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九上 Unit3 Family Life 知识点.doc

1、1九年级上册Unit 3 Family Life 重要知识点讲解一、重点短语1.on business 出差 2.have no interest in.对.没有兴趣 3.out of dat=out of fashion 过时的 4.for example=such as 例如 5.give sb a hand=help sb 帮助某人 patient with sb 对某人有耐心的 7.find out 查清,弄明白 municate with sb 和某人交流 9.have to do sth 必须做某事 10.except sb to do sth 指望某人做某事 二、重点语

2、法1. 【辨析】because, since, as, for 因为语气由强至弱依次 because since as for1)because, 回答 why 的提问,表示直接原因2)since 表示显然的或已知的理由3)as 鉴于 说明原因,主句说明结果4)for 接句子不能放句首,表推断。e.g.1. They hurried on because it was getting dark.2. Since you cant answer it, perhaps wed better ask another.3. As I had a cold, I was absent from sch

3、ool.4. He is honest, for he is loved by all.2.This idea seems to make sense.make sense 意为:有道理,有意义,讲得通。This sentence doesnt make sense.It all started make sense. 这一切都开始变得有意义。3. Its much bigger than our last one.much 可修饰比较级,类似的词还有 a little, a bit, far,even 等。4. I feel lonely when my parents are away f

4、rom home. 【辨析】lonely; alone 孤独;单独lonely 主观上的孤独,寂寞alone 客观上的单独,独自一人 I was alone in the classroom, but I didnt feel lonely.2be away from=leaveI feel lonely when my parents are away from home.5. We go out ., but my dad is often abroadbe abroad 在国外 go abroad 去国外live abroad 住在国外at home and abroad 在国内外fro

5、m abroad 从国外来(的)6. I havent got many possessions.have got =have 有haven t got =dont have 没有She has got a house. She hasn t got a car.She has a house. She doesnt have a house7. New fashions soon go out of date, dont they?out of date 过时date n. 日期;年代;约会 v. 注日期;约会;始于Whats the date today?I have a date wit

6、h him next Sunday. 8. We have a close relationship .each otherclose v. 关闭;打烊;结束 adj. 接近的;亲密的 adv. 接近地Close the windows at night.The store is closed today.He closed his speech with a joke.His house is close to the school.He is a close friend of mine.He lives close to the station.9. Because she makes

7、me go to bed when Im wide awake.因为我完全清醒时她让我去睡觉.wide 副词,意为:充分地,尽可能远地The door was wide open.门四敞大开。In a few seconds he was wide sober.片刻间他完全清醒。10. cooking meals.Meal 可数名词,意为“ 一顿饭 ”。Who cook meals in your home?Try not to eat between meals.【辨析】meal 与 dinnerMeal:一顿饭,可指早餐、午餐或晚餐Dinner:晚餐,正餐,晚上的主餐,尤指正式用餐。如果一

8、天的主餐在中午,也可叫3dinner.Lunch is my main meal of the day.When do you usually have dinner?11. talking and sharingshare 动词,意为:分享;把自己的想法、经历或者情感告诉别人Some children dont like to share their problem.词组:share.with sb.与某人分享Ann shared her chocolate with the other kids.He shared his food the family.他和家人分享了他的食物。He al

9、ways share with us. 他们总是与我们分享快乐与悲伤。12. Who makes most of the decisions in your family?decision 可数名词,意为:决定,抉择 make/take a decision 做决定,相当于 decidedecide 动词 ,意为:决定decide on sth.就某事做决定decide to do sth.决定做某事。We need to make a decision on this right now.They took the decision to put off the meeting.13. Im

10、 not expected to do the homework. 我不用做家务。expect 及物动词,意为:指望,要求;期待,盼望,预料。 be expected to do sth. 被要求做某事Her parents expected high standards from her.她父母对她期望很高。We are expected to work on weekends. 我们周末要上班。He is expecting her letter.I dont expect that he has done such a thing.14. but my dad is often abro

11、ad on business.abroad 副词,意为:在国外,到国外;前面不加介词be/go/live/travel abroad 在国外/ 出国/居住在国外/ 海外旅行My father will go abroad next week.Have you ever been abroad?15. We usually just do our own personal things.1)own 形容词,意为:自己的, 常和名词所有格或形容词性物主代词一起使用。Thats her own idea. You should do your own part.Everyone should hav

12、e dreams.每个人都应该有自己的梦想。拓展own 动词,意为:拥有,有The car is mine. I own it.2)personal 形容词,意为:个人的,私人的反义词:public 公众的,公共的This is a personal letter.I want to have a personal interview with him. 我想直接跟他面谈。416. They dont usually set rules for me, and since Im a good daughter, they never punish me.1)set 及物动词,意为:安排,确定,

13、决定set rules 制定规则We havent set an exact date for the party.I have to a clear objective for myself.2)since 在此用作连词,意为:因为,由于,既然,通常表示众所周知的原因。 Since从句通常位于主句之前。Since you wont help us, well ask someone else.Since the rain stopped, we had better set off at once.17. Its much bigger than our last one.1)much bi

