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1、SMT-4炉温跟踪仪使用说明SMT-4 Temperature Tracker Instructions,SMT-4炉温跟踪仪主要应用于涂装烘烤与固化,能保证烘烤和固化过程按质量要求进行生产,优化产品质量和外观,达到让顾客满意的目标SMT-4 temperature tracker is mainly applied for powder coating baking and curing, which can ensure the quality of baking and curing as per the request, and optimize the quality and app

2、earance to achieve the goal of satisfying the customers.,操作步骤Operation Procedures,检查仪器配置是否齐全Check if the instrument configurations are ready.安装软件 Install the software. 连接热电偶,检查热电偶是否完好Connect the thermocouple and check if it is in good condition. 设置采样时间 Set the sampling time. 固定热电偶在所测工件上 Fasten the t

3、hermocouple on the workpiece. 开始记录温度 Begin to record the temperature.与电脑连接 Link with the computer. 下载数据 Download the data.保存数据 Save the data. 分析数据 Analyze the data.打印报表 Print reports.,SMT-4炉温跟踪仪标准配置SMT-4 Temperature Tracker Standard Configuration,四通道温度记录仪 SMT-4Four channel temperature recorder SMT-4

4、4个1.75米温度探头Four 1.75m temp probes. 计算机连接电缆线Computer connection cable数据处理软件、数据分析软件Data process software/data analysis software 保温箱 Insulation can高温胶带 High temperature tape操作手册 Operation manual,安装设置软件(一)Install setup software ,打开附带光盘,双击TrendLink文件夹,双击setup安装文件进行安装,出现右方界面点击“是”按钮。Open attached CD. Doubl

5、e click rendLink folder. Double click setup installation file to install. Click Y button on the right interface. 出现该界面,点击Next按钮Click Next button in the right interface.,安装设置软件(二)Install setup software,一直点击Next按钮,直到出现右侧界面,选择安装路径,就是将软件安装到哪一个盘上,系统默认为C盘。Keep clicking Next button until the interface on t

6、he right appears and select installation path, namely which disk to install the software. System regards Disk C as default.,设置软件安装(三)Install setup software ,出现右侧界面时,点击“install”安装按钮,开始安装软件。Click “install” button on the right interface and begin to install software. 安装完毕后将在电脑桌面上出现设置软件快捷方式。如右图:After in

7、stalling, setup software shortcut will appear on the desktop, like the image on the right.,安装分析软件()Install analysis software ,打开附带光盘,双击TrendReporter V1.05 for SMT4 中文版文件夹,双击setup安装文件进行安装,出现右方界面Open attached CD. Double click TrendReporter V1.05 for SMT4 Chinese version folder. Double click setup inst

8、allation file to install. The interface on the right appears.点击Next按钮进行安装Click Next button to install.,安装分析软件(二)Install analysis software ,出现右侧界面,选择接受协议项。The interface on the right appears. Click agree option.选中后,Next按钮由灰变亮,点击Next按钮。After clicking, Button next turns from grey to light. Click Next.,安

9、装分析软件(三)Install analysis software ,出现右侧界面时输入用户信息及公司名称.Input user information and company name when the interface on the right appears.然后点击Next按钮.Click Next button.,安装分析软件(四)Install analysis software ,出现右测界面时选择软件安装路径,如不选择它默认安装到C盘SMT目录下。When the interface on the right appears, select installation path

10、. System regards Disk C SMT as default.,分析软件安装(五)Install analysis software,一直点击“next”按钮,右图所示,软件开始安装。Keep clicking “next” button, like the image on the right. The software begins to install.安装完毕后,将在桌面上显示分析软件图标,如右图所示:After installing, analysis software icon will display on the desktop, like the image

11、on the right.,连接热电偶、检查热电偶(一)Connect the thermocouple and inspect it ,连接热电偶,将热电偶分别插入仪器,如右图:Connect the thermocouple. Plug the thermocouple into the instrument one by one. Show on the right picture. 然后按开机键,按住3秒钟开机,如图:Press power button for 3 seconds. Switch on. See the picture.,连接热电偶、检查热电偶(二)Connect t

12、he thermocouple and inspect it ,现在仪器显示屏上四个通道都显示的是室温。如果有通道不显示,说明热电偶没有插好或者热电偶损坏,需更换热电偶。Four channels on the screen display room temp. If any one channel doesnt display, it means that the thermocouple doesnt plug well or is damaged and need to be replaced.将热电偶的另一端放入盛有热水的杯子中,看仪器的显示温度,如果显示正常,表示热电偶完好,如果水温

13、在60到80度,而仪器显示偏低或者为负,说明热电偶内部接反。Put the other end of thermocouple in the cup with hot water. Check the temp displaying. If displays normally, it means thermocouple is in good condition. If the water temp is between 60C and 80C, the temp on the screen is lower or minus, it means the reversed connection

