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1、 - 1 - 中国地质大学(北京) 2017 年 研究生 优秀 科研成果奖励 汇总 序号 姓 名 学 号 专 业 科 研 成 果 积分 等级 1 张晓光 3003150004 硕博 1+4 材料科学与工程 1、 Preparation and characterization of the properties of polyethylene glycol Si3N4 nanowires as phase-change materials. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2016, 301: 229-237. SCI, IF=6.216, Q1: 8/135. B

2、 2、 Polyethylene glycol/Cu/SiO2 form stable composite phase change materials: preparation, characterization, and thermal conductivity enhancement, RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 58740-58748. SCI, IF=3.108, Q2: 59/166. D 3、 Preparation and performance of novel form-stable composite phase change materials bas

3、ed on polyethylene glycol/White Carbon Black assisted by super-ultrasound-assisted, Thermochimica Acta, 2016, 638: 35-43. SCI, IF=1.938, Q2: 16/58. D 4、 Thermal conductivity enhancement of polyethylene glycol/expanded perlite with carbon layer for heat storage application, Energy and Buildings, 2016

4、, 130: 113-121. SCI, IF=4.067, Q1: 3/125. A 新增 5、 Enhancement of thermal conductivity by the introduction of carbon nanotubes as a filler in paraffin/expanded perlite form-stable phase-change materials. Energy and Buildings, 2017, 149: 463-470. SCI, IF=4.067, Q1: 3/125. A 6、 Form stable composite ph

5、ase change materials from palmitic-lauric acid eutectic mixture and carbonized abandoned rice: preparation, characterization, and thermal conductivity enhancement. Energy and Buildings, http:/ SCI, IF=4.067, Q1: 3/125. A 7、 Shape-stabilized composite phase ch

6、ange materials with high thermal conductivity based on stearic acid and modified expanded vermiculite. Renewable Energy, 2017, 112, 113-123. SCI, IF=4.357, Q1: 18/92. C 205 新增 115 特等 2 刘海坤 3003150007 硕博 3+3 材料科学与工程 1. Surface treatment investigation and luminescence properties of SiO2-coated Ca2BO3C

7、l:0.02Eu2+ phosphors via sol-gel process. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2012, 73, 104-108. SCI, IF=2.059 Q2: 77/166. D 2. Synthesis and energy transfer studies of Eu2+ and Mn2+ co-doped Sr3.45Y6.5O2(PO4)1.5(SiO4)4.5 phosphor. Optics Communications, 2013, 309, 64-67. SCI, IF= 1.588, Q3:

8、 52/92. D 3. A novel single-composition trichromatic white-emitting Sr3.5Y6.5O2(PO4)1.5(SiO4)4.5: Ce3+/Tb3+/Mn2+ phosphor: synthesis, luminescent properties and applications for white LEDs. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2014, 2, 1619-1627. SCI, IF = 5.256, Q2: 49/163/148. D 4. Synthesis, broad-b

9、and absorption and luminescence properties of blue-emitting phosphor Sr8La2(PO4)6O2:Eu2+ for n-UV white-light-emitting diodes. Ceramics International, 2014, 40:13709-13713. SCI, IF = 2.986, Q1: 3/27. C 5. Synthesis, structure and green luminescence evolution of apatite-type Sr3.5Y6.5(PO4)1.5(SiO4)4.

10、5O2:Eu2+,Tb3+ phosphors. Journal of Luminescence, 2014, 156: 49-54. SCI, IF=2.686, Q1: 18/90. C 6. Structure, luminescence property and energy transfer behavior of color-adjustable La5Si2 BO13:Ce3+,Mn2+ phosphors. RSC Advance, 2014, 4, 7288-7295. SCI, IF = 3.108, Q2: 59/166. D 7. Facile combustion s

11、ynthesis and photoluminescence properties of Ce3+ doped Sr2La8(SiO4)6O2 phosphors. Optical Materials, 2015, 52, 553-555. SCI, IF = 2.238, Q2: 36/92. D 8. Synthesis, photoluminescence properties and energy transfer behavior of color-tunable fluorapatite phosphor Sr9Gd(PO4)5(SiO4)F2:Tb3+/Sm3+. Ceramic

12、s International, 2016, 42: 16579-16583. SCI, IF = 2.986, Q1: 3/27. C 9. A novel single-phase white light emitting phosphor Ca9La(PO4)5(SiO4)F2:Dy3+: synthesis, crystal structure and luminescence properties. RSC. Advances, 2016, 6, 24577-24583. SCI, IF = 3.108, Q2: 59/166. D 10 Tunable luminescence p

