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1、北京大学 2016 年公共政策专业硕士英文项目招生简章第一部分 项目介绍培养目标为发展中国家培养公共事务、行政管理和公共政策等领域的高层次、复合型、应用型专门人才。通过课堂教学,学员能够较好的掌握学科基础理论和专业知识,拓宽知识面提高国际视野。同时结合实习考察,案例讨论,模拟训练等多种教学方法培养学员的领导力、分析解决实际问题的能力和良好的沟通能力。学员通过课程学习能够借鉴中国公共政策和管理发展的成功经验和失败教训,充分掌握从事公共部门管理的现代技术、方法和实际技能,以适应现代政府管理发展的需要。培养模式学习年限基本学习年限为 2 年。教学方式教授课语言为英文。采用课堂教学,实践学习,案例讨论

2、,模拟训练等相结合的教学方式。通过申请,学员也可以选修一些由中文教授的本院课程。课程设置必修课(共 21 学分)课程名称 学分公共政策分析(Public Policy Analysis) 3公共政策经济学(Economics for Public Policy) 3中国政治与公共政策(Chinese Politics and Public Policy) 3中国经济改革和发展(Chinas Economic Reform and Development) 3研究设计与实践(Research Design and Practice) 3中国概况(Introduction to China) 2中

3、文(Chinese Language ) 4选修课(共 9 个学分,每门课 3 学分,从以下课程中选修 3 门。 )Course Name Credits国际比较政治经济学(International and Comparative Political Economy) 3民族政治专题研究(Special Topics in Ethnic Politics) 3中国社会政策转型(Social Policy Transformation in China) 3中国公共财政与税收政策(Public Finance and Tax Policy in China) 3中国区域发展战略(Regiona

4、l Development Strategy in China) 3中国外交政策(Chinese Foreign Policy) 3社会科学方法论(Social Science Methodology) 3公共与非盈利组织战略与管理(Strategy and Management of Public and Non-profit Organization)3公共政策中的分配正义(Distributive Justice in Public Policy ) 3卫生政策与改革(Health Policy and Reform) 3创新,与发展中国家的工业发展战略(Innovation, and

5、Strategy for the Industrial Development in Developing Countries)3(注意:并非每一年所有的选修课都会开设。如果一门课程的选课人数少于 3 人,该课程将不予开设。 )硕士论文学生应围绕一些关于公共政策和管理的特色话题开展论文研究的准备工作。第一学期末,学院会请一些教员做论文指导老师,同时安排学生选择其导师。学位论文应紧密结合政府部门及非政府公共机构的管理实际。论文形式一般是专题研究性论文,特殊情况也可以是高水平的调研报告或案例分析报告。论文应体现学生运用公共管理及相关学科的理论、知识、方法分析与解决公共管理实际问题的能力。论文合格的

6、同时,学生还必须通过论文答辩。学位要求与学位授予在规定年限之内修满 30 学分,成绩合格,完成学位论文并通过答辩者,经北京大学学位评定委员会审核批准后,授予北京大学硕士学位。学费整个项目两年的学费是人民币 100,000 元,需一次性付清。延长学制费用为人民币 2,500 元/学期。第二部分 如何申请申请条件1、香港、澳门、台湾永久居民,申请者所持身份证件符合以下条件之一: 港澳地区申请者,持香港或澳门永久性居民身份证和港澳居民来往内地通行证 ; 台湾地区申请者,持台湾居民来往大陆通行证 ;身体健康。遵守中华人民共和国法律法规与北京大学规章制度,尊重中国人民风俗习惯;2、具有学士以上学位;3、

7、托福考试高于 627 分(纸考)或 263 分(机考) ,或新托福高于 107 分,或雅思考试高于 7 分。其中托福作文分数不低于 5.0,雅思写作部分不低于 7.0。母语为英语者或大学教育完全由英语教学的申请者无须提供英语考试成绩。申请程序港澳台申请人:第一步:申请人请登陆 https:/ 完成网上申请程序。第二步:申请人需要将下列所有申请材料寄给北京大学政府管理学院外事办公室。申请材料完成网上申请之后,申请者需要准备一整套申请材料。请仔细阅读以下内容,并按要求准备申请材料。如果寄到的材料不全,将不予受理。申请材料 要求 原件 复印件1 登记表 所有的信息必须填好再打印出来,从而避免手写造成

