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1、1英语写作常用连接词及短语-表层进first, firstly, at first, 最初 to begin with, to start with, first of all, 首先,第一 Initially, 最初,开始 first and foremost, 首要地,首先 in the first place, 首先,第一点,原先 in the next place 其次,第二点 above all, 尤其是,更重要的是,首要,of all things, 首要, 第一(正文段数超 5 段时使用:Last but one, 倒数第二 last but two, 倒数第三)second,

2、secondly, third, thirdly, what is more, 而且 also, and, then, equally important,besides, in addition, further, still, furthermore, last but not the least, next, moreover,all the more, 更加,愈发 too, finally, in a manner of speaking, 在某种意义上,不妨说,可以说表举例for example, for instance, take for example, cite an exa

3、mple in point, take as a typical example, to illustrate, as an illustration, a case in point, another case in point is, such as, like, as a proverb says, as a saying goes, as Newton put it, just as, just like, after all, 毕竟,终究 to take an example, 表解释as a matter of fact, 事实上,其实 in point of fact, 实际上,

4、就事实而论 frankly speaking, to put it differently,in this case, namely, specially, that is, as the case stands, 事实上in other words, in fact, in simpler terms, in substance, 实质上; ten to one, 十有八九 to all intents and purposes, 事实上; to cite an old saying, 套句俗语; 表总结In the normal run of events, 按照一般情况, 通常 In s

5、ummary, To summarize, To sum up, In conclusion, To conclude, In brief, briefly, 简单地说In short, All in all, 总的说来 Finally, In a word, On the whole, From the above reasoning, Altogether, (adv.) 总起来说,总而言之 From what we have discussed (mentioned, presented) above, From the above evidence, To put it in a nu

6、tshell, (In a nutshell, 简括地说,一句话 )To put it differently, Taken (Taking) one with another, 总的看来,On balance, 总的说来 His suggestion has, on balance, proved useful.Overall, 总体上,总的说来 Globally, 全面地,整体地At last, 终于,最后 In the end, 最后In the long run, 从长远观点看;终究, 毕竟;最后, 结果 By and large, 总的说来,大体上,基本上In simpler ter

7、ms, as has been said,From the foregoing 上述的 analysis (discussion),表结果Thus, Therefore, As a result, Hence, Consequently; Accordingly; So表强调in one way or another 不管怎样,无论如何, 用种种方法to crown(it)all, 插入语,更糟糕的是, what is worse 更糟糕的是to crown it all, 非正式,习语。最糟糕的是。And then, to crown it all, I lost my purse.It w

8、as cold, raining, and, to crown it all, we had to walk home.of course, indeed, even, above all, 首要,首先 most important of all, needless to say, emphasis, certainly, in fact, in particular, particularly, 特别,尤其,格外; in especial, 尤其,格外;especially, specifically, 特别地,明确地, 尤其; specially, 特别地,专门地,尤其; (special

9、 adj. pay special attention to), peculiar to, (customs peculiar to these tribes; language is peculiar to mankind ) 特有的,独有的peculiarly, 1.古怪地,怪癖地; 2. 异常地,特殊地,特别地 all the way, 自始至终表让步still, nevertheless, in spite of, all the same, 仍然 even so, after all, 毕竟,终究 Naturally, 当然2of course, take into account,

10、 admittedly, 诚然 to say the least of it, 至少可以这样说;退一步说in faith, 确实,的确表比较liken A to B 把 A 比作 BBy comparison, (in comparison with), By contraries, (in contrast with) Compared with sth, _. (Comparing with sth., _.) Comparatively, Similarly, 同样 equally, However, likewise, in the same way, come to the same

11、 thing, 仍旧一样,结果相同 unlike, Unlike oral English, written English is comparatively formal. 表转折although, though, at the same time, but, nevertheless, otherwise, 否则,要不然 notwithstanding, 1. prep. 尽管 They traveled on, notwithstanding the storm. 2. adv. 尽管,还是 Whatever you may say, they will do it, notwithst

12、anding. 3. conj. (古) 虽然,尽管 I would go notwithstanding (that) he advised me not to. on the contrary, on the other hand, otherwise,regardless, still, yet,despite the fact that, even so,even though, for all that,however, in spite of,instead, albeit 尽管 修饰 adj. adv. 不在句首表时间henceforth adv. 从今以后prior to 在前

