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高一英语必修一unit3 语法练习.doc

1、课后强化演练Unit 3 Part Grammar.用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空1I _(fly) to Hong Kong tomorrow.答案:am flying2Suppose its still _ (rain) tomorrow, shall we go?答案:raining3I _ (meet) John tonight. Hes _ (take) me to the theatre.答案:am meeting; taking4The man who gave a lecture last October _ (come) to our school tomorrow.答案:i

2、s coming5When _ your program _ (start)? I want to know the exact time.答案:is; starting/will; start6He _ (leave) Beijing for London. His wife is expecting their next reunion in Beijing.答案:is leaving7We _ (go out) in an hour. Please make sure that everything is ready.答案:are going out8The foreign guests

3、 _ (arrive) in Beijing tonight.答案:are arriving9Betty _ (leave) for Guangzhou by plane at 3:00 this afternoon. Her brother Bob _ (see) her off. Its half past one now. They _ (wait) for a taxi outside the school gate.答案:is leaving; is seeing; are waiting10The Browns _ (go) to North China by train next

4、 week. They _ (stay) in Beijing for a week. Then they _ (go) to Xian. They _(get) there by air.答案:are going; are staying; are going; are getting.单项填空1The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she _.Awill arrive BarrivesCis going to arrive Dis arriving解析:as soon as 引导的是时间状语从句,

5、要用一般 现在时 表示将来发生的动作。答案:B2At this time tomorrow,_ over the Atlantic.Awere going to fly Bwell be flyingCwell fly Dwere to fly解析:时间状语为 at this time tomorrow,是将来进行时的标志。答案:B3It will not be long before the house _ her.Abelongs to Bwill belong toCis going to belong Dis belonging to解析:在时间状语从句中要用一般现在时来表示将要发生的

6、动作。答案:A4I was about to lock the door _ my friend called on me.Aas BuntilCwhile Dwhen解析:考查 be about to do.when 句型。答案:D5If a man _ succeed,he must work as hard as he can.Awill Bis toCis going to Dshould解析:综合本题所表达的意思,含有一种个人的主观意志和决心,而且用在条件句中,所以使用 be to do 表示将来。答案:B6Im sorry. I forgot to post the letter

7、for you.Never mind. I _ it myself this afternoon.Aam posting Bam going to post Cwill post Dam about to post解析:句意:“对不起,我忘了 给你寄信了。 ”“不要紧,今天下午我自己去寄。 ”A、B 两项表将来,表示准备或打算;D 项表将来,指“刚要,就要 ”;C 项表示将来,可用于说话者临时做出的决定,符合语境,故选 C 项 。答案:C7Im going to the USA.How long _ you _ there?Aare; staying Bare; stayed Chave; s

8、tay Ddo; stay解析:由句意“我将去美国”可知,我 还没有去美国,所以应该是“你将在那里呆多长时间” ,stay 可用 进行时表将来,故选 A。答案:A8Are you still busy?Yes, I _ my work, and it wont take long.Ajust finishBam just finishing Chave just finishedDam just going to finish解析:根据问句的现在时及后面的 wont take long,此 处表示正在完成工作,须用现在进行时。答案:B9Ive won a holiday for two wee

9、ks to Florida. I _ my mum.Atake Bhave taken Cam taking Dwill have taken解析:现在进行时可以表示将要发生的事,特 别是在计划中即将 发生的事。答案:C10Ann, you _ books about. Look, what a mess in your study!Sorry, Mom. I wont do that again.Ahave always thrown Balways throwCare always throwing Dalways threw解析:现在进行时与副词 always 连用,可以表示说话人的不满

10、、抱怨的情绪,其余三项均无此用法。答案:C11The teacher, along with his students, _ on the ground in the setting sun.Aplay Bplaying Cis playing Dare playing解析:句意:在落日下,老师带 着学生正在操场上玩耍。 along with 修饰主语 the teacher 谓语动词不受修饰语 along with 的影响。所以此处谓语动词要用单 数。 现在进行时表示正在进行的动作。答案:C12Mr.Black _ Shanghai in a few days. Do you know wh

11、en the earliest plane _ on Sunday?Ais leaving; takes offBleaves; takes offCis leaving; is taking offDleaves; is taking off解析:句意:Mr. Black 在几天后就要离开上海。你知道星期天最早的飞机将什么时间起飞吗?第一个空要用现在进行时表将来,第二个空是按日程或时 刻表要发生的事,故 应用一般现在时表将来。所以选 A 项。答案:A.阅读理解Americans spend their holidays in different ways. Some of them like

12、 to travel abroad and get to know something about the foreign countries. For example, they may go to China and learn about its old traditions and habits. However, this kind of trip is not always pleasant. First, it is not so convenient and secondly the service they receive in foreign countries is no

13、t quite satisfactory.Some of Americans enjoy travelling within their own states, usually going to the seaside towns or cities during summer. They may stay there for one or two weeks and then come back home. This kind of trip is always cheaper and pleasant.Another group care for travelling very much.

14、 They just get on a plane in the morning and get off a ship in the evening. They like to go across the country, from north to south, and west to east. For the last group, they just want to stay at home and do their housework with the radio or television on. They say holiday is the time for rest, not

15、 for travelling.1Some Americans like to travel abroad because _.Atheir own country has nothing interesting Bthe outside world is very advancedCthey want to know something about the history of other countries Dthey have a lot of money and can not spend it all in their own country解析:细节考查题。由第一段第二句可知,有些

16、人喜欢到国外旅游,是想了解其他国家的一些情况。答案:C2There is something that the foreigners are not very satisfied with when they travel abroad. It is _.Athe food Bthe habitCthe people they meet Dthe service解析:细节考查题。由第一段最后一句可知,这些到国外旅游的人对于他们得到的服务不满意。答案:D3If an American wants to go abroad for his holiday, he probably goes to _ to learn about ancient culture.AEgypt BAustralia CSingapore DCanada解析:推理判断题。在四个选项 中,只有埃及具有悠久的文化。答案:A

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