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1、第 1 页 共 9 页惠南中学 2014 秋初二英语月考试卷命题者 庄锋清第一部分:听力考查(30 分)第一节:听句子(两遍)从 A、B、C 三幅图画中选出符合句子内容的图画。 (7.5 分)第二节:听对话(两遍) ,选择正确答案。 (15 分)听第一段对话,回答第 6 小题( )6. Which sport does Kangkang prefer?A. Basketball B. Baseball C. Football听第二段对话,回答第 7 小题( )7. What is Jane going to be when she grows up?A. A player B. A teach

2、er C. A dancer听第三段对话,回答第 8 小题( )8. What is the girl doing?A. She is sleeping. B. She is doing her homework C. She is watching TV.听第四段对话,回答第 9、10 小题( )9. Judy is leaving for _ tomorrow.A. Fuzhou B. Quanzhou C. Guangzhou( )10. When is she going to start?A. 3:30 B. 2:30 C. 1:30听第五段对话,回答第 11、12 小题( )11.

3、 Does Mary swim much?第 2 页 共 9 页A. Yes, she does B. No, she doesnt C. We dont know( )12. Mary thinks swimming is _.A. exciting B. interesting C. boring听第六段对话,回答第 13、14、15 小题( )13. Is Bob going shopping with the girl?A. Yes, he is. B.No, he isnt. C. I dont know.( )14. Bob wants to buy _.A. A jacket B

4、. A pair of pants C. A pair of sports shoes( )15. How many students are going to take part in the long jump?A. 16 B. 26 C.36第三节:听短文(三遍)选择正确答案。 (7.5 分)( )16. When does Jenny do morning exercises?A. At 6:30 B. 6:30-7:00 C.At 7:00( )17. What does Jenny do after school?A. Running B. Walking C. Swimming(

5、 )18. Does Jenny often have a walk after dinner?A. Yes, she does B. No, she doesnt C. We dont know( )19. What does Jenny think of taking a walk after dinner?A. Boring B. Relaxing C. Interesting( )20. In the school sports meet, which sport will Jenny be in?A. Running B. The high jump C. Both A and B第

6、二部分:选择填空(A) 单项选择(15 分)( )21.-Which subject do you _, Chinese or math?-Oh, I like Chinese better.A. know B. prefer C. make( )22. -Where does your sister want to study when she _?-She wants to study in Beijing.A. stays up B. gets up C. grows up( )23. John _ many games after he _ the school soccer team

7、 last year.A. took part in, joined B. took part in, took part in C. joined, took part in( )24. Tom will have a tennis game on the playground tomorrow. And Im going to _.A. cheer on him B. looked for him C. cheer him on( )25. -There _ an exciting movie this evening. Will you join us?-Id love to.A. ha

8、s B. is going to be C. have( )26. Janes father usually shouts _ her when he is angry _ her.A. in, with B. at, about C. at, with第 3 页 共 9 页( )27. His English is not very good and his mother asks him to keep _ it every day.A. practicing speaking B. practice speaking C. practicing to speak( )28. I dont

9、 know _ Tom will come or not. He is busy these days.A. that B. when C. whether( )29. Its my first time _ to Mount Tai. I dont know what to take.A. going B. go C. to go( )30.- _ your mother come to the party tomorrow?-No. She will not _ come back from Beijing.A. Be able to, can B. Can, can C. Can, be

10、 able to( )31. Jim felt very _ after he watched the _ movie.A. excited, exciting B. excited, excited C. exciting, excited( )32. I will be in the _ race. Ill do my best to win the race.A. boys 100-meter B. boys 100-meters C. boys 100-meter( )33. -Would you mind if I open the window?-_. You can do it.

11、A. Its nothing B. Never mind C. Not at all( )34. -Hello. Is Michael in? -_.A. Yes, I am. B. Speaking C. Who are you( )35. -Shall I take a camera? -_. Itll be fun.A. Good luck B. Have a good time C. Good idea.(B) 完形填空(10 分)A few weeks ago, Tom came to a new school. He likes it better than his _36_ sc

12、hool. The classrooms are all big and bright. Every classroom has a computer in it. The _37_ is also really great! There are lots of books, novels, and newspapers. It also has comfortable(舒适的) chairs and students can sit on them when they _38_. The food in the dining is _39_ and not expensive. All th

