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1、有限公司与 沃尔玛深国投百货有限公司房屋租赁协议PREMISES LEASE AGREEMENT目 录页 码第 1条 本协议组成 2第 2条 租赁标的物和房屋 2第 3条 租 期 6第 4条 租 金 9第 5条 租赁标的物的接收 21第 6条 房屋及其它区域的使用 27第 7条 租赁标的物的维修与修复 33第 8条 大 厦 43第 9条 税 费 46第 10条 公用设施 47第 11条 陈述和保证 47第 12条 转让和分租;优先购买权 54第 13条 提前终止 56第 14条 违约责任 63第 15条 交还房屋 64第 16条 适用法律和争议的解决 65第 17条 其它规定 66附件一 房屋

2、总平面图 73附件二 各层平面图/立面图/剖面图 74附件三 租用面积计算表/租金计算表 75附件四 要求与规格 76附件五 乙方进场施工条件 77附件六 甲方应向乙方提供的文件 78附件七 甲方与乙方维保职责 80附件八 抵押权人保证函格式 81TABLE OF CONTENTSPageArticle 1 CONTENT OF THIS LEASE AGREEMENT 2Article 2 LEASEHOLD PROPERTY AND PREMISES 2Article 3 TERM 6Article 4 RENT 9Article 5 ACCEPTANCE OF LEASEHOLD PRO


4、RIGHT 54Article 13 EARLY TERMINATION 56Article 14 LIABILITY FOR BREACH 63Article 15 RETURN OF PREMISES 64Article 16 APPLICABLE LAW AND RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES 65Article 17 MISCELLANEOUS 66Exhibit I Site Plan of Premises 73Exhibit II Floor Plan/Elevation/Section Plan 74Exhibit III Calculation Table fo

5、r Leased Area/ Calculation Table for Rent 75Exhibit IV Requirements and Specifications 76Exhibit V Conditions before Starting Construction by Party B 77Exhibit VI Documents to be Provided by Party A to Party B 78Exhibit VII Responsibilities of Maintenance and Repair between Party A and Party B 80Exh

6、ibit VIII Form of Mortgagees Guaranty Letter 81房 屋 租 赁 协 议PREMISES LEASE AGREEMENT出租人 有限公司,一家依据中华人民共和国(以下称“中国”)法律合法组建并有效存续的有限责任公司,其法定地址在中国 (以下称“甲方”),与承租人沃尔玛深国投百货有限公司,一家依据中国法律合法组建并有效存续的有限责任公司,其法定地址在中国广东省深圳市罗湖区洪湖路湖景花园 1至 3楼 (以下称“乙方”),于二零零六年_月_日签订本房屋租赁协议(以下称“本协议”)。THIS PREMISES LEASE AGREEMENT (this “A

7、greement”) is made and executed on this_ of _, 2006 by and between Co., Ltd. as Lessor, a limited liability company duly incorporated and validly existing under the laws of the Peoples Republic of China ( “China” or “PRC”), with its legal address at , China (“Party A”), and Wal-Mart SZITIC Stores Co

8、., Ltd. as Lessee, a limited liability company duly incorporated and validly existing under the laws of China, with its legal address at G/F-2/F, Lakeview Garden, Honghu Road Luohu District, Shenzhen Municipality Guangdong Province, China (“Party B”). (甲方和乙方以下单称为“一方” ,合称为“双方”) (Party A and Party B w

9、ill be individually referred to as a “Party” and collectively referred to as the “Parties”.)鉴于,甲方愿意依据本协议所规定的条款及条件出租其拥有合法产权的本协议项下的租赁标的物,乙方愿意依据本协议所规定的条款及条件承租本协议项下的租赁标的物。WHEREAS, Party A, the legal owner of the leasehold property under this Agreement, agrees to lease and Party B agrees to rent the leas

10、ehold property in accordance with the terms and conditions as set forth in this Agreement. 双方特此协商一致,达成如下协议:THE PARTIES MUTUALLY AGREE AS FOLLOWS:第 1 条 本协议组成Article 1 CONTENT OF THIS AGREEMENT本协议包括以下文件及图纸,以下所有文件及图纸已经双方确认,并已分别列为本协议正文及附件一至附件八。This Agreement will include the following documents and draw

