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1、中医综合-方剂学(三)(总分:80.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Section Use of English(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Are teens and young adults more narcissistic (自恋的) today than in the past? Thats the view of a California researcher who studies (1) people. In her new book, The Narcissism (2) : Living in the Age of Entitlement, psychologist Je

2、an Twenge of San Diego State University and (3) W. Keith Campbell of the University of Georgia say research shows (4) young people today have “narcissistic traits“ than in (5) generations. Such traits, Twenge says, include a very. (6) and inflated sense of self, which is (7) by a preoccupation with

3、MySpace, Facebook and YouTube. “Weve been on this self-admiration cultural (8) for a long time,“ Twenge says. (9) Twenges take on todays young people isnt universal. Studies by other researchers, including Canadian (10) Dr. Kali of the University of Western Ontario, have used the same data but found

4、 (11) results. “They put a different (12) on it,“ Kali says. Twenges studies have found more narcissistic traits and a (13) rate of increase among college students today, but Kali found that students narcissism was (14) greater in 2006 than in 1976. Twenges most recent paper studied the same data as

5、 Kali-more than 20 000 college students from 2002 to 2007. (15) researchers used the Narcissistic Personality Inventory to measure narcissistic (16) and findings by both have been (17) in peerreviewed journals. Twenges book (18) just a month after The Mirror Effect : How Celebrity Narcissism Is Sedu

6、cing America, a book co-written by behavioral (19) Drew Pinsky, (20) suggested that a celebrity-obsessed culture is causing more narcissism.(1).A old B changeable C young D depressed(分数:0.50)A.B.C. D.解题思路 文章开头第一句是“如今的青少年和年轻人比以前更加自恋了吗”,因此,研究的对象是年轻人,C符合题意。A与C意思相反,可排除。B changeable 用法举例:We will get accu

7、stomed to the changeable weather here我们会适应这里多变的天气。D depressed 用法举例:She got depressed and began to let things slide她情绪低落,开始听之任之。(2).A Epidemic B Disease C Period D Spell(分数:0.50)A. B.C.D.解题思路 本文关注的是自恋现象是否更加严重的问题。选项中,A Epidemic 能表现出这种趋势。C和D都有表示一段时间的意思,但是表现不出这种上升的趋势,故排除。自恋不是一种疾病,B不正确。DSpell用法举例:After a

8、 short spell in hospital,she was soon back at work她在医院住了一段时间后,很快就回来上班了。(3).A co-author B patient C leader D officer(分数:0.50)A. B.C.D.解题思路 本句所表达的意思是珍特吉和坎贝尔合著了自恋流行病一书,故A正确。文中并未提及坎贝尔是病人,故排除B。文中指出两人共同参与了研究并没有说谁是领导者,故C不正确。D文中也未提到。A co-author 用法举例:Report co-author Allard Dembe said risk was not necessaril

9、y associated with how hazardous the job was该研究报告的作者之一阿拉德登贝说,危险和工作本身的危险程度并没有必然联系。(4).A less B more C decreasing D many(分数:0.50)A.B. C.D.解题思路 本题所在的句子介绍了研究的结果,即_年轻人比前几代有“自恋特性”。第二段首句指出珍特吉的书名是自恋流行:生活在一个权利时代,由此得出越来越多的年轻人有自恋的特点,故B正确。C decreasing 用法举例:Fire officials are hoping that decreasing winds will hel

10、p crews contain the blazes消防官员希望减弱的风力能够帮助队员们控制火势。(5).A primary B original C previous D initial(分数:0.50)A.B.C. D.解题思路 根据 than前面的 today可知,此处是拿现在和过去作对比,所以 generations前面选择一个能够表达“先前的”释义的形容词,故C正确。A primary 表示重要性时意为“首要的”,用法举例:These are my primary goals这些是我的主要目标。B original 表示“新的”或者是“原创的,最初的”,用法举例:We need a

11、man of original ideas我们需要一个有独创思维的人。D initial表示“首先发生的”,用法举例:Her initial reaction was surprise她最初的反应是吃惊。(6).A passive B rational C negative D positive(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D. 解题思路 这里是 and连接的两个并列的形容词,意思是相近的inflated“膨胀的”,也就是自我感觉良好、自恋膨胀,因此前一个形容词表达的也是自我感觉良好之意,故D正确。A和C都是消极的意思,与 inflated意思相反,排除。A passive 用法举例:She

