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the Cat in the Hat comes back中文翻译.doc

1、 1 the Cat in the Hat comes back This was no time for play. 这会儿可不能玩耍, This was not time for fun. 这会儿可不能逗乐, This was no time for games. 这会儿可不能游戏, There was work to be done. 我们手头儿有活儿要做。 All that deep, deep, deep snow, all that snow had to go. 这些雪又深又厚,必须统统产走 When our mother went down to the town for th

2、e day, she said, 今天妈妈到城里去,临走的时候这样提起: “Somebody has to clean all this away. Somebody, somebody has to, you see.” “总得有人把雪清理干净,要知道这件事必须有人干才行。 ” Then she picked out two Somebodies. Sally and me. 然后她挑出了 两个人来做:那就是萨利和我。 WellThere we were. 然后呢。 We were working like that 我们就开始动手干活儿, and then who should come

3、up but the CAT IN THE HAT! 我们正这么干着,这时候你看谁来了?正是戴高帽子的猫! “Oh-oh!“ Sally said.” “啊嗷! ”萨利说道, Dont you talk to that cat. That cat is a bad one. That Cat in the Hat. 2 “别搭理那只猫,她可是顽皮的不得了,戴高帽子的猫, He plays lots of bad tricks. 恶作剧没完没了。 Dont you let him come near. 别让他靠近我们, You know what he did the last time he

4、was here.“ 你知道上一回,他在这儿出了什么花招。 ” “Play tricks?” laughed the cat. 那只猫笑着说:做恶作剧 “Oh, my my! No, no, no! 哦,不,不, I just want to go in To get out of the snow. 我只是想进去,把雪清除了 Keep your mind on your work. 专心工作吧 You just stay there, you two. 你们俩待在哪吧 I will go in the house And find something to do.” 我要进屋去干活了 The

5、n that cat went right in! 那只猫径直进屋了 He was up to no good! 他无济于事的 So I ran in after As fast as I could! 因此,我以最快的速度跟着 那只猫 Do you know where I found him? You know where he was? 你可知道我是在哪儿把他找到? 你知道他在哪么? He was eating a cake in the tub! Yes he was! 他正在浴缸里大吃蛋糕!没错儿,正在大吃大嚼! The hot water was on and the cold w

6、ater, too. 他打开了热水龙头,冷水也在哗哗的流。 And I said to the cat, “What a bad thing to do!“ 我对那只猫说道: “你这么做真是糟 糕! ” “But I like to eat cake in a tub,“ laughed the cat. 那只猫哈哈大笑: “我喜欢在浴缸里吃蛋糕, “You should try it some time,“ Laughed the cat as he sat. 3 那只猫 坐着笑着说 :你哪天也该试试看好不好。 And then I got mad. This was no time for

7、 fun. 然后我疯狂了,没有时间玩了, I said, “Cat! You get out! There is work to be done. 我说道: “猫!你出去!我还有事情做, I have no time for tricks. I must go back and dig. 我没有时间开玩笑,我必须去铲雪, I cant have you in here eating cake like a pig! 我不能让你在这像猪一样吃蛋糕! You get out of this house! We dont want you about! 你滚出我们的家 !我们不欢迎你 !“ Then

8、 I shut off the water and let it run out. 然后我关掉了水龙头,并把水放掉。 The water ran out. And then I saw THE RING! 水一股脑儿流了出去,可我看见一圈污迹! A ring in the tub! And, oh boy! What a thing! 浴缸上整整一圈,天哪,这可真是麻烦! A big long pink cat ring! It looked like pink ink! 那只猫流下长长的一圈粉红痕迹,就像是粉红墨水涂上去! And I said, “Will this ever Come o

9、ff? I dont think!” 我说: “这能去掉吗?我心里可没底! ” “ Have no fear of that ring,”Laughed the cat in the hat. “别担心这圈污迹, ”戴高帽子的猫哈哈大笑, “Why, I can take cat rings off tubs. Just like that!” “因为我能把它 从浴缸上 除去 ,就这么办,轻而易举! ” Do you know how he did it? WITH MOTHERS WHITE DRESS! 你知道他是怎么做的吗?他用妈妈的白裙子来擦! Now the tub was all