11、ings. All the following documents and drawings have been confirmed by both Parties and are enclosed as the body text and Exhibit I to Exhibit VIII of this Agreement. 本协议正文;Body Text of this Agreement;附 件 一: 房屋总平面图;Exhibit I: Site Plan of Premises;附 件 二: 各层平面图/立面图/剖面图;Exhibit II: Floor Plan/Elevation

12、/Section Plan; 附 件 三: 租用面积计算表/租金计算表;Exhibit III: Calculation Table for Leased Area/Calculation Table for Rent; 附 件 四: 要求与规格;Exhibit IV: Requirements and Specifications;附 件 五: 乙方进场施工条件;Exhibit V: Conditions before Starting Construction by Party B;附 件 六: 甲方应向乙方提供的文件;Exhibit VI: Documents to be Provide

13、d by Party A to Party B;附 件 七: 甲方与乙方维保职责;Exhibit VII: Responsibilities of Maintenance and Repair between Party A and Party B;附 件 八: 抵押权人保证函格式。Exhibit VIII: Form of Mortgagees Guaranty Letter.第 2 条 租赁标的物和房屋Article 2 LEASEHOLD PROPERTY AND PREMISES2.1 租赁标的物和房屋 Leasehold Property and Premises甲方和乙方同意按照本

14、协议列明的条款及条件,出租和承租本协议附件一、附件二和附件三所示的租赁标的物,该租赁标的物(“租赁标的物”)包括:位于中国 的物业(地号: )(“大厦”)的地下第 层的部分面积、地上第 层的部分面积和地上第 层部分面积的房屋(“房屋”),租赁标的物还包括附件一所示的停车区 (如下第 6.5条所定义)和附件一所示的沃尔玛室外公共区(如下第 6.6 条所定义)。Party A agrees to lease to Party B and Party B agrees to lease from Party A the Leasehold Property (the “Leasehold Prope

15、rty”) as indicated in Exhibit I, Exhibit II and Exhibit III in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. The Leasehold Property includes: a portion of the area in Basement, a portion of the area on the Floor, and a portion of the area on the Floor (referred to as the “Pre

16、mises”) of the property (Lot. No.: ) (the “Building”) located at , China. The Leasehold Property also includes the Parking Lot (as defined in Article 6.5 hereunder) and Wal-Marts Outdoor Public Area (as defined in Article 6.6 hereunder) as indicated in Exhibit I. 如本协议附件三所示,租赁标的物的租用面积总计为 平方米(M2)(“租用面

17、积”),其中:A) 地上第 层的租用面积为 面积 平方米( M2);B) 地上第 层的租用面积为 平方米(M 2),包括 面积 平方米( M2),和 面积 平方米(M 2);C) 地下第_层的租用面积为 面积 平方米( M2)。租赁标的物的租金应根据租用面积为标准计算。The overall area which Party B leases from Party A within the Leasehold Property, as shown in Exhibit III hereof, is square meters ( M2) (“Leased Area”), which consi

18、sts of A) square meters (M2) on the Floor for ; B) square meters (M2) on the Floor, including square meters (M2) for , and square meters (M2) for ; C) square meters (M2) in Basement for compressor room. The Rent of the Leasehold Property will be calculated on the basis of the Leased Area. 本协议第 6.5 条

19、所定义的停车区和第 6.6 条所定义的沃尔玛室外公共区为乙方免费专用区域。双方确认,乙方享有上述停车区和沃尔玛室外公共区的免费专用权的对价已被双方在确定租用面积的租金时给予了充分考虑。 Party B has the exclusive right to use, free of charge, the Parking Lot as defined in Article 6.5 and Wal-Marts Outdoor Public Area as defined in Article 6.6. The Parties confirm that the consideration for P

20、arty Bs exclusive rights to use free of charge the Parking Lot and Wal-Marts Outdoor Public Area has been fully considered when the Parties decide the Rent for the Leased Area. 若遇本条项下的描述与本协议附件一和/或附件二和 /或附件三的内容不一致,则以附件一和/或附件二和/或附件三的内容为准。If any inconsistency between the description hereof and the spec

