1、服务工作流程标准任务 具体实施 标准Greet the guest问候客人1 当客人到达餐厅门口的时候,从迎宾台主动走出面向客人问好2 欢迎客人。3 确定客人用餐人数。4 在客人就座之后在预约登记册上作记录 所有的客人都应该在 15 秒之内受到我们的关注以及问候。 如果是熟悉的顾客称呼客人的名字,如果不知道客人的名字,询问客人以便做好座位纪录。 如果客人单独用餐,不要向客人询问“你是一个人吗” 或“ 你还有其他朋友吗”之类的话语。陪同客人,协助客人就座。1. 引导客人走最近的路程到达客人指定的餐桌。2. 拉开椅子帮助客人就座,首先关注女士以及儿童。3. 根据营业状况,对于特定用餐的客人给予特别
2、的关注。 商业的客人喜欢座在靠边的位子,因此尽可能满足他们的选择 情侣喜欢坐在没人打扰的地方 老人和不舒服的客人喜欢坐在靠近出口和洗手间的位置。 带小孩的父母喜欢不拥挤的区域。 所有的客人将在我们的引领下选择他们理想的位子就餐 提前进行预约的客人,要根据人数给他们安排好桌子和摆好他们用餐的位子。 如果客人晚到了一些,亲自带领客人走到餐桌用餐,不能只是指引路线。 在经营状况允许的情况下,每桌客人之间的距离至少有一张桌子的空间呈上菜单 1. 微笑的打开菜单2. 站在客人的右边,身体微倾用右手为客人展示菜单。 保护好菜单,不要破损,保证菜单的时效性。 女士优先,然后顺时针旋转。登记餐桌的号码 1.
3、将口布正放到黄油碟上。2. 登记完餐桌之后,询问客人是否还有其他要求,然后向客人说:“祝您用餐愉快。 ” 登记餐桌号码是为了告知前线的服务员客人的餐桌号码,这样他们可以撤掉多余的餐具以及桌椅。Take beverages order and explain specialties当客人点酒水时,向客人介绍我们的特色1. Ensure if guest is ready to order. Ex: “Are you ready to order Sir?”2. Server will verbally offer selection of juices and any daily special
4、ty. Ex: “Would you care for a .”3. Listen carefully and fill in “captain order” using system outlined in the manual.4. Repeat guest orders after order has been taken.5. Before leaving table, explain any special food menu offering and Ladies first, then move clockwise Use Xianglu GRAND pen and clear
5、handwriting Use seating numbering system going clockwise. Help guest to decide and explain to guest if they need to know about certain kinds of drinks. 女士优先,然后顺时针旋转。 使用翔鹭集团的笔,并保持书写工整。mention not available items.1. 明确客人是否开始点单了,例如:请问您是否需要先喝点酒水2. 可以向客人提供一些口头上的建议, ,介绍一些平时比较受欢迎的果汁,例如:“您喜欢?”3. 仔细听,填好客人的点单
6、,按照工作手册上制定的工作程序进行。4. 当客人点完单后重复一遍客人的点单。5. 在离开餐桌之前,向客人介绍有特色的饮品并向客人解释哪些是我们暂时无法提供的,是不能点的。 顺时针的方向用编号的方式记录。 帮助客人做决定,如果客人需要更多种类的饮品向客人作介绍。Serve Beverages提供饮品1. Prepare clean tray and collect drinks according to order from the bar.2. Arrange all drinks accordingly (heaviest in the middle of the tray and line
7、 them to guest seating).3. Keep tray balanced and walk carefully.4. Bring drinks to guest table and approach guest from the right.5. Place cocktail napkin by the right hand side of guest on top of the dinner knife.6. Place drink on the cocktail napkin and announce the name of the drink.7. Proceed to
8、 next guest.1. 准备干净的托盘,从酒吧准备好客人所点的饮料。2. 安排饮品在托盘上的摆放, (重的放在中间,其余的按照客人座位摆成一排) 。3. 走路的时候要小心谨慎,保持托盘的平衡。4. 服务酒水时,从客人的右手边上酒水。5. 摆放鸡尾酒餐巾时放在客人的右手边,将其放置在正餐刀的上面。6. 把饮料放在杯垫上面,然后向客人说明饮料的名称。7. 继续下一位。 Serve all beverages at the same time and no partial order on the table. Ladies first, then move clockwise. Serve
9、from right side of the guest using the right hand. 向所有的客人提供饮品的服务,不能歧视任何客人。 女士优先然后顺时针旋转。 在顾客的右手边用右手提供服务。Remove extra place setting拿走没有用的餐具1. Clear extra settings: Fold flat napkin and set it on beverage tray, place all cutleries inside napkin Setting removal must be quiet and unobtrusive. For 2 or mo
10、re extra place setting removals, a beverage 2. When finished, adjust table appointments to maximize space for guests.3. Restore all extra settings on side station1. 撤掉多余的餐具、客人不需要的用具:打开展平餐巾,铺在饮料托盘上,将所有的餐具法在餐巾上。2. 撤完后要调整餐具的位置以便客人有最大的空间用餐。3. 把撤下来的餐具依次归类放在服务边柜上。tray is required. All items not needed for
