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新发展大学英语听力教程1 (全新修订版)教参.doc

1、1Unit One New Campus, New Life. Pre-listening ActivitiesChoice 1略Choice 2There are pros and cons of living on campus.Pros Cons1. Accessibility to the school 1. Little privacy2. Increased social life 2. Limited space3. Possible low GPA (grade point average) ScriptThere are pros and cons of living on

2、campusPros1. Accessibility to the school. If you live on campus, you can easily walk to the classes, libraries, computer labs, cafeterias, etc. You dont have to waste time and money on driving to school, finding a parking space, and so forth. 2. Increased social life. Living on campus will allow you

3、 to meet more people and establish more friendships than living off campus. You will also usually be aware of any campus activities and how to be involved in them. Cons1. Little privacy. When living in a dorm, it can be very hard to find your privacy. You have to share bedrooms, bathrooms, etc. You

4、may never have quiet time in your dorm because there will always be something going on. 2. Limited space. At most colleges, the dorm rooms are tiny. You have to limit what you bring to school, or your space will be too crowded. 3. Possible low GPA (grade point average). Because dorm life is very soc

5、ial, your grades may be affected in a negative way. If you constantly choose hanging out with your dorm buddies over studying at the library, then your GPA will suffer. . Listening TasksTask 1 Understanding News ReportsNews Item One1. B 2. C News Item Two1. D 2. DNews Item Three1. B 2 A 3. D ScriptN

6、ews Item One2Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.In New York City public schools, 176 different languages are spoken among the more than 1 million students.For 160,000 children, English is not their first language. New Yorks Department of Education makes learning better for th

7、ese students by providing dual-language programs.Students are taught in two languages, English and another one, like Russian or Chinese. Math, social studies, science and all other regular courses are taught in both languages. And they learn about the culture of the other country. Milady Baez is Dep

8、uty Chancellor of English Language Learners and Student Support. She says these dual-language programs will help children succeed in the future.“The jobs of the future require that our students know more than one language. They are going to be traveling abroad; they are going to be communicating wit

9、h people from all over the world. This will open doors for them.”Questions:1. How do New York public schools make learning better for students whose first language is not English? 2. What will help children succeed in the future according to Milady Baez? News Item TwoQuestions 1 and 2 will be based

10、on the following news item.A growing number of American universities are dropping the entrance exam requirement. More than 800 universities now allow students to apply without a SAT or ACT test score. The SAT and ACT are the two major college entrance tests in the United States.For years, colleges h

11、ave used these tests to help measure an applicants academic skills. But more universities are becoming “test optional”. Students who apply to test-optional schools can choose whether they want to include test scores in their applications.George Washington University in Washington D.C. is one of the

12、latest schools to adopt a test-optional admissions policy for most of its applicants. It is the largest private university to drop the test requirement.Karen Stroud Felton is the Dean of Admissions at George Washington University. She said in a statement that the university “had concerns that studen

13、ts who could be successful. felt discouraged from applying if their scores were not as strong as their high school performance.”Questions:1. What is the big change of American universities according to the news? 2. Which of the following statements about George Washington University is TRUE accordin

14、g to the news? News Item ThreeQuestions 1 to 3 will be based on the following news item.Almost 900,000 international students are studying in American colleges and universities today. Nearly half of this record number of foreign students are from Asia, mainly China.They are among people from other c

15、ountries who now make up about 4 percent of all university students in the U.S. America has more of the worlds 4.5 million international students 3than any other country. A new report says more than 886,000 foreign students registered at U.S. universities during the school year 2013-2014. That is an

16、 increase of eight percent over the year before. The Institute of International Education and the State Department made the report.The study also demonstrates trends over the past 15 years. It shows that since 2000, the number of international students in the U.S. has grown by 72 percent. Students f

17、rom China in undergraduate programs are mainly responsible for this trend.Questions:1. How many international students in the U.S. come from Asia? 2. From 2013 to 2014, how many foreign students registered at U.S. universities? 3. Which country is mainly responsible for the rapid increase of interna

