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1、阅 读 答 案Section A 选 词 填 空 (卷 1)26. E constructed 27. O undertaken 28. F consulted29. M range 30. N scale 31. I eventually32. K necessarily 33. L production 34. A cheaper 35. J heightSection B 段 落 信 息 匹 配 卷 136K 37D 38M 39G 40B41L 42H 43F 44J 45CSection C 仔 细 阅 读Passage one46. A. Senecas thinking is s

2、till applicable today问 题 : What are researchers rediscovering through their studies解 析 : 问 题 题 干 中 的 “researchers”和 “today”是 解 题 的 关 键 , 对 应 到 文 中 第 一 段 的 “Now scientists are bringing this ancient wisdom up-to-date”。 选 项 中 “Senecas thinking “ 对 应 到 “this ancient wisdom” , 而 “still applicable”对 应 到 “

3、bringup-to-date”,故 答 案 为 A。 47.B. It is a teaching tool under development问 题 : What do we learn about “Bettys Brain”?解 析 : 根 据 “Bettys Brian”定 位 , 定 位 到 第 三 段 , 而 该 段 的 段 首 便 强 调 “ But the most cutting-edge tool under development is the “teaching agent” “ ,意 味 着 整 段 文 字 要 叙 述 的 主 要 是 和 “ tool “有 关 的

4、 信 息 , 且 选 项 中 的 ”under development”和 原 文 信 息 重 合 , 故 答 案 为 B。 48 C. It helps them learn their academic subjects better.问 题 : How does teaching others benefit student tutors?解 析 : 根 据 顺 序 原 则 , 定 位 区 间 在 第 三 段 中 后 部 分 。 第 三 段 最 后 两 句 话 中 “ While prepare to teach” , “explain the information to others

5、” 对 应 到 “teaching others”,而 “ organize their knowledge and improve their own understanding” 以 及 “identify problems in their own thinking ”则 对 应 到 选 项中 的 “ learn their academic subjects better” .故 答 案 为 C。 49 D. They use various ways to explain the materials.问 题 : Whatdo students do to teach their te

6、achable agents?解 析 : 根 据 顺 序 原 则 , 定 位 到 第 四 段 。 第 四 段 中 “ explain the materials in different ways ”恰 好 与选 项 中 “ use various ways to explain the materials” 为 信 息 的 同 义 改 写 , 故 答 案 为 D。 50 B. Their emotional involvement问 题 : What is the key factor that eases student tutors learning解 析 : 根 据 顺 序 原 则 ,

7、 以 及 “key” 对 应 到 最 后 一 段 的 第 一 句 话 。 “key”与 “Above all” 为 同 义 改写 , 故 答 案 应 在 此 句 中 出 现 。 “ Facilitate learning ” 对 应 到 题 干 中 “ eases student tutors learning”, 而 “the emotions one experiences”则 对 应 到 选 项 的 “Their emotional involvement”。 故 答案 为 B。Passage two51.A. They can get ahead only by striving ha

8、rder.52.C. They think it needs further improving.53.B. Job stability and flexibility. 54.D. The balance between work and family.55.A. They still this world as one dominated by males.四级 卷 2(部分答案)26.C-cast 27 L-replaced 28 F-efficient 29 J-professionals 30 E-decorative 31.G-electrified 32 I-photograph

9、ed 33 B-approach 34 K-quality 35.H-identify 36-F37-C38-I39-E40-B41-K42-H43-D44-A45-G46. B Add to their work efficiency. 47. A Earn more money48. C How long its positive effect lasts. 49. D Their memories were greatly strengthened.50. A Find financial support. 51. C They all experienced terrible misf

10、ortunes.52. B The utmost comfort passengers could enjoy.53. A It was a mere piece of decoration. 54. D The belief that they could never sink with a double-layer body.55. D she was retired after her naval service. 四级 卷 3(部分答案)26. M-pollutants27. N-restricted 28. C-consequence29. J-innovation30. F-det

11、ail31. K-intended32. L-outdoor33. B-collaborating34. I-inhabitants35. E-creating46.A.Not all of them are symptoms of dementia.47.C.Communication within our brain weakens.48.B.Inability to recall details of ones life experience.49.C.Turn to a professional for assistance.50.D.Staying active both physi

12、cally and mentally51. B) It was stolen more than once52. D) They pressed criminal charges in vain 53. D) His acknowlegement of helpful from a professional54. D) Make it available online 55. B) Radical changes in archivong practices翻 译 一 ( 地 铁 )In recent years, Chinese cities in increasing numbers ha

13、ve started building subways. Expanding subway networks contributes to reducing traffic congestion and air pollution. Subways are safe, rapid and comfortable. An increasing amount of people choose subways as their main means of transportation while going to work or school every single day. At present

14、, it is progressively convenient for passengers to take underground trains in China. In some cities, passengers are able to pay for subway tickets merely by a card or a cellphone. Many local senior citizens can even take a subway with no charge.翻 译 二 ( 飞 机 )过 去 , 乘 飞 机 出 行 对 大 多 数 中 国 人 来 说 是 难 以 想

