1、绍 兴 市 柯 桥 区 教 师 发 展 中 心公布柯桥区 11 月 6 日初中英语教坛新秀课堂教学能力评比相关事项各初中:现将 11 月 6 日参加区初中英语教坛新秀课堂教学能力评比的有关事项公布如下:一、报到时间:7:10二、报到地点:华舍中学三、上课内容:READING:There is always more than one side.四、上课学生:八年级四个班级绍兴市柯桥区教师发展中心2018 年 11 月 5 日附上课材料:There is always more than one side.Marina and Mia are twins. Even their parents
2、find it hard to tell the difference between them. Although they look the same, the girls are different in most other ways. They dont have many things in common. Mia likes spicy food, while Marina prefers sweeter foods. Mia likes to study at night, while Marina prefers the morning.They often fight wi
3、th each other about these things. For example, when Mia says that waking up early in the morning is terrible, Marina argues, “Mornings are fresh. It is difficult to stay up later in the day when you feel sleepy!”Their parents decided to put an end to their arguments and teach them that they can both
4、 be correct.Their father asked Mia to stand on one side of a board, while Marina stood on the other side. They couldnt see each others sides. Their mother asked, “What color is the board?” Mia said it was black, while Marina said it was white. They started arguing again. Their parents asked them to switch sides.They were both quite surprised. Mias side had been painted black and Marinas had been painted white. Both of them were correct.Many of us are like Mia and Marina. We may insist that we are right most of the time, only to find out that others can be right as well.