑脂.To check the libricate after open the bearing cover if the fan havent run for a long time, add the new lube if necessary.四、安装方法

26、 Methods of installation风机出厂前制造厂已对风机和电机进行了校正,但因运输原因及底座本身难免会产生弹性变形,因此风机安装到基础上之后,应再次进行校正。安装方法6Though the fan and the motor has proofread before leave factory, you should proofread again after the fan will installed on the base because of transit and the flexible distortion of the base per se. 校正 Emend

27、ation 一般情况 common circs 风机水平原则上以轴为基准,轴流风机若垂直安装时(立式),也可以带轮、叶轮轮毂的加工面为基准。In principle, the fan plane takes benchmark with shaft, but when the axile fan will be installed by standing type, the plane also takes benchmark with cover of V-belt or impeller hub.b 风机置于平整的混凝土基础上以水平仪检查水平,水平校准可在风机和基础间垫上垫片。然后,灌入水

28、泥浆使接合面充分接触。与此同时,可在基础螺栓预留孔内注入水泥浆,并使螺栓垂直并加以固定。Check the plane with gradienter after park the fan on the smooth concrete base, calibrate the plane with gaskets among the fan and the base, then fill the grout. At the same time, fill the grout into the prepared bolts holes beforehand, and fixup the bolts

29、 vertically.c 基础螺栓应均匀锁紧,局部螺栓过紧往往会使轴中心偏移,引起轴承损伤。Tighten the basal bolts equably, or else will lead excursion of the shaft center and scathe of the bears. 安装于组装箱内的风机 Fans are installed in the box 风机安装于组装箱内,应考虑能方便地调换轴承;尽可能使风机整机原样装于箱内(不要再拆卸)。In this connection, youd better think about exchange bearings

30、expediently and dont take down the fan try your best. 组装箱应设有调换和检查轴承的检视窗或门。Set up window or door for inspecting and exchanging bearings. 轴承座的安装 Installation of bearing box在锁紧各安装螺栓时,应注意不要在轴方向对轴承造成不应有的轴向作用力。You should notice the axile direction power has no effect to the bearings when tighten all the b

31、olts. 使用轴承座的情况 Using of bearing house轴承座上螺栓按(图 8)所示程序锁紧:在底部二侧的螺栓 先行锁紧,对 1于水平中分型的轴承座先慢慢地锁紧自由侧的螺栓(轴承的自由侧一般取在非电动机一侧,但是对于 E 式传动及热风机亦有取在电机一侧的),然后再锁紧非自由侧螺栓 。 3Tighten the bolts where on the bearing house according to drawing 8. After tighten the bottom bolts, for the plane midsplit bearing house, first ti

32、ghten the free side bolts slowly, usually, we take the motor side as the fetterless side, for the hot fan and the fan driven by type E also choose the side hasnt motor, then tighten the bolts at the fetterless side.高温风机应充分考虑轴的热膨胀伸长。Must think about expanse of high temperature fan.安装方法7轴承及轴的校正法 Metho

33、ds of emendation of shaft and bearings取下轴承侧盖在轴上装上百分表,测定点取轴承外圈(若取外圈不可能,则可取轴承座侧面加工的部分)。轻轻盘动轴,读出百分表的最大最小值,并记下;取其读数差的 1/2,为偏摆值 T。若测点距轴心距离为 R,则可根据 T/R 值求得轴承对于轴的倾斜值(图 9),并可计算出倾斜度。 Put down the lateral cover, load a centesimal watch, take the determine point with periphery of bearings(if it is impossible,

34、take the side of bearing house). Turn the shaft lightly, and then read and mark the largest and smallest value. Then we get the wiggle value T, this value equals up and down value minus right and left value. If the distance from test point to axes is R, T divided R equals gradient value.表 1 轴承的容许倾斜度

35、Sheet 1 The admit gradient of bearing轴 承 形 式bearing type容许倾斜度(系列/度数)admit gradient (series/degree)双 列 调 心 球 轴 承double ball bearing 12/2 13/2.5 14/2.5 22/2 23/2.5双 列 调 心 滚 子 轴 承double roller bearing 213/1 222/1.5 223/2 230/1.5 231/1.5 232/1.5 339/1.5 240/2 241/2.5注:表 1 为轴承在正常负荷及工作条件下,内圈转动时允许存在的许容倾斜度。

36、能否安全达到此给定值,须依轴承配置设计及密封类型等条件决定。Remark: The value in this sheet are conditioned by natural burthen and running. The designs of bearings and seal type determined whether or not will obtain the value. 使用轴承单元的情况 Using of bearing调心轴承单元具有自动调心的性能,具有 2(带轴承盖的 1)的调心范围,但由于单元支架构造简单,其轴向许容量小,为此安装时注意:Though the bea

