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1、课 题English around the World词汇课新授课科 目 英 语 教学对象 高一年级 提供者课 时 1一、教材内容分析本节课是以学习课后词汇短语用法为主题的一节课。本节课所学的大部分单词和短语是新课标所要求掌握的,而且经常会出现在高考题中,所以掌握本节课内容很重要。又由于本节课所学单词大都是一词多义,短语所运用的结构也变化多端,对学生来说,掌握起来有些困难。二、教学目标(知识、技能、 情感态度)知识目标:掌握 because of, come up, command, request, take part in 这些单词拼写 用法,并能运用这些单词短语灵活造句。技能目标:提高学

2、生的总结能力和自学能力。情感目标:让学生对词汇学习感兴趣及构建学习词汇的自信。 三、学习者特征分析大部分同学认为词汇课无聊,对于词汇的学习没有兴趣,课上不够活跃。所以作为老师,应在课上设置各种活动,运用多种教学方法,调动学生积极性。使他们在愉快的气氛中学到知识。通过个人努力及小组合作能够完成教学任务,达成教学目标。四、教学策略选择与设计情景式教学,举例教学,独立完成任务及小组讨论合作五、教学环境及资源准备黑板 投影仪 多媒体 录音机,学案六、教学过程教学过程教师活动 学生活动 设计意图导入4 分钟向学生展示音乐“because of you“because I love you“ 在屏幕是展示

3、歌的名字。问一些问题,例如:“Are the music nice?“Both of the name want to show the meaning of 因为, Why does one uses because of, and the other uses because ?“欣赏音乐,放松,观察讨论 ,给出答案。开场英文音乐可将学生带入一个轻松的氛围中,同时引出本节课要将的一个短语because of与 because的辨析。将学生引入本节的词汇学习课。跟磁带读单词放磁带 让学生大声朗读本单元单词 跟着磁带大声朗读本单元单词能够准确掌握单词发音,部分学生可5 分钟 以根据发音记忆单词

4、。 词汇用法学习20 分钟1)对于一次多意的单词如 come up,base, 我会给根据每个单词的不同词性和词义给学生展示几个例句。例如1) The children came up to me and showed me the way to the station.2) The sky was dark blue and clear when the moon came up.3) Your question came up at the meeting. 4) Tom came up with a good idea对于多种搭配的单词,例如 command, request, 会根据不

5、同搭配和意义列出句子。让学生自己通过观察,总结搭配和意思。之后再将这些用法总结,拓展到 suggest, order, require ,advise 等表示命令建议要求的单词用法中.例如:1) The policeman commanded the thief to stop.2) The teacher commanded that he should go out of the classroom.3) The boss commanded that Tom finish the work on time. 4) The commanded is that we should set o

6、ut at once.5) It is the command that the desk be moved away.6) Tom has a good command of France, so he can communicate with France fluently 观察例句,翻译句子,找出句子中同一单词的不用意思和用法搭配并总结。并完成相应练习题设置一定语境,理解起来更容易。让学生自己观察总结,记忆会更深刻。同时提高了兴趣,锻炼了学生的观察句子能力和自主学习能力。巩固练习10 分钟让学生根据本节课所学内容做一些综合练习题。让每组派一名同学将答案写在黑板上。若遇到不同答案,请小组派

7、代表解释为什么得出这个答案。老师在需要的时候做点拨做一些综合练习题小组内核查答案,并派一名代表将答案写在黑板上。若有不同答案,派代表给出解释进一步巩固所学知识,查漏补缺。作业布置1 分钟让学生写一篇文章,内容自定。但需要用上本节课所学的词汇写一篇小短文。但需要用上本节课所学的词汇锻炼学生的写作能力,同时再次加巩固所学知识。教学流程图: 导入 词汇用法学习 巩固练习 作业布置七、 教学设计评价评价内容:1. 学习兴趣, 学生是否有浓厚的学习兴趣。2. 学习态度,在做题,小组讨论,及听别人讲解时是否积极,认真,学习态度是否端正。3. 所学知识和技能掌握情况。评价方法:1. 自我评价,是学生自己评价

8、,肯定自己的努力,看到自己的不足。2. 互相评价,以小组为单位,组员之间对学习态度及效果的评价3. 教师评价,学生的自评和互评,都必须与教师的评价结合起来,教师要 在 评价 中 发 挥 主 导 作 用课时教学设计课题主语+ 谓语(及物动词)+ 宾语+宾语补足语be cheerful.A V-shape of the fore-finger and middle fingerMay you succeed!Or congratulations on your success!A half-closed hand with thumb downI am not in favor of your i

9、dea or Ill have to refuse you.A wrinkling of the brow in thought or displeasure or a scowlShe is worried.Tears coming out of his eyes.He is very sad.All smiles on her faceShe is very happy.Waving their handsThey are waving goodbye to people around.A hand stretched out forward with strengthHe is stop

10、ping a tank.People jump with their both hands stretched open in the air.They are cheering for the victory.Step PracticeT: Look at Page 25. What are these people communicating?Step Time for FunStep V Role Play (Speaking task on P67)T: Now, theres still a little time left. Lets come to Speaking Task o

11、n Page 67. 作业 English weekly 1-6课后反思课时教学设计课题 Unit 4 Body language备课时间知识与能力Help the students learn how to express themselves in body language when needed. 上课时间教学方法aIndividual work, pair work and group work.过程与方法 参看教学过程学法指导Acting out by imitation三维教学目标情感态度价值观为学生提供了来自不同国度、不同语言文化背景的“体态语”及其在交际中的异同和影响的具体例

12、证课 型 阅读教学重点及分析a. Teach the students how to understand body language used in different countries or cultures as well as in different occasions.b. Teach the students how to use body language in the most appropriate occasions.教学难点及突破Enable the students to realize the importance of body language in comm

13、unication so that little or no misunderstanding may occur.教学过程教学环节 老师指导与学生活动 设计意图Step RevisionFree talk about the topic: the Importance of Body Language. While the student on duty gives the presentation, the teacher can simultaneously approve his or her performance by using the body language learned

14、 or familiar to the students such as nodding the head, stretching out the hand with thumb up, shrugging the shoulders, etc.Step Pre-readingT: Our text is about a special means of communicationBody Language. Now please look at the screen. And discuss these questions with your partner first. And then

15、some of you will be asked to report your work. Are you clear?After a few minutes.T: Now whod like to answer the first question? Volunteer! S1: Let me try. The purpose of language, of course, is to be used as a tool of communication. That is, to exchange with others ideas, feelings, information, and

16、so on.T: Perfect! Body language is used anytime and anywhere to convey peoples ideas, feelings, information, and so on and so forth. Next question?Step While-reading1. ScanningWhile reading, please try to divide the whole passage into several parts and find out the main idea.Summary of body language

17、.Read the text carefully, then decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Step IV Post reading1. Is the author of this passage male or female? How do you know ?2.What were the two mistakes that the author noticed? 3. Who seemed to prefer to keep more physical distance from others?

18、 Who seemed to prefer closer physical distance ?4. Did any students have similar greeting customs? If so, which ones?作业 Get ready to retell the text in your own words.课后反思课时教学设计课题 Unit 4 Body language 备课时间知识与能力Enable the students to know more about body language. 上课时间教学方法task-based method, role-play method.过程与方法 参看教学过程学法指导Individual work, pair work and group work.三维教学目标情感态度价值观使学生进一步明确“ 体态语 ”对人们在日常交际中了解对方情感、思想、态度等方面所起的作用课 型 Reading

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