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1、 重点词汇1. 常见词汇装置: apparatus, (device, means, arrangement:设备: equipment组件: component器件: device构件: means, member, element元件: element零件: part单元: element, unit方法: method, process组合物:composition组分(化学领域):component具有: (be) provided with实质上,大体上:substantially优选:preferred, preferential所属领域的技术人员:those skilled in

2、 the art, those of ordinary skill in the art现有技术:prior art该项技术中的己知方法:methods known in the art实施例:embodiment基于:-based(例如:基于软件的 software-based)设有:(be) equipped with,或(be) provided withapparatus 设备( 装罝)device 装罝(组件 ) means 装罝( 构件)composition 组合物component 组分(化学领域中使用)process 方法method 方法provided that 但是pr

3、ovided with 具有is selected from the group consisting of 系由下列各物( 或基)组成的群组中选出;optionally 视需要;视情况可said 该;所述element 单元;组件;元素(化学)2. 相关词汇11中华人民共和国国家知识产权局 19 State Intellectual Property Office of the Peoples Republic of China12实用新型专利说明书 12 Specifications of Utility Model Patent21专利号 21 Patent No. 45 授权公告日 4

4、5Date of Authorized Announcement: 11 授权公告号 11: Authorized Announcement No.: 22 申请日 22 Application date:74 专利代理机构 74 Patent agency21 申请号 21 Application No.代理人 Agent:73专利权人 73 Patentee:72 发明人 72 Designer:权利要求书 1 页 One page of Claims,说明书 3 页 Three pages of Specifications (SpecificationsDescription)附图 1

5、 页 One page of Drawings54 实用新型名称 54Name of Utility Model57 摘要 57Abstract说明书 Specifications权利要求书 Claims技术领域 Field of the Invention背景技术 Background of the Invention发明内容 Description of the Invention附图说明 Brief Introduction of the Drawings具体实施方式 Detailed Description of the Preferred Embodiments说明书附图 Drawi

6、ngs3 在申请专利范围中,常出现下列英文字,请注意其最常见之中译法:means 装罝process 方法method 方法 9 N, c; m“ t z+ dprovided that 其限制条件为provided with 具有 8 i$ ; R3 r. v! c0 fis selected from the group consisting of 系由下列各物( 或基)组成之群中选出;3 # O“ B+ r* G3 X* O系选自由下列各物(或基)组成之群, G) U* K$ V p7 y; . U! N) Ioptionally 视需要;视情况可( O, f5 |5 m5 9 . V“

7、 u“ Asaid 该,上述的composition 组合物element 组件(电子);元素(化学)complex 错合物(生化)% O0 P ?% H C4. this invention, the subject invention, the instant invention, the present invention一律译成“本发明 “/ I; C! k1 p( 5. substantially: 应视前后文译为 “实质上“、“几乎完全“ 、“相当“、或“ 大体上“,例如:6 k. u, Y D5 R! x+ k i) l4 R) ka. the barrier layer con

8、tains a material that is substantially impervious to laser ablation屏障层包含之物质大体上(or 实质上)不会被雷射切除 2 + - a J% I$ p Ib. tablet has a substantial surface and a second substantial surface锭剂有一实质表面和第二实质表面6. preferred, preferential,可译成 “较佳“ ,more preferable 则译成“ 更佳“,most preferable 则译成“最佳“,it is preferred that

9、 可译成“ 最好“,preferably 可译成“较佳( 地)“ 5 D8 a1 J ?9 S1 O g7. those skilled in the art熟习此项技术者# A! ?! t4 3 6 m: S R8. methods known in the art此项技术中已知之方法 H! Pin one aspect方面in a further aspect另一方面! 8 U( x6 s+ Z. qin still a further aspect另一方面, e6 s2 R5 r6 1 _. W( ygeneral aspect通用态样13. 请参考以下之译法:4 N2 A, r5 y2

10、 s“ l* y sit should be noted请注意; P( ! V$ _2 _! cit is to be noted应注意的是 / U: Q- 2 E# u5 ; lit has been found that已发现it is believed that咸信help to-有助于 ) ; Z B4 0 # E( y2 Y: it is expected吾人预期it will be appreciated应了解 2 x F/ : Y( ; it is understood当然! t4 3 f% ! B* 6 o( Pit should be understood请了解;应了解 1

11、f M+ r* X, ; _/ Z. n, N! Vit is intended希望/ 5 H% z( P0 D% h! b( 0 A1 i参考词汇abandonment of a patent 放弃专利权abandonment of a patent application 放弃专利申请abridgment 文摘abstract (摘要 )abuse of patent 滥用专利权action for infringement of patent 专利侵权诉讼action of a patent 专利诉讼address for service 文件送达地址affidavit 誓书allowa

12、nce 准许amendment 修改annual fee 年费annuity 年费anticipation 占先appeal 上诉appellation of origin 原产地名称applicant for patent 专利申请人application date 申请日期application documents 申请案文件application fee 申请费application for patent 申请(案)application laying open for public inspection 公开供公众审查的申请application number 申请号applicati

