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1、分类号 密 级 秘密 U D C 编 号 1 0 4 8 6 武 汉 大 学硕 士 学 位 论 文北京公共检测服务平台构建研究研 究 生 姓 名:周湘栋指导教师姓名、职称:朱晓驰 教授 赵长山 教授学 科、专 业 名 称:软 件 工 程研 究 方 向:质 量 工 程二一年五月A research on the establishment of public service platform of inspection and test in BeijingByXiangdong ZhouMay, 2010 郑 重 声 明本人的学术论文是在导师指导下独立撰写并完成的,学位论文没有剽窃、抄袭、造假

2、等违反学术道德、学术规范和侵权行为,否则,本人愿意承担由此而产生的法律责任和法律后果,特此郑重声明。学位论文作者(签名):20 年 月 日I摘 要检测是服务于经济社会发展的质量性能评定活动。检测活动的开展必须依赖于一定的科学技术手段,检测技术是国民经济和社会发展的重要技术基础,是现代科学技术不可分割的一个重要组成部分。在市场经济下,科学技术的研发、企业产品的开发与生产、商品的流通与交易、政府对经济活动的监管行为都离不开检测技术活动的支持。伴随着社会分工的日益细化和产业价值链体系的不断分解,检测活动开始脱离生产制造企业,以独立的组织形态为政府和企业提供专业化服务,成为了生产性服务业的一个重要细分



5、,并基于 BOO或 BOT 平台建设模式的 IT 外包基础上,为其实现提供了解决方法。关键词: 质检机构,检测,市场化IIAbstractTest and inspection are the quality and performance evaluation activities which contribute to the development of economy and society. To carry out the test and inspection activities, the particular means of technology must be used.

6、 Test and inspection technique is the critical foundation to national economic and social development. Meanwhile, it is an undividable component of modern science and technology. Under the circumstance of market economy, the research of technology, the development and manufacture of products, the tr

7、ansit and trade of merchandise, and the supervision behaviors of government to economic actions are unable to be apart from the support of test and inspection activities. As the social division of labor- being subdivided and industry value chain system being detached, the test and inspection activit

8、ies have begun to be separated from the manufacturers, serve the government and enterprises independently by providing the professional services, and become the important subdivided industry of manufacture service industry.Beijing is a fast developing international metropolis, there are abundant tes

9、t and inspection resource and top class market requirements. To promote the establishment of appropriate test and inspection technology service system for the market economy and capital development, and to develop the test and inspection service industry is the request of the implementation of the o

10、utlook of scientific development, to implement the duty of promoting the orderly development of economy and society, and protecting the legal interest of customers, the strategy of the establishment of service type government, and the strategic deployment of municipal committee and government about

11、the development of capital manufacture service industry, one of the strategy content about accelerating the promotion of economic structure adaptation. According to the requirement of Beijing economic social development and capital function positioning, focusing on the enhancement of governmental su

12、pervision and management to test and inspection technology service system, the nourishing of multi-dimensional test and inspection industry status, and the promotion of test and inspection technology service capability, a new type test and inspection technology service system is established to trans

13、form the past circumstance of servicing governmental supervision and management into the present circumstance of serving the overall development of capital economy and society. This paper takes the setup of Beijing quality and technology supervision system as an example, giving IIIout the systematic

14、 analysis of contemporary Beijing test and inspection market request , and the advanced domestic and foreign test and inspection institutions, It Tries to find out the development positioning direction, research the development model of quality and technology supervision institution under the new ci

15、rcumstances, and combine the enterprise or organization operation management method with information technology to establish the test and inspection service platform which benefit the development positioning direction of quality inspection institution.From the perspective of serving the government,

16、this platform should have the functions of data collection and information arrangement to provide the data support for government supervision and management decision. From the perspective of serving the customers, this platform should have the one-stop entrance and transaction undertaking functions

17、to simplify the procedure and economize the time when submitting and retrieving the equipments for customers. According to the management and organization structure of this platform model, a comprehensive managing system which fits the platform operation is designed from triple aspects of business m

18、odel, management model, and information system, the foundation of theory research and design for practical development is established, and a solution is provided for its realization, based on the IT subcontracting of the BOO or BOT platform establishing mode.Key Words: Quality Inspection Institution, inspection and test, Marketization

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