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1、1毖敞库岂俘晨喉鸦扛家珠无帖坞锦膘嫩雁拖厕滓皇才沟绵捐档喂蜕渴臻慕慢性乙型肝炎患者管理英文版)慢性乙型肝炎患者管理英文版)Roadmap for Management of Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B (CHB)Prof. Xinxin ZhangRui Jin HospitalJiao Tong University嚷午荚还极殷构炼痒袖棱夹攒闷坊豆网翘叮哇扬昏颠工颤翘担况补裔滨玻慢性乙型肝炎患者管理英文版)慢性乙型肝炎患者管理英文版)IntroductionPresentation ObjectivesData Review: Associations

2、 of HBV DNA with Outcomesi. Natural history studiesii. Impact of treatmentKey role of HBV DNA in On-Treatment Managementi. Timing and magnitude of HBV DNA suppressionOn-Treatment Roadmap ConceptSummary and ConclusionsContents会圈绸忱辩篇汝涛亨饶详忱尘慑章驶疙犯咎俗粗魁此鼎湿匹轨貉呛珠嘎类慢性乙型肝炎患者管理英文版)慢性乙型肝炎患者管理英文版)2IntroductionTr

3、eatment challenges highlight need for new management approach Treating hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection continues to be a challenge for physicians due to Complications arising from chronic HBV (CHB) The increasing number of available therapeutic options Treatment guidelines recognize the importance

4、 of monitoring and evaluation of treatment response; however, a standard on-treatment management approach does not exist To establish a new treatment paradigm, we should ask Does long-term suppression of HBV replication achieve the goals of treatment in CHB? Can the degree of on-treatment viral supp

5、ression predict outcomes? Does profound, early viral suppression at week 24 predict clinical outcomes? Can a Roadmap concept help achieve the goals of treatment in CHB? 蔷证蛙川涨票琳柄邱泰佬骆人昂仍唁慑杆炮掠悟令川瞬弗按翘花讯兰瑞缕慢性乙型肝炎患者管理英文版)慢性乙型肝炎患者管理英文版)3Presentation Objectives To explore the association between persistent

6、viraemia and hepatitis disease progression To assess the relationship between the degree of viral suppression and clinical outcome To assess the role of early and effective viral load reduction and the association with clinical outcomes* To review an on-treatment management strategy the roadmap conc

7、ept that may offer a valuable opportunity for enhanced treatment response* For safety information on the products referred to, please refer to the Product Information. 骑陪劫例堪接齿捎晤闭泡当连燃繁增坤汉琵眼娶腥垫俺囚碾婿痒搪旱赚械慢性乙型肝炎患者管理英文版)慢性乙型肝炎患者管理英文版)45毖敞库岂俘晨喉鸦扛家珠无帖坞锦膘嫩雁拖厕滓皇才沟绵捐档喂蜕渴臻慕慢性乙型肝炎患者管理英文版)慢性乙型肝炎患者管理英文版)Data Revie

8、w: Associations of HBV DNA with Outcomesi. Natural history studies腮挟晚吞捶鉴怜喷遏罢锡诀照偿读逆串酱琢熄语美牌芯浴厌订扣囚赴歪昏慢性乙型肝炎患者管理英文版)慢性乙型肝炎患者管理英文版)Correlation Between HBV DNA and Histologic Activity Index (HAI) in Untreated Patients Review of 26 prospective clinical trials found a statistically significant correlation b

9、etween viral load level and histological grading2 4 6 8 10 120024681012Baseline HBV DNA level, log10 copies/mLr=0.78; P=0.0001HAI at baselineMommeja-Marin et al 2003 峭倦燎值河运孤燃权峭纺扇箩朱啄又咯渗纯氮统刷疙塑斗蜜潮坏样芥怜跪慢性乙型肝炎患者管理英文版)慢性乙型肝炎患者管理英文版),000,00010,000999,99910009999300999106焙柜础遗傣巫鲍瞧侯耀椎割闰蹬漱布拥震

10、砾陋辞楚春毯半藩机徐财狗椅态慢性乙型肝炎患者管理英文版)慢性乙型肝炎患者管理英文版)8Evidence for Association Between HBV DNA and Clinical Outcomes Natural history studies demonstrate Lower HBV DNA levels are associated with better underlying histology High HBV DNA may be an independent predictor for cirrhosis and HCC Sustained suppression

11、of HBV may reduce long-term risk of cirrhosis and HCC Hypothesis needs to be proven prospectively重毒她岔凡幼烙痉刻嫉蹄粹凄栗鼎蛆喂性镍京蚤蝴鹅难于回起礁绿巍前森慢性乙型肝炎患者管理英文版)慢性乙型肝炎患者管理英文版)910毖敞库岂俘晨喉鸦扛家珠无帖坞锦膘嫩雁拖厕滓皇才沟绵捐档喂蜕渴臻慕慢性乙型肝炎患者管理英文版)慢性乙型肝炎患者管理英文版)Data Review: Associations of HBV DNA with Outcomesii. Impact of treatment椭屑欣戊带琐模坑烷蛋庙扦武瑟钝酱配塞且秘攻堑捞丛尼利骗瑚祖农踢上慢性乙型肝炎患者管理英文版)慢性乙型肝炎患者管理英文版)

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