1、目 录:,同步辐射X射线相衬成像同步辐射双色减影成像上海光源的X射线成像及其医学应用线站,相比常规的x射线光源,同步辐射光源具有:极高的光通量波长可调谐高度准直多种实验手段,同步辐射光源的优势:,同步辐射X射线相衬成像,1896年2月8日,X射线在美国首次用于临床诊断,1895年11月8日(星期五),伦琴给他妻子Bertha拍的左手透视片,手上戴有戒指,第一张X射线成象照片,吸收反衬,传统的X射线成象系统都是基于样品不同部位对X射线吸收不同进行的,即所谓的吸收反衬成象。从1895年伦琴发现X射线开始,该方法在众多领域特别是临床医学领域获得了巨大的成功。然而,受原理的限制它很难对密度相差不大的轻
2、元素材料、生物软组织如血管、肿瘤等成清晰象。,衬度产生机理,吸收反衬样品的厚度或密度元素的吸收,X射线透射成象机理:样品改变了入射光场的分布,探测器接收的光强分布包含了样品内部结构信息,X射线相衬成象X-ray phase contrast imaging (XPCI)就是利用X射线透过样品后携带的位相信息对样品内部结构成清晰象,它克服传统成象方法的不足,是一种全新的成象方法,也是目前X射线应用领域的研究热点,国际上大多数的同步辐射装置都有光束线开展相衬成象研究。,Real Time Ultra High Resolution Radiology on Live Specimens,另一特点活
3、样品的高分辨率实时成象,硬X射线相衬成象对光源的要求,空间相干性: 原则上应大于待分辨细节的最大尺寸,不要求整个照明范围全空间相干 对平行光空间相干长度:ls=2l/a,时间相干性: 根据OTF分析,Dll0不会造成对比度过分降低,一般取Dl-l0/4。分辨率越高要求时间相干性越好,合适的光源 同步辐射 或 微聚焦X射线管,普通X射线源无法满足要求,必须具备较高的相干性,衍射增强成像(DEI),Human breast cancer specimen.Specimen imaged in vitro with conventional absorption (top) and diffract
4、ion-enhanced techniques (bottom).,ESRF,Conventional image,Peak of analyzer image,Apparent refraction image,at the SYRMEP beamline at ELETTRA,Human Finger,Mouse heart radiograph,Mouse heart apparent absorption image,Mouse heart apparent refraction image,at the SYRMEP beamline at ELETTRA,Mouse lungs r
5、adiograph,Mouse lungs peak of reflection image,Mouse lungs apparent refraction image,at the SYRMEP beamline at ELETTRA,无造影剂血管造影术?,300m,蜜蜂微血管,材料力学,Force,Force,X-rays,Original line of detect,Developed line of detect,电化学反应过程成象,250 m,lectrode,Cuivre,Zinc,Zinc,200 m,金属材料的元素扩散过程成象,Al11Zn,gallium,gallium,D
6、iffusion de gallium,fissuration,聚合物材料内部结构研究颗粒边界,PP,相衬CT- 昆虫,相衬CT-锌铝合金内部结构,注意观察其中内含物,同步辐射X射线医学应用双色减影成像,I造影 K吸收边 (33.17KeV) 吸收强度是骨、肉吸收的10000倍 E1吸收边低端 E2吸收边高端Gd造影 K吸收边 (50.24KeV),Figure 1. (a) Intravenous synchrotron angiogram of the first patient at the ESRF taken in a left anterior oblique (LAO) proj
7、ection. The image shows the second segment C2 with a stent and the crux. RCA: right coronary artery. (b) Conventional selective coronary angiography of the same patient, in the LAO orientation, performed the same day at the cardiological unit of the hospital after arterial catheterization.,Phys. Med
8、. Biol. 45 (2000) L39L43.,“First human transvenous coronary angiography at the ESRF”,(a),(b),常规造影,Fig. 3. A picture of a human heart obtained with subtraction coronary angiography at HASYLAB at DESY showing clearly the right coronary artery (RCA) after an intravenous injection of the contrast agent.
9、,Fig. 4. First experiments for transvenous coronary angiography at the medical beamline at the ESRF: shown is the heart of a pig after an intravenous injection of the contrast agent.,NIMA 454 (2000),Fig. 2. (a) Intravenous angiogram of a 72-year-old male in LAO 30 projection. Target: RCA with stent, diagnosis: two insignificant stenoses proximal and distal to the stent. (b) Intravenous angiogram of a 72-yearold female with pacemaker in RAO 45 projection. Target: ACVB to LAD, diagnosis: ACVB patient, LAD proximal occluded.,(a),(b),International Congress Series 1230 (2001),
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