37、rings have 2adjustable range with its automatic performance, youd better pay attention to installation because the bracket of this unit is too simply: 止动螺钉向心球轴承单元 Unit of bearing with stop moving bolts使用该类轴承单元,轴承间间距调整好后钻孔定位。因此,需注意定位孔应不图 8 图 9安装方法8与要求的安装位置一致。风机日常使用时,应注意螺钉是否松动及位置是否变动;否则在运转中会产生振动,以致轴承内

38、套与轴产生相对运动(图 10)。Make a bore and orientation after adjusted the distance between bearings. The orientation position holes must as same with request. You should pay attention to start and change of the bolts day-to-day. Otherwise brings opposite sports between inside cover and bearings. See drawing 10

39、. 偏心固定轮向心球轴承单元 Unit of bearing with eccentricity fixed wheel是利用斜楔原理,使轴承固定于轴,效果较好。将偏心环装到有偏心的加长部分上并沿机轴旋转方向旋转直至锁紧(图 11),并注意旋紧防松螺钉,否则会产生松动。In wedge principle, purpose of to fix the bearings on the shaft is good. Put the eccentricity ring on the lengthen part where with eccentricity, then tighten it. At

40、the same time, notice the bolt. See drawing 11.不图 10 图 11 图 12的误差0.050.08mm 的误差0.030.05mm 确认电机转向 Notarize the direction of motor 安装电机时,以手盘动,确认无异常情况。Notarize no abnormity when install the motor. 在挂上胶带或安装联轴器联接柱前,确认电机转向符合风机转向要求。Notarize the direction of motor is correct before hang on the V-belt or ins

41、tall the shaft joint.带轮及胶带 V-belt and pulley风机试运转前,对胶带、带轮进行检查,校正两带轮直线度及轴线平行度,调整胶带张力(详见第六章保养与管理 中有关带轮及胶带的保养和检查) 。Check the V-belt and pulley before the fan startup, revise the center between two pulleys and adjust the strain of V-belt.See the sixth chapter about maintenance and checking of belt wheel

42、 and V-belt. 联轴器校正 Shaft joint emendation安装联轴器驱动的风机时,可用联轴器进行校正。首先,卸掉联轴器的柱销,一边用手转动两侧半联轴器,一边检查径向与端面摆动的偏差。在多数情况下,上下左右摆动偏差调整至满足图 12 中所示的范围。When install the fan driven by shaft joint, the emendation with shaft joint. At first demount the bolts, put down the pin, turn the flange trays, checking the windag

43、e at the same time. In common, usually, the windage range has shown in drawing 12. 管道连接 Join of pipe安装方法9 原则上风机和管道间应以柔性接管相连,且使其中心相一致。否则可能导致机壳变形,使进风口与叶轮相擦。The fan are joined with flexible pipe, tighten the bolts equably, get the consistent center, otherwise, anamorphic casing will arouse attrition be

44、tween inlet and impeller. 管道与风机连接前应仔细检查其内部,若有异物应清除。Check the fan inside before join, must clean out the eyewinker. 若风机进口不接管道,应于吸入口侧装置具有足够强度的防护网,以防异物吸入风机。Set a safety net with enough intensity on the inlet when the fan will not be jointed with pipe. 叶轮和进风口间的间隙 clearance between impeller and inlet安装终结

45、后,应检查并确认叶轮和进风口间上下、左右间隙基本均匀一致(图 15)。At the end of installation, check the clearance between impeller and inlet, ensure the clearance is symmetrical and consistent. See drawing 15 热风机的安装 Installation of hot-air blower应着重防止热膨胀对风机运行的影响。To avoid the effect of expand with heat to the fan. 进出口管道连接 Joint of

46、 inlet and outlet因温度变化产生的热应力,不应直接让风机本体承担,必须使用膨胀伸缩接头。对于钢板结构管道,温度变化每 100,每 1000mm 长度其变形量约为1.3mm;若进出口膨胀力直接施加于风机,则引起大的变形以致叶轮和进风元件碰擦,甚至损坏(图 13)。Must use the inflatable tie-in, the heat stress is not charged with fan. For the armor plate structure pipe, the temperature changes 100 every 1000mm, the volume of distortion is about 1.3mm. See drawing 13. 不差 好图 13 轴承部件的冷却 Cooling of bearing 为减少介质温度对轴承的影响,机壳与轴承间为保护轴承应配有散热风扇(气体温度小于 250时)。对于散热风扇由于周围的空气

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