10、clean, But her dress was a mess! 4 这下浴缸算是干干净净,可妈妈的裙子麻烦啦! Then Sally looked in. Sally saw the dress, too!萨利从窗户往里一看,也发现裙子一团糟乱 And Sally and I did not know what to do. 我和萨利真不知道该怎么办。 We should work in the snow. 我们本该在雪地里干活 But that dress! What a spot! “ 可那条裙子,真是脏兮兮! It may never come off!“ Sally said,“It

11、 may not!“ “这污渍可能再也去不掉, ” 萨利说, “永远也没法除去! ” But the cat laughed “Ho! Ho! I can make the spot go. 可那只猫还是哈哈大笑: “呵呵,我能去掉这污渍, The way I take spots off a dress is just so! 我有办法把裙子弄干净,只要这么做就行! See here!“ laughed the cat. 看我的! ”那只猫哈哈笑, “It is not hard at all. The thing that takes spots off a dress is a wall

12、!“ “这一点儿都不难办到!去掉裙子上污渍 的东西就是 一面墙 ! ” Then we saw the cat wipe the spot off the dress. 我们眼看着那只猫,把裙子上的污渍擦到墙上 Now the dress was all clean. But the wall! What a mess! 现在裙子倒是干净了,可是墙上却是一团糟! “ Oh, wall spots!” “哦,墙上的污渍, ” he laughed. “ Let me tell you some news. To take spots off a wall, all I need is two s

13、hoes!“ 那只猫还是又说又笑, “让我来告诉你一个新法子,要去掉污渍,我只需要一双鞋子! ” Whose shoes did he use? I looked and saw whose! 他用的鞋子是谁的?我一看就知道大事不好! And I said to the cat, “This is very bad news. Now the spot is all over DADS $7 SHOES!“ 我对那只猫说: “爸爸这双鞋花了七美元,现在沾满了污渍 ,这真是太糟糕 ! ” 5 “But your dad will not know about that,” said the ca

14、t “但是你爸爸根本不会知晓, ”那只猫说道 “He will never find out,“ Laughed the cat in the hat “他永远也发现不了, ” 戴高帽子的猫哈哈笑, “His $7 shoes will have no spots at all. “他这双七美元的鞋子,不会留下一丁点儿污渍。 I will rub them right off on this rug in the hall. “ 我在走廊的地毯上,把污渍全部蹭掉! ” But now we have rug spots!“ I yelled.“ “可现在地毯又脏了! ”我大声喊道, What

15、a day! Rug spots! “今天真糟糕!地毯脏得一塌糊涂! What next? Can you take them away?“ 接下来还要怎么着?你能不能把地摊上 的污渍去掉? ” “Dont ask me“ he laughed “别问我, ”他哈哈大笑, “Why, you know that I can!“ Then he picked up the rug and away he ran. “你知道我能办到! ” 他一把扯起地摊,然后快速跑起。 I can clean up these rug spots before you count three! “不等你数到三,我

16、就能弄干净地毯, No spots are too hard for a Hat Cat like me!“ 对我戴高帽子的猫来说,去掉污渍不算难! ” He ran into Dads bedroom and then the cat said, 他跑进爸爸的卧室,说 “It is good that your dad has the right kind of bed.” “还好你爸爸有张合适的床。 ” Then he shook the rug! CRACK! 然后他摇晃起床单!碰! Now the bed had the spot! 现在床也有污渍了! And all I could

17、say was, “Now what, Cat? Now what?“ 我只 能说 “现在怎么办?猫?现在怎么办? ” But the cat stood still. He just looked at the bed. 但是这只猫依然站着,他只是看着床 “This is not the right kind of bed.“ The cat said. 那只猫说 “这不是合适的床, ” 6 “To take spots off this bed will be hard.“said the cat. 他说: “把床上的污渍去掉有点困难, “I cant do it alone.“ Said

18、 the Cat in the Hat. 我独自不能完成 ”戴帽子的猫说 “It is good I have someone to help me.” he said. “好在我有人能帮忙, ”他说, “Right here in my hat on the top of my head! “他就在我头上的帽子里藏着! It is good that I have him here with me today. 幸好今天我带他到这里, He helps me a lot. This is Little Cat A.“ 他能帮我出好大的力!这就是小猫 A。 ” And then Little