18、tional students in the U.S. since 2000? Task 2 Understanding Long ConversationsConversation One1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A Conversation Two1. D 2. C 3. A 4. B ScriptConversation OneW: Would you like to join the Volunteers League?M: Am I crazy? I just quitted the Students Counsel. I dont want to be as b

19、usy as before. Ive given up a big chance of getting scholarships for that.W: No, joining the Volunteers League wont take you much time. It only has activities on the weekends.M: Really? Thats good. I was just wondering how to spend my free time on weekends.W: Come on, you wont regret about joining t

20、he Volunteers League. Its different from other students clubs or unions.M: Whats the difference?W: The Volunteers League often offers free services for grand occasions, such as Olympic Games, World Expo. Isnt that special?M: Not really. Id rather join the Entrepreneurs Club, so my experience will be

21、 helpful when I look for jobs in the future.W: Thats also a good choice. But the Entrepreneurs Club just hold some boring activities, you know, speeches, competitionsM: But you can learn a lot of things from the activities and its related to our major.W: You can also learn a lot in the Volunteers Le

22、ague. You will have the chance to learn how to communicate, how to arrange an activity and how to cooperate with your group members.M: What activities does the Volunteers League have?W: We will be voluntary guides, interpreters and M: Does that mean I have lots of chances to practice my English?W: Y

23、ou can say that again.M: OK, you win. Just tell me how to get enrolled for that club.4Questions 1 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. Why does the man refuse to join the Volunteers League in the beginning?2. When does the Volunteers League have activities according to the woman

24、?3. Why does the woman say the Volunteers League is different from other clubs and unions? 4. Why does the man prefer joining the Entrepreneurs Club? 5. Why does the man decide to join the Volunteers League in the end? Conversation TwoW: Come in! M: Hi, Professor Hampton. Its me, Tony again. I hope

25、Im not bothering you. I know how busy everyone is near the end of the semester, but.W: Have a seat, Tony. Like everyone else, I have plenty to do, but I try to keep up with my work. Now, whats on your mind?M: Thats it! Thats it exactly!W: Im not following you.M: Excuse me, but you were talking about

26、 keeping up with your work, keeping on schedule. Thats my problem. I can never seem to keep up with all my responsibilities, no matter how hard I try. And next year Id like to try working part-time for some more spending money. If I cant manage my time, I wont be able to do either well.W: Well, cons

27、ider these tips for time management. First, dont bite off more than you can chew. Youd better make a reasonable plan which is achievable. M: I thought I was doing that now.W: Chances are youre not using your time efficiently, Tony. Remember, too, “work when you work, and play when you play.” Divide

28、your day and night into two or three hour periods when you can concentrate on either studying or working. Dont let yourself be interrupted by anyone.M: I see what you mean. A lot of times Ill join my friends in going out after only an hour of studying. W: And if you plan your time week by week rathe

29、r than day by day, youll find you have more time than you thought. Well, give it a try. Id like to know how you handle it.M: Thanks a lot, Dr. Hampton.W: Now get back to your studies, Tony. Finals are coming.M: Thanks again, madam.Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1.

30、 Why is everyone busy according to Tony?2. What does Tony plan to do next year?3. What is the professors advice on time management? 4. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the conversation? Task 3 Understanding PassagesPassage One Listening for general comprehension51. Freshmen

31、 2. 15Listening for specific comprehension1. B 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A ScriptListening for general comprehensionFreshmen 15 is a plague that haunts the mind of all newly high school graduates. You hear of this horror tale before even stepping foot on a college campus. So what exactly is the freshmen 15?