15、象 的 。 如 今 随 着 经 济 的 发 展 和 生 活 水 平 的 提 高 ,越 来 越 多 的 中 国 人 包 括 许 多 农 民 和 外 出 务 工 人 员 都 能 乘 飞 机 出 行 。 他 们 可 以 乘 飞 机 到 达 所 有 大 城市 , 还 有 许 多 城 市 也 在 筹 建 机 场 。 航 空 服 务 不 断 改 进 , 而 且 经 常 会 有 特 价 机 票 。 近 年 来 , 节 假 日期 间 选 择 乘 飞 机 外 出 旅 游 的 人 不 断 增 加 。In the past, for most Chinese people, it was hard to imagi

16、ne to travel by plane. Nowadays, with the development of economy and improvement of living standards, more and more Chinese people can travel by air, including farmers and people workers outside their hometown. They can take planes to all big cities. Many other cities are also planning to build airp

17、orts. Air service is continually improving, and there are often flight tickets with special prices. In recent years, the number of people who travel by air on holidays has been increasing.( 基 础 版 )In old days, for most Chinese people, it was beyond imagination that we could travel by air. Nowadays,

18、with the advancement of economy and improvement of living standard, there are a growing number of Chinese people, including farmers and migrant workers, are able to afford air traveling. All the big cities are their destinations while new airports are to be constructed in many other cities. Air serv

19、ice is continually improving, and sometimes there will be special offers for air tickets. In recent years, the number of people who choose to travel by air during holidays is constantly increasing.( 进 阶 版 )In the past, it was difficult for most Chinese people to imagine a time when they could travel

20、 by plane. At present, however, with the development of economy and the enhancement of living standards, Chinese people in increasing numbers, including many peasants and migrant workers, are able to travel by air. They can reach all big cities by airplane and many cities are preparing to built airf

21、ields. Air services have been continuously improved and there are often low cost airlines. In recent years, the number of people who would like to travel by plane during holidays has been growing.( 网 络 版 )翻 译 三 ( 公 交 )公 交 车 曾 是 中 国 人 出 行 的 主 要 交 通 工 具 。 近 年 来 , 由 于 私 家 车 数 量 不 断 增 多 , 城 市 的 交 通 问 题

22、越来 越 严 重 。 许 多 城 市 为 了 鼓 励 更 多 人 乘 坐 公 交 车 出 行 , 一 直 在 努 力 改 善 公 交 车 的 服 务 质 量 。 车 辆的 设 施 不 断 更 新 , 车 速 也 有 了 显 著 提 高 。 然 而 , 公 交 车 的 票 价 却 依 然 相 当 低 廉 。 现 在 , 在 大 多 数城 市 , 许 多 当 地 老 年 市 民 都 可 以 免 费 乘 坐 公 交 车 。Buses used to be a major traffic tool for Chinese people when they were getting around. In

23、 recent years, traffic problems in cities have been increasingly severe. To encourage more people to take buses when they go out, many cities are making efforts to improve the quality of services on buses. Vehicle facilities have been continuously renewed and the vehicle speed has been dramatically

24、enhanced. However, the bus fair has been kept quite low. At present, many local senior citizens in most cities can take a bus with no charge.( 网 络 版 )Bus was an important mode of transportation for Chinese people. In recent years, because the number of private cars has been increasing, the problem o

25、f traffic in cities has been more and more serious. To encourage more people to go out by bus, many cities have been trying hard to improve the quality of bus service. The equipment of buses is continually updating, and the speed of buses has been significantly improved too. However, the price of bu

26、s tickets is still very low. Nowadays, in many big cities, many local old people can take buses for free.( 基 础 版 )Bus used to be a main mode of transportation for Chinese people. In recent years, with the mounting number of private cars, the transportation issue in cities is becoming increasingly se

27、vere. Many cites have been making their efforts to improve the bus service in order to encourage more people to take buses when going out. The facilities of buses are updating continually. The speed is significantly improved as well. Nevertheless, bus fares are still quite low. Nowadays, local senio

28、r citizens in most cities are eligible for free bus rides.( 进 阶 版 )四 级 作 文 卷 1Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the importance of speaking/writing/readng ability and how to develop it. 120-180 words.Model(speaking ability)With our society becoming increa

29、singly open and diversified, the speaking ability is of growing importance in our life and work. In the past, people who were not eloquent could become successful when they were diligent enough. However, now, speaking ability can make a person stand out much quicker in their workplace and social lif

30、e.The reasons why speaking ability is so important are as follows. To begin with, people of excellent speaking ability are generally more charming and approachable because they tend to be more friendly and frank. Besides, every walk of life has become more cooperative; therefore, more communicative

31、peole have higher working efficiency. For example, my brother used to be a quiet person. Two years ago, I was told that he was fired by his company because he could not get along with his colleagues. After that, he attended a speaking training class and spent a year in improving his eloquence. Now,

32、he has become more confident and found a new job with generous salary.In order to develop speaking ability, listening to good speeches and famous talk shows can help us imitate great lecturers style of speaking and ways of expressing themselves. Meanwhile, it is about time that we spent more time with our friends rather than with our phones, sharing with them our real feelings and thoughts.

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