21、ifications shown in Exhibit I and/or Exhibit II and/or Exhibit III arise, the specifications in Exhibit I and/or Exhibit II and/or Exhibit III will prevail.若甲方需对本协议附件一和/或附件二和/或附件三所示内容进行任何修改,须于本协议签署之日起三十(30)日内书面告知乙方,并在取得乙方事先书面同意后方可实施。如果乙方书面同意了甲方提出的修改,则租金或补偿金应按下述条款进行调整:(i) 若修改后的租用面积(“ 修改后的租用面积 ”)与本协议附

22、件一和/或附件二和/或附件三所示的租用面积存有差异,且面积误差比(如以下公式所定义)不超过正负百分之三(3%)时,乙方应根据修改后的租用面积向甲方支付租金;(ii) 若前述面积误差比超过正负百分之三(3%),则乙方有权自行决定是否接受或拒绝修改后的租用面积与修改前的租用面积之间的差异。如果乙方同意接受该差异,则租金应根据修改后的租用面积进行计算。如果乙方拒绝接受该等差异,如面积误差比超出正百分之三(+3%),超出正百分之三(+3%)以外部分的面积由乙方无偿使用,并且,甲方仍应按本协议第 4.4条的约定向乙方提供与根据附件三所确定的租用面积计算的月租金等额的租金发票;如面积误差比超出负百分之三(

23、-3%),则不足部分的面积乙方无需支付租金,甲方还应按不足部分面积原乙方应付租金标准的双倍向乙方支付补偿金,补偿金金额在经甲乙双方确认后,乙方有权从向甲方支付的租金中扣除直至前述补偿金款项扣抵完毕,并且,甲方仍应按本协议第 4.4条的约定向乙方提供与根据修正后的租用面积计算后的月租金等额的租金发票。乙方需就甲方因不足部分面积支付的补偿金向甲方提供与前述补偿金金额等额的正式收据。修改后的租用面积 - 附件一和/或附件二和 /或附件三确定的租用面积面积的误差比 =附件一和/或附件二和/或附件三确定的租用面积If Party A intends to adjust any of the conten

24、ts contained in Exhibit I, Exhibit II and/or Exhibit III of this Agreement, Party A must notify Party B in writing of such intention within Thirty (30) days following the execution of this Agreement and will not make any adjustment without Party Bs advance written consent. If Party B gives its writt

25、en consent to the adjustment requested by Party A, the Rent or compensation will be adjusted as follows: (i) If there are discrepancies between the adjusted leased area (the “Adjusted Leased Area”) and the Leased Area as shown in Exhibit I and/or Exhibit II and/or Exhibit III hereof, and the varianc

26、e is no more than Plus/Minus Three percent (3%), Party B will pay Party A the Rent according to the Adjusted Leased Area. (ii) If the variance exceeds Plus/Minus Three percent (3%), Party B has the discretion to accept or reject such variance. If Party B agrees to accept the variance, the Rent will

27、be computed according to the Adjusted Leased Area. If Party B rejects the variance, if the variance exceeds Three percent (3%), Party B may use the extra area for free and Party A will still provide Party B with monthly leasing invoice, in accordance with Article 4.4 of this Agreement, for an amount

28、 equal to the monthly Rent calculated according to the Leased Area as set forth in Exhibit III; if the variance is less than Minus Three percent (-3%), Party B is not obligated to pay the Rent for the actual shortage area and Party A must compensate Party B for the shortage area with an amount equal

29、 to the double of the originally agreed Rent for the shortage area and upon confirmation of the compensation amount by both Parties, Party B may offset the above compensation from the Rent due until such compensation has been satisfied and Party A will provide Party B with a monthly leasing invoice,

30、 in accordance with Article 4.4 of this Agreement for an amount equal to the monthly Rent that is calculated on the basis of the Adjusted Leased Area. Party B will provide Party A with the official receipt for an amount equal to the above compensation for the shortage area.The Adjusted Leased Area L