12、was a passive spectator of the operation of her fate在命运面前,她只能做一名消极的旁观者。C negative 用法举例:The unhappy man has a negative attitude toward life不快乐的人对人生采取消极的态度。自恋不是自我理性的感觉故B不正确。B rational 用法举例:Both induction and deduction are essential characteristics of rational thinking归纳与演绎都是理性思维的重要特征。(7).A criticized

13、B illustrated C advocated D despised(分数:0.50)A.B. C.D.解题思路 上一句介绍了这种特点包括很积极和膨胀的自我感觉,这是对“特点”的解释,故B illustrated符合题意。文章中没阐述对这种自恋的任何观点,如批评、倡导或者轻视,故A、C和D都不正确。A criticized 用法举例:Be last to criticize a colleague who fails做最后一个批评同事失败的人。C advocated 用法举例:Many people advocate building more parks很多人提倡开设更多的公园。D de

14、spised 用法举例:Honest men despise lies and liars. 诚实的人蔑视谎言和撒谎者。(8).A upset B kick C irritant D stimulant(分数:0.50)A.B. C.D.解题思路 第二段叙述了现在更多的年轻人有自恋的特点,此题位于段落的开头,应起到承上启下的作用,在此承上,继续说明自恋流行,B kick 有“时尚,时髦;流行的东西”之意,故为正确答案。A upset用法举例:Last-minute changes caused a great deal of upset行动的临时变动造成一片混乱。C irritant用法举例:

15、Sensitivity refers to a nonspecific irritant敏感是对非特殊刺激物产生反应。D stimulant 用法举例:Physical exercise acts like a stimulant体育运动就像兴奋剂。(9).A Then B And C Also D But(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D. 解题思路 第三段第一句表述珍特吉的观点“我们处在这种自我欣赏的流行文化中已经很长时间了”,第二句说她对当今年轻人的观点不具有普遍性,接着列举了其他研究者的观点,故第一句和第二句是转折关系,D表示转折,符合题意。其他三项都不符合题意,故排除。(10).A p

16、sychologist B archaeologist C philosopher D physicist(分数:0.50)A. B.C.D.解题思路 前文介绍的是珍特吉的结论,并且将两个人的实验结果进行了对比,结果得出来的是different,故卡利和珍特吉的身份是相同的,第二段中说珍特吉是 psychologist,所以卡利也是心理学家,故A正确,其他选项均可排除。(11).A similar B different C strange D odd(分数:0.50)A.B. C.D.解题思路 从第四段第一句话得知,两人的观点不相同,因此他们得出的结果应该是不同的,故B正确。A与文意相反,故

17、排除。C和D都没有突出比较的效果,故不正确。D odd 用法举例:He is an odd specimen in our school他在我们学校是一个古怪的人。(12).A information B result C opinion D consequence(分数:0.50)A.B.C. D.解题思路 本句陈述的是为什么得出了不同的结果,原因就是他们有不同的_,C“观点”符合句意。上文中 used the same data(使用相同的数据),故信息是相同的,A不正确。B和D都是“结果”,这里阐述的是原因,表述不正确,可排除。D consequence 用法举例:Recent deve

18、lopments would have far-reaching consequences for the countrys economy最近的事态变化可能会对国家的经济产生深远影响。(13).A weaker B faster C lower D slower(分数:0.50)A.B. C.D.解题思路 本题所在的句子是 and连接的并列句,and 前后表达的意思相近,and 前阐述“特吉的研究发现了更多的自恋特性”,因此 and后应该是更快的增长速度,故B正确。A、C和D都与文意相反,故排除。(14).A much B no C so D far(分数:0.50)A.B. C.D.解题思

19、路 本题所在的句子从整体上分析是 but连接的转折句。but 前面表述的是特吉的观点,现在大学生的自恋程度在迅速增长,but 表转折,因此卡利的观点是不同的,想要表达的句意是,2006 年的学生并不比 1976年的学生更自恋,体现出转折之意,故B正确。A、C和D都没有体现出两人观点的不同,故排除。(15).A Neither B Either C Both D Each(分数:0.50)A.B.C. D.解题思路 前文中提到了两位研究者特吉和卡利的观点,此处还是进一步阐述二人的观点,并且第三段也提到他们使用的是相同的资料,此处即为解释相同的资料,故C正确,表示“两个研究者都是用这个材料”。AN