11、 selection ordered are immediately removed from the table. 移动餐具的时候必须轻拿轻放,不能让客人感觉到唐突。 有两处以上的餐具需要移动的话,必须使用饮料托盘。 点单上的菜式不要求的用具必须马上从餐桌上撤掉。Taking food order开始点菜1. Stand to the right of the guest when taking the order and to move around the table if it is individual order.2. Write down neatly each individu
12、als complete order before going on to the next order.3. Clarify with the guest on how they would like certain items cooked: Steaks - rare/medium/well done Fish - poached or grilled. Eggs - Fried, over easy, scrambled, boiled, or poached. Salads- what types of dressing.4. Add seating no. next to item
13、 ordered5. Repeat the order to the guests after taking every guest orders.1. 站客人的右边点菜,当客人要单点时依次围绕餐桌给客人点单2. 当你给下一个客人点单之前要完整的写下已点客人的菜单3. 询问客人对菜的做法 点牛排-三分熟 /五分熟/全熟 点鱼-水煮或煎 点鸡蛋-煎 ,单面煎, 炒,煮,或水煮 沙拉-需要搭配何种类型的汁4. 在点好的菜单后加上客人的座位编号5. 点完菜后要向客人复述一遍。 Lady first, then move clockwise. Give guest full attention. Li
14、sten carefully to what the guests are saying. Nothing is more annoying than employees who are not paying attention at you as guest. When guests tell what they want, always repeat it to avoid mistakes. Use standard abbreviation and numbering system going clockwise. Do not rely on your memory, as it w
15、ill affect the guest and the operations in case item is mis-ordered. Use outlet or hotel specified abbreviations to record the order. If somebody orders for everybody then he /she is the host and to be served last. A quick suggestion always impresses the guest. Use suggestive selling when taking the
16、 food order 女士优先,顺时针旋转。 全面关注顾客。随时回答客人的提问,没有比关心客人更重要的事情 当客人告诉你他的需求,要重复客人说的,以免出现失误。 用标准的缩写形式,数字编号,顺时针方向。 不要依赖你的记忆,在点单记录出现错误的情况下,会给客人和操作带来影响。 以便万一有任何遗漏,使用酒店统一的点菜单。 如果某人为全体人点菜,则他(她)就是主人,这时他(她)的菜应该最后一个上。 记住座位号或客人的号数。快速的建议会给客人留下印象Adjust cutleries调整餐具1. Look at your food order and see what extra cutlery yo
17、u require.2. Pick up necessary piece of cutlery from the service station and carry to the table on plate with folded napkin.3. Proceed to the table, change or add cutlery. Always change right cutlery from right hand side and left from left.4. Continue this procedure until all cutlery additions or ch
18、anges are completed.5. Check table to ensure everything is correct.1. 根据客人的点单选择需要配备的餐具。2. 从服务边柜中取出需要的餐具,使用盘子并且用餐巾盖着端给客人。3. 从客人的右手方向走向餐桌继续更换或增加刀叉,记住,更换右边的餐具从右边开始,更换左边的餐具从左边开始。4. 保持此服务程序直到所有餐具更换或填加完毕。5. 检查餐桌确保所有的餐具摆放正确。 Cutleries are clean, polished, and in good condition. Lady first, then move clockw
19、ise. Place or remove cutleries at the same time to minimize disturbances. Do not place more than 3 courses of cutleries. 所有餐具必须干净,不能有破损。 女士优先,顺时针旋转。 摆放或移动餐具尽量在同一时间,尽量不要打扰顾客。 摆放餐具不要超过 3 次。Pick up food上菜1. Begin pick up procedure only when all the food for the course of a table is ready.2. Arrange ite
20、ms so that it can be served in sequential order around the table.1. 当所有的饭菜准备就绪的时候开始上菜。2. 安排好饭菜的位置,保持上菜的连续性。 For hand service, Carry no more than 3 plates one time. Use hand service whenever possible. If unable to pick up and serve all food at the table, find another waiter to assist. Pick up cold fo