14、gger 大得多 much 用来修饰比较级,意为 “.得多” ,相当于 a lot。I have much more apples than you.Im feeling a lot better today.Rabbits run quicker than turtles.兔子比乌龟跑得快得多。【拓展】能够修饰形容词/副词比较级的词有:a little/a bit 意为:稍微,一点 Please come a little/a bit earlier next time.even 意为:甚至 This time he did it even worse.far 意为:.得多、 She is

15、far more sensible than before.rather 意为:相当 Its rather colder today than yesterday.2)one 此处用作代词,用于代指前面提到过的同一类事物中的一个。复数形式是 ones.Your coat is good. I also want to buy one.I dont like this shirt, can you show me another one?There are some cakes on the plate. You can take. 盘子里有一些蛋糕,你可以吃一个。18. Although it

16、 sometimes feels crowded in our little flat, we dont mind.1)although 连词,意为:虽然,尽管,相当于 though。引导让步状语从句,可位于主句前,也可位于主句后。Although it is raining hard, they are still working.Theyll try their best though they may fail.2)mind 可以作及物动词,也可作不及物动词,意为:介意,反对。常用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中,后接名词、动名词或者从句。Do you mind if I borrow you

17、r bike?I dont mind a joke, but this is going too far.我并不介意开玩笑,但是这个太过分了。Do you mind telling me the truth?Would you mind the TV ? 你介意把电视关掉吗?19. I have no interest in things like fashionable jokes.1)have no interest in 对.没有兴趣,interest 名词,意为:兴趣,关注。5Boys usually have no interest in cooking.【拓展】(1)take/ha

18、ve/show/feel ( an)interest in 对.有/表现出/感动有兴趣My sister shows little interest in my friends.(2)lose interest in 对.失去兴趣 He has lose all interest in this plan.(3)be interested in 对.感兴趣 We are interested in this movie.20. New fashions soon go out of date, dont they?1)go 在此处做不及物动词,意为:进入.状态,处于.状况,其后常接介词 to,

19、 into 和 out of 等。Soon the baby went to sleep.2)out of date 意为:过时的,相当于 out of fashion, out of style 等。Her skirt is out of date.The color has .这种颜色已经不时兴了。21.Yes,I suppose they set some rules for me.suppose 及物动词,意为:(根据所知)认为,料想。常见用法:1)suppose +( that)从句I suppose (that )the price will go down.I suppose h

20、e.我以为他不会同意。2)suppose +宾语 +宾补She supposed him (to be)very rich.她原以为他很富有。All of my friends me quit the job. . 我所有的朋友都以为我会辞职。22. For example, unless I finish all my homework, I cant watch TV, and I cant go out with my friends either.1)unless 连词,意为:除非,如果不,引导条件状语从句。I always sleep with the window open unl

21、ess its cold.2)either 此处用作副词,意为:也,通常用于否定句。She dont believe the news, I dont believe it either.I cant dance, Mary cant.23.Im writing to ask if youd like to be my friend.if 连词,意为:是否,引导宾语从句,常与 whether 互换使用。I wonder if/whether he will come to the party tonight.24., as were a very close 此处用作连词,

22、意为:因为,由于;引导原因状语从句。As 表原因时,语气比 because和 since 都弱。She cant go there easily, as she has no car.As you are out, I left a message for you.6As everyone is here, lets begin the class.【同步练习】一、单项选择1.You look sad. What has happened?Everyone _ us to win the match, but we lost. A. expects B. expected C. hopes D

23、. hoped2.Though he is _ at home, he doesnt feel _ for he has so many things to do.A. alone; lonely B. lonely; alone C. alone; alone D. lonely; lonely3. The boy can speak both English and Japanese _ he is ten.Wow, what a clever boy!A. if B. because C. although D. but4. Tom, would you mind _ out of th

24、e bathroom?Sorry. I wont be long.A. come B. to come C. coming D. came5. Jerry has no _ in fashionable clothes, does he?No, he doesnt. He thinks new fashions soon go out of date. A. interesting B. interest C. interested D. interests6. You are _ to type quickly when talking to each other on QQ so the

25、other person doesnt get bored .A. suggested B. supported C. supposed D. taught 7. When he was young, he showed an interest _ Maths.A. on B. with C. about D. in 8. Taiwan is part of China. We _ the same history and culture.A. share B. explain C. express D. connect9. If I were a teacher, I would allow

26、 my students to _ by themselves.A. make a living B. make decisions C. make much noise 10. Bob often _ his mother with the housework on Sundays.A. help B. helping C. helps D. helped二、语法填空Family TreesMany people use a family tree to show the history of (them) family. To do (these), they draw a diagram

27、 that (look) like the branches of a tree. Some people can(follow) their family tree back for a long time. The family tree of Confucius is the (long) in the world. It covers more than 80 (generation) and includes over two(million) people.三、完形填空How to communicate with your parentsMany young people hav

