1、网络基础知识及移动通信技术材料汇编胥正川 编 印上 海2009 年 1 月 18 日目 录I. Communications of the ACM, Special Issue: Emerging technologies for homeland security, Vol. 47, Issue 3, 2004 Saydjari, O.S. Cyber defense: art to science, pp. 52 - 57Bajcsy, R. etc, Cyber defense technology networking and evaluation, pp. 58 - 61II. Ch
2、oi, Y.B., etc (2006) Corporate wireless LAN security: threats and an effective security assessment framework for wireless information assurance, Int. J. Mobile Communications, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp.266290.III. Kumar, S. (2004) Mobile communications: global trends in the 21st century, Int. J. Mobile Comm
3、unication, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp.6786.IV. Varshney, U., Malloy, A., Ahluwalia, P. and Jain, R. (2004) Wireless in the enterprise: requirements, solutions and research directions, Int. J. Mobile Communications, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 354367.V. Lim, B. and Zheng, H. (2004) A day in the life of Jini: a peek at
4、 service-oriented architecture for internet appliances, Int. J. Mobile Communication, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.199216.VI. Pietro, R.D. and Mancini, L.V. (2003) Security and privacy issues of handheld and wearable wireless devices, Communications of the ACM, Vol 46, No. 9.VII. Wei, J., Liu, L.C. and Koong,
5、K.S. (2006) An onion ring framework for developing and assessing mobile commerce security, Int. J. Mobile Communications, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp.128142VIII. Communications of the ACM, Special Issue: Mobile commerce opportunities and challenges, Vol. 46, Issue 12, 2003 Stafford, T.F. & Gillenson, M.L. Mob
6、ile commerce: what it is and what it could be, pp. 33 - 34Chae, M. and Kim, J. Whats so different about the Mobile Internet? pp. 240-247.Maamar, Z. Commerce, e-commerce, and m-commerce : what comes next? pp. 251-257.Sarker, S. & Wells, J.D. Understanding mobile handheld device use and adoption, pp.3
7、5 - 40Lee, Y.E. & Benbasat, I. Interface design for mobile commerce, pp.48 - 52 Venkatesh, V., V. Ramesh, V., Massey, A.P. Understanding usability in mobile commerce, pp.53 - 56Tarasewich, P. Designing mobile commerce applications, pp.57-60IX. Newcomb, E., Pashley, T., Stasko, J. (2003) Mobile computing in the retail arena, Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, pp.337 - 344.X. Raymond R. Panko (2007) Business Data Networks and Telecommunications (Sixth edition), Prentice-Hall.