13、, 居先 (prep.) for the time being 暂时 once upon a time, 从前(讲故事开头)in the same breath, 同时 The two cannot be mentioned in the same breath.Hitherto, 到目前为止So far 迄今为止after a while, afterward,again, also,and then, as long as,at last, at length, 最后,终于;详细地at that time, before,besides, earlier,eventually, final

14、ly,formerly, further,furthermore, in addition,in the first place, in the past,in the next place, last, lately,meanwhile, in the meanwhile, in the meantime, 在此期间,当其时,同时 moreover,next, now,presently,second,shortly, simultaneously,since,一旦 so far,soon, still,Subsequently, then,thereafter, too,until, no

15、w,when,表示我的观点As for me, As to me,Personally (speaking), Privately, 私人地,As far as I am concerned,For my part, To my way of thinking, 我认为, 在我看来,From my point of view, In my view,In my mind,To my mind,To the best of my belief, In my opinion,表目的For the sake of, 表条件Be that as it may, 无论如何For any sake, 无论

16、如何, In any case, 无论如何, 总之At any rate 无论如何Put the case that 假定in this case, 既然是这样,假使这样的话,表相同3Like anything else, be similar to, 与类似 just the same 完全一样表原因in that, because of, because, since, as, for, now that, seeing as since 因为,既然 by the same token, 同样地,反正一个样其它by rule and line 准确地,精密地take the idea fu

17、rther, in a sense, 在某种意义上说,in effect, 实际上on earth, 究竟in the world, 加强语气 :到底,天下,究竟all the way 自始至终once in a while, 偶尔no wonder, 难怪for a wonder, 说来奇怪;竟想不到地in other words 换句话说 No matter how (what, where) 无论In a general way, 一般地 By virtue of 依靠,凭借;由于,因为In terms of 1. Subject (adv.) to + n. 在 条件下2. Be su

18、bject (adj.) to +n. 易受(常遭、惯患)的3. subject (vt.) + n. + to 使隶属;使服从;时遭受表程度for the most part, 就绝大部分而言,在极大程度上on a large scale, 大规模地(的) ,广泛地(的)in the large, 大规模地,一般地 Only in this way, could, in general, 通常as a general rule, 通常, 一般说来to some(a large, certain )extent, 在某种(很大,一定)程度上表附加:in addition, additional

19、ly, besides,表相反:Conversely, On the contrary, 正相反; Quite the contrary, 正相反;Quite the opposite;Although insurance can be complex, its basic concepts are neither difficult nor impossible to learn. Quite the opposite, insurance fundamentals can be understood by those willing to study them.Quite the oppo

20、site in fact, I like to live _much traffic and noise. A. in which there is B. in the place there is C. wherever D. where there is 答案: D. A 项无先行词;B 项 缺 where,因为 where 作为关系副词是不能省略的。Wherever 是 where 的语气加强词,后接从句,不接短语。D 项 是由 where 引导的地点状语从句。Helen, being Helen, has not taken to her bed at her home in Esse

21、x. Quite the opposite. All work, no play. 海伦,正因为她是海伦,她没有在埃塞克斯的家中卧床不起,恰恰相反的是,她总是在工作,没有休闲。The Chinese in Malaysia face an environment for learning the mother tongue that is quite the direct opposite of Singapore.In 1914 Great Britain went to war, and the men who came back from the war found quite quic

22、kly exactly the opposite of a land fit for heroes.1914 年英国参战了,那些从战场上回来的英雄们很快就发现英国并不是一个可以安居乐业的地方。Why are you crying? Who made you sad?No, just the opposite, I was told I had won the lottery.Pity that the fact is quite the opposite.很遗憾,事实并非如此。We sometimes imagine a desert island to be a sort of paradi

23、se where the sun always shines. The realistic picture of life on it is, quite the opposite, wretched. 极不愉快的表频度Frequently, 表底线At least; at the very least 最起码At best 充其量4Much less, Still less 更不用说They did not intend to even to tell the authorities about the experiments, still less seek their approval.

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