1、,九月份 聖經金句,每日用心溫習。,生活實踐,懶惰人好比一堆牛糞,摸著的人,都將它從手中抖掉。 (德22:2 )An idler is like a lump of dung, anyone picking it up shakes it off its hand. (Si 22:2),十月份(聖母玫瑰月) 聖經金句,每日閱讀有關中國的新聞。,生活實踐,認上主為天主的人民,真是有福! (詠144:15 )Blessed the nation whose God is Yahweh! (Ps 144:15),十一月份(煉靈月) 聖經金句,生活實踐,每日放學後清潔課室。,天主看了他所造的一切,認為
2、樣樣都很好。(創1:31)God saw all he had made, and indeed it was very good. (Gn 1:31),十二月份 聖經金句,日行一善。,生活實踐,凡你們對我這些最小兄弟中的一個所做的,就是對我做的。 (瑪25:40 )In so far as you did this to one of the least of those brothers of mine, you did it to me. (Mt 25:40),論兄弟之愛,要彼此相親相愛;論尊敬,要彼此爭先。(羅12:10 )In brotherly love let your feel
3、ings of deep affection for one another come to expression and regard others as more important than yourself. (Rm 12:10),一月份(鮑思高月) 聖經金句,做事前考慮別人的感受。,生活實踐,成為一個忠信的人,完全在於你自願。(德15:16)If you choose, you will keep the commandments and so be faithful to his will. (Si 15:15),二月份 聖經金句,不說謊話。,生活實踐,三月份 聖經金句,最少改掉一
4、個壞習慣。,生活實踐,我賴加強我力量的那位,能應付一切。 (斐4:13 )There is nothing that I cannot do in the One who strengthens me. (Ph 4:13),愛情不可是虛偽的。你們當厭惡惡事,附和善事。(羅12:9 )Let love be without any pretence. Avoid what is evil; stick to what is good. (Rm 12:9),四月份 聖經金句,日行一善。,生活實踐,生活實踐,寬恕仇人,並為他們祈禱。,迫害你們的,要祝福;只可祝福,不可詛咒。 (羅12:14 )Bless your persecutors; never curse them, bless them. (Rm 12:14),五月份(聖母月) 聖經金句,用心溫習,預備考試。,生活實踐,凡你們願意人給你們做的,你們也要照樣給人做。(瑪7:12 )So always treat others as you would like them to treat you. (Mt 7:12),五月份(耶穌聖心月) 聖經金句,