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1、Hand Injuries 2015Year To Date AVINTIV 15 南美 7 Argentina 1 Sao Jose 4 Pouso Alegra 2 EMEA 4 Biesheim 1 Bailleul 2 Maldon 1北美 4North Bay 1Waynesboro 2San Luis 1ASIA 0注意: 4起损失工时事故 .You rely on your hands constantly. Think for a moment what life would be like without one of your fingers. Not a very ple

2、asant thought is it? In this material you will learn 10 rules for hand safety. The rules are listed below日常生活中,我们非常依赖双手。想一下,缺了一支手指,生活会变成什么样。想想就不舒服,是吧 ? 以下列出了手的安全的十条规则 Keep hands away from pinch points and crushing hazards. Inspect materials for slivers, jagged edges, burrs, and rough or slippery sur

3、faces. MATERIAL HANDLING 不要把手放在可能夹到或压到的地方。处理材料,工具和设备前,一定要先检查一下是否 有毛刺、飞边,材料表面是否粗糙、光滑。 Always consider ergonomics of the hands.时刻想到手的生理结构 Use the correct hand tool for the job and use it properly.选用合适的手动工具,并正确使用 Always wear suitable gloves unless noted on your Work Procedure. Never wear gloves when wo

4、rking around rotating equipment.除非在 Work Procedure (工作程序 ) 中有特别注明 , 所有作业都要戴合适的手套。而旋转设备周围作业时则禁止戴手套 Remove all jewelry before performing work.作业前摘掉所有可能影响安全的首饰 Make sure safety guards are in place before you begin any job.开始作业前确认机器是否有安全防护装置 Never reach into machinery to repair, oil, or adjust without t

5、aking the proper lockout / tag out steps.没有上锁 / 挂标签之前,禁止进行机器的修理、上油或调试 Clean up with a rag or brush -never uses your fingers or hands.用抹布或刷子擦拭,不要用手指或手 Know the Danger Zones.了解危险区域 Keep your hands clean. Dont ignore hand injuries. Know the signs of dermatitis and other skin disorders. Get prompt medic

6、al attention when required.保持手的清洁,不要忽视任何可能的伤害。了解皮炎的症状或其它皮肤病 ,必要时立即就医。 Keep hands away from pinch points and crushing hazards. Inspect materials for slivers, jagged edges, burrs, and rough or slippery surfaces before handling不要把手放在可能夹到或压到的地方。处理材料,工具和设备前,一定要先检查一下是否有毛刺、飞边,材料表面是否粗糙、光滑 1Material Handling

7、处理材料 Be careful when setting down heavy boxes or other items.重的箱子或其它材料都要轻拿轻放 Check the width of the doorway before you venture through it to be sure your hands will safely fit.事先检查一下门是否足够宽,过门时是否会伤到手 Carry loads through doorways and close areas with hands at the top and bottom of the load, not on the

8、 sides, if possible.搬运重物过门或其它狭窄区域时,尽可能将手放在物体的底部或上面,不要抱着两边 Set drums and cylinders down carefully. Get help if you need it.放桶或气瓶时千万小心,必要时要找人帮忙;Tag lines should be used to control all loads. Tag lines must never be wrapped around hands or body.应用牵引线控制好所有重物。 牵引线不要缠在手上或身上 Pinch points and crushing hazar

9、ds are everywhere. 夹伤和压伤的危险无处不在 Keep the safety of your hands in mind at all times.头脑中要时刻想着手的安全 If you are injured, get first aid treatment immediately.一但受伤,立刻采取急救措施 Always consider ergonomics of the hands.时刻想到手的生理结构Why do we use hand tools?人类为什么要使用手动工具? -Hand tools allow us to perform tasks with gr

10、eater strength and precision than we could do with our bare hands. - 与双手比起来,手动工具能使人们更有效、精确地完成工 作任务。 2l Maintaining a neutral posture puts your hand into a position where you have the greatest mechanical advantage. Muscles providing grip strength are located in the forearms. A bent wrist requires mor

