1、Ovarian Stimulation for IVF Procedures,Dr Milton Leong梁家康醫生,微剂量Flare法(1),口服避孕药皮下注射20mcg 亮丙瑞林 (一天两次)X2天应用uFSH 以刺激卵巢结果: 卵母细胞FSH使用量少Source: Scott et al, 1994,微剂量Flare法(2),口服避孕药皮下注射40mcg 亮丙瑞林 (一天两次)肌注4 IU/d 生长激素使用uFSH 2 天后监测结果: 取消率 E2 浓度, 卵母细胞数目Source: Schoolcraft et al, 1997,微剂量Flare法(3),口服避孕药皮下注射40mcg
2、 亮丙瑞林 (一天两次)2天后开始应用uFSH结果: 取消率 E2, 卵母细胞数目Source: Surrey et al, 1998,延长停药时间 (1),目的: 避免过度刺激临床: 直至 E2 3000 pg/mL停药,延长停药时间(2),Sher, 1995当30% 卵泡 15mm开始Nilsson, 1999当3 个卵泡 17mm开始,Mean SE E2 and LH conc. Before and during the coasting period in superovluation cycles,Characteristics of representative IVF-ET
3、 cycles in which coasting was used,General Principles of combined pituitary suppression / ovarian stimulation therapy (From Insler and Lunenfeld),Crude pregnancy rates using different GnRH agonist protocols in IVF (From Daya),The structure of GnRH agonistic analogues,Outcome results according to typ
4、e of protocol and gonadotrophin used (n=13426),Oocyte damage, pronuclear status and embryo cleavage after ICSI,Trade names, plasma half-lives, relate potency, route of administration and recommended dose for the clinically available gonadotrophins,Proposed protocols for poor responders,Characteristi
5、cs of IVF-ET cycles in which follicular maturity was attained before (gp 2A) or after (gp 2B) the coasting period,Gonadotropin and ovarian steroid hormone levels with microdose flare regimen: gonadotropin treatment day 1 vs day 6,Comparison of conventional IVF and ICSI procedure on sibling oocytes of 50 patients with tubal infertility,Outcome of embryo transfers after ICSI,Schematic representation of different protocols using GnRH agonists in combination with gonadotrophins for ovarian stimulation in IVF,