13、e students like to eat there. Toms favorite _40_ is the big hall. The students often go there to watch movies. Last week, Tom saw an interesting movie there and _41_ it.The school has all kinds of activities. _42_, there is a music festival every June. The students like their school music team very

14、much. The sports meet is _43_ one of the most popular activities at the school. It is in September every year.Tom is happy that he can _44_ at this school. He enjoys every day here _45_ he has good teachers and friendly classmates.( )36. A. new B. old C. big( )37. A. library B. classroom C. dining h

15、all( )38. A. sing B. dance C. read第 4 页 共 9 页( )39. A. delicious B. boring C.different( )40. A. time B. place C. person ( )41. A. forgot B. changed C. loved( )42. A. Of course B. As well C. For example( )43. A. so B. again C. also( )44. A. study B. work C. live( )45. A. but B. because C. or(C) 补全对话(

16、10 分)A: Hi, Helen! _46_B: Im going to watch a tennis game this weekend.A: _47_B: Yes. It is my favorite sport. What about you?A: _48_B: Why do you like basketball best?A: Because it needs teamwork and it can help me make many friends.B: _49_A: I play it twice a week.B: _50_A: Kobe Bryant. I hope to

17、be a basketball player like him when I grow up.B: Im sure you will.A. Is tennis your favorite sport?B. My favorite sport is basketball.C. Who is your favorite basketball player?D. What are you going to do this weekend?E. How often do you play basketball?第三部分:阅读理解。(A) 篇, 根据短文内容,判断句子是否正确,正(用“A ” 号)误(用

18、“B”号) 。(10 分)Sports are very important to us. Sports are popular with young and old people. Many people do morning exercises, go to different sports clubs(俱乐部) and take part in sports games. Other people like sports too but they only like to watch sports games and listen to sports news. They dont do

19、 sports.PE is an important subject in our school. Students have PE classes five times a week. Boys and girls often play football and basketball in PE classes. There is a big playground in our school and students like to do sports there. Our scholl often has a lot of sports games and many students ta

20、ke part in them.Sports can help people to keep fit. People of all ages must look after themselves and exercise regularly(有规律地). My favorite sport is swimming. I go to the swimming pool once a week. 第 5 页 共 9 页( )51. Some people like sports but they dont do sports.( )52. The students in the school ha

21、ve PE classes five times a week.( )53. The students in the school like to do sports in the gym.( )54. The writers favorite sport is football and basketball.( )55. The writer thinks sports are very important to us.(B) (C)根据短文或表格内容,选择正确答案。 (每篇 10 分)Alice In my free time, I like cycling, watching TV, g

22、oing for a walk with my friends, swimming and skating. I like the summer holidays. I have much free time in summer. Anna Hi! Im 13. I like swimming, cycling, playing soccer, playing chess(象棋) and reading. My favorite book is Harry Potter.Kate I do lots of sports during my free time. For example, cyc

23、ling around the community, playing basketball with my brother and jogging(慢跑) around the park. I also love reading. The book I like best is The Magic Faraway Tree.Jane I have a lot of free time after I finish my homework every day. In my free time, I like drawing best. And I also like cycling, writi

24、ng stories and listening to music. Sometimes I enjoy going shopping with my mother.Lucy In my free time I dance ballet. Its my favorite. I go to a ballet school twice a week. I want to be a great ballet dancer like Galina.( )56. Alice has a lot of free time in _.A. spring B. summer C. fall( )57. _ l

25、ike reading books.A. Alice and Anna B. Anna and Kate C. Kate and Jane( )58. Janes favorite activity is _ when she is free.A. cycling B. listening to music C. drawing( )59. According to the table, Galina may be a _.A. writer B. teacher C. ballet dancer( )60. The students are talking about their _.A.

26、free-time activities B. winter holiday C. weekend plansJimmy looked at the calendar(日历). He was not happy and hit the calendar.“Why are you hitting it?”“ I dont want to go back to school tomorrow,” he said. “ I dont want to get up early, do homework every night, and sit in a classroom for hours.”“ S

27、o what do you want to do?” asked Susan.Jimmy said, “I could be a soccer star or a good actor.”“Good luck at age eleven. Most sports stars and actors work hard for years, and most of them are educated(受过教育的). I dont think you play soccer well, and 班级 座号 姓名 准考证号 流水号 14./10密封线内不得答题 第 6 页 共 9 页you arent