20、either 用法举例:Neither you nor I can be held responsible你我都不能承担这样的责任。B Either 用法举例:Come-either today or tomorrow你今天来或是明天来。(16).A tendencies B addictions C hobbies D fascinations(分数:0.50)A. B.C.D.解题思路 本句表达的意思是“两位研究者都使用自恋人格量表来判断自恋_”,这里描述的是一种自恋的倾向,故A正确。B addictions 用法举例:His addiction to drugs caused his f

21、amily much grief他吸毒成瘾,使得他的家人非常伤心。C hobbies 用法举例:Collecting stamps is my hobby集邮是我的爱好。D fascinations 用法举例:Old churches have a certain strange fascination for me旧教堂对我具有某种奇特的魅力。(17).A rejected B reported C accepted D published(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D. 解题思路 本题所在的句子表达的意思是“两个人的发现都被同行评审期刊_”,研究人员的“发现”与某一期刊的关系,只能是“发

22、表”与“刊登”的关系,因此D published 为正确答案。A rejected用法举例:The magistrate rejected a request from the defendant地方法官拒绝了被告的请求。(18).A receives B gets C arrives D achieves(分数:0.50)A.B.C. D.解题思路 本句中 a month after The Mirror Effect:How Celebrity Narcissism Is Seducing America,说明特吉的书后来才出版,C arrives,除了有“到达”之意,还表示“获得结果,得

23、到认可”,这里表示“出版”,故C正确。A receives 用法举例:When can I receive the sample?什么时候我可以得到样品?B gets 用法举例:How do I get out of this cave?我怎样才能从这个山洞里出去呢?D achieves用法举例:She hoped to achieve her ambition to become a singer她希望实现当歌唱家的抱负。(19).A amateur B fan C expert D enthusiast(分数:0.50)A.B.C. D.解题思路 此处表述的意思是“这本书是与行为主义_德鲁

24、共同合著的书”,能达到出书水平的一定不仅仅是爱好者,A、B和D表述的都是爱好者的意思,故C符合题意。A amateur 用法举例:You are a professional,but I am an amateur你是一名专业人员,但是我是一名业余爱好者。B fan用法举例:Both the father and the son are football fans父子都是足球迷。D enthusiast用法举例:He is a baseball enthusiast他是一个棒球爱好者。(20).A what B whom C when D which(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D. 解题思路

25、 此从句前有逗号,这里需要的是引导非限制性定语从句的连词,B、C、D都可以。但B whom引导非限制性定语从句时,先行词在从句中作宾语,不符合题意;C when 引导非限制性定语从句时,先行词为表示时间的词。D which 为最常见的引导非限制性定语从句的词,先行词可以在从句中作主语,因此为正确答案。A what 通常引导名词性从句,不符合题意。二、Section Reading Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Text 1(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Indias nomads have roamed the sub

26、continent for hundreds, sometimes thousands, of years. The Gadulia Lobar (their name comes from the Hindi words for “cart, “ gadulia and “blacksmith, “ lohar) are among the best known. In their illustrious past the Gadulia Lohar forged armor for Hindu kings. Today these blacksmiths pitch camp on the

27、 outskirts of tiny Indian villages and make simple goods from metal. Others are herders, such as the Rabari, famous throughout western India for their large scarfs and familiarity with all things concerning camel. Some are hunters and plant gatherers. Some are service providerssalt traders, fortune-

28、tellers, magicians. And some are story-tellers, snake charmers, animal doctors, tattooists, basket makers. In total, anthropologists have identified about 500 nomadic groups in India, numbering perhaps 80 million peoplearound 7 percent of the countrys billion-plus population.These wanderers were onc

29、e part of Indias mainstream. They meshed comfortably with the villagers who lived along their annual migration routes. In the 19th century, though, attitudes began to change. British administrators regarded them as vagrants and criminals, sowing prejudice that survived colonial rule. The rapidly mod