13、on papers 申请案文件arbitration 仲裁art 技术article of manufacture 制品assignee 受让人assignment 转让assignor 转让人author of the invention 发明人authors certificate 发明人证书basic patent 基本专利Berne Convention 伯尔尼公约Berne Union 伯尔尼联盟best mode 最佳方式bibliographic data 著录资料BIRPI 保护知识产权联合国国际局board of appeals 申诉委员会breach of confiden

14、ce 泄密Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure 国际承认用于专利程序的微生物保存布达佩斯条约burden of proof 举证责任case law 判例法caveat 预告certificate of addition 增补证书certificate of correction 更正证明书certificate of patent 专利证书certified copy 经认证的副本Chemica

15、l Abstracts 化学文摘citation 引证claim 权项classifier 分类员coapplicants 共同申请人coinventors 共同发明人color coding 色码制commissioner 专利局长Community Patent Convention 共同体专利公约complete application 完整的申请案complete description 完整的叙述complete specification 完整的说明书comptroller 专利局长compulsory license 强制许可证conception 概念conception da

16、te 概念日期confidential application 机密申请confidential information 保密情报conflict award 冲突裁定conflict procedure 冲突程序conflicting applications 冲突申请案continuation application 继续申请continuationinpart application 部分继续申请案contractual license 契约性许可证contributory infringement 简介侵犯convention application 公约申请convention co

17、untry 公约国convention date 公约日期Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization 建立世界知识产权组织公约convention period 公约期限convention priority 公约优先权copyright 版权correction slip 勘误表counter pleadings 反诉状counterclaim 反诉country code 国家代号cross license 交叉许可证data 资料data exchange agreement 资料交换协议dat

18、a of application 申请日期date of grant 授予日期date of issue 颁发日期date of patent 专利日期date of publication 公布日期dedication to the public 捐献于公众defendant 被告人defenses 辩护defensive publication 防卫性公告deferred examination 延迟审查dependent claim 从属权项dependent patent 从属专利Derwent Publications Ltd 德温特出版有限公司design patent 外观设计专

19、利development 发展disclaimer 放弃权项disclosure 公开division 分案divisional application 分案申请domination patent 支配专利drawing 附图duration of patent 专利有效期economic patent 经济专利effective filing date 实际申请日期employees invention 雇员发明EPO 欧洲专利局European Patent Office 欧洲专利局ESARIPO 英语非洲工业产权组织European Patent Convention 欧洲专利公约evi

20、dence 证据examination 审查examination countries 审查制国家examination for novelty 新颖性审查examiner 审查员examiners report 审查员报告exclusive license 独占性许可证exclusive right 专有权experimental use 实验性使用expired patent 期满专利exploitation of a patent 实施专利exposition priority 展览优先权expropriation 征用extension of term of a patent 延长专利

21、期限fee 费用FICPI 国际工业产权律师联合会file copy 存档原件filing date 申请日期filing fee 申请费filing of an application 提出申请final action 终局决定书firsttofile principle 先申请原则firsttoinvention principle 先发明原则force majeure 不可抗力foreign patent application 外国专利申请formal examination 形式审查gazette 公报Geneva Treaty on the International Record

22、ing of Scientific Discoveries 关于科学发现国际注册日内瓦条约grace period 宽限期grant of a patent 授予专利权holder of a patent 专利持有人ICIREPAT 专利局间情报检索国际合作巴黎联盟委员会Paris Union Committee for International Cooperation in Information Retri among Patent Offices 专利局间情报检索国际合作巴黎联盟委员会IFIA 国际发明人协会联合会International Federation of Inventor

23、s Association 国际发明人协会联合会IBB 国际专利研究所Institut International des Brevets 国际专利研究所imitation 仿造impeachment 控告improvement 改进improvement patent 改进专利independence of patents 专利独立indication of source 产地标记indirect infringement 间接侵犯industrial applicability 工业实用性industrial design 工业品外观设计industrialproperty 工业产权inf

24、ormation in the public domain 公开情报infringement of a patent 侵犯专利权infringement of a trade mark 侵犯商标权INID 著录资料识别码ICIREPAT Numbers for the Identification of Data 著录资料识别码INPADOC 国际专利文献中心INSPEC 国际物理学和工程情报服务部insufficient disclosure 公开不允分intellectual property 知识产权interdependent patents 相互依存的专利interference p

25、rocedure 抵触程序interlocutory injunction 中间禁止令interlocutory order 中间命令International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants 保护植物新品种国际公约International Patent Classification Agreement 国际专利分类协定International Preliminary Examining Authority 国际初审单位international protection 国际保护International Se

26、arching Authority 国际检索单位invalidation 无效invention 发明inventive step 独创性inventor 发明人inventors certificate 发明人证书IPC 国际专利分类International Patent Classification 国际专利分类issue of a patent 颁发专利joint applicants 共同申请人joint invention 共同发明joint inventors 共同发明人joint patentees 共同专利权人journal 公报judgment 判决junior party 后申请方knowhow 技术诀窍

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