19、Cat A took the hat off his head. 然后小猫 A在头上摘下帽子, “It is good I have someone to help me,” he said. “还好有人可以帮助我, ”他说 This is Little Cat B. And I keep him about, “这是小猫 B,我把它放在帽子里, And when I need help, Then I let him out.“ 当我需要帮助,我就把它拿出来。 ” And then B said, “I think we need Little Cat C. 小猫 B又接着说: “依我看小猫

20、 C也得出场, That spot is too much for the A cat and me. 这张床 实在 太脏 了 ,光靠我和小猫 A还清理不好 But now, have no fear! We will clean it away! 不过别担心,我们能清理干净, The three of us! Little Cats B, C, and A!“ 只要有我们三个 小猫 A、 B、 C! ” “ Come on! Take it away!“ Yelled Little Cat A.” 赶快!把它弄走! “小猫 A喊道, “ I will hit that old spot wi

21、th this broom! Do you see? “我将用扫帚吧旧的污渍扫走,你看到了吗? It comes off the bed! It goes on the T.V.“ 它离开了床,到了电视上 ”, And then Little Cat B cleaned up the T.V. 然后小猫 B擦起了电视。 He cleaned it with milk, Put the spot in a pan! 它用牛奶擦,把污渍放在平底锅里, And then C blew it out of the house with a fan! 然后小猫 C 用风扇把它吹出了屋子。 “But lo

22、ok where it went! ” “看它到哪里去了! “ 7 I said, “Look where it blew! 我说 “看它吹到哪里去了! You blew the mess out of the house. That is true. 你把脏东西吹出屋子是对的, But now you made Snow Spots! 但是现在把雪弄脏了, You cant let THEM stay! “你们不能让脏东西在那里! ” “ Let us think about that now.“ Said C,B and A. “让我们想一想 ”小猫 A、 B、 C 说。 “ With s

23、ome help, we can do it!“ Said Little Cat C. “如果我们有些帮助,就可以做到了 “小 猫 C 说。 Then POP! On his head we saw Little Cat D! 碰!在他头上我们看到了小猫 D。 Then, POP! POP! POP! Little Cats E, F, and G! “ 碰!碰!碰!小猫 E、 F、 G也出现了。 “We will clean up that snow If it takes us all day! If it takes us all night, “我们将要花一天一夜的时间把这里弄干净 ”

24、 We will clean it away!“ said Little Cats G,F,E,D,C,B,A. 我们要打扫干净,小猫们说 They ran out of the house then and we ran out, too. 他们跑出了屋子,我们也跟了出去。 And the Big Cat laughed. “Now you will see something new! 大猫笑道 “现在就让你们看看一些新东西, My cats are all clever. 我们小猫们很聪明, My cats have good shots. 我的小猫们有好的炮弹, My cats hav

25、e good guns. 我的小猫们有好的枪, They will kill all those spots!“ 他们将战胜这些污渍。 ” But this did not look very clever to me. 但是在我看来这些并不明智, Kill snow spots with pop guns? 用枪来消灭污渍? That just could not be! 这是不可能的。 8 “All this dose is make more spots!” We yelled at the cat. “这样只会产生更多的污渍, ”我们对着这些猫喊道, “Your cats are no

26、 good. “你的小猫们没用, Put them back in your hat. 把他们放回你的帽子。 Take your Little Cats G, F, E, D, C, B, A, Put them back in your hat and take them away!“ 把小猫 A、 B、 C、 D、 E、 F、 G放回你的帽子带走! ” “ Oh, no!“ said the cat. “噢,不! ”这只猫说, “All they need is more help. “他们需要的 只是 帮助, Help is all that they need. 帮助是他们需要的, S

27、o stay still and dont yelp.“ 所以呆在这里不要吵! ” Then Little G took the hat off his head. 然后小猫 G拿掉了她的帽子, “I have Little Cat H here to help us.“ he said. “我有小猫 H来帮助我们 ”,他说 “Little Cats H, I, J,K, L, M. “小猫 H、 I、 J、 K、 L、 M, But our work is so hard. 但是我们的任务很艰巨, We must have more than them. 我们需要更多小猫来帮忙, We ne