31、eased Area shown in Exhibits I and/or II and/or IIIThe Variance= Leased Area shown in Exhibits I and/or II and/ or III2.2 房屋的设计和建筑 Design and Construction of the Premises除非双方另有协议并经 市政府相关部门批准,甲方将自筹资金,按照本协议附件一、附件二和附件四所约定的要求和规格完成租赁标的物的设计及施工工作。甲方应按照相关法律法规的规定,尽快办理大厦工程综合竣工验收合格的备案手续。租赁标的物的工程需按本协议附件一、附件二和附件

32、四所约定的要求和规格完成,并经乙方验收合格。Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties and approved by the relevant authority of City, Party A will, at its sole cost and expense, complete the design and construction of the Leasehold Property in accordance with the requirements and specifications as defined in Exhibit I, Exhi

33、bit II, and Exhibit IV. Party A will complete the filing procedure for the comprehensive project competition inspection and acceptance of the completion of the construction of Building in accordance with relevant laws and regulations of the PRC as soon as possible. The construction of the Leasehold

34、Property will meet the requirements and specifications as set forth in Exhibit I, Exhibit II, and Exhibit IV and will be subject to the inspection of and the acceptance by Party B. 第 3 条 租 期Article 3 TERM3.1 初始租期 Initial Term 本协议项下一个租约年系指连续十二(12)个月的租赁期间(“租约年”)。本协议第 4.1条所定义的免租施工期届满的次日为第一个租约年的开始日(“开始日

35、”)。除非本协议另有规定或双方另有其它书面约定,租金(如下第 4.3 条所定义)应自开始日起开始计算。甲方与乙方确认本协议初始租期从开始日起至第十五(15)个租约年届满之日止(以下称 “初始租期”) 。The lease year under this Agreement refers to a consecutive Twelve (12)-month lease period (the “Lease Year”). The day following the end of Rent-free Construction Period defined in Article 4.1 under

36、this Agreement, will be the commencement date of the first lease year (the “Commencement Date”). Unless otherwise stipulated in this Agreement or otherwise agreed between the Parties in writing, the Commencement Date will be the starting date of Rent calculation (Article 4.3 defines “Rent”). The Par

37、ties confirm that the initial lease term of this Agreement (the “Initial Term”) will commence on the Commencement Date of Party Bs Supercenter within the Premises and will terminate in the end of the Fifteenth (15th) Lease Year. 3.2 续 约 Renewal乙方有权按本协议相同的条款和条件(双方另有约定者除外)在本协议初始租期届满时续约。续约次数最多为五(5)次,每次

38、最长续约五(5)年(以下称“ 续约期”)。每个续约期应从初始租期或前一续约期终止日的下一日开始计算。本协议租期应为初始租期加上乙方全部续约期之和(以下称“租期” )。初始租期届满后,若乙方决定续约, 则自本协议项下第一个续约期的第一个租约年(即第十六16 th个租约年)起至租期结束,续约期的年租金在初始租期内最后一个租约年(第十五15 th个租约年)年租金的基础上每 ( )年增加百分之 ( %)。Upon the expiration of the Initial Term, Party B may renew this Agreement with the same provisions a

39、nd conditions as stipulated in this Agreement (unless the Parties agree otherwise). Such right may be exercised Five (5) times at most and the term for each renewal will not exceed Five (5) years (the “Extension Period”). Each Extension Period will begin on the date following the expiration of the I

40、nitial Term or the immediately preceding Extension Period. The “Term” under this Agreement will refer to the Initial Term and all the Extension Periods thereof (the “Term”). Upon expiration of the Initial Term, if Party B decides to renew this Agreement, then from the First Lease Year of the First E

41、xtension Period, i.e. the Sixteenth (16th) Lease Year through the end of the Term, the annual Rent for the Extension Periods will increase by percent ( %) every ( ) years on the basis of the Rent for the last lease year of the Initial Term, that is the Fifteenth (15th) Lease Year.3.3 续约的程序 Procedure for Renewal甲方应在本协议租期届满前至少十二(12)个月,以书面形式征询乙方是否选择续约。如果在租期届满前六(6)个月乙方仍没有就甲方续约征询通知给予书面答复,则甲方应于租期届满前五(5)个月向乙方以书面方式发出第二次续约征询通知。如乙方选择续约,

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