30、ernizing India of call centers and brand-obsessed youth has scant use for tinkers or bear trainers, and cattle herders are in a losing battle with industry and urban sprawl. Fragmented by hierarchy, language, and region, the nomads are ignored by politicians and, in contrast to other downtrodden gro

31、ups, have reaped few benefits from social welfare schemes.Just defining the term “nomad“ is problematic in India. Many groups that once definitely fit the category have clustered in slums in a process anthropologists call sedentarization. Yet India remains a rigidly hierarchical society in which bir

32、th is often synonymous with destiny. So, mobile or not, Indias nomads are united by a history of poverty and exclusion that continues to this day. probably the biggest human rights crisis youve never heard of.To the lonely few who have taken up the nomads cause, a big part of the solution is to prov

33、ide them with roofs over their heads, or at least an address, which would make it easier for them to get welfare benefits and enroll their kids in school. But such efforts have met fierce resistance from villagers and local politicians, who see the roamers as disreputable outsiders.India once teemed

34、 with such traveling niche workers. Many were first described in detail by a British civil servant, D. Ibbetson, in an 1883 report based on census data from the Punjab region. Ibbetsons observations reflected the prejudices of the day and the widely held belief in Britain that nomadsand especially t

35、he dark-skinned Romany-speaking people known as Gypsieswere unchangeable agents of vice. Such attitudes transferred easily to the subcontinent.(1).The author mentions the nomads have wandered India for thousands of years to_.A prove they are the largest disadvantageous group in IndiaB demonstrate th

36、eir long history of poverty-stricken situationC emphasize rapidly modernizing India lead to large number of nomadsD highlight that nomads in India have an illustrious pastA.B.C.D. 试题类型 篇章结构题。解题思路 根据题干中关键信息“the nomads have roamed India for thousands of years“可定位至文章第一段。该段首句指出,印度的许多部落流浪了很久,有几百年甚至几千年。接着

37、介绍了流浪部落过去广泛的职业范围,庞大的部落数量及人口。由此可知,第一段都在讲流浪部落过去的繁荣,故可推知作者提及流浪部落漫长的历史意在说明其辉煌的过去,选项D正确。干扰排除 文章提及流浪者漫长的历史并非为了说明“他们是印度处于最不利地位的群体”,相反由历史可知流浪部落曾经很辉煌,而文中后来讨论到流浪者的没落也没有明确提出他们没落到最不利的地位,故可排除选项A。在第一段中,作者说叫了印度流浪部落在过去人数众多、人员构成十分丰富,部落文化繁盛(illustrious、famous),故可推知在过去印度流浪部落并不属于贫困人口,选项B“其漫长的极度贫困的历史”与原文不符,可排除。选项Crapidl

38、y modernizing India 出现在第二段第五句,此处作者意在表达“飞速现代化的印度使从事传统工作的流浪并没有了用武之地”,选项C“现代化的印度形成了大量的流浪者”与此矛盾,更不是作者提及其漫长历史的原因,故排除该选项。(2).We can infer from the passage that in India_.A there was no prejudice against nomads in the 18th centuryB nomads are unavoidable for its hierarchical societyC nomads enjoyed more so

39、cial welfare during the colonial periodD politicians want to solve the problems by providing nomads residenceA.B. C.D.试题类型 推理引申题。解题思路 文章第三段最后两句提到,印度现在仍然是等级森严的社会,在这里,家庭出身通常就决定了命运(a rigidly hierarchical society in which birth is often synonymous with destiny)。不管是迁移还是定居,贫穷以及延续至今的受人排挤的历史将这些印度的流浪者们联系在一起。

40、言下之意,作者认为,由于印度的等级制度和流浪者的出身,他们的命运始终摆脱不了流浪者的身份,所以流浪者也不易从印度社会中消失,即不可避免地存在着。选项B正是此意,故正确。干扰排除 选项A过度推理,文中只提到从 19世纪开始,对流浪者的态度开始转变(In the 19th century, attitudes began to change),但并不能推知 18世纪时没有对流浪者的歧视。选项C错误,既然 19世纪英国殖民者进入印度,使得流浪者受到歧视(regarded them as vagrants and criminals),那么在殖民时期流浪者不可能享受更多的社会福利。选项D错误,文章第四

