1、A. The rapidity and extensiveness of advances in endocrinology have made it increasingly difficult for the students and physicians to take full advantage of information available for the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of clinical disorders, not only of diseases in endocrinology, but also of
2、 that in all clinical specialties.B. What easy to handle is that the general knowledge and the principles of endocrinology and metabolism.C. For interest, be interested in the interesting medical branch.D. Main subjects Regulation systems of extracellular communication Endocrine gland and hormone-se
3、creting cells Hormones Hormone secretion rhythms Hormone synthases and its regulation Endocrine regulation axes Mechanisms of hormone action Nutrient metabolism Systemic examination Laboratory and special examinations Therapeutic principles Regulation Systems of Extra-Cellular Communicationnervous s
4、ystemendocrine systemimmune system Endocrine Gland and Hormone-Secreting Cells( 激素分泌细胞)A. Endocrine glanda. hypothalamus & posterior pituitaryb. pineal gland (松果体 )c. anterior and intermedial pituitaryd. thyroide. parathyroidf. endocrine pancreas (内分泌胰腺 )g. adrenal cortex and medullah. sexual gland
5、(testis or ovary)i. others: thymus (胸腺 ), placentaB. Diffuse neuro-endocrine cells APUD(amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation) cells in GI, pancreas, adrenal medulla, etc.)C. Hormone-secreting cells in tissues atrium, endothelium, fibroblast, lipocytes, lymphocytes Structure of hormone-secretin
6、g cellspeptide/protein hormone-secreting cells:hormone-containing granules (激素颗粒 )steroid hormone-secreting cells:lipid droplet (脂质小滴 )A. Classificationa. as peptide/proteinb. as derivatives of amino acid (catecholamine,5-HT, melatonin, T3/T4)c. as derivates of cholesterol (cortisol,aldosterone, estrogen, androgen,progesterone, 1, 25-(OH)2D3)B. Storage hormone granules thyroglobulin (甲状腺球蛋白 )III. Hormones