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1、第 1 页第九届全国幼儿英语口语大赛“英语小新星形象代言人”选拔赛城市初赛考纲一、组别设置1、幼儿 A 组:幼儿小班2、幼儿 B 组:幼儿中班3、幼儿 C 组:幼儿大班二、比赛内容及规则 自我介绍(1 分钟,分值 20 分)用英文讲述自己、家人、爱好、小伙伴、幼儿园、喜爱的动物等。注意事项:选手必须在规定时间内完成讲述,时间低于 50 秒或超过 70 秒将进行 3 分的扣分处理。评分标准:总积分 内 容 语音语调 舞台表现力 服饰及形象20 6 4 6 4 Happy family 欢乐一家亲(2 分钟,分值 30 分)必须是有英语元素语言类节目,如英文歌曲、英语故事、英语诗歌朗诵等表演形式;

2、需要家长与小朋友一起表演,展示家庭才艺,以体现家庭和睦为目的;小朋友必须用英语展示,家长可以用双语展示;若没有家长参与的,小朋友可单独进行英语个人才艺展示。注意事项:1. 表演内容要充分展示幼儿的艺术修养以及大胆自由的发挥。2. 选手表演所涉及的乐器、服装、头饰、道具须自带(注:不提供钢琴等乐器;) ,若需伴奏须以 mp3 格式存于 U 盘并带到赛场。3. 注意把握好时间,表演时间低于 90 秒或超过 130 秒将进行 3 分的扣分处理。评分标准:总 积 分 内 容 舞台表现力 语音语调 服饰、道具30 10 8 6 6 同类联想(2 分钟,分值 30 分)此环节要求家长与参赛选手共同参与,家

3、长首先抽取试题,然后向选手读出试题上的单词,选手说出与家长所读单词同类的其他英文单词。每说出一个得 6 分,说对 5 个得 30分,即满分。评分标准:说出单词数量 5 4 3 2 1总积分 30 24 18 12 6第 2 页本环节备考词汇:(词汇均在下面各阶段的准备词汇中)幼儿 A 组:animals 动物、colors 颜色、fruit 水果、toys 玩具; 幼儿 B 组:clothes 衣服、 body parts 身体部位、stationery 文具、food 食物、 family members 家庭成员;幼儿 C 组:vehicles 交通工具 ,jobs 职业,weather

4、天气, classroom 教室,season 季节,week 星期 跟我说(1 分钟,分值 20 分)选手根据评委所说的内容进行及时复述。评分标准:总积分 内容 语音语调 眼神交流20 6 7 7本环节备考句型:幼儿 A 组:句型 1-20幼儿 B 组:句型 1-35幼儿 C 组:句型 1-50本环节备考句型如下:1、Hello!(How do you do?)你好!2、How are you?Im fine. Thank you, and you? 你好吗?我很好。谢谢,你呢?3、Good morning / afternoon/evening/night 早上好/下午好/ 晚上好/晚安。

5、4、Excuse me (sorry/Im sorry) 打搅一下。 (对不起/不好意思)5、Thank you! 谢谢你!6、You are welcome 不用谢。7、How are you today? 今天还好吗?.8、Nice to meet you 见到你很高兴。9、Whats your name? 你叫什么名字啊? My name is. 我叫。10、Lets play a game together.让我们一起玩个游戏。11、What can I do for you? 我能为你做点什么?12、At ease 稍息。13、Its time for class 该上课了。14、C

6、ome in,please 请进。15、Lets watch TV 我们看电视吧!16、Line up please! 请排队!17、Attention please ! 请立正!18、Dont worry about it 不要为这担心。19、Turn left/right!向左/右转!20、Stand up/sit down,please 请站起来/请坐下。21、class is over! 下课!22、Its time for(breakfast /lunch /supper/dinner) 该吃早餐了/ 该吃午餐了/ 该吃晚餐了。23、Do you understand? 明白了吗?2

