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2015秋鲁教版英语八上Unit 2《Why don’t you talk to your parents》(Grammar Focus-4c)word学案.doc

1、Unit2 Grammar Focus-4c 精品学案【知识技能目标 掌握并灵活运用本课的重点词汇 copy return anymore 重点短语 spendon, leave sth. at sp., be afraid of, notanymore 重点语法:although 引导让步状语从句,so that 引导结果状语从句及 until引导时间状语从句。【情感态度目标】 遇到问题要主动地去和家人、朋友或亲近的人交流;如果遇到身边的人遇到问题,能主动提供帮助。【自主学习】1. _使某人生气2. _ 担心某事3. _ 为考试学习4. _抄袭某人的作业5. _ 一条建议6. borrow

2、sth without returning it_7. _把某物忘在家里了8. _ 害怕讲话9. _ 不再信任某人【合作探究】1. copy 1) copy noun (pl. copies )一本,一册,一份 a copy of The Times 一份泰晤士报 这本书在两周内销售了 2 万册。The book sold 20 000 _ within two weeks.2) copy verb (copies, copying, copied, copied )抄写;誊写 I copied out several poems.我抄录了几首诗歌。 她把那个电话号码抄写在自己的通讯录上。Sh

3、e _the phone number into her address book.3) (from/off sb) 作弊;抄袭 He would allow John to copy his answers to very difficult questions.他会让约翰抄下自己对一些很难的题目的解答。2. return v.1) return v.返回,回到(出发地)to come back or go back againBlair will return to London tonight.今晚布莱尔将返回伦敦S he left South Africa at the age of

4、15 and has never returned.她 15 岁时离开南非就一直没回去。 We waited for you_ _. 我们等你回来。2) return v.归还;退还 to give back to the ownerI enjoyed the book and said so when I returned it. 我喜欢这本书,并且在 还 书时也这样说了。 He _ two books he had borrowed from me in 2003.他还了 我两本 2003年借的书。 My cousin borrows my things without_ _. 我的表弟借

5、了我的东西不还3. anymore adv. 副词 (不)再;再也(不).I couldnt trust h im anymore.我无法再相信他。She doesnt live here anymore. 她已不在这里住了。 People are _ interested in movies _. 人们不再对电影感兴趣了。4. although,until ,so that 引导的从句【观察】(1) I studied until midnight last night so I didnt get enough sleep.我昨晚学习到半夜所以我睡眠不足。(2) Although shes

6、 wrong, its not a big deal.尽管她错了 ,但这也不是什么大事儿。(3) He should talk to his friend so that he can say hes sorry. 他应该跟朋友谈谈以便他能向朋友道歉。【小结】(1) until prep. conj. a. until prep. conj. 直至;直到;在 之前(conj. 引导时间状语从句)I waited until it got dark.我一直等到天黑。I stayed up until morning./Wait until I call. b. not until(与否定词连用)

7、直到之前,直到 为止(conj. 引导时间状语从句)We didnt go home until the rain stopped.直到雨停了,我们才回家。You cannot go outside until you finish your homework. =when you finish your homework you can go outside, but not before then(2) although conj.尽管,即使(表示让步)( 引导让步状语从句)Although we hardly see each other, were still very good fr

8、iends. = Were still very good friends although we hardly see each other. a lthough 引导让步状语从句其位置可以在主句 _ 或_。Although hes nearly 80, he is still very active.尽管快 80 岁了,他还是十分活跃。Although =while, even though he was hungry, he could not eat.(3) so that(用于引出原因或目的)为了;以便(引导目的或结果状语从句)I got up early so that I cou

9、ld catch the early bus. 我起得早,以便能赶上早班车Carry it with both hands so that you dont drop it.为了不弄掉用双手拿。 选择 although,until,so that 填空a. Lets get there early _ we can get good seats.b. _ hes very rich,he spends little on clothes.c. We played _ it got dark. d. Keep going _ I tell you to stope. She was saving

10、 money _she could buy a car.f. Once he starts a job he wont stop _ its finished.g. Hes the basketball teams best player _ hes the shortest one on the team5. 提建议和回答建议的句型 (1) Why dont you forge t about it?你为什么不把这件事忘掉呢?(2) May be you could go to his house.或许你可以去他家。(3) I guess I could, but I dont want t

11、o surprise him.我想我可以.但我不想令他惊讶。【小结】(1) 提建议的句型a. Why dont you do sth.=Why not do sth.?意为“为什么 不呢?”b. What/ How about doing sth? 表示征求性给出建议,意为“怎么样/ 好 吗?”c. Lets do sth.表示直接提出建议,意为“ 咱们”d. Youd better (not)do sth.意为“你最好(不)做某事”e. Would you like (to do) sth.?意为“你(们)想要吗?”f. Would you please (not) do sth.?意为“

12、请你(不)好吗?”(2) 回答建议的方式a Good idea./Thats a good idea./ OK. All right./Great. Yes, please./Id love to. No problem. I agree with you. Sure./Of course./C ertainly.bI dont think so./Sorry, I cant. / Sorry, but【检测反馈】1. Im r_ your DVD. Thanks for letting me borrow it.2. I work hard than before these days _ I can get good grades in the coming test. A. although B. until C. so that3. May I use your CD player?Sure. But please _ it tomorrow. A. take B. give C. return 4. Its not right to _her homework. A. do B. copy C. write

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