13、roperties and energy transfer of Ba3NaLa(PO4)3F:Tb3+,Sm3+ phosphors with apatite structure. Journal of Luminescence, 2016, 169, 739-743. SCI, IF=2.686, Q1: 18/90. C 11. Ca9La(PO4)5(SiO4)Cl2:Dy3+: A white-emitting apatite-type phosphor pumped for n-UV w-LEDs. Journal of Luminescence, 2017, 181: 407-4

14、10, SCI, IF=2.686, Q2: 25/92. D 新增: 12. Tetrahedral substitution to induce tunable luminescent properties in apatite structural solid-solution phosphors Ca9La(PO4)5(Si,Ge)O4F2:Ce3+. Dyes and Pigments. 2017, 145: 514-517. SCI, IF=3.473. Q1: 1/24. A 13. Structure refinement and luminescence properties

15、 of a novel apatite type compound Mn2Gd8(SiO4)6O2. Dyes and Pigments. 2017, 140: 87-91. SCI, IF=3.473. Q1: 1/24. A 14. Synthesis and photoluminescence properties of Dy3+ doped white-emitting phosphor Sr9La(PO4)3(SiO4)Cl2:Dy3+. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters. 2017, 9: 252-255. SCI, IF=1.889.

16、Q2: 63/148. D 200 新增 105 特等 - 2 - 3 曾超 3003160005 硕博 材料科学与工程 1、 A novel apatite-based warm white emitting phosphor Ba3GdK(PO4)3F:Tb3+, Eu3+ with efficient energy transfer for w-LEDs. RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 6809968108.SCI, IF=3.84, Q2, 49/163 D 2、 Color-tunable properties and energy transfer in Ba3Gd

17、Na(PO4)3F:Eu2+,Tb3+ phosphor pumped for n-UV w-LEDs. Optics IF=3.191;Q1:8/88. B 新增 2、 Soil organic carbon and nitrogen pools in reclaimed mine soils under forest and cropland ecosystems in the Loess Plateau, China. Ecological Engineering, 2017,102: 137-144. 国际 SCI; IF=2.914; Q2:46/153. D 3、 Characte

18、ristics of labile organic carbon fractions in reclaimed mine soils: evidence from three reclaimed forests in the Pingshuo opencast coal mine, China. Science of the Total Environment.2018,613-614:1196-1206. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.09.170. 国际 SCI; IF=4.900; Q1:22/229. B 65 新增 35 一等 19 高雪 3001140

19、038硕博 1+4 矿物学、岩石学、 矿床学 1、滇西红牛矽卡岩型铜矿床石榴子石特征 . 岩石学报 , 2014, 30(9): 2695-270. SCI, IF=1.444. Q2: 23/47. D 新增 2、 Zircon UPb, molybdenite ReOs geochronology and SrNdPbHfOS isotopic constraints on the genesis of Relin CuMo deposit in Zhongdian, Northwest Yunnan, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 2017, http:/dx.

20、 Online. SCI, IF=3.449. Q1: 1/20 A 3、滇西北铜厂沟 Mo-Cu 矿床成矿流体和成矿物质来源:矽卡岩矿物学与稳定同位素证据 . 岩石学报 , 2017, 33(7): 2161-2174. SCI, IF=1.444. Q2: 23/47. D 60 新增 55 一等 20 李月云 3003150014 材料科学工程 1. A sandwich-type electrochemical immunosensor based on the biotin-streptavidin-bi

21、otin structure for detection of human immunoglobulin G. Scientific reports, (2016), 6.国际 SCI, IF=5.229, 国际 SCI, Q1: 10/64 C 2. An electrochemical immunosensor comprising thionin/silver nanoparticles decorated KIT-6 for ultrasensitive detection of squamous cell carcinoma antigen. RSC Advances, 2016,

22、6(9): 6932-6938., 国际 SCI, IF=3.289, Q2: 59/166 D 新增 3. Ultrasensitive electrochemical immunosensor for quantitative detection of SCCA using Co3O4CeO2-AuPt nanocomposite as enzyme-mimetic labels Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 92, (2017) 33-39. 国际 SCI, IF=7.78, Q1: 6/73 B 4.A sensitive non-enzymatic i

23、mmunosensor composed of silver nanoflowers for squamous cell carcinoma antigen. RSC Advances, 2017, 7( 4) , 22422248. 国际 SCI, IF=3.289, Q2: 59/166 D 5.Sandwich-type amperometric immunosensor using functionalized magnetic graphene loaded gold and silver core-shell nanocomposites for the detection of

24、Carcinoembryonic antigen; 2017, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2017, 795, 19, 国际 SCI, IF=3.029, Q2: 20/76 D 60 新增 40 一等 21 刘恒源 3005150035 硕博 2+3 环境科学与工程 1、 Effect of electro-stimulation on activity of heterotrophic denitrifying bacteria and denitrification performance. Bioresource Technolog