7、4、Would you like some rice?想要吃点米饭吗?25、Help yourself请吃,别客气。第 3 页26、Whats on tonight? 今晚有什么节目? 27、Do you want anymore? 还要吗?28、Anything to drink? 喝点啥?29、Look at me,please 请看着我。30、Watch carefully 看仔细。31、Who wants to try? 谁来试试?32、Be quiet ,please 请安静。 33、Its your turn 轮到你了。34、Dont be afraid/shy! 不要害怕/不要害

8、羞!35、Try your best! 尽力做/尽力试。36、What color is it? 它是什么颜色的?37、Lets go back to the classroom 让我们回教室去。 38、Listen to me carefully,please 请仔细地听我说。39、Id like to drink some milk! 我想喝点牛奶!40、Today we are going to learn some new words。今天我们将学习一些新单词。 41、What are you going to do tonight? 今晚干啥去?42、Im going to Disn

9、eys English Club 我要去迪士尼英语俱乐部。43、Im going to learn Disneys Magic English 我去学迪士尼神奇英语。44、One bye one pleaseNo pushing 一个一个来。不要挤。45、Please have some fish/vegetables 吃点鱼/蔬菜吧。46、We are going to the Peoples Park 我们要去人民公园。47、Lets get ready for class! 让我们准备上课吧!48、What do you want to do after dinner? 晚饭后你想做什么

10、呢? 49、Whats wrong with you? (Whats the matter?)你怎么了?(出什么事了? )50、Please eat upTake your time 把它吃完。慢慢吃。3、比赛所需准备词汇:注:幼儿 C 组(大班)词汇包括幼儿 A 组(小班)和幼儿 B 组(中班)的词汇、幼儿 B 组(中班)词汇包括幼儿 A 组(小班)的词汇。1、幼儿 A 组(小班)Family members: father, mother, daddy, mommy, brother, sister, baby, etc.Animals: horse, tiger, pig, dog, d

11、uck, hen, chick, mouse, cat, cow, lion, sheep, rabbit, elephant, fish, monkey, panda, etc.Numbers: one, two, three, four, five,etc.Colors: pink, red, yellow, orange, black, blue, green, white, etc.Toys: ball, balloon, car, bus, boat, kite, doll, teddy bear, yo-yo, etc.Body parts: hair,eyes,ears,mout

12、h,nose,hand, fingers, arm, face, leg, shoulder, foot, etc.Food and drinks: noodle, fish, egg, bread, cake, ice-cream, cookie,milk, water, cola, juice, etc.Fruits: apple, pear, orange, tomato, watermelon, juice, lemon, grapes, bananas, peach, etc.Stationery: pencil, pen, book, ruler, glue, paper, etc

13、. Nature: sun, moon, star, flower, grass, tree, sky, etc.Actions: sit, stand, walk, run, jump, hop, sleep, listen, look, swim, come, go, clap, cry, smile,etc.Adjectives: happy, sad, angry, scared, hungry, thirsty, big, small, good, bad, long, tall, short,etc. 第 4 页Household items: comb, mirror, towe

14、l, soap,etc2、幼儿 B 组(中班)在幼儿 A 组的词汇基础上增加以下单词:Family members: aunt, uncle, cousin, grandpa, grandma, etc.Jobs: teacher, student, policeman, doctor, nurse, driver, etc.Animals: goat, wolf, fox, bird, butterfly, spider, ant, flea, etc.Numbers: six, seven, eight, nine, ten,etc.Colors: pink, purple, gray,

15、black, blue, brown, white, etc.Body parts: teeth, tongue, lips, hair, foot, toe, arm, leg, neck, face, etc.Toys:kite, puzzles, block, bell, cards, pinwheel, robot, etc.Clothes: skirt, T-shirt, dress, blouse, shorts, trousers, vest, sweater, coat, sock, jacket, slippers, shoes, etc.Fruits: lemon, gra

