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六下Unit1 Cinderella 教案.doc

1、Unit1 Cinderella 教案溧阳市西平小学 孙洁一、教学内容:5B Unit 1 Cinderella 第一课时二、教学目标:1、理解整个故事内容并作简单复述;2.、有感情地朗读以及生动地表演故事内容;3、理解关键句型“why.because. ”;4、认识到善良、充满希望的重要性,成为一个幸福的人。三、教学重点:1、简单复述故事;2、理解句型“whybecause ”四、教学难点:表演故事内容。五、教学过程:Step1. Free talk1.T: I am your new English teacher. Do you know my name? My Chinese name

2、 is Sun Jie , you can call me Miss Sun. Now I say “class!class!class!” you say “Miss Sun!Miss Sun!Miss Sun!”. You can also call me Jill.2. Greetings3. Know more about meT: You have known my name, do you want to know more about me?Show Ss three adjectives “happy, sunny, clever”. Ask them to use “Why

3、are you so. ” to ask, the teacher answers with “Because.” Step 2. Pre-reading1. Show them some pictures about fairy tales.T: I am clever, because I like reading, do you like reading? Do you like reading fairy tales? Today I bring some fairy tales here, look! They are.2. Show the picture of “Cinderel

4、la” and learn the word.Today well read a fairy tale together. Du you know what it is?3. Ask Ss “what do you know about the story?”Step 3. While reading1. Watch and answerT: You have good memories, well done! You said a lot about the story, but are they right? Now lets watch the cartoon and answer “W

5、ho are in the story?”.2. Teach the words: Cinderella, prince, fairy, step-mother, step-sister3. Think and answerThere are 6 characters in the story, and Cinderella is the main character. Now , please think: 1) At the end of the story, is Cinderella happy ?2) In the story, is Cinderella always happy?

6、4. Read and find: T: Now, open your books, read the story loudly and discuss in groups: How do Cinderellas feelings change?5. Lets seeT: Who can share your findings? So at first Cinderella is poor, and the sad, and then excited, next sad, and finally happy. Why?6. Learn part 1 together.T: Cinderella

7、 is poor, because she has a lot of housework to do.7. Self-learningCinderella is poor at first , but then she becomes sad, excited, sad, and happy. Why her feelings change? Its your time to learn. Please finish the 3 tasks: 1).Choose one part to read loudly. 2) Discuss in groups like this: Why is Ci

8、nderella. Because .3) Give a report like this: Cinderella is.Because.8. Lets read: T: I am so proud of you, because you are so clever, you can learn the passage all by yourselves. Big hands for you! Since you can understand the story, now lets read. 1) Read after the tape. 2) Choose one way to read.

9、9. Lets actT: Well done, you read beautifully and vividly. Can you act?1) Choose one part to act.2) Act all the parts.3) Act creativelyStep 4. Post-reading1. Lets imagine:Can you make up an ending for the story?2. Lets think: Cinderella is poor at first, but she is happy at last, why?3. Conclusion:

10、Please be kind, helpful and hopeful. I hope all of you be happy forever!Step 5: HomeworkTry to tell the story to your family.六、板书设计:Unit 1 Cinderellapoor has a lot of houseworksad cannot go the partyWhy is Cinderella has no nice clothes or shoesexcited Because puts on new clothes and shoes can go to

11、 the partysad has to gohappy tries them onit fits教后反思整节课以 Cinderellas feelings 为线索,以关键句型“Why. ”和“Because. ” 为牵引展开对文本的解读,在体会人物情感的基础上展开表演。相信结合原有的知识储备,学生经过这堂课能够较清楚地用英语复述课文内容,并能较好地掌握关键句型的使用。但由于对每个环节的时间把空不到位,不仅超出课堂时间,而且学生在表演部分的创造性以及在最后的开放性问题上的发散性思维未能得到充分地发挥和体现,是本节课的一大遗憾。除此之外,在学生自学故事内容环节,教师对于学生的引导还不够清晰,使得部分学生开始时有些茫然。另教师的调度型还欠缺,没能让更多学生参与到课堂活动中来

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