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1、第一单元单词:1. characteristic 特征 ;特性 n. 特有的,特色的 adj.character n.性格,品质;特性;角色;2. radium 镭 n.3.painter 画家 n.4.put forward 提出; 提前=come up with (a question/plan/proposal.)5.scientific 科学的 adj. science n. 科学6.conclude 结束; 推断出 vt.结束 n. draw/reach/come to a conclusion 得出结论9. analyse 分析 vt.analysis n. 分析base (n./

2、v.) 基础;以为基础basis 基础 n.10.infect 传染;感染 vt.infectious 传染的 adj.12.cholera 霍乱 n.13.defeat 打败;受挫; 使战胜 vt.失败 专家;行家 n.=experienced 熟练的;经验或知识丰富的 expert in 在. 方面是内行的15.attend 照顾; 护理; 出席;参加 vt.=(look after/take care of)16.physician 医生; 内科医师 n.类似的还有 music-musician 17.expose 暴露;揭露

3、;使曝光 vt. exposeto 使显露;暴露 vt.exposure n.暴露,曝光19.deadly 致命的 adj.20.cure 治愈;痊愈 n.治愈; 治疗 vt. cure sb of sth 某人治愈了( 疾病)21.outbreak 爆发; 发作 n.(区分短语 break out)22.challenge 挑战 n.向挑战 vt.23.victim 受害者 n.24. absorb 吸收; 吸引; 使专心 vt. sb be absorbed/buried in 专注于,沉迷于25.suspect 怀疑 vt.被怀疑者;嫌疑犯 n. 26.enquiry 询问 n. enq

4、uire v.27.neighborhood 附近;邻近 n.28.severe 严重的;剧烈的;严厉的 adj. 29.clue 线索;提示 n.30.pump 泵;抽水机 n.(用泵) 抽( 水)vt.31.Cambridge street 剑桥大街32.forese-forsaw-forseen 遇见,预知 vt. 33.investigate 调查 vt.谴责 vt.过失;责备 n. Sb/sth be to blame (for doing) 应当被责备take the blame for sth 为 承担责任blame sth on sb = lay the blame on sb

5、 for sth 因某事而责怪某人,把某事归咎于某人36.pollute 污染; 弄脏 vt. pollution n.37.handle 柄; 把手 n.处理; 操纵 vt.38.germ 微生物;细菌 连接;联系将 和联系或连接起来41.announce 宣布;通告 vt.announcement 宣布;通告 n. make an 作出声明42.certainty 确信 ;确实 n. with certain 肯定地certain adj. 确信的certainly 确实是 adv.43.instruct 命令;指示;教导 vt. instr

6、uction 命令;指示; 教导 n.44.responsible 有责任的;负责的 adj.responsibility 责任 n.45.construct 建设;修建 建设 ;建筑物 n.47.contribute 捐献;贡献;捐助 vt. 贡献;捐助 n.make a contribution/contriutions to 有利于,促进48.apart from 除之外;此外49.firework 烟火( 燃放)n.50.chart 图表 n.51.creative 有创造力的;创造性的;独创的 adj.create(v.)创造creative (adj

7、.)creativity(n.)创造力 act(v.)行动active(adj.) 活跃的act ivity(n.)活动 合作的 adj. co-前缀 共同的operate v.53.positive 积极的;肯定的;确实的 strict with.对严格的55.Nicolaus Copernicus 尼古拉.哥白尼( 波兰天文学家)56.revolutionary 革命的;重大变革的 adj.57.movement 移动; 运动;动作 n.58.make sense 讲得通; 有意义59.back ward 向后的( 地);相反的(地);退步

8、的(地)adj.环 n.61.privately 私下地;秘密地 adv. privacy n. 隐私62.spin(spun,spun) (使)旋转;纺( 线或纱)vt. 亮度;聪颖 n.64.enthusiastic 热情的;热心的 adj. enthusiasm n. 热情65.cau tious 小心的; 谨慎的 adj. caution n.谨慎66.reject 拒绝;不接受; 抛弃 vt.67.universe 宇宙;世界 n. universial adj.普遍的John Snow defeats “king cholera”John Snow was a famous doc

9、tor in london-so expert, indeed,that he attended queen victora as her personal physician. But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people (exposed to cholera). This was the deadly disease of its day. Neither its cause nor its cure was many thousands of terrified pe

10、ople died every time there was an outbreak. John snow wanted to face the challenge and solve this problem. He knew that cholera would never be controlled until its cause was found.约翰 雪是伦敦的一位非常著名的医生,确实, 他作为维多利亚女王的私人医生来照顾她,但是当他想到帮助暴露在霍乱王疾病下的普通人时,他变的很有灵感,在那时, 这是一个致命 的疾病, 不论他的感染方式还是治愈方法都无从知晓,所以每次爆发的时候都有

11、数以千计的惊恐的人丧生.约翰 学想要面对这个挑战并且解决这个问题,他知道霍乱的起源如果无法找到 ,他将无法控制. He became insterested in two theories that poissibly explained how cholera killed people. The first suggested that cholera multiplied in the air. A cloud of dangerous gas floated around until it found its victim. The second suggested that peop

12、le absorbed this disease into their boddies with their meals. From the stomach the disease quickly attacked the body and soon the affected person died.他变的对可能解释霍乱如何杀人的两个学说感兴趣起来,第一个说明霍乱在空气中繁殖,一团危险的气体漂浮着直到找到他的感染者,第二个表明人们在吃饭时把疾病吸收入身体, 这病毒从胃里很快的攻击身体并且很快导致感染者死亡.John snow suspected that the second theory w

13、as correct but he needed evidence. So when another outbreak hit London in 1854, he was ready to begin his enquire. As the disease quickly spread through poor neighbourhoods, he began to gather information. In two particular streets, the cholera outbreak was so severe that more than 500 people died i

14、n ten days. He was determined to find out why. 约翰 雪怀疑第二个学说是正确的但他需要证据, 所以当其他的霍乱在 1854 年的伦敦爆发时,他已经完成了他询问的准备工作,当这个疾病很快传播到穷邻居时,他开始去收集信息 ,在两个特别的街道,霍乱的爆发特别严重以致于有五百多人在十天内死亡, 他下定了找出原因的决心. First he marked on a map the exact places where all the dead people had lived. This gave him a valuable clue about the c

15、ause of the disease. Many of the deaths were near the water pump in Broad Street. He also noticed that some houses had had no death. He had not foreseen this, so he made further investigations, he discovered that these people worked in the pub at 7 Cambridge street. They had been given free beer and

16、 so had not drunk the water from the punp. It seemed that the water was to blame. 首先他在地图上标出了死去的人曾经居住过的确切地点,这给了他一个有价值的关于疾病起源的线索,在宽街上 ,多死去的人的居住地邻近水泵.他也注意到了一些房子没有人死去,他没有对此深究,所以,他作了一个进一步的调查, 他发现这些人们工作在剑桥七街的酒吧里,他们被给予了免费的啤酒所以不需要去喝水泵里的水,看起来, 应该责备的是水. Next, John snow look into the source of the water for these two streets. He found that it came from the river (polluted by the dirty

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