28、 handsome(英俊的),” said Susan.“Thats not nice!” shouted Jimmy.“Im sorry, but a little honesty(诚实) could help sometimes. And homework gets you out of housework. Dad doesnt make us do much housework when we have homework.”“Right.”“And TV is fun when you only have time for a little of it. Sitting in fron

29、t of it for hours is boring,” said Susan.“Also right,” said Jimmy.“And all of our friends are at school,” said Susan.“OK, I get it. School isnt all bad,” said Jimmy.Friends, delicious school lunch, less houseworkthen Jimmy began to like school.( )61. Why was Jimmy not happy when he looked at the cal

30、endar?A. Because he forgot his sisters birthday.B. Because he didnt finish his homework.C. Because he had to go back to school the next day.( )62. Jimmy doesnt like school because of _.A. getting up early B. long school hours C. A and B( )63. From the passage, we learn that Jimmy is _ years old.A. 9

31、 B. 10 C.11( )64. Susan thought _ was boring.A. being an actor B. watching too much TV C. doing housework ( )65. _ was one of Susans reasons( 原因) for liking school.A. Less housework B. Having PE classes C. Learning new things(D)篇,把 A-E 五个句子填入空白处。 (5 分)The Olympics have a very long history. _66_. At

32、that time, foreigners or women couldnt take part in the Olympics. _67_.Now, the Olympics are one of the most important sports meet in the world. _68_. There are Summer Olympic Games and Winter Olympic Games. _69_. There were only track and field competition(田径赛)in the Summer Olympics._70_. But we di

33、dnt win gold medals until 1984 in Los Angeles, the USA.A. Women even couldnt watch the Olympics.B. China first took part in the Olympics in 1936.C. The Olympics began over 2700 years ago in Greece.D. The players all over the world can take part in the Olympics.E. The first modern Summer Olympics beg

34、an in 1896 in Greece.(E)篇,任务型阅读(10 分)第 7 页 共 9 页There was a sports meet in No. 2 Middle School last week. It began on Monday and was over three days later. Li Hua is in Class One. He jumped so high. Liu Mei runs very fast, but she hurt her left leg last month and couldnt run. What a pity! There are

35、twenty-two boys in Class Five. It is a strong team. So they won the boys relay race. Zhou Hong ran fast, too. When the girls 200-meter race began, she was in front. But what bad luck! She fell down and fell behind. And in the end, Wang Li was the first to pass the finish line.Name ThingLi Hua He jum

36、ped so 67._.Liu Mei She hurt her 68._.69._ She ran fast but 69._ down.Wang Li She was 70._to pass the finish line.第四部分:语言知识运用(A)词汇运用。 (10 分)选择括号内恰当的单词或词组填入空白处,使句意完整、正确。71.-What are you going to _(do / be) when you grow up?-I am going to be a scientist.72. -Running can help us keep _(health / healthy

37、).-You are right.73. -Would you mind not putting your bike here?-Sorry.Ill put it_( somewhere else /else somewhere).74.-Lucy did _(well / badly) in the race and didnt win it.-Im sorry to hear that.75.-_(What / Who) is your favorite player?-LeBron James.根据中文提示写出单词或词组,使句意完整、正确。76. If I have a _(机会), I

38、 believe I will do better next time.77. Dr. White _(发明) a kind of new medicine last year.78. Li Na is a great woman _(网球) player. She plays it very well.79. They are _(动身去) Japan the day after tomorrow.80. I _(听说) you won the first place in the long jump yesterday.(B) 综合填空:选择方框内的单词并用适当形式填空。 (5 分)win

39、 good fan play passI am a student. I come from Australia and I study at a high school. I like playing basketball very much. Im a _81_ of Yao Ming. I hope that I can be a basketball _82_ like him in the future.Im in our school basketball team and our team play basketball every day after school. I tra

40、in very hard. Our team didnt play _83_ last year and we lost to 第 8 页 共 9 页another school team.The teacher told us that we should learn teamwork and _84_ the ball to our teammates more often. So we practice more. All of us do our best. We hope that our team will _85_ the game this year.81._ 82._ 83._ 84._ 85._(C) 遣词造句。 (10 分)86. help, relax 87. good, draw, tomorrow 89. do, now 90. be,grow up86._87._88_89_90_第五部分:书面表达。 (15 分)请以 My favorite sport 为题写一篇 70 个词左右的短文,介绍一下你最喜欢的运动,并谈谈你喜欢这项运动的原因。_第 9 页 共 9 页_

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