25、y. 2015, (196): 123-128. SCI, IF=4.917, Q1: 1/14. B 2、 Impact of electro-stimulation on denitrifying bacterial growth and analysis of bacterial growth kinetics using a modified Gompertz model in a b io-electrochemical denitrification reactor. Bioresource Technology. 2017, (232): 344-353. SCI, IF=5.6

26、51, Q1: 1/14. B 60 一等 22 刘智清 2002150018 材料科学与工程 1、 Doping effect of Sm3+ on magnetic and dielectric properties of Ni-Zn ferrites. Ceramics International, 2017, 43(1): 1449-1454. SCI, IF=2.986, Q1: 2/26. B 2、 Structural and electromagnetic properties of Ni0.5Zn0.5Ho xFe2-xO4 ferrites, Ceramics Intern

27、ational, 2017, 43/17: 14938-14944. SCI, IF=2.986, Q1: 2/26. 待刊( doi:10.1016/j.ceramint.2017.08.011) B 60 一等 23 柳成荫 3003150016硕博 1+4 材料科学与工程 1、 In Situ Co-Crystallization for Fabrication of g-C3N4/Bi5O7I Heterojunction for Enhanced Visible-Light Photocatalysis. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015,

28、119/30, 17156-17165. SCI, IF=4.509, Q1:39/271 C 2、 Easily and Synchronously Ameliorating Charge Separation and Band Energy Level in Porous gC3N4 for Boosting Photooxidation and Photoreduction Ability. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016, 120, 10381-10389. SCI, IF=4.509, Q1:39/271 C 新增: 3、 Chlorine

29、 intercalation in graphitic carbon nitride for efficient photocatalysis. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 203, 465-474. SCI, IF=8.87, Q1:13/146 B 60 新增 30 一等 - 7 - 24 罗舜钦 2101150013 地质工程 1、 Effect of different Bi/Ti molar ratios on visible-light photocatalytic activity of BiOI/TiO2 heterost

30、ructured nanofibers. Ceramics International. 2016, 42: 1578015786. SCI, IF=2.758, Q1: 3/27. C 2、 Controllable synthesis of Titania-Supported Bismuth Oxyiodide Heterostructured Nanofibers with Highly Exposed (110) Bismuth Oxyiodide Facets for Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity. ChemCatChem. 2016, 8: 37

31、80-3789. SCI, IF=4.724, Q1: 29/144. C 新增 3、 Bismuth Oxyiodide Coupled with Bismuth nanodots for enhanced photocatalytic Bisphenol A degradation: Synergistic effects and mechanism insight, Nanoscale, 2017,SCI, IF=7.367, JCR 分区 :Q1:23/275. Online, 待刊 , DOI:10.1039/C7NR05320G B 60 新增 30 一等 25 王泽洲 30011

32、60057硕博 2+3 地球化学 1、 Magnesium isotopic heterogeneity across the cratonic lithosphere in eastern China and its origins. Earth and Planetary Scienc e Letters. 2016, 451, 77-88. SCI, IF=4.734, Q1:7/84 B. 新增 2、 Zinc isotope fractionation during mantle melting and constraints on the Zn isotope compositio

33、n of Earths upper mantle. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2017, 198, 151-167. SCI, IF=4.609, Q1:5/84. B. 60 新增 30 一等 26 吴双 3006150065 硕博 2+3 石油与天 然气工程 1、 Coalbed methane adsorption behavior and its energy variation features under supercritical pressure and temperature conditions. Journal of Petrole

34、um Science and Engineering. 2016, 146: 726-734. SCI, IF=2.079, Q1: 2/20. B 新增 2、 Effects of geological pressure and temperature on permeability behaviors of middle-low volatile bituminous coals in eastern Ordos Basin, China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017, 153: 372-384. SCI. IF=2

35、.415, Q1: 3/21. C 3、 Evaluation of pore development in different coal reservoirs based on centrifugation experiment. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017, 157: 1095-1105. SCI. IF=2.415, Q1: 3/21. C 60 新增 30 一等 27 谢秋红 3001150053硕博 2+3 矿物学、岩石学、 矿床学 1、 Petrogenesis of the Zhangmatun gabbr

36、o in the Jinan complex, North China Craton: Implications for skarn-type iron mineralization. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 113, 2015, 1197-1217. 国际 SCI. IF=2.905, Q2: 68/166. D 新增 2、 Geochemistry and oxygen isotope composition of magnetite from the Zhangmatun deposit, North China Craton: Implicati