11、e work, reduces strength and puts your hands at risk for chronic injuries such as tendonitis, tenosynovitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, DeQuervains disease of the thumb, trigger finger, and ganglion cysts. 身体直立,手放在能发挥最大机械优势的位置。提供抓力的肌肉位于臂。手腕弯曲,则需要做更多功,力量减小,长期如此,可能会引起腱鞘炎、手腕综合症、手指关节僵硬、腱鞘囊肿等慢性病症。l Avoid st

12、atic positions. 避免长期保持同一姿势。 l Avoid stress concentration over the soft tissues of the hand. Use tools with handles that do not terminate in the palm. Longer handles on pliers and screwdrivers put the stress beyond the soft tissues of the hand.避免将压力集中在手的软组织上。工具手柄的末端不可顶在手掌上。老虎钳和螺丝刀的长手柄能将力量转移到手的软组织之外。

13、l Reduce grip force. Use padding on hand tools to lessen the force and to increase grip span.减小相握的力道。 在工具上加一块软垫以减小相握的力道,扩大控制范围l Avoid repetitive finger trigger actions.避免手指重复弯曲的动作。l Protect hands from heat and cold.避免烫伤或冻伤。l Avoid excessive vibration. Vibration absorbing padding in gloves can help l

14、essen the adverse effects of some tools. When working with vibrating tools, or when the hand is subjected to striking forces, make certain you are using all the protection required.避免过多的震击。手套中的减震衬垫有助于减小使用工具时的反作用力的影响。若工作中可能会使用震动工具,或手可能受到震击,要先确认并采取所有必要的保护 Use the correct hand tool for the job and use

15、it properly 选用合适的手动工具,并正确使用 Think about your thumbs for a moment. Although thumbs look a bit like short, stubby fingers, theyre really a lot more important than you might think. Try tying your shoes without the help of your thumb, or unlocking a door. Try starting your car. Your thumb is a useful to

16、ol - and with one wrong move you could lose one of them. So always use the right tool for the job - one that is in good condition - and use it correctly.想想你的拇指,尽管他们看起来又短又粗,但他们比你想象的要重要得多。 试试不用拇指把鞋带系上,把门打开,启动车子。拇指是不可或缺的工具 且一不小心,就可能会失去他们。因此,要选用适合作业的工具,确保工具完好,并按正确的操作方法使用。3Knives are considered a major s

17、ource of disabling injuries. To avoid injury when using a knife on the job, follow these tips:刀是使手致残的一个重要因素。为了在使用刀的工作中避免手伤害,使用时请遵循以下建议:l Keep the knife sharp so that you wont have to use as much force to cut with it. This reduces the likelihood that it will slip and injure you. 刀要锋利,这样切割时就不需要化太大的力气。

18、这样可以减小刀滑脱伤人的可能性。l Always cut away from your body, using smooth, even movements. If that is not possible, be sure hands and body are clear.确保切割时运刀方向远离身体,切割的动作要干净利落。若工作条件不允许,也要确保不会伤到手和身体。l Concentrate on what youre doing. Any distractions might cause you to make a wrong move and cut your hand.集中注意力做手头

19、的工作。注意力不集中,会使作业人员因操作失误而割到手。l Wear cut resistant gloves, (e.g. *Kevlar) when using knives or handling material with sharp edges. A handle guard will prevent your hand from slipping onto the blade.使用刀或搬运有锋利边的材料时,要戴防切割手套(如 Kevlar手套)。好的刀柄可避免手滑到刀刃上引起的伤害。l Keep the knife in a sheath or retract the blade w

20、hen its not in use, and store it appropriately with edges guarded when youre finished with it. Never leave knives hidden under rags, paper, among other tools in drawers or workboxes.不用的刀具要放在刀鞘 里或折起来,用后要放好,刀刃要保护好。禁止将刀具藏在破布、纸张下,或和抽屉或工具箱内的其它工具混在一起。l In most cases pocketknives are NOT permitted to be used as tools. Know the requirements on your jobsite.通常,袖珍的刀具不允许当作作工具使用。使用前要先了解工作现场的具体要求。l Consider the use of automatic retracting blade knives.推荐使用刀刃能自动回缩的刀。

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