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高考英语 复习资料.doc

1、复习资料1. She refused what I said.A. to be believed B. believing C. to believe D. that she believed2.He to us that his late arrival was caused by the traffic jam.A. promised B. explained C. suggested D. announced3.Her parents her to continue her study and this is news.A. encouraging ; encouragement B.

2、encouraged ; encouraging C. encourage ; encouraging D. encouraging ; encouraged 4.Be sure to your paper before handing in.A. do over B. go over C. come over D. think over5. Please be . We will begin the meeting at once.A. seat B. sit C. seated D. sat6. My father likes playing golf. Hes really enthus

3、iastic it.A. by B. with C. about D. on7. He has a lot of friends the campus.A. in B. at C. on D. within8. He is good at and physics.A. chemical B. chemist C. chemistry D. chemicals9. He failed my letter after I wrote to him.A. to reply to B. to reply C. replying to D. replying10.Let me have try.A. /

4、 B. an C. the D. a1.When he returned home, he found the window open and his new watch .A. stolen B. be stolen C. stealing D. being stolen2. They havent seen each other at least three months.A. since B. for C. in D. during3. Einstein, the famous scientist, for nearly fifty years.A. has died B. has be

5、en dead C. died D. was dead4. Mary here, and you should be quick .A. came B. come C. has come D. went5. there for a many years, she knew the place quite well.A. Living B. Lived C. To live D. Having lived6. He is very happy to the university.A. to admit B. admitting C. to have been admitted D. having

6、 been admitted7. The speaker came from university of European country.A. a; an B. a; a C. an; a D. an; an8. It was not until 1920 regular radio broadcasts began.A. since B. which C. that D. while9. Would you please give him this message as soon as he ?A. arrives B. arrived C. will arrive D. will be

7、arriving10. If our teacher at nine, we , too.A. leave; do B. will leave; will C. leaves; will D. is leaving; are 1. Dont _ such a little girl do what she cant doA. force B. oblige C. order D. make2. She thought the French dictionary of little _ and sold it together with the old newspaper.A. price B.

8、 cost C. expense D. value3. The patients progress was encouraging as he could _ get out of bed without aid.A. hardly B. only C. slowly D. mentally4. Mr. Evans was killed in the air crash and _ his wife a large sum of money.A. gave B. left C. sent D. offered5. For the use of these tools, please make

9、_ to the handbook.A. reference B. notes C. study D. use6. Im very sorry to tell you that _of you failed in the test this timeA. few B. fewer C. which D. that7. No driver is allowed to drive his car into this area _ he has a specialpassA. unless B. if C. if only D. expect8. -I never have meals in tho

10、se dirty restaurants.- _A. So do I B. So have I C. Nor do I D. Nor have I9. The seaman _ swim only half way before he drowned.A. could B. might C. was able to D. would10. The singing group _gathered round the piano to hear the teacher playA. were B. was C. who D. that. Reading comprehension. Transla

11、te the following sentences into English.1. 我们很高兴能认识你们2. 他们不高兴被这样称呼3. 哪里有微笑,哪里就有欢乐4. 爱因斯坦不计较金钱和名誉,如果他在乎这一切它会变得非常富有5. 我下个月才有空闲6. 这个工作不需要很长时间就能做完7. 这件事你是怎么知道的?8. 我们经常早晨锻炼身体9. 不论发生什么事,我们将站在你们一边10. 他把所有空余时间都花在学习上,以弥补失去了的时间. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. It is the trees that protect us

12、 from the storm2. The coal we use today comes from forests of millions of years ago3. Do you have a monitor to watch the gate ?4. He did not realize his mistake until the teacher told him the truth5. Internet becomes very important means for us to get information6. We are holding an educational exhi

13、bition next year7. The manager has an interview with foreign visitors this afternoon8. What time will be convenient for you ?9. Suppose you pick me up at about six ?10. Please book for me one room, double standardWriting.Suppose you are a student and come to the university on the first school day. Y

14、ou meet one of your classmates and introduce yourselves to each other.Write a dialogue about your talk and give information about youReading Comprehension。In this part there are four passages,read the passage and choose the best answer among A,B ,C or D。Passage OneWhen people greet each other, they

15、also address each other. In English, there are many different address forms, which are used for different people, at different times, and in different situations. The most common form to address people, at different times, and in different situations. The most common form to address someone is to pu

16、t Mr., Mrs., Miss, or Ms in front of the last name. In a shop or restaurant, a customer may be addressed as “sir” or “maam”. In formal situations, people use words like “Doctor” or “Professor” to address a teacher as we do in Chinese. We cannot say “Hello, Teacher Wang.” or “Good morning, teacher.”

