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1、.精品文档.2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 1 / 23六年级英语上册各单元期末复习题第一单元测试一、选出不同类的一项( ) 1. A. pizza B. fish . eat( ) 2. A. pst ffie B. get . inea( ) 3. B. where . near( ) 4. A. ap B. GPS . TV( ) 5. A. get n B. g straight .turn left( ) 6. A.near B. In frnt f . what( ) 7. A.n B. Bkstre . In( ) 8. A. hw

2、B. Z . library( ) 9. A. park B. hen . he( ) 10. A. exuse B. inea . hspital二、从 A、B、三个选项中选择最合适的一项。( )1. here are yu fr, Ay ? _.A. I Ay. B. I ten. . I fr Aeria.( )2. Stp at the _.A. yellw light B. green light . red light( )3. The Siene useu is near the shl _the right.精品文档.2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原

3、创 2 / 23A. n B. at . in( ) 4. Is there a inea near yur he? _A. yes, there isnt. B. yes, there is. . N, there is.( ) 5. If yu want t buy se bks, yu an g t the _.A. bk shp B. she shp . pst ffie( ) 6. If yu want t see a dtr, yu an g t the _.A. hspital B. library . inea( ) 7. Turn right _ the shl, then

4、g _.A. f, straight B. at, straight . in, straight( ) 8. Hw d yu g t shl? I ften g t shl_ ft.A. by B. n . in( ) 9. Exuse e, where is the library? Its _ the inea.A. next B. next t . at( )10.你想知道电影院在哪儿时,可以问:_A. Exuse e. here is the inea, please? B. Exuse .精品文档.2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 3 / 23e. h

5、ere is the shl, please?. Exuse e. here is the pst ffie, please?( )11.想询问对方是怎样去学校的,可以问:A. Hw d yu g t shl? B. Hw an I g t shl ?( )12.想询问对方“我”可以怎样去公园,可以这样问:A. Hw d yu g t the park? B. Hw an I g t the park?( )13.别人跟你说“Thank yu!” ,你应该这样回答:A. yure wele. B. k.( )14.“我可以走路去吗?” ,应该这样问:A. an I g n ft ? B. an

6、 I g by bike?( )15.想知道别人的名字可以这样问:A. Hw are yu ? B. hats yur nae ?三、连词成句, g, n, I, shl, ft, t .2.d, t, park, hw, the, yu, g ?, N15, g, bus, yu, shl, t, the, by ?.精品文档.2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 4 / 234.near, is, he, the, y, ffie, pst.5.g, stp, an, t, bus, ft, we, n, the.四、选出正确的答语第一组:( )

7、1.Hw an I g t the ZhngShan Park? A.N,its nt far.( ) I g n ft? B.yu an g by bus( ) is the library? . Its near the pst ffie.( )4.Is it far fr here? D. yu are wele.( )5.Thank yu. E. N, it isnt第二组:( )1. Hw d yu g t the superarket? A. Sure, if yu like.( )2. an I g n ft? B. Its near a fast fd sh

8、p.( )3. here is yur he? . I g there by the N. 15 bus.( )4. Lk at the traffi lights. D. yu an get there n ft. Its nt far.( )5. Hw an I get t the bkstre? E. e ust stp第二单元测试.精品文档.2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 5 / 23一、找出每小题中与众不同的那一个( ) 1. A. library B. hspital . inea D. party.( ) 2. A. nrth B. party .