21、od first then hot food. 用手服务的话,上菜一次不要超过 3 盘 如果饭菜太多,找其他服务员协助上菜。 先上冷菜然后热菜。Serve food and condiments服务饭菜以及调味品1. Approach table and smile2. Serve each guest from guest right hand side using right hand.3. Announce the name of the dish when serving, and explain the Serve lady first, then move clockwise. U
22、tilize numbering system. Never ask whos having what. Items should be placed with meat facing guest at 6 dish if requested. 4. Wish guest to enjoy their food before you leave the table1. 靠近餐桌,微笑服务。2. 在客人的右手边,身体微倾用右手提供服务。3. 当为客人上菜时为客人报菜名,如客人需要告诉客人菜的做法。4. 在离开餐桌之前祝福客人用餐愉快oclock. 女士优先,然后顺时针旋转。 用数字编号的形式服务
23、。永远不要询问“谁要什么,什么”。 放有肉制品的饭菜要在顾客的六点钟的方向。Detail table and continue service收拾餐桌继续服务1. Look at the table carefully2. Remove any item not needed by guest.3. Replace any cutleries if necessary.4. Offer additional items before guest needs.1. 仔细的看一下餐桌。2. 撤走所有客人不需要的东西。3. 如果有需要用干净的餐具替换。4. 在客人没有提出需要之前帮客人准备好他们所须
24、的。 Any ashtray with one cigarette butt will be changed. Service will be consistently friendly, outgoing, attentive, unobtrusive and professional. Refill should be done in discreet manner and no beverage glass should be less than 1/4 full unless additional beverage is not available 所有的烟灰缸有一个烟头就要马上更换烟
25、缸。 必须提供连续不间断的、热情周到、有条不紊的专业化服务。 续杯的时候要仔细、认真并且在杯中的饮料不到 1/4 之前就要及时续杯,除非现有的饮料量不够。Ascertain needs明确顾客的需要1. Approach guest table immediately after the delivery of food to inquire. Ex: “Is there anything else I might bring you this time? Would you care for more chilli sauce?”1. 客人点的饭菜上桌后要快速的走过去询问,例如:您还需要别的
26、什么吗?您需要再来一点辣椒油吗? Avoid question “Is everything alright?” 不要这样问客人:“所有的饭菜都还好吧?”Quality Assurance保证质量Ask guest for comment and feedback向顾客询问对于产品的意见以及顾客的反馈 After meal before dessert 在用餐结束后甜点之前Clear Plate from Table清理餐桌上的盘子1. Approach table, smile, and get guest approval. Ex. “Excuse me, May I clear your
27、 plate?”2. Collect 1st plate and cutleries from guest right hand side, using right hand.3. Transfer plate to left hand and hold it with your thumb & index finger. Tables are cleared only when all guests have completed eating their course. If you need assistance, get it before begin to clear. Clear p
28、lates, cutlery and scraps without any noise. Start with lady, then move clockwise It is advisable to collect the plate with the most leftover 4. Arrange cutleries so that fork is pointing away from you. Then hold the plate and fork with your thumb firmly on the base of the fork handle. Then slide th
29、e knife under the fork.5. Collect 2nd plate and balance it on your lower left forearm and the ball of the thumb, and support it with other fingers.6. Using either the fork or knife, scrape any leftovers onto the first plate, slide the second knife under the first fork and place the second fork along
30、 the first fork.7. Collect 3rd plate and leave on top of the scraped ones as is but repeat the flatware placement.1. 行近餐桌,保持微笑,得到客人允许之后进行服务。例如:“打扰一下,我可以清理一下您的盘子吗?”2. 收盘子的时候注意从客人的右边,用右手收起第一个盘子。3. 用大拇指与食指端盘,把盘子换到左手。4. 调整好餐具防止从手中掉下,然后用手指固定好刀叉拖起盘子,然后把刀放到叉的下面。5. 清理第二个盘子用前臂和大拇指使之平衡,同时用其它的手指来支持第一个盘子的重量。6.