17、Instead, we can say “Hello, Mr. Wang.” or “Good morning, Mr. Wang” 1. What does “address” mean in the passage?A. To get to know where the person lives B. To greet someoneC. To give someone a title D. To ask where is the address 2. Why there are many different address forms?A. They are for different

18、people B. They are used at different timesC. They are used for different situations D. All the A.B.C.3. What a customer will be called in Friendship Store?A. Sir B. Maam C. Sir and Maam D. Sir or Maam4. Professor is used to greet people who _ .A. is a professor B. is respected C. is a teacher D. is

19、a doctor5. How do English people address a teacher?A. Mr. B. Sir C. Mr. Wang D. Mr. Or Ms.Passage TwoOne day little Tom didnt want to go to school because there was a wonderful football game on TV in the morning. He wanted to tell his parents that he was badly ill, but they were both out. He thought

20、 hard. Then he had an idea. He telephoned his teacher and said, “Hello! Is that the teacher speaking? My son Tom caught a bad cold yesterday evening. Now he is feeling terrible. Im sorry to say he cant go to schooltoday. He asked me to tell you about it.”1. Why didnt Tom want to go to school?A. Beca

21、use he was ill B. Because his parent didnt let him go C. Because he wanted 2. Where were his parents?A. At home B. In the sitting room C. At work3. Whom did he telephone?A. His mother B. His father C. His teacher4. What did he tell his teacher?A. He was Toms farther B. He liked the game very much C.

22、 He was ill and he couldnt go to school5. Did the teacher believe what he said at last?A. Of course B. Yes. He thought it was Toms father C. No, he didntPassage ThreeA light bulb in the restaurant where I worked burned out. A co-worker got on a chair to change it. But when he was unscrewing it, the

23、bulb shattered, leaving the metal part stuck in the socket. He couldnt get a firm grip on it, so another waiter tried. Our co-worker passing by offered advice. Someone suggested using a potato, but the only ones in the restaurant were too small. I ran to a nearby grocery store to get a large one, bu

24、t it proved to be too soft. By this time our manager had come over to supervise the operation and noticed the patrons at the closest table watching with interest. “Dont worry,” she assured them as I stood on the chair trying my best to unscrew the metal base, “He wont fall on you.”“Were not worried

25、about that,” said one man at the table, “We are just waiting to see how many waiters it takes to change a light bulb.” 1. They changed the light bulb Because it _ A. didnt work B. caught fire C. was stuck in the socket D. was broken2. The first waiter failed to change the light bulb because _A. he w

26、asnt tall enough B. he couldnt reach the metal base C. the chair was too low D. he couldnt take down the old one completely3. The potatoes were used in the operation as a _A. vegetable B. food C. tool D. light bulb4. The manager came to _A. see what had happened B. see how things were going onC. cha

27、nge the light bulb D. assure the patron of safety5. The patrons at the table _A. were testing the waiters ability B. were amused by the operationC. were worrying about their own safety D. had sympathy with the waiter Passage FourPat Hogan was traveling around the country in the car. One evening he w

28、as driving along a road and looking for a small hotel when he saw an old man at the side of the road. He stopped his car and said to the old man, “I want to go to the Sun Hotel. Do you know it?”“Yes,” the old man answered. “Ill show you the way.”He got into Pats car, and they drove for about twelve

29、minutes. When they came to a small house, the old man said, “Stop here.”Pat stopped and looked at the house. “But this isnt a hotel,” he said to the old man. “No,” the old man answered, “this is my house. And now Ill show you the way to the Sun Hotel. Turn around and go back nine miles. Then youll s

30、ee the Sun Hotel on the left.”1. What was Pat Hogan doing that evening?A. Driving home. B. Looking for a hotel.C. Driving to meet someone. D. Traveling around the country.2. Where did Pat Hogan want to stay that night?A. In the Sun Hotel. B. In his own house.C. In an expensive hotel. D. In his frien

31、ds house.3. Why did Pat stop his car on the road?A. He saw a hotel nearby. B. He wanted to ask the way.C. He saw an old man and wanted to give him a lift.D. He was stopped by an old man.4. Why didnt the old man stop Pat when they passed the hotel?A. He didnt see it. B. He forgot to stop Pat.C. He wanted to get home first. D. There was no parking space near there.5. How far is the old mans house to the hotel?A. 3 miles B. 9 miles C. 12 miles D. 21miles

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