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中英文 市场开发合作协议.doc

1、市场开发合作协议Market Development Agreement甲方:XXXX TECHNOLOGIES HK LIMITED(以下简称甲方)Party A: Xxxx Technologies (Hereinafter referred to as Party A)乙方:XXXX Technologies(以下简称乙方)Party A: XXXX Technologies (Hereinafter referred to as Party B)为了发挥甲乙双方各自的优势,本着“互利双赢”的精神及公平公正的原则,经双方友好协商,就共同合作、开发印度市场达成以下协议:In order t

2、o give full play to the respective advantages of Party A and Party B, in the spirit of “mutual benefit and win-win” and the principle of fairness and fairness, through friendly negotiations between both parties, the following agreement was reached on joint cooperation and development of the Indian m

3、arket:一、协议主体Agreement经甲方授权,乙方可用甲方市场拓展部的名义,在不违反国家相关法律法规的前提下,联系开发印度市场。With the authorization of Party A, Party B can use the name of the Market Development Department of Party A without prejudice to the relevant national laws and regulations to develop the Indian market.二、业务范围Business Scope1、展会 Exhibi

4、tion2、杂志 Magazine3、社交媒体 Social Media三、甲方责任Party A responsibility1、向乙方提供公司形象宣传、产品介绍及价格表等相关资料。Provide Party B with company image promotion, product introduction, price list and other related materials. 2、配合乙方向客户提供技术咨询,客户需求调查,编制开发合同及项目方案。Provide Party B technical advice to customers, customer needs sur

5、veys, and development contracts and project plans. 3、负责对乙方的业务人员进行业务范围内的基本知识的培训。Responsible for the training of basic knowledge in the business scope of the business personnel of Party B.4、依据本协议相关条款的约定,向乙方支付市场开发费。According to the terms of the relevant provisions of this agreement, Party B shall pay t

6、he market development fee.四、乙方责任Party Bs responsibility1、负责市场的前期拓展工作,并承担所需费用。Responsible for the pre-market expansion of the market, and bear the cost.2、详尽了解客户及竞争对手的基本情况,协助做好技术咨询、产品测试、编制方案及签订合同等前期工作。Detailed understanding of the basic situation of customers and competitors, assisting with technical

7、consultation, product testing, preparation of plans and signing contract etc.4、维护甲方权益,保密甲方的商业机密。Maintaining Party As rights and interests, keeping Party As trade secrets confidential.5、如出现下列情况的任何一种,甲方有权单方面终止协议并追究乙方的责任。If any of the following situations occurs, Party A has the right to terminate the

8、agreement unilaterally and hold Party B accountable.5.1 乙方从事有损甲方形象及名誉的活动。Party B engages in activities that impair the image and reputation of Party A.5.2 乙方主观或客观的失误导致甲方出现大的经济损失。Party Bs subjective or objective errors resulted in large economic losses to Party A.5.3 乙方以甲方的名义从事违法活动。Party B engages in

9、 illegal activities in the name of Party A.5.4 乙方与第三方单位合作形成竞争的。Party B cooperates with third party and competes with Party A.五、合作费用及结算时间。Cooperation fee and settlement time1. 合作费美元 xxxx,甲方会在合同签订一个月内支付给乙方。Cooperation Cost US Dollars xxxx ,Party A will pay Party B within one month after the contract i

10、s signed.乙方收款账户Party B Bank Accountxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2. 结算时间及相关事项Settlement time and related matters在乙方与用户单位签订项目合同后,30 个工作日内(节假日顺延)甲方按所约定的费用支付给乙方。After Party B signs the project contract with the user unit, Party A pays Party B at the agreed cost within 30 working days (Holiday postponed). 3乙方在产品约

11、定范围外所承接的项目,需甲方出面支持配合,费用另行协商。The projects undertaken by Party B outside the scope of product agreement shall require Party A to support and coordinate the project, and the expenses shall be negotiated separately.六、违约责任Liability for breach of contract合同有效期内,任何一方有违约行为,应赔偿给对方因此所带来的损失,并将追究法律责任。During the

12、 period of validity of the contract, any party has a breach of contract, shall compensate the other party for the losses caused thereby, and will pursue legal responsibilities. 七、本协议未尽事宜双方协商解决。The matters not covered in this agreement are negotiated and resolved by both parties.八、本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。This agreement is made in two copies, and Party A and Party B each hold one.九、本协议有效期为一年,双方签字盖章生效。This agreement is valid for one year, with both parties signing and sealing.Party A: Xxxx Technologies Signature: Date: Party B:XXXX TechnologiesSignature: Date:

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