31、可以使用刀叉时,把残留物擦到第一个盘里。第二个刀放在第一个叉的下面,第一个叉和第二个叉并排放一起。7. 收第三个盘子并放在已清理的第二个盘上,刀叉的摆放依上所述。on it first Dont stack plates too high. Limit yourself to 4 plates at one time. 只有所有的客人在用完餐之后才能开始清理餐桌。 如果需要帮助,在开始清理之前就应该确定帮你的人。 清理盘子,餐具,并小声地处理盘里的残留物 从女士开始,然后顺时针旋转。 建议首先清理有最多剩菜的盘子 不要把盘子堆的太高,一次限定自己只拿 4 个盘子Crumb down a tab
32、le.清除桌子上的碎屑。1. Prepare waiters cloth and BB plate, or the crumber.2. Approach the guest on their left-hand side and say, “excuse me, sir/madam.”3. Bend from the waist forward and place plate in left hand against the edge of the table.4. Efficiently brush crumbs towards the edge of the table where th
33、e plate is.5. Once the table is done, place the soiled utensils on service tray at the working station.1. 使用专门的餐巾或清洁面包屑的器具,配合面包黄油盘来清理2. 站在客人的左手边面带微笑的说“打扰一下先生/女士” 。3. 探身弯腰,盘子在左手并靠近桌子的边缘。4. 及时地把面包屑刮向桌子边缘的盘子里。 Ensure that all cutlery and plates have been removed. Start with female guest (if applicable)
34、 to the host/ess (if known) last. 确保所有的刀叉和盘子都被移走 女士优先(先宾后主)5. 一旦清除碎屑,要把脏的器具放在工作台的服务盘里。Prepare check准备账单1. Ensure that we have ascertained that no additional items will be ordered.2. Check if all items have been punched in and charged correctly before cashier printing.3. Request printing to cashier b
35、y informing table no. required.4. Place the check in folder and keep on the station ready to be presented1. 我们必须确定客人没有任何其他的需要。2. 在客人买单之前,我们要检查输进电脑的客人用餐的所有项目,确保准确无误。3. 在收据上面同样要打印餐桌的号码。4. 把账单保存在文件夹里,放在工作台上,如果客人需要时及时出示。 Check must be clean, neat and accurate. Never review check next to guest table Neve
36、r write anything on the check. Cover must be clean and in excellent condition. 账单必须清楚无误。 不允许在客人餐桌附近对照账单。 不允许涂改账单上的相关内容。 文件夹的封面必须洁净,没有破损。Present check to the guest向客人出示账单1. Collect ready check at the station.2. Present closed folder check to the guest from guests right hand side using right hand.3. P
37、lace a ready to use pen on the folder, pointing towards guest.4. Walk away and keep a distance from the guest while waiting for settlement.1. 把所有的账单收集好放在工作台上。2. 在客人的右手边用右手向客人出示折起来的账单文件夹。3. 在文件夹上准备好笔,笔尖朝向客人。4. 在顾客等待结算的时候,与顾客保持一定的距离。 Check should be place facing guest. Use Xianglu GRAND pen. Do not ru
38、sh guest to settle or wait at the table. Do not stand next to guest when they review check. 账单需要放在面向顾客的位置。 用标有翔鹭集团标志的笔。 不要催顾客结账,不要在餐桌前等。 在顾客检查账单的时候不要站在顾客的旁边。Settle Guest Check支付客人支票Cash Payment 现金付款1 Ensure cash given is correct enough to cover the amount on the bill.2 Take it to the cashier.3 Retur
39、n the change with the first copy of the bill to the guest in a bill folder. Never assume gratuity. All change is returned to the guest in a check folder. A Proper imprinted credit card voucher must be retuned in a check folder with Xianglu GRAND pen. No copies of guest bills/checks should be destroy
40、ed, even if they have been Re-printed4 Leave the folder closed on the table and say “This is your change sir/madam, thank you very much.”1 确保所给的现金足以付账单上的数目。2 拿到收银台.3 将账单的第一联和零钱放在账单夹里递给客人。4 把账单夹留在桌子上并且说,这是你的零钱先生/女士,非常感谢。Credit Card 信用卡1 Bring it back to the cashier.2 Check the slip to see the amount