14、 inside the thermocouple.,设置采样时间(一)Set sampling time ,在关机状态下(按住开机键5秒关机),同时按开机键和“T1-T2”键,进入设置界面,此时显示频上有“SET”闪动。如右图:In power off condition (Press power button for 5 seconds to shut down), click both powder button and “ T1-T2” button to enter setup interface. “SET” flickers on the screen. See the pictu

15、re.按“MAX MIN”键进入采样时间设置界面,如右图:从左至右分别为分钟、秒。Click the button“MAX MIN” to enter sampling time setup interface . As per the picture on the right, minute and second displays from left to right.,设置采样时间(二)Set sampling time ,按和上/下键来调整时间间隔大小,按“MAXMIN”(INTV)键选择调整分或秒,再按“MAXMIN”(INTV)键完成设置。 Click and UP/DOWN to

16、adjust the time interval. Click “MAXMIN”(INTV)to adjust minute or second. Click “MAXMIN”(INTV)to finish setup.根据客户不同需要设置不同采样时间,每个通道可记录和贮存16000个数据,采样间隔为1秒时可记录4小时,采样间隔为2秒时可记录8小时在这里我们设置为1秒,如图:Set different sampling time as per users. Each channel can record and preserve 16000pieces data. If sampling in

17、terval is 1 second, it can record 4 hours, and 2 seconds for 8 hours. Here the setting sampling interval is 1 second. Check the picture.,固定热电偶Fasten thermocouple,在涂装烘烤固化中,热电偶固定有三种方法:1、高温胶带粘贴法,固定时最好十字交叉贴两层,这样不易脱落,这种方法比较常用。2、磁铁热电偶,这是针对铁质产品。3、夹子热电偶。There are three methods to fasten thermocouple for pow

18、der coating baking and curing:1. High temp tape pastes. Its better to cross and paste two layers to avoid splitting. This is common method . 2. Magnet thermocouple for iron products. 3. Clamp thermocouple.,1,2,3,测试、记录温度数据Test and record temp data,热电偶固定好后,按“REC”记录键,显示屏上有“REC”标志,仪器开始记录数据,如右图:After fas

19、tening, click “REC”. There is “REC” symbol on the screen. Instrument begins to record, like the picture on the right.将仪器本体放入保温箱,热电偶分别从内部小盖子和保温箱盖留有的孔中穿出,将保温箱固定好后和待测工件一起进炉进行测试。Put the instrument noumenon in the insulation can. Thermocouple comes out through the hole in the cover. Put the fixed insulat

20、ion can and then workpiece into the oven to test.,与电脑连接Connect to the computer,在炉子中测试完毕后,从保温箱中取出仪器,按“REC”键,停止记录。此时将热电偶从仪器中拔下。After testing, take out of the instrument. Click ”REC”. Stop recording. Unplug the thermocouple from the instrument. 将仪器用连接电缆线和电脑连接,另一端与仪器连接如图:Connect the instrument to the co

21、mputer with cable, and the other end to the instrument as per the picture.,与电脑连接,与仪器连接,下载数据 Download data,在桌面上双击设置软件图标,打开设置软件界面如图1:Double click setup software icon on the desktop. Open the interface like picture 1. 点击“Data Logger”菜单中的“Data Retrive”选项,如图2,进行数据下载如图3Click “Data Retrive”in the menu“Data

22、 Logger”like picture 2 to download data like picture 3.,1,1,1,2,3,保存数据 Save data,下载完毕后,点击“File”菜单下的“Save”选项如图1,弹出“Save File”窗口,单击save single selected data set to a file如图2,选择数据保存路径,填写文件名称,并在保存类型中选择“CSV”格式如图3,然后按“确定”按钮,出现图4对话框,点击“OK”就可以了。After downloading, click option “Save” in the menu “File” like

23、picture 1. Popup “Save File” window. Click save single selected data set to a file like picture 2. Select data save path and fill in file name. Select format “CSV” from save type like picture 3. Click yes, then dialogbox in picture 4 appears. Click “OK”.,1,2,3,4,分析数据 Analyze data,双击电脑桌面上的4通道中文版分析软件图

24、标,打开分析软件,选择“文件”菜单中的“打开CSV文件”选项,选中我们保存的数据文件,点击“打开”按钮。Double click four channel Chinese version analysis software icon on the desktop. Open the software. Select option “打开CSV文件 Open SCV file” from menu “文件file”. Pitch on the data file we have saved. Click “打开 Open”.,选择我们保存的数据文件Choose the data file tha