32、 Legend says that during your freshmen year of college, you end up gaining around fifteen pounds. Is this simply a story told to scare young freshmen, or a reality? The bad news is that a noticeable weight gain does occur among college students. However, the good news is its not as drastic as fiftee

33、n pounds. Food served in the dining halls is laden with fats while exercise in college has become a true burden. It is difficult to schedule a workout session among the already busy schedule filled with classes, clubs, homework, and organizations. Here at USC, the professors like to pack their stude

34、nts with work upon work, so students can truly “eat the fruits of the knowledge tree.” For an average student, it is considered a celebration if you could simply finish all your homework on time and sleep before 2 a.m. With that said, who cares about exercise?Listening for specific comprehension1. A

35、ccording to the passage, what does “15” refer to?2. How is the food like in the colleges dining halls?3. Which of the following is NOT included in the students busy schedule according to the passage?4. How much work does the professors give to the students in USC?5. How does a student feel if he fin

36、ishes homework and sleeps before 2 a.m.?Passage Two Listening for general comprehension1. taking notes 2. Four suggestions are given in the passageListening for specific comprehension1. A 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C ScriptListening for general comprehensionIts necessary for a student to take notes when he a

37、ttends a lecture. The notes can be readily used in the future when the student forgets or reviews something. When a student takes notes in a lecture he has to do four things. Firstly, he has to understand whats said, as the speaker says it. He cant stop the lecture in order to look up a new word or

38、check an unfamiliar sentence pattern. The second thing the student has to do is to decide whats important in the lecture. Many lecturers pause, and speak more slowly and loudly, when theyre making an important point. The third task that faces the student is that he has to write down the important po

39、ints. The student should abbreviate, write down the important words, usually nouns, sometimes verbs or 6adjectives, and should write one point on each line. He ought, if possible, to choose a moment to write when the lecturer isnt giving vital information. Finally, the students notes must show the c

40、onnections between the various points hes noted. If he makes intelligent use of spacing and underlining, together with the use of conventional signs and the numbering of points, hell be able to understand the framework of the lecture more easily. Listening for specific comprehension1. Why is it nece

41、ssary for a student to take notes?2. What can a student do during a lecture if there is something he cant understand?3. What do many lectures do when they are making an important point?4. When is the right moment to write down the important points?5. What may not be helpful for a student to understa

42、nd the framework of the lecture more easily according to the passage?Passage Three Listening for general comprehension1. The passage is about how to cope with a new school year.2. There are three tips mentioned in the passage.Listening for specific comprehension1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C ScriptListeni

43、ng for general comprehensionHow do you approach a new school year? Do you have feelings of happiness and excitement or feelings of dread? New teachers, classes, classmates and maybe even a new school can all cause students to worry. But there are some things you can do to avoid the back-to-school bl

44、ues. Become familiarWill you go to a new school this year? Then during the summer, visit your new school. Find out exactly where it is and how long it takes to get there. This will help you avoid confusion on the day. Ask friends to introduce you to a student who goes to the school. Youll feel bette

45、r knowing some there. Keep it in balance Decide how many activities youll participate in, and dont do too much. Keeping schoolwork, home life and extra activities in balance will keep your stress level low. Heres another tip to help you prepare for the first day of school. Start going to bed and get

46、ting up at your normal school time two weeks before school begins. Then your body and mind will become rested and prepared for the first day. Get involved The best way to make new friends is to join school clubs. Choose something you enjoy and youll meet people who share your interests. A+ for attit

47、ude During those first scary days, having a positive attitude will help you survive. Concentrate on the exciting things youll learn and the fun youll have with your classmates. With rest, 7preparation and the right attitude, youll be off to a great school year! Listening for specific comprehension1.

48、 What may cause students to worry according to the passage?2. What do you need to find out when you visit your new school?3. Why do we need to keep schoolwork, home life and extra activities in balance?4. To prepare for your first school day, when should you start getting up at your normal school ti

49、me?5. Which is the best way to make new friends according to the passage?IV. Pronunciation Imitation and Training1. victory seven arrive starve Vienna2. theatre author month cloths fifths3. though either smooth clothes baths4. world leather pull field mild5. Have you ever lived near a river?6. The three athletes were out of breath.7. Leave the little lad alone. Hell soon be all rig

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