9、 suth D. east( ) 3. A. wait B. bus . train D. bike( ) 4. A. useu B. pst ffie . usi D. library( ) 5. A. plane B. inea . bike D. bus( ) 6. A. turn right B. g he . turn left D. g straight( ) 7. A. green light B. yellw light . red light D. hristas light( ) 8. A. she stre B. superarket . get ff D. useu(

10、) 9. A. then B. near . next t D. in frnt f( ) 10. A. wait B. g . shp D. buy二、从 AB 三个选项中选择合适的答案( ) 1. Sarah: here is the library? Zhang Peng :A. Its in frnt f the shl. B. here is the shl? . Is there a library near here?( ) 2. Stp at the _.A. yellw light B. green light . red light( ) 3. The Siene useu

11、 is near the shl .精品文档.2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 6 / 23_the right.A. n B. at . in( ) 4. Is there a inea near yur he? _A. yes, there isnt. B. yes, there is. . N, there is.( ) 5. If yu want t see a dtr , yu an g t the _.A. hspital B. library . inea( ) 6. Hw d yu g t shl? I ften g t shl_ ft.A. by

12、 B. n . in( ) 8. G straight fr tw inutes. Then _ left.A. g B. turn . n( ) 9. Please e t y _ birthday party at 6 p n Sunday.A. tw B. twelve . twelfth( ) 10. If yu want t buy se bks, yu an g t the _.A. bk shp B. she shp . pst ffie( ) 11. Turn right _ the shl, then g _.精品文档.2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独

13、家原创 7 / 23A. f, straight B. at, straight . in, straight( ) 12. Exuse e, where is the library? Its _ the inea.A. next B. next t . at( ) 13. Nw let _ tell yu hw t e.A. y B. his . e( ) 14. The useu is west _ the bkstre.A. at B. f . in( ) 15. alk straight _ five inutes.A. in B. t . fr三、读一读,将正确答句序号填到题前的括

14、号内( ) 1.Hw d yu g t shl? A. yu an g by the N. 3 bus.( )2.Hw an I get t the bank? B. Sure ,if yu like.( )3. here is the pst ffie? . yes, there is.( )4. Is there a park near here? D. Usually I g by bus.( )5. an I g by train? E. Its in frnt f the she stre.四、连词成句.精品文档.2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 8 /

15、 231. by usually I t shl g bus (.) _2. light stp a at red (.) _3. bkstre the is next the t useu (.) _4. n get the bus N.1 (.) _5. right turn the at inea (.) _五、选出合适的句子将序号填在划线处,完成对话,5分A. next t B. Thank yu . Exuse e D. G straight E. yure wele Ay: _. an yu tell e the way t the pst ffie?Pliean: _. yu a

16、n see the kF.Ay: And then?Pliean: Its _ it.Ay: h, I see. _Pliean: _第三单元测试.精品文档.2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 9 / 23一、选出不同类的单词( )1. A. Visit B. fil . See( )2. A. trrw B. rning . evening( )3. A. art B. usi . lessn( )4. A.tnight B.week park( )5. A. hewrk B. piture . dra二、读问句, 选择正确的答语。 (每题 2 分,共 10 分)

17、( )1. hat are yu ging t d this evening?( )2. hen is yur sister ging t the park?( )3. h are yu ging with?( )4. here is yur friend ging?( )5. Is she ging t have an art lessn?A.I ging t k a big eal.B.She is ging there next Sunday.Hes ging t the park.D.yes, she is.E.I ging with y parents.( )1. here are

18、yu ging? A. By train.( )2. hen are yu ging? B. Buy a i bk.( )3. hat are yu ging? . Its east f the .精品文档.2016 全新精品资料-全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 10 / 23inea.( )4. Hw d yu g t the z? D. At 3 lk.( ) 5. here is the pst ffie? E. The fruit stand三、读对话,选出下列划线单词的汉语释义。( )1.A: hat are yu ging t d tnight? A 今天 B 今晚 明晚(

19、 )2.B: I ging t see a fil. A 电影 B 电视 看电影( )3.A: hat are yu ging t d next week? A 下周末 B 晚上 下周( )4.B: I ging t Beiing, Hw abut yu? A 大约 B 关于 怎么样?( )5.A: I ging t visit y grandparents. A.看到 B.拍照 拜访四、从 AB 三个选项中选择合适的答案,把序号填写在题前括号内。( ) 1. I a ging t _ y grandparents next week.A. visit B. visits . visiting( ) 2. -hat are yu ging _ n Sunday rning?

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