16、pes, cherry, pineapple, strawberry, etc.Food: jam, toast, hot dog, hamburger, chip, moon-cake, pizza, popcorn, sandwich, candy, bean, pumpkin, carrot, cucumber, cabbage, corn, wheat, peanut, soup, etc.Drinks:juice, milk, water, coke, lemonade, coffee, tea, etc.Sports: run, swim, football, basketball

17、, badminton, etc.Stationery: book, color pencil, pencil case, school bag, eraser, sharpener, scissors,crayon, etc Vehicles: car, bus, bike, motorbike, taxi, plane, train, etc.Nature: mountain, lake, river, ocean, forest, sky, etc.Weather: sunny, cool, rainy, snowy, etc.Rooms: living room, bedroom, k

18、itchen, bathroom, study, etc.Positions: in, on, under, front, at, left, right, up, down, etc.Actions: sing a song, dance, stand up , sit down, point to, look at, touch your eye(ear, nose, mouth),open, close, eat, drink, blow bubbles, play balls, fly a kite, ride a bike, play the piano, wash your fac

19、e, brush your teeth, get up, go to bed, jump rope, comb your hair, have a shower, etc.Household items: toothbrush, toothpaste,pillow,umbrella,quilt,etc.Adjectives: hot, cold, cool, warm, beautiful, handsome, long, short, strong, fat, thin,etc Furniture:sofa,bookcase,chair,bed,table,fridge,cupboard,d

20、rawer,etc.Countries:China,Britain,America,France,Australia,Canada,Japan,Korea,Russia,England, etc.3、幼儿 C 组(大班)在幼儿 A、B 组的词汇基础上增加以下单词:Family members: son, daughter, etc.Jobs: manager, engineer, farmer, fireman, dancer, singer, writer, nurse, etc.Animals: dolphin, crab, kangaroo, giraffe, rat, whale, s

21、hell, starfish, shrimp, deer, shark, turtle,etc.Numbers: eleven, twelve. first, second, third, fourth, etc. Body parts: back, muscle, lip, fingers, etc.Colors: golden, gray, brown, etc.Food:pork,chicken, steak,lollipop,salad,rice,sausage, cheese,chocolate, etc. Drinks: tea, coffee, beer, etc.Vegetab

22、les:tomato,pumpkin,onion,pepper,mushroom,eggplant,potato, etc. Fruits: plum, mango, longan, star fruit, etc.第 5 页Clothes: blouse, T-shirt, dress, skirt, pants, shorts, shoes, boots, socks, hat, cap, tie, raincoat, scarf, etc.Sports: skip, tennis, table tennis, volleyball, golf, long jump, high jump,

23、 etcMusic instruments: guitar, piano, trumpet, drum, flute, harmonica, accordion, etc.Tableware: chopsticks, spoon, fork, knife, bowl, cup, glass, bottle, etc.Vehicles: plane, train, boat, jeep, subway, etc.Stationery: dictionary, newspaper, notebook, etc. Nature: leaf, mountain, lake, river, ocean,

24、 forest, etc.Weather: foggy, cloudy, windy, etc.Shapes: circle, square, triangle, diamond, rectangle, heart, etc.Rooms and places: living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, restaurant, department store, supermarket, zoo, park, beach, bookstore, cinema, hospital, post office, etc.Position

25、s: in ,on, under, front, at, behind, beside, left, right, up, down, east, west, north, south,etc.Actions: pick up, turn on, turn off, turn around, raise your leg, put up your hand, clap your hands, watch TV, listen to the music, read a book, laugh, call, cook, smell, think, etc.Adjectives: excited,

26、quite, noisy, yummy, sweet, sour, spicy, etc.Plants:tree,grass,flower,wood,forest,etc.Classroom:desk,chair,blackboard,window,door,clock,computer,projector,etc.Week:Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday,etc. Month:January, February ,March ,April, May, June, July, August ,September, October,November,December,etc.全国幼儿英语口语大赛组委会二一四年九月一日

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