28、e trouble 1 with their parents. However, there are some very useful tips to help solve this 2 .First, make a list of the things you and your parents disagree about most.3 each of these things, try to find an answer 4 to both you and your parents. It is 7no good for you to require everything to go yo

29、ur way. You have to be ready to change 5 if you want them to change.Second, talk to your parents when it is convenient for them. Remember that your parents 6 have to work long hours and this can 7 them tired, so be patient with them. Third, listen to what your parents have to say. 8 can you expect t

30、hem to listen to you if you are not ready to listen to them? 9 your parents were 10 young like you, so they understand your11better than you expect.Finally, if you do not get a satisfactory result, try 12 too angry. Talk with your parents and find out their reasons. Part of growing up 13 tolive with

31、 these kinds of disagreements, and learning to understand 14 persons way of looking at things. With a little hard work, you can learn to communicate 15 with your parents.( )1.A. communicate B. communicating C. to communicate D. communicated ( ) 2.A. way B. problem C. question D. matter( ) 3.A. About

32、 B. For C. With D. According to ( ) 4.A.righy B. useful C. acceptable D. enjoyable( )5. A. some B. much C. most D. a little( )6. A. may B. must C. can D. need21cnjy( ) 7. A. get B. have C. let D. make ( ) 8. A. What B. How C. When D. Where( ) 9. A. Above all B. For the time being C. In addition D. B

33、y the way( )10. A. still B. just C. ever D. once ( )11. A. situation B. condition C. expression D. feeling ( ) 12. A. not get B. not to get C. not getting D. not to getting( )13. A. is going to learn B. are going to learn C. is learning D. are learning( ) 14. A. another B. other C. the other D. othe

34、rs( ) 15. A. well B. better C. best D. the best 四、阅读理解Paula interviewed two teenagers for a programme on family life. She asked them some questions. Here are their answers. Emily (aged 15) 1. well, there are just three of us: my mum, my dad and me. 2. Have I got many possessions? Yes, Ive got a lot

35、of things: a big TV, a new computer and a mobile phone. 3. No, Im not expected to do the housework. 4. We go out for dinner together sometimes, but my dad is often abroad on business, and my mum works too. We usually just do our own personal things. 5. No, they dont usually set rules for me, and sin

36、ce Im a good daughter, they never punish me. 6. Well, I like our new flat. Its much bigger than our last one. But I feel lonely when my parents are away from home. Jerry (aged 14) 1. My mum, dad, grandma and my sister Rosie. Although it sometimes feels crowded in our little flat, we dont mind. 82. N

37、o, I havent got many possessions. I have no interest in things like fashionable clothes. New fashions soon go out of date, dont they? Thats what my grandma says. 3. Yes, I help with the housework. I wash the dishes and even iron my own shirts. My grandma says young people should learn to look after

38、themselves. 4. Yes, we like doing things together. We eat meals together every day, and my family always come to school events. 5. Yes, I suppose they set some rules for me. For example, unless I finish all my homework, I cant watch TV, and I cant go out with my friends either. 6. I love all my fami

39、ly very much. We have a close relationship, and we always support each other.( ) 1.Paula interviewed two teenagers for a programme on_. A. their study B. their relationship with their parentsC. family life D. their school activities ( ) 2.What may be the third question asked by Paula?A. How many peo

40、ple are there in your family? B. Have you got many possessions?C. Do you have family rules? D. Are you expected to do the homework?( ) 3.From Emilys answer to the last question, we can guess .A.She feels completely at ease because there are no family rules for herB.She feels very comfortable because

41、 she lives in a new flatC. She never feels lonely because she can watch TV when her parents are awayD. She doesnt always feel happy because her parents are away from home( ) 4. Which of the following is TRUEaccording to the text?A. Jerry has got many possessions, such as a new computer and a mobile

42、phone.B. Emily always has dinner with her parents.C. Jerrys grandma asks him to learn to look after himself.D. Emily is a good girl because she help her parents do housework.( ) 5.Whose family life do you think is more suitable for a teenager?A. Emilys. B. Jerrys. C. Both of theirs. D. Neither of th

43、eirs.五、同义句转换1. Nobody expects me to do the housework in my family._ _ _ to do the housework in my family.2. It sometimes feels crowded in our little flat, but we dont mind.We dont mind _ it feels crowded in our little flat _ _.3. Jerry wasnt interested in fashionable clothes.Jerry _ _ _ in fashionab

44、le clothes.4. Young people should learn to look after themselves.Young people should learn to _ _ _ themselves.5. He cant watch TV unless he finishes all his homework._ he_ _ all his homework, he cant watch TV.6. I dont like history, he doesnt like it either._ _ us like history.9九年级上册Unit 3 Family Life 重要知识点讲解同步练习答案一、单选:BACCB CDABC二、语法:their, this, looks, follow, longest, generations, million三、完型:BBCCD ADBCD ABCAB四、阅读:CDDCB五、1. Im not expected 2.although/though at times 3.had no interest 4.take care of5.If doesnt finish 6.Neither of

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