28、ed Little Cat N. We need O. 我们需要小猫 N,我们需要小猫 O, We need P. We need Little Cats Q, R, S, T,U and V.“ 我们需要小猫 P,我们需要小猫 Q、 R、 S、 T、 U和 V。 ” “Come on! Get rid of those spots! Kill the mess!“ yelled the cats. “赶快!消灭这些污渍!消灭这些脏东西! “小猫们叫道。 And they jumped at the snow with long rakes and red bats. 他们拿着长耙子和红球拍在

29、雪上跳来跳去, They put it in pails and they made high pink hills! 他们把雪放在桶里再堆成粉红色的小丘, Pink snow men! Pink snow balls! And little pink pills! 粉红色的 人,粉红色的 球和粉红色的子弹。 9 Oh, the things that they did! 哦,看他们做的事, And they did them so hard, 他们做得如此努力, It was all one big spot now all over the yard! 现在院子里有了一个大的污渍。 But

30、 the Big Cat stood there and he said,“ This is good. 但是戴高帽子的猫站在旁边说 :“ 这太好了 This is what they should do and I knew that they would. 这就是他们该做的,我知道他们可以做到, With a little more help, All the work will be done. 再多一些帮助,所有的工作就都可以完成了, They need one more cat. And I know just the one.“ 他们需要再多一只猫,我知道这只猫。 “ “ Look

31、 close! In my hand I have Little Cat V. “ 仔细看我的手 ! 小猫 V在这里头。 On his head are Cats W, X, Y and Z. 他头上有小猫 W、 X、 Y、 Z。 Z is too small to see. 小猫 Z小得没法看, So dont try. You can not. 不看也罢 ,你们根本瞧不见, But Z is the cat who will clean up the spot!“ 可小猫 Z能让污渍不见踪影 ” “Now here is the Z . You cant see,“said the Cat

32、. “这里是小猫 Z。你看不见他, ”戴高帽子的猫说, “And I bet you cant guess what he has in his hat! “我确信你不知道他帽子里有什么, He has something called voom. Voom is so hard to get, 他有一些爆炸的东西, 这种东西很难搞到手 Your never saw anything like it, I bet. 我打赌你们从来没有见过这种 东西 , 10 Why,Voom cleans up anything clean as can be!“ 为什么呢?因为这种爆炸可以清理任何东西。 ”

33、 Then he yelled, “Take your hat off now, Little Cat Z! 然后他呐喊道: “小猫 Z,打开你的帽子, Take the Voom off your head! 把爆炸从你帽子里拿出来, Make it clean up the snow! Hurry! 让它把 雪 清理干净!赶快! You Little Cat! One!Two!Three!Go!“ 小猫们,一、二、三、走! ” Then the Voom It went VOOM! 然后:碰!它爆炸了! And, oh boy! What a VOOM! 哦,天哪, 这是什么爆炸, Now

34、 dont ask me what Voom is. 现在 不要问我这是什么爆炸, I never will know. 我 也 不知道。 But, boy! Let me tell you it DOES clean up snow! 但是,我能告诉你它确实把雪清理干净了。 “So you see!“ laughed the Cat, “你们看 ”戴高帽子的猫大笑道: “Now your snow is all white! Now your work is all done! “现在你们的雪了,现在你们的工作都做完了, Now your house is all right! 你们的房子都

35、没问题了, And you know where my little cats are? “ 你们知道我的小猫们到哪里去了吗? ” said the cat ,“That Voom blew my little cats Back in my hat. 这只猫说: “爆炸把我的猫吹回了我的帽子, And so, if you ever have spots, now and then, 所以,如果你们以后有污渍, I will be very happy to come here again 我会很开心再来的! ” “.With Little Cats A, B, C, D. E, F, G. H, I, J, K. L, M, N. and O, P. and Q, R, S, T. and Cat U and Cat V. and Little Cats W、 X、 Y and Z!“ “带着小猫 A、 B、 C、 D、 E、 F、 G、 H、 I、 J、 K、 L、 M、 N、 O、 P、 Q、 R、 S、 T、U、 V、 W、 X、 Y和 Z! ”

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