37、ons for the magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of Cornwall-type iron mineralization. Ore Geology Reviews 88, 2017, 57-77. 国际 SCI. IF= 3.449. Q1: 1/20. A 3 、 Interstitial microstructures in Jinan mafic intrusion, North China Craton: magmatic or hydrothermal origin? European Journal of Mineralogy, 2017,

38、DOI: https:/ (待刊) . 国际 SCI. IF= 1.372. Q2: 14/29. D 60 新增 55 一等 28 陈福川 3001150003硕博 2+3 矿物学 、岩石学、矿床学 1、滇西哀牢山镇沅煌斑岩 40Ar-39Ar 年代学和地球化学特征 . 岩石学报 . 2015, 31(11): 3203 3216. SCI, IF=1.097, Q2: 23/47. D 新增 2、 Geology, fluid inclusion and stable isotopes (O, S) of the Heta

39、oping distal skarn Zn-Pb deposit, northern Baoshan block, SW China. Ore Geology Reviews. 2016, 待刊,http:/ SCI, IF=3.095, Q1: 1/20. A 55 新增 50 一等 29 党伟 3006140049硕博 1+4 矿产普查与勘探 1、 Shale gas potential of Lower Permian marine-continental transitional black shal

40、es in the Southern North China Basin, Central China: Characterization of organic geochemistry, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015, 28:639-650, SCI, IF:2.718; Q2: 37/135 D 新增 2、 Geological controls on methane adsorption capacity of Lower Permian transitional black shales in the Sout

41、hern North China Basin, Central China: Experimental results and geological implications. Journal of Petroleum Science Q1: 3/21 C 3、 Methane Adsorption Rate and Diffusion Characteristics in Marine Shale Samples from Yangtze Platform, South China. Energies, 2017, 10(5), SCI, IF:2.262; Q2: 45/92 D 4、 I

42、nvestigation of gas content of organic-rich shale: A case study from Lower Permian shale in southern North China Basin, central China. Geoscience Frontiers, 2017, SCI, IF:4.256; Q1: 13/188. 待刊 , doi: 10.1016/j.gsf.2017.05.009 B 55 新增 50 一等 30 刘晓磊 3001140011 硕博 1+4 矿物学、岩石学、 矿床学 1、 Distribution and di

43、versity of Cyanobacteria and Eukaryotic algae in Qinghai-Tibetan lakes. Geomicrobiology Journal. 2016, 33(10): 860-869. SCI, IF=1.485, Q3: 113/188. D 新增 2、 Effects of citrate on hexavalent chromium reduction by structural Fe(II) in nontronite. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2018, 343: 245-254 (Avai

44、lable online: 2017-09-23). SCI, IF=6.065, Q1: 1/125. DOI: https:/ A 55 新增 50 一等 - 8 - 31 涂姝臣 3003160010硕博 3+3 材料科学与工程 1、 Preparation of amine-modified silica foams and their adsorption behaviors toward TNT red water, Colloids & Surfaces A Physicochemical & Engine

45、ering Aspects, 2015, 481:493-499. SCI, IF=2.714, Q2: 65/146. D 2、 Controllable synthesis of multi-responsive ferroelectric layered perovskite-like Bi4Ti3O12: Photocatalysis and piezoelectric-catalysis and mechanism insight, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 219: 550-562. SCI, IF=9.446, Q1A:

46、1/49. A 55 一等 32 王硕博 3003160021硕博 1+4 材料科学与工程 1、 A novel layered bismuth-based photocatalytic material LiBi3O4Cl2 with OH and h+ as the active Species for efficient photodegradation applications, Solid State Sciences 62 (2016) 43-49, 国际 SCI IF=1.811, Q2:23/46 D 新增 2、 Readily attainable spongy foam p

47、hotocatalyst for promising practical photocatalysis, ,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 208 (2017) 7581, 国际 SCI IF=9.446, Q1:1/49 A 55 新增 50 一等 33 陈炜明 3007160003硕博 2+3 应用经济学 1、 Chinas water footprint by province, and inter-provincial transfer of virtual water, Ecological Indicators, 2017, 74: 32133

48、3. SCI, IF=3.898, Q1:43/229 C 2、 Interprovincial transfer of embodied energy between the Jing-Jin-Ji area and other provinces in China: A quantification using interprovincial input-output model, Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 584585: 9901003, SCI, IF=4.9, Q1:22/229 B 3、 Virtual water export and import in chinas foreign trade: A quantification using input-output tables of China from 2000 to 2012, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2017, 待刊, DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2017.02.017 Online date: 11 Mar 2017 SCI, IF=3.313, Q2:60/229 D 50 一等 34 江美辉 3007160013 硕博 1+4 管理科学与工程 1、 Multiscale

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