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1、福州大学攻读硕士、博士申请材料:Materials Needed to Apply for Postgraduates in Fuzhou University:1、 福州大学外国留学生攻读硕士/博士学位研究生申请表1、Application form for Postgraduate Students 2、 福州大学外国留学生入学申请表2、Admission Application Form 3、 两位副教授以上的推荐书3、Recommendation letters from two associate professors or professors4、 本人护照复印件;4、 Copy

2、of the passport5、 照片扫描件以及近期正面半身免冠同底二寸彩色照片 2张(相片背面需注明姓名) ;5、 Scanning copy of the photo, and two color photos recently taken with your heads and shoulders shown (2 inches; signature on the back)6、学历、学位证书复印件(应届本科或硕士毕业生需由所在学校提供就读证明) ;6、Copies of diploma and degree certificate(current undergraduates or

3、graduates should provide the certificate of study from the university)7、大学期间的学习成绩单;7、school report card from the university8、外国人体格检查记录;8、Physical Examination Record for Foreigners 9、申请人个人陈述(不少于 2000 字) ,内容应包括:学习与工作经历、经验、特别成就等;科研能力及其它能力;申请博士学位需要提交硕士论文工作创新点描述;列出 1至 2位意向报考的主导师。9、Self Introduction(not l

4、ess than 2000 words) giving the following information: study or work experience; research ability or other abilities; doctor appliers should describe the creativity of his/her master paper; one or two supervisors you choose.10、攻读学位期间的学习和研究计划,包括希望解决的问题和研究设想(不少于 2000 字) ;10、the plans for your future s

5、tudy and research in Fuzhou University including problems you expected to solve or your research expectation(not less than 2000 words).11、自备一个信封(用于录取通知书) ,信封上的接收地址应详细、准确;11、 an envelope with the right address which can be used to send the admission letter.12、报名费为 500元人民币,报名后不参加考试者不退还报名费。付款方式如下:12、Ap

6、plication fee is 500 RMB. No money is to be returned if appliers themselves fail to take the exam. Payment can be finished through:境外付款 Outside China Please deposit USD78 dollars (equivalent to about RMB 500 Yuan), with note: “International Student Application Fee”with the applicant name to the foll

7、owing bank account. This bank account accepts only US dollars. Beneficiarys Bank: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Fujian Branch (SWIFT BIC: ICBKCNBJFJN)Beneficiary:Name: Fuzhou UniversityAddress: 523 Gongye Road, Fuzhou, Fujian, P.R.CHINA Account Number: 1402029109341002562境内付款 In ChinaPleas

8、e deposit RMB 500 Yuan, with note: “International Student Application Fee” or in Chinese: “留学生报名费”与申请人名字 to the following bank account. This bank account accepts only RMB Yuan. 银行名: 福州市工行凤凰支行 Name of the Bank: 福州市工行凤凰支行账户名: 福州大学 Name of the Account: 福州大学 账户号(account number): 1402013409008800551缴纳报名费

9、时务必记住写明你的姓名。Remember to write your name correctly when paying application fee. 说明:1.纸张统一用 A4复印纸;2.请一次性递交完整的报名材料(请按上述顺序排列) ; 3.报名材料递交后不予退回,请自行备份;4.考生需在复印件上签名,以示对复印件的真实性负责;5.以上材料中如有非英文的外文文件,需提供公证后的英文或中文翻译件。Notes:1、The size of paper for copies or forms should be A4.2、Materials mentioned above should be placed in order as mentioned and be handed in altogether.3、Materials handed in will not be given back, please prepare backups.4、Please sign your name on all the copies.5. Materials in non-English or non-Chinese languages should be translated into English or Chinese by authoritative institutions.

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