8、的不便。 1 12 毕业证书、学位证书 1. 毕业证书和学位证书必须是原件或者公证过的中文或英文复印件 1 13 正式成绩单 1. 成绩单必须是中文或英文的原件或者公证过的复印件。2. 成绩单必须包括所学的所有课程和最终达到的标准。 1 14 个人陈述 1500 字。请详尽陈述你的学术背景、工作或研究经历与成果、研究设计、未来职业规划等。 1 15 个人简历6 推荐信 推荐信必须是中文或英文的原件。 2 27 英文水平证明 如母语为非英语或本科学历的教学语言非英语,申请者需提交英文水平证明。 1 18 有效证件复印件 港澳地区申请者,持香港或澳门永久性居民身份证和港澳居民来往内地通行证 ; 台

9、湾地区申请者,持台湾居民来往大陆通行证 ;。注意:所有获得录取的候选人在入境和开学注册时所持的证件必须与该复印件的原件一致。0 29 近期护照相片 一张贴于申请表上。 2 0注意:提供的申请材料必须是英文或中文原版;如无法提供原版材料,则必须提供经过公证的英文或中文翻译件。无论申请结果如何,除学历证明原件外,所有申请材料将不予退还。截止日期接收材料的截止日期为 2016 年 3 月 31 日。任何迟交的申请材料,将不予受理。申请材料邮寄或送达地址申请者需要把申请材料邮寄到以下地址:中国 北京市 海淀区 颐和园路 5 号北京大学政府管理学院廖凯原楼外事办公室 110 房间,100871申请费该项

10、目申请费为人民币 138 人民币 (港澳台申请人) 。无论申请结果如何,申请费概不退还。申请人需在北京大学网上申请系统中使用网上支付申请费。资格审查北京大学政府管理学院根据规定条件对申请者进行资格审查。录取通知书将会在 2016 年 6月底寄出。联系方式网址:电子邮箱: 电话: (8610) 62755478传真: (8610) 62755478地址: 北京大学政府管理学院廖凯原楼,外事办公室 110 房间。Master Program in Public Policy(2016Fall Entry)Part I. About the ProgramProgram ObjectivesThis

11、 program is open to fresh university graduates as well as the experienced professionals and the government officials from different countries, and is designed to train those students in the field of public affairs, public administration, and public policy. The program aims to- provide students with

12、an opportunity to develop functional expertise, strategic perspectives, and public policy management tools that they require to operate effectively in a changing public policy environment or to understand such an environment. - help students to learn both the successes and failures in Chinas public

13、policy making and management, and therefore to understand more about how to manage political, economic and social development in developing countries. - introduce students the techniques of policy analysis and program evaluation to resolve complex multi-dimensional policy challenges, as well as shar

14、pen their leadership and communication skills. Program Mode / StructureInstruction:The language of instruction is English. Classes will incorporate a mix of lectures, seminars, case discussions, tutorials, presentations and so on. Upon application, students could also choose some courses taught in C

15、hinese.Program Structure:The program comprises of- Taught Component (10 courses: 7 compulsory, 3 optional) - Thesis Component (15,000 words)General Courses (compulsory, 21 credits in total) Public Policy AnalysisEconomics for Public PolicyChinese Politics and Public PolicyChinas Economic Reform and

16、DevelopmentResearch Design and PracticeIntroduction to ChinaChinese LanguageIssue Courses (optional, 9 credits)International and Comparative Political EconomySpecial Topics in Ethnic PoliticsSocial Policy Transformation in ChinaPublic Finance and Tax Policy in ChinaRegional Development Strategy in C

17、hinaChinese Foreign PolicySocial Science MethodologyStrategy and Management of Public and Non-profit OrganizationInnovation, and Strategy for the Industrial Development in Developing CountriesDistributive Justice in Public PolicyPlease Note: Not all issue courses run every year. If there are fewer t

18、han three students, a course will not be delivered. Master ThesisStudents are expected to bring specific research questions concerning public policy and management to the program, as a part of thesis research preparation. Towards the end of the first semester, a number of faculty members from the sc

19、hool will be invited as potential thesis supervisors, and the school will make arrangement for students to choose their supervisors. The thesis is expected to combine theoretical perspectives, analytical skills and practical experiences of public management, and aiming at solving practical problems.