25、t we have saved,Open CSV file,File,打开要分析的数据文件,出现该界面,Open the data file that need to be analyzed. This interface appears.,Curve displays,Data report,一、曲线显示区:显示温度曲线,单击鼠标会在右上角显示该时间点各测试点的温度数据。在“选择”菜单中选择鼠标动作不同,还可以实现曲线放大和计算加热率功能Curve display area: Display temp curve. Click mouse, temp data of each test po

26、int at this time will display on the top right corner. Select different mouse actions in the menu “选择Select”. The curve can be amplified and calculate heating power.,用鼠标在需要放大的曲线处拖出一矩形框,放大前,放大后,Drag a rectangular frame with mouse on the curve where need to be amplified.,Before amplifying,After amplif

27、ying,Select,Display data,Mouse action,Curve amplify,选取该项后,用鼠标在一时间点处单击,然后拖动到另一时间点处放开鼠标。出现加热计算率对话框,显示出各条曲线在两时间点间的加热时间、加热率、最大值和最小值等信息。After pitching on this option, click at the time point with mouse. Drag to another time point and release the mouse. Dialog box of heating calculation rate appears. Disp

28、lay heating time, heating rate, maximum and minimum, etc of each curve between two time points.,T1,T2,Select,Mouse action,Calculate heating rate,修改报表名称 Modify report name,Setting,Report name,Report name,SMT-4 Temp tracker,SMT-4 Temp tracker,温度传感器位置设置Set temperature sensor location,Setting,Location,C

29、urve 1,Curve 2,Curve 3,Curve 4,UpMiddleDownAir,YesNo,可以单独显示一条温度曲线,也可以同时显示几条温度曲线,方便分析对比.设置如下. Display one or several temp curves for analysis. Set as belows.,Click here to display or conceal this channel curve.,数据分析类型:包括单文件分析和多文件对比分析,在多文件对比分析中,可以在曲线显示区内,同时显示不同文件中的指定温度曲线,进行对比分析,注意:对比的数据文件采样时间必须是一致的。最多

30、同时可分析5个数据文件,此操作可以在“选择”菜单的“分析类型”中实现。Data Analysis Type: Including monofile and multifile comparison analysis. During multifile comparison analysis, specified temp curve in different files can display at the same time to be analyzed. Note: the sampling time of compared data file must be consistent. At

31、 most 5 data files can be analyzed once. This operation can be realized in “分析类型Analysis type”from the menu “选择Select”.,添加文件后,在对比分析窗口的右上方的对比文件列表中出现刚才添加的数据文件名称,用不同颜色显示 After adding, the data file name appears in the comparative file list on the right top of the comparative analysis window. Shows in d

32、ifferent color.,在对比分析窗口中添加数据文件Add data file in comparison analysis dialog box.,Comparison analysis,Add file,File Name,数据对比分析Data comparative analysis,选择要比较的曲线如图1:Select the curve that need to compare like picture 1. 在曲线显示区内显示曲线如图2: Display curve in the curve displaying area, like picture 2.,两个数据文件同一

33、条曲线对比图Two data file and the same curve comparative diagram.,Comparative analysis,Analysis,Compare curve 1Compare curve2Compare curve3Compare curve4,二、数据报表区:在该区域中显示四条曲线各温度段的加热时间、加热率以及峰值温度等信息,各温度段可以通过“设置”菜单中“温度水平”选项来设置,修改T1到T5的值就可以了。.Data report area: Four curves regarding heating time, heating rate a

34、nd peak temp, etc of each temp section displays in this area. Each temp section can be set by option “温度水平 temp level”in the menu “设置 set”by modifying the value from T1 to T5.,数据报表区 Data report,Setting,Temp level,三、文件信息区:. File information area:,在文件信息区中,文件名、操作员、炉子运行参数都可以根据需要进行修改,保存。在打印报表中可以显示出来In fi

35、le information area, file name, operator and oven operation data can be modified and saved as per request, and display in report printing.,Operator,打印报表 在文件”菜单”中选择“打印”选项中的打印报表或按F4可以打印报表,打印效果为右图:Print report Select “打印报表 print report” in option “打印 print” of menu “文件 file” or click F4. Print preview

36、is like the right picture.,打印报表操作Operation of printing report,打印屏幕Print screen 在文件“菜单”中选择“打印”选项中的打印屏幕或按F5可以打印屏幕,打印效果为右图: Select “打印屏幕 print screen” in option “打印 print” of menu “文件 file” or click F5. Print preview is like the right picture.,打印屏幕操作Operation of printing screen,领域:钢铁、电子、陶瓷、玻璃、汽车、船舶用户:宝钢 鞍钢 天津钢管 松下 科龙 康佳 美标。Field: Steel, Electronics, Ceramic, Glass, Automobile and Ships.Users: BaoSteel, AnSteel, Tianjing Steel Tube, Panasonic,Kelon,Konka and American Standard, etc.,

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