41、段提到应当为流浪者提供住所(provide them with roofs over their heads),但遭到了政治家们的强烈反对(have met fierce resistance from.local politicians),选项D“政治家们希望通过给流浪者提供居住地来解决问题”与此不符,故排除。(3).According to the passage, the most ambitious effort to solve the nomads problem should be_.A the improvement of the local economyB the elev

42、ation of their political statusC the removal of the hierarchical social structureD the fulfillment of the welfare benefitsA.B.C. D.试题类型 推理引申题。解题思路 本题就如何解决流浪者问题提问。文章第二段最后一句提到,等级制度以及语言、地区等差异使印度流浪者被政治家忽略,很少享受到社会福利。第三段第三句也提到,印度是一个等级制度森严的国家(rigidly hierarchical),出身通常就决定了命运(birth is often synonymous with

43、destiny)。由此可推知,在印度根深蒂固的等级制度之下,流浪者世世代代受到歧视,难以过上舒适的生活。因此要解决这一问题,最彻底的方式就是废除造成流浪者现状的等级制度,选项C正确。干扰排除 选项A意为“促进当地经济发展”,选项B意为“提高他们的政治地位”,选项D意为“满足其福利要求”,文中提到了流浪者目前经济状况不佳(a long history of poverty)、无法享受社会福利(have reaped few benefits from social welfare schemes),以及被政治家忽略(ignored by politicians、such efforts have

44、 met fierce resistance.from)等问题,选项A、B、D都是解决这些问题的措施,但这造成这些问题更深层次的原因是印度根深蒂固的等级制度,所以要从根本上解决问题仍要从印度的等级制度入手,故选项A、B、D与题干中的 the most ambitious effort不符,可排除。(4).What is the authors attitude towards the nomads?A Sympathetic. B Hostile.C Optimistic. D Indifferent.A. B.C.D.试题类型 观点态度题。解题思路 本题就作者对于流浪者的态度进行提问。通读全

45、文可知,作者在文章开头点明了流浪部落从过去的辉煌(illustrious)到如今的没落。接着对印度流浪部落悲惨的现状进行了说明:现代化发展让他们无用武之地(has scant use for),并且被政治家忽视(ignored by politicians),饱受歧视,很少能享受到社会福利(have reaped few benefits from social welfare schemes)。而帮助那些少的可怜的流浪者(the lonely few)的方法也遭到村民以及政府工作人员的强烈反对(fierce resistance)。由此可知,流浪者的处境是很凄惨的,而作者对流浪者是持同情、动

46、容的态度,故选项Asympathetic(同情的;怜悯的)为答案。干扰排除 选项B意为“充满敌意的;仇恨的”,选项D意为“冷漠的;冷淡的”,在文中均没有体现。选项Coptimistic 意为“乐观的”,文中描述了改变流浪者现状的种种难题,故作者的态度不应是“乐观的”,选项C也可以排除。(5).Which of the following is the text mainly about?A The consequences of wandering in India.B The causes of nomads wandering in India.C The social problems

47、of wandering in India.D The past and present of the nomads in India.A.B.C.D. 试题类型 主旨要义题。解题思路 本题就文章的主要内容提问。通览全文,可将文章的大致脉络梳理如下:首段作者开门见山地指出印度流浪部落有着悠久的历史,继而以 Gadulia Lohar为例说明了历史上部落文化的繁荣流浪人数以及部落数量庞大,流浪者从事着各种各样的工作,是印度主流人群的一部分。第二段作者笔锋一转,指出从 19世纪英国殖民者入侵开始,人们对于流浪者的态度开始发生转变,流浪部落也逐渐没落。流浪者在现代社会中没有了用武之地,再加上政府的忽视、印度社会森严的等级制度、语言及区域差异等原因,流浪者被边缘化,饱受歧视,很少能享受到社会福利。由此分析可知,文章首先说明了印度部落过去的繁盛,接着对比呈现了他们的现状,并分析其中原因,故选项D“印度流浪部落的过去与现在”可以全面概括文章内容。干扰排除 本文主要讲流浪部落过去和如今的情况,至于有关“游荡”这个行为及其结果并不是文章的主题,故排除选项A。选项B意为“流浪者流浪于印度的原因”,在文中并没有提及,属无中生有。选项C意为“在印度流浪的社会问题”,文中只提及了流浪部落令人担忧的现状,并没有说明“流浪带

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