41、is correct after Cashier process the credit card and approval is obtained. 3 Present folder to guest with the card, slip and bill for signature. 4 Check the signature on the card after guest sign.5 Return the credit card to guest, together with the cardholder sales slip and the first copy of the bil
42、l.6 Present the above in the folder, open it and say, “Thank you very much sir/madam.”1 带回到收银台。2 在收银员划卡并且交易通过后,重新检查交易金额是否正确。3 让客人在打印条和账单上签字。4 检查客人在卡上的签名。5 信用卡,打印条和账单的第一联一并还给客人。6 用文件夹的形式出示以上东西,打开并且说, “非常感谢,先生/女士”。Room Account 房间付款1 Ensure guest sign the bill with printed name, room number and signatu
43、re.2 Make sure the guest sign on every bill presented to him/her.3 Ask for room key or hotel key holder for checking the room number is correctly printed. All guests are thanked using their name, if known, when the settlement is completed. 不要接受任何增物,所有的零钱将放在账单夹里给客人 打印出的信用卡账单必须放在账单夹里,连同标有翔鹭集团标志的笔一起给客人
44、 即使有重新打印也不能损坏任何客人的账单和票据, 即使客人账单和检查的东西提前打印好了也不可以损坏。 在结算时,以称呼客人的姓来表达感谢4 Return the key or key holder to guest, and say, “Thank you very much.”1. 确保客人在打印名字,房间号的账单上签字。2. 确保每一张给客人的账单都有他们的签名。3. 要求用钥匙来检查房间号是否正确打印。4. 把钥匙还给客人并且说“非常感谢” 。City Ledger 城市分类账1 Ensure guest sign the bill with their printed name, si
45、gnature and companys name.2 Make sure the guest signs on every bill presented to him/her.3 Ensure that the company has a city ledger account list located in the cashier area.4 Bring the signed bill to cashier for checking purpose.5 If everything is correct, return to the guest table and thank guest
46、for dining. 1. 确保客人在打印了名字和公司名称账单上签字。2. 确保每一张给客人的账单都有他们的签名。3. 确保公司在收银台有一个城市分类账单。4. 签名的账单拿到收银台以便确认。5. 如果一切正确,归还到客人桌并感谢客人用餐。Assist guest with leaving and Bid farewell帮助顾客离开 , 客人离开前的祝福1. Approach tables and assist in pulling chair as soon as guests give signal that they are leaving.2. Help guest put on
47、his or her coat (if applicable). 3. Open the door for the guest when they leave.4. Wish the guest a good day or night and thank them for their visit.1. 如果看到顾客有离开的迹象,走近餐桌,拉开椅子。2. 帮助客人穿上外套3. 当客人离开的时候为客人开门。4. 预祝客人度过美好的一天/夜晚并且感谢客人光临 Help ladies and kids first, then men. Open the door in such a way that
48、you are not blocking the way for the guests to leave. Use guest name if known. Do not shake guests hand if guest doesnt initiate so. 女士与儿童优先,然后是男士。 当客人离开时不要挡住路,站在一边为客人开门。 如果知道的话,尽量称呼顾客的姓名。 如果不是客人主动不要去与客人握手。Reset table重新布置餐桌1. Immediately free table from soiled food and dishes.2. Pick up all necessar
49、y set ups and damp cloth on tray.3. Clean table with damp cloth using right hand when left hand still holding tray.4. Place back all condiments on table accordingly.5. Start set up unobtrusively.6. Check chair, and crumb if necessary1. 马上把餐桌上的剩下的食物清理干净,准备所有需要的器具以及略湿的干净抹布。2. 左手依然拿着托盘,右手用略湿的抹布清理餐桌。3. 重新把调味品摆上餐桌。4. 布置餐桌的时候要按照一定的次序,有条不紊。5. 检查椅子,如果有必要进行一些碎屑的清理。 Clearing soiled dishes with minimum noise level. If necessary, sanitize table by w
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