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本文(告诉您哪些食疗可以治疗慢性咽炎必备.doc)为本站会员(11****ws)主动上传,文客久久仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知文客久久(发送邮件至hr@wenke99.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、7 个简单食疗方治慢性咽炎哪些食疗方可以治疗慢性咽炎?治疗慢性咽炎的食疗方有哪些?一起来看看 7 个治疗慢性咽炎的简单食疗方。1、雪梨罗汉果治咽喉炎雪梨 1 个,罗汉果半个。将雪梨洗净,连皮、核切碎,罗汉果洗净,然后放入沙锅,加适量清水共煎,煮沸 30 分钟,去渣饮汤。每日 2 次,连服 3 日可见效。润肺消痰,清热利咽。还适用于咽部微痛,或有异物感,音哑等。2、西瓜皮茶治咽喉炎吃西瓜时,瓜皮别丢弃。取瓜皮 250 克,加入两大碗水,熬至一大碗,加入少许冰糖,冷而饮之。可治咽喉炎。3、蜂蜜茶治咽喉炎慢性咽炎民间偏方治疗,取茶叶、蜂蜜各适量。将茶叶用小纱布袋装好,置于杯中,用沸水泡茶,凉后加蜂蜜

2、搅匀,每隔半小时,用此溶液漱口并咽下,见效后连用 3 日。4、含生大蒜治咽喉炎慢性咽炎民间偏方治疗,患慢性咽喉炎,试用口含生大蒜头,坚持数月,咽喉炎可除根。口含生大蒜头最好挑紫皮独头大蒜。开始时辣得眼泪直淌,口腔粘膜也生痛,可时含时吐,且不要将大蒜头光滑的外表咬破。以后适应了再边含边咬。此法对牙痛、声音嘶哑等口腔毛病也有效果。5、麻油蛋汤治咽喉炎取鸡蛋一只,麻油适量。将鸡蛋打入杯中,加麻油搅匀,冲入沸水约 200 毫升趁热缓缓饮下,以清晨空腹为宜。6、核桃治咽喉炎取核桃 10 枚,去硬壳,不去衣,分早晚两次服。15 天为一个疗程。核桃具有消炎、润肺、化痰、止咳等功效。可治咽喉肿痛、咳嗽等疾病。

3、7、蜂蜜藕汁治咽喉炎取鲜藕,蜂蜜各适量。将鲜藕绞汁 100 毫升,加蜂蜜调匀饮服,每日 1 次,连服数日。在慢性咽炎偏方的治疗方法中,这种办法可以说是最简单不过的办法了。以上是小编给您整理的慢性咽炎民间食疗偏方,民间对于慢性咽炎的治疗偏方是比较多的,当然对于该病的治疗,还是希望患者到医院进行诊断之后在采取相关的治疗措施,做到对症下药才有更好的效果!7 simple diet side treatment of chronic pharyngitisWhat are the therapeutic side can treat chronic pharyngitis ? Treatment of

4、 chronic pharyngitis therapeutic side what ? Take a look at seven simple treatment of chronic pharyngitis therapeutic side .1 , Sydney Mangosteen cure laryngitisSydney 1 , Mangosteen half . The Sydney wash, peel , core chopped , Mangosteen washed, and then into the casserole , http:/ add appropriate

5、 amount of water were fried , boiled for 30 minutes, to slag Yin Tang. 2 times a day , even for 3 days can be effective. Lungs and phlegm, heat pharynx . Also applies to the throat slight pain, BLANEYEX.COM or a foreign body sensation , hoarseness , etc.2 , watermelon tea cure laryngitisWhen eating

6、watermelon , melons do not discard . Take rind 250 g , adding two bowls of water, boil a bowl , add a little sugar, cold and drink. Can cure sore throat.3 , honey tea cure laryngitisFolk remedies treatment of chronic pharyngitis , take tea, honey and the amount. The tea with a small gauze bag , plac

7、ed in the cup,http:/ tea with boiling water , cool , add honey and stir every half hour , gargle and swallow with this solution , after the effective once every 3 days.4 , with raw garlic cure laryngitisFolk remedies treatment of chronic pharyngitis , chronic pharyngitis, probation mouth with raw ga

8、rlic , adhere to a few months , pharyngitis can dig up the roots . Mouth with raw garlic is best to pick Purple single head of garlic . Spicy tears beginning Zhi Tang , oral mucosa raw pain also can be a Time spit , and does not want to bite garlic smooth appearance . And then later adapted edge wit

9、h edge bite . This method of pain , hoarseness and other oral problems are also effective .5 , sesame soup cure laryngitisTake egg, sesame oil amount . The eggs into the cup, add sesame oil and stir into the boiling water about 200 ml hot drink slowly to fasting is appropriate.6 , walnuts cure laryn

10、gitisTake walnut 10 , go hard shell , not clothes , sooner or later two suits . 15 days for a course of treatment. Walnut has anti-inflammatory , lungs, phlegm, cough and other effects. Can cure sore throat , cough and other diseases.7 , honey Ouzhi cure laryngitisTake Xianou , the amount of honey .

11、 Xianou wringer 100 ml , add honey and mix thoroughly Beverage , 1 day , and even served a few days . Remedies in the treatment of chronic pharyngitis , this approach can be said to be the most simple solution.These are small to give you organize therapeutic remedies for chronic pharyngitis folk , folk remedies for the treatment of chronic pharyngitis is more, of course, for the treatment of the disease , or hope after diagnosis of the patient to the hospital for treatment in taking relevant measures to achieve remedy have better results !

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