20、 Students must pass oral exam for the thesis.Degree RequirementsStudents are required to successfully complete 30 credit-worth course work and a master thesis and thesis defense within the required time period. After meeting the above requirements and with the approval of University Degree Committee

21、, the master degree of Management in Public Policy will be awarded.FeesThe total tuition for the whole program is 100,000 RMB, which should be one off payment. The fee for extension of study is 2,500RMB per semester.Part II. Application and AdmissionsApplication PrerequisitesAll applicants must meet

22、 the following entrance requirements:1. Applicants of Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR and Taiwan:Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR Applicants must have valid permanent residents identity card of Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR, and Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents;Taiwan Applicants must have Mainla

23、nd travel permit for Taiwan residents;2. Applicants have attained a Bachelors degree or above. 3. Applicants who are not native English speakers or whose undergraduate education was not in English are required to take an appropriate English Language Proficiency Test and in general achieve a sufficie

24、nt score, such as, TOEFL 627 or better (Paper Based Test) TOEFL 263 or better in CBT (with at least 5.0 in TWE) TOEFL - iBT 107 or better IELTS 7.0 or better ( with at least 7.0 in Writing)How to ApplyApplicants from Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR and Taiwan1st STEP: Please finish the online application a

25、t https:/ STEP: Please mail all the following required application materials to School of Government, Peking University.Application MaterialsDocuments Requirements Original copy Photocopy1 Application form 2. The applicants from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan should submit the Application Form for Hong

26、 Kong, Macau, and Taiwan Students (Master Student Programs) with a photograph and signature. Application form is available at PKU online application system for Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan Students (https:/ ). Please finish online application first and print out the above mentioned form.2 Graduation

27、 certificate & degree diploma1. Graduation certificate and degree diploma must be original documents or certified copies either in Chinese or English 1 13 Official academic transcripts1. The transcripts must be original documents or certified copies either in Chinese or English.2. The transcripts sh

28、ould include list of courses taken and standard achieved.1 14 Personal statement 1500 words. Please make a detailed statement from the perspectives of your academic background, work/research experience and achievements, research proposal, future career plans and intensions, etc.1 15 CV 1 16 Recommen

29、dation letters1. The referees can be professors or government officials from central or local government authorities. 2. The recommendation letter must be original documents either in Chinese or English.2 27 Copies of English language proficiency test results If the applicants are not native English

30、 speakers or whose undergraduate education was not in English should achieve these standards: TOEFL 627 or better (Paper Based Test) TOEFL 263 or better in CBT (with at least 5.0 in TWE) TOEFL - iBT 107 or better IELTS 7.0 or better ( with at least 7.0 in Writing)1 18 Photocopy of valid ID card (Hon

31、g Kong, Macau and Taiwan applicants only)1. Valid ID card (Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan applicants only) refers to:For Hong Kong, Macau applicants: Hong Kong/ Macau permanent identity card, or Hong Kong/ Macau identity card together with travel permit(card)for residents of Hong Kong/ Macau to Chinese

32、 mainlandFor Taiwan applicants: Taiwan identity card or MTP “Mainland Travel Permits for Taiwan Residents“.Important: All successful candidates should enter in China and register with PKU with the same identity they used while applying for the maters program at PKU.0 29 Recent passport size photos2

33、0Application DeadlineAll the application materials must be received by us before March 31st, 2016. Any late applications will not be considered.Mailing Address for Application MaterialsApplicants are required to mail the application materials to the following address:Office for External Affairs, Roo

34、m 110School of Government, Peking UniversityBeijing 100871, ChinaApplication FeeThere is a non-refundable application fee of 138RMB(Applicants from Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR and Taiwan). Applicants are required to use the online payment while applying through the PKU online application system.Admissi

35、onThe eligibility of all the applicants will be assessed according to the requirements by the School of Government. The Offer Letter will be sent out in late June 2016.Contact InformationAddress: Office for External Affairs, Room 110School of Government, Peking UniversityBeijing 100871, ChinaTel: (86-10) 62755478Fax